HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-763 Access Channel Rules WHER~
11:58 LOCKE
AS, the City of Carmel has entered into a franchise
with a cable television company (the "cable franchise
o serve the citizens of the community;
AS, among the services provided under the franchise
iS the availability of a certain access channel for
public, educational and governmental use to provide information to
the community;
("CCTAC . been established by ordinance to serve as the
community'liaison to the cable franchise holder and has approved a
set of access rules and regulations for the use of Such access
S~G~! n I. Chapter 4, Article 2, Section 4-67 of the Carmel
City Code~is ~ereby added to read as follows:
(a) ~A Public, EduCation and Government Access Rules and
[Regulations for Cable Television Agreement (pages 1-16)
!(heroinafter the "Agreement") is hereby enacted to govern
the use of, and establish the policies for, assuring
!access to the electronic media by the local governmental,
!educational, and public conm, unity, for the dissemination
of information to the community.
(b) The CCTAC shall have the authority to enforce the rules
and regulations as provided in the Agreement. Any
interested party shall have the right to appeal a decision
of the CCTAC to the Common Council by filing written
notice of the same with the Clerk-Treasurer's office
,within seven (7) working days of the adverse decision.
Such item shall be added to the next Common Council agenda
in accordance with the provisions' in the City Code.
(c) Such Agreement is kept on file in the office of the
Clerk-Treasurer and in the offices of the local cable
franchise holder, and may be amended from time to time
upon recommendation of the CCTAC and the adoption of a
resolution of the Common Council.
Sect]Non II. All prior Ordinances, resolutions or parts thereof
inFonsiste.nt with any provision of this Ordinance are hereby
Section I_!/. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect
from and fter its passage and signing by the Mayor.
= _ 1992.
~! ding Officer
~ =Dated: day of , 1992
S 'ones, Cl~k/teasure
PRESEN~-D by me to the Mayor of the City of Carme1, Indiana, on
the day of ........ , 1992.
ayOr, Cit~""~'f .....
Ca rm~ ana
I. Introduction
One of the challenges of the Carmel Cable TV Advisory
Committee has been the development of a communications policy
assuring access to the electronic media by the local
governmental community in an era when programming is normally
produced by private and corporate producers outside of the
area. The development of cable television allows the
community the opportunity to receive programming that is
produced and shown by local governmental producers for the
benefit of its residents. The intent of these rules and
regulations for the Government Access Channel is to assure
that local cable subscribers are exposed to a well-balanced,
informative variety of governmental, public affairs, and
community-interest programming in keeping with Part III, Sec.
611 of the Cable Act of 1984 and Section 16E, 16G and 18 of
the Cable Franchise Agreement dated December 7, 1987.
II. Definitions
A, "Government Access" is the term used to describe the
right of governmental agencies to use cable television system
transmission facilities for cablecasting of government-
produced programming to communicate with the public through
informational television programs shown on a dedicated cable
television channel.
B. "Licensee" shall mean any person to whom a cable
television franchise license has been granted.
C. "Government Access Channel" shall refer to the
designated channel, and combination of any additional
channels, designated by any licensee for cablecasting of
government access programs.
D. "Trustee" shall mean the City Council through their
representative, the Cable Television Advisory Committee. As
Trustee, the Advisory Committee is responsible for the
Government Access Channel. For the purpose of this document,
"Trustee" is defined 'as the party responsible to assure the
purpose and intent of the franchise license agreements
between the City and the cable television companies are
carried out. The purpose and intent of the Government Access
Channel is to provide local cable subscribers with..
informational programming relating to the Carmel community
- 2 -
and government. The Licensee will retain the responsibility
of assuring and providing the channel space as set forth in
this document and the Cable Television Franchise Agreement.
Availability and Use of the Government Access
Because the Government Access Channel is intended to
provide government-related information, programming requests
must originate from a governmental department or entity
within the City of Carmel, Clay Township, or Hamilton
County. Other agencies, governments, groups and individuals,
unless they are participating in a joint governmental agency
program, will be referred to the cable company to determine
what alternative access may be available. Programming
requests submitted will be considered on a case-by-case
basis. Applications to utilize the Government Access Channel
will be accepted only from governmental entities whose
responsibilities may affect the residents. All programs pre-
recorded for cablecasting shall have been produced by, or
under the sponsorship of the applicant at the time of
Technical Oualitv
Government Access programming will be denied channel
time should the technical quality be deemed to significantly
interfere with a viewer's appreciation of a program, and is
not clearly associated with deliberate artistic intent. The
technical failing of either the audio or video signal, which
causes the programming content to be indistinguishable or
unintelligible for a period of at least one minute, or if it
occurs repeatedly for three to five minutes, shall disqualify
the program from initial or repeat cablecasting.
Copvriqhted Material
Government Access programming will respect the copyright
protection of published materials. Where appropriate, the
necessary releases or authorizations will be obtained.
Applicants are required to inform the Trustee whether or not
their program involves the use of copyrighted material, or
material subject to other ownership or royalty rights. The
applicant shall make all arrangements with the program
owners, copyright owners, and owners of any performing or
royalty rights, and provide in writing the necessarV
.clearances to the Trustee before the program may be cablecast
over the Government Access Channel,
- 3 -
VI. Proqramminq Policy
Government Access programming is under the direct
supervision of the Cable Television Advisory Committee.
Government Access programs may concern any topic or subject
of a noncommercial nature, which consists of governmental or
public affairs information. In order to ensure compliance
with Federal, State and local laws, rules and regulations,
the Trustee may reject any application for time on the
Government Access Channel which:
Promotes the violation of any applicable
County, State, or Federal Laws.
Demonstrates or discusses products or services
with the intent or effect of benefitting a
profit-making enterprise.
3. Promotes the solicitation of funds, support, or
other property of value.
4. Constitutes copyright infringement or invasion
of privacy.
Constitutes an intent to defraud the viewer, or
designed to obtain money by false or fraudulent
representations, or promises.
6. Constitutes indecent or obscene matter, as
defined by law.
7. Constitutes libelous or slanderous matter, as
defined by law.
Constitutes advertising by or on behalf of a
candidate for public office. This shall not
preclude the use of the channel by a candidate
to state positions on public issues.
ProGram Credits
Creative credits to writers, producers, directors,
production crew, etc. shall not be .restricted. It is
r~cognized that grants and/or other types of support may be
available for the purpose of underwriting the cost of
creation or production of programs. In such instances, a
standard nondescript"'Patron's acknowledgment" may be placed
at the beginning and end of the subject presentatiQn (e.g.,
"This program was made possible by a contribution from the
- 4 -
Schedulinq of the Government Access Channel
A. Use of any Government Access Channel shall be
scheduled by the Licensee on a nondiscriminatory basis, based
upon existing programming schedules. Reservations for use of
the Government Access Channel shall be made at the time of
filing an application. There is no express time limit for
use of the Government Access Channel, provided that no
applicant shall be allowed to use more than the time
reasonably required for the Government Access program, nor be
permitted to monopolize the use of the channel time. It is
the intent of this section to ensure fair and equitable
access to the Government Access Channel.
B. Government Access programming refers to
noncommercial programs provided by governmental organizations
retransmitted by the Trustee or Licensee on the Government
Access Channel. Government Access programming shall have
priority over any other types of programming on the
Access Channel.
Live Cablecastinq
In order to allow for the efficient operation of the
Government Access Channel, most Government Access programs
will be videotaped, but some live cablecasting may be
permitted under such supervision and guidelines as the
Trustee directs. Any request for a live presentation shall
be submitted directly to the Trustee in writing. The Trustee
shall respond in writing within ten (10) working days
approving or denying the request. The Trustee shall respond
with a detailed statement covering the approval or denial.
Additional Procedures
A. All procedures established by the Trustee to
implement the Government Access Channel shall be consistent
with these Rules and Regulations, the Cable Television
Franchise Agreement of the cable television licensee
providing service to that area, the Cable Communications Act
of 1984 and applicable FCC rules and regulations.
- 5 -
B. The Licensee reserves the right to pre-empt the
presentation of any Government Access programming in the
event of, but not limited to, pending or actual local, state,
or federal emergencies, and programming conflicts with a
shared channel, if applicable.
MARCH 11, 1992
- 6 -
I. Introduction
One of the challenges of the Carmel Cable Television
Advisory Committee has been the development of a
communications policy assuring access to the electronic media
by the local educational community in an era when programming
is normally produced by private and corporate producers
outside of the area. The development of cable television
allows the community the opportunity to receive programming
that is produced and shown by local educational producers for
the benefit of its residents. The intent of these rules and
regulations for the Education Access Channel is to assure
that local cable subscribers are exposed to well-balanced,
informative, educational, and community-interest programming.
II. Definitions
A. "Educational Access" is the term used to describe
the right of any public, parochial, or private non-profit,
non-vocational school within the City of Carmel, Clay
Township, or Hamilton County to use cable television system
transmission or playback facilities for cablecasting of
education-based programming to communicate with the public
through informational television programs shown on a
dedicated cable television channel.
B. "Licensee" shall mean any person to whom a cable
television franchise license has been granted.
C. "Education Access Channel" shall refer to the
designated channel, and combination of any additional
channels, designated by any licensee for cablecasting of
education access programs.
D. "Trustee" shall mean the City Council through their
representative, the Cable Television Advisory Committee. As
Trustee, the Advisory Committee is responsible for the
Education Access Channel. For the purpose of this document,
"Trustee" is defined as the party responsible to assure
the purpose and intent of the franchise license ag[~ements
between the City and the cable television companies are
carried out. The purpose and intent of the Education Access
- 7 -
Channel is to provide local cable subscribers with
educational programming relating to the City of Carmel
community. The Licensee will retain the responsibility of
assuring and providing the channel space as set forth in this
document and the Cable Television Franchise License.
Availability and Use of the Education Access
Because the Education Access Channel is intended to
provide education programming, requests must originate from
any educational institution in the City of Carmel, Clay
Township, or Hamilton County. Unless they are participating
in a joint city/school program, other agencies, governments,
groups and individuals will be referred to the cable company
in their area for possible showing of their programming on
the public or governmental access channels. Live
cablecasting may be permitted under such supervision and
guidelines as the Trustee directs. Any request for°a live
presentation shall be submitted directly to the Trustee in
writing. The Trustee shall respond in writing within ten
(10) working days approving or denying the request. All
programs pre-recorded for cablecasting shall have been
produced by, or under the sponsorship of the applicant.
Technical Qualitv
Education Access programming will be denied channel time
should the technical quality be deemed to significantly
interfere with a viewer's appreciation of a program, and is
not clearly associated with deliberate artistic intent. The
technical failing of either the audio or video signal, which
causes the programming content to be indistinguishable or
unintelligible for a period of at least one minute, or if it
occurs repeatedly for three to five minutes, shall disqualify
the program from initial or repeat cablecasting.
Copvriqhted Material
Education Access programming will respect the copyright
protection of published materials. Where appropriate, the
necessary releases or authorizations will be obtained by the
applicant. Applicants are required to inform the Trustee
whether or'not their program involves the use of copyrighted
material, or material subject to other ownership or royalty
rights. The applicant shall make all arrangements.with the
program owners, copyright owners, and owners of any
- 8 -
performing or royalty rights, and provide the necessary
written clearances to the Trustee before the program may be
cablecast over the Education Access Channel.
Proqramminq Policy
Education Access programming is under the direct
supervision of the "Trustee". Education Access programs will
be concerned with any topic or subject of a noncommercial
educational format. In order to ensure compliance with
Federal, State, and local laws, rules and regulations, the
Trustee may reject any application for time on the Education
Access Channel which:
Promotes the violation of any applicable City,
State, or Federal Laws.
Promotes the solicitation of funds, support, or
other property of value which is not required as
part of an education program or is part of the
requirements to take an education program.
3. Constitutes copyright infringement or invasion of
Constitutes an intent to defraud the viewer, or
designed to obtain money by false or fraudulent
representation, or promises.
5. Constitutes indecent or obscene matter, as defined
by law.
6. Constitutes libelous or slanderous matter, as
defined by law.
7. Constitutes advertising by or on behalf of a
candidate for public office.
Proqram Credits
Creative credits to writers, producers, directors,
production crew, etc. shall not be restricted. It is
recognized that grants and/or other types of support may be
available for the purpose of underwriting the cost of
creation or production of programs. In such instances, a
standard nondescript "patron's acknowledgement" may be placed
at the beginning and end of the subject presentation (e.g.,
such as the guidelines developed by the Public Broadcast
Stations for non-commercial program credits.)
- 9 -
Schedulinq of the Education Access Channel
A. Use of the Education Access Channel shall be
scheduled by the Licensee on a nondiscriminatory basis, based
upon existing programming schedules. Reservations for use of
the Education Access Channel shall be made at the time of
filing an application. There is no expressed time limit for
use of the Education Access Channel, provided that no
applicant shall be allowed to use more than the time
reasonable required for the Education Access program, nor be
permitted to monopolize the use of the channel time. It is
the intent of this section to ensure fair and equitable
access to the Education Access Channel.
B. Education Access programming refers to noncommercial
educational programs transmitted by the Trustee or Licensee
on the Educational Access Channel. Government Access
programming shall have priority over any other types of
programming on the Access Channel.
Additional Procedures
A. All procedures established by the Trustee to
implement the Education Access Channel shall be consistent
with these Rules and Regulations, the Cable Television
Franchise Agreement of the cable television Licensee
providing service to that area, the Cable Communications Act
of 1984 and applicable FCC rules and regulations.
B. The Licensee reserves the right to pre-empt the
presentation of any Education Access programming in the event
of, but not limited to, pending or actual local, state, or
federal emergencies, and programming conflicts with a shared
channel if applicable.
C. Serious consideration shall be given to programming
produced by local schools over educational programming
produced for national distribution.
ON MARCH 11, 1992
- 10-
One of the challenges of the Carmel Cable Television
Advisory Committee has been the development of a
communications policy assuring access to the electronic media
by the residents of the local community in an era when
programming is normally produced by private and corporate
producers outside of the area. The development of cable
television provides the community the opportunity to see
programming produced and shown by their local producers for
the benefit of its residents. The intent of these rules and
regulations for the cable television companies and the public
is to assure the local community is able to fully enjoy and
be exposed to their local producers.
II. Definitions
A. "Public Access" is the term used to describe the
right of applicants to use cable television system
transmission facilities for cablecasting of locally oriented
programming to communicate with the public of their community
through television programs shown on cable television
B. "Licensee" shall mean any person to whom a cable
television franchise license has been granted.
C. "Public Access Channel" shall refer to the
designated channel, and combination of any additional
channels, designated by any Licensee for cablecasting of
public access programs.
D. "Trustee" shall mean the City Council through their
representative, the Cable Television Advisory Committee. As
trustee, the Committee is responsible for the Public Access
Channel. For the purpose of this document, "Trustee" is
defined as the party responsible to assure the purpose and
intent of the franchise license agreements between the City
and the cable television companies are carried out. The
purpose and intent of the Public Access Channel is to.
allocate and assure fair and equitable distribution of
channel space for the showing of programming produced by
local programmers. For the day-to-day operation of the
Public Access Channel, the Committee delegates the
- 11-
responsibility to the Cable Television Franchise Licensee
("Licensee"). The Licensee will retain responsibility as
long as they follow the rules and regulations set forth in
this document.
Availability of the Public Access Channel
Any applicant who is qualified, within the meaning of
these Rules and Regulations, will be permitted to use the
Licensee's public access channel for the purpose of showing
a videotaped program for cablecasting on the Licensee's
public access channel.
Qualified Applicant
Applications to use the public access channel will be
accepted only from persons residing within the City of
Carmel and Clay Township. All applications submitted by a
resident or sponsored by a local organization shall be signed
by the resident or the responsible principal or officer of
the organizatipn who resides within the City of Carmel or
Clay Township, and provides proof of both residence, and
origin of the videotape.
Technical Quality
The applicant shall be denied access time for any
program in which the technical quality is deemed, by the
Licensee, to significantly interfere with a viewer's
appreciation of a program, and is not clearly associated with
deliberate artistic intent. The technical failing of either
the audio or video, which causes the programming content to
be indistinguishable or unintelligible for a period of at
least one minute, or if it occurs repeatedly for three to
five minutes shall disqualify the program from initial or
repeat cablecasting.
Copvriqhted Materials
Applicant's are required to inform the Licensee whether
or not their program involves the use of copyrighted
material, or material subject to other ownership or royalty
rights. The applicant shall make all arrangements with the
program owners, copyright owners, and owners of any
performing or royalty rights, and provide in writing the
necessary clearances to the Licensee before the program may
be presented over the public access channel of the cable
- 12 -
television system.
Conduct of Applicant
A. In cases where any applicant has previously used a
public access channel and has violated any of these Rules and
Regulations, such violations may cause subsequent
applications to be rejected. The Licensee shall notify the
user in writing of a decision to impose sanctions in the
event of a violation of rules. The sanctions may be in the
form of denial, or a suspension of time on the public access
channel. When sanctions are issued, they will take effect
immediately, and the duration of the sanction will be
included in the written notification to the user.
B. Applicants who apply for use of public access time
assume complete responsibility for the content of the
programming provided. Any disputes which arise concerning
the programming shall be resolved between the applicant and
complaining party. The Licensee undertakes no responsibility
to the applicant, or other party, for any legal liabilities
which may arise as a consequence of presentation of public
access programming. Applicants shall indemnify and hold the
Licensee and the City of Carmel harmless for all liability of
any kind whatsoever, including costs of legal defense arising
from the presentation of public access programming by the
C. Applicants may be denied access at the discretion of
the Licensee as follows:
The applicant fails to provide programming
scheduled to be shown on the public access
The applicant fails to abide by the
requirements of Programming Policy as provided
in Section VIII.
The applicant fails to provide technically
acceptable programming as provided in Section
The applicant fails to provide copyrighted
information regarding the programming as
provided in Section-VI.
Proqramminq Policy
A. Public access programs may concern any topic or
subject of a noncommercial nature, and the City encourages
the widest possible selection of topics and subjects.
However, in order to insure compliance with Federal, State,
and local laws, rules and regulations, the Licensee may
reject any application for time on the public access channel
1. Promotes the violation of any
applicable City, State, or Federal laws.
Demonstrates or discusses products or services
with the intent or effect of benefitting a
profit making enterprise.
3. Promotes the solicitation of funds, support, or
other property of value.
4. Constitutes copyright infringement or invasion
of privacy.
Constitutes an intent to defraud the viewer, or
designed to obtain money by false or fraudulent
representations, or promises.
6. Constitutes indecent or obscene matter, as
defined by law.
7. Constitute libelous or slanderous matter, as
defined by law.
Constitutes advertising by or on behalf of a
candidate for public office. This shall not
preclude the use of the channel by a candidate
to state positions on public issues.
Programming which has been previously shown
(repeat programming) on the Licensee public
access channel.
Proqram Credits
Creative credits to writers, producers, directors,
.actors, etc., shall not be restricted. It is recognized that
grants and/or other types of support may be available for the
purpose of underwriting the cost of creation or prqduction of
programs. In such instances, a standard nondescript
"patron's acknowledgment" may be placed at the beginning and
- 14-
end of the subject presentation (e.g., "this program was made
possible by a contribution from the Corporation").
Schedulinq of the Public Access Channel
A. Use of any public access channel shall be scheduled
on a first come, first served, nondiscriminatory basis.
Reservations for use of the public access channel shall be
made at the time of filing an application. It is the intent
of this section to ensure fair and equitable access to the
public access channel.
B. Public access programming refers to noncommercial
programs provided by organizations and/or members of the
public, residing within the City of Carmel and retransmitted
by the Licensee on the public access channel. Government
programming shall have priority over any other types of
programming on the access channel, including programming
originated by the Licensee. Priority for the showing of
public access programming will be in the following order:
Public access programming produced within the
City of Carmel and Clay Township.
Public access programming produced within the
service area of the cable television company.
Public access programming produced outside of
the City of Carmel and Clay Township.
C. Whenever requests for time exceed availability, the
following rules shall apply:
First time users shall have prierity over
regular users.
A previous user who has not been scheduled
during prime time shall have priority for prime
time scheduling.
Timeliness shall be considered when
A priority will be given to users from the
service area which the cable company serves.
Some time slots may be allocated to regularly
scheduled public users, so long as ample time
remains available for spontaneous expression.
- 15 -
D. Prerecorded program submitted by an applicant shall
be scheduled within ten (10) days of filing the completed
application form. All programs shall be scheduled for
cablecasting during the normal hours of operation of the
public access channel, unless another schedule is expressly
approved in writing by the Licensee.
Limitation of Proqram Hours
A. In exceptional circumstances, an applicant may
request a specific cablecasting date and time during the
regularly scheduled hours of operation which would be in
excess of the forty-five (45) days as provided below. A
written statement of the reasons for such a request shall be
submitted at the time of filing the application. Upon the
receipt of the request, the Licensee shall respond in writing
within ten (10) working days either approving or denying the
B. The actual cablecasting of a particular program may
be delayed as a result of public access demand exceeding
available programming time, but in no event may the delay
exceed forty-five (45) days following submission. If a
program is delayed more than 45 days, notification of such
delay must be made to the Cable Television Advisory Committee
for consideration of the need for additional public access
hours or channels.
Additional Procedures
A. All procedures established by the Licensee to
implement the public access channel shall be consistent with
these Rules and Regulations, the Cable Television Franchise
Agreement of the cable television Licensee providing service
to that area, the Cable Communications Act of 1984, and
applicable FCC rules and regulations.
B. The Licensee reserves the right to pre-empt the
presentation of any public 'access programming in the event
of, but not limited to, scheduling conflicts, pending or
actual local, state, or federal emergencies, and programming
conflicts with shared channel, if applicable.
C. The Licensee shall maintain a complete record of the
names and addresses of all persons, organizations, or
entities requesting access time. The record shall be
available for public inspection during regular business hours
at the Licensee's business address. All records of request
for access time shall be retained for a minimum of two years.
- 16-
D. Access time shall not be made available to any
potential user who refuses to have their identity and address
maintained in the records and available for public inspection
as required.
ApDeal to the Cable Television Advisory Committee
A. Any applicant may appeal the decision of a Licensee
regarding Section VIII to the Cable Television Advisory
Committee by submitting a written appeal request to the Chair
of the Cable Television Advisory Committee. In all cases,
such written appeal request must:
Be received by the Chair within thirty (30)
calendar days of the date upon which the
Licensee presented the written decision.
2. Be accompanied by a copy of the Licensee's
written decision.
Contain a concise statement setting forth the
reason upon which the appeal is based or errors
alleged to have been committed by the Licensee.
Specify an address within the City of Carmel to
which written notice and other communication
may be sent.
B. 'Upon receipt of the appeal request, the Chair shall
cause the matter to be placed upon the Committee agenda for
consideration and send written notice to the applicant of the
time and place of the Committee's meeting at which the appeal
is scheduled to be considered. Notice to the applicant shall
be given no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the
date upon which the Committee is scheduled to consider the
appeal. ·
Review by the Cable Television Advisory Committee
The Committee may adopt the decision of the Licensee
without hearing, or may set the matter for hearing before the
Committee, or may refer the matter back to the Chair
specifying issues requiring additional evaluation. If the
Committee adopts the Licensee's decision or renders its own
decision following a hearing before it, the Committee's
decision shall be final on the date it is orally announced.
ON MARCH 11, 1992
March 9, .1992
Carmel City Council
Carmel Cable TV Advisory Committee
SUBJECT: Public, Educational & Governmental Access Rules
Attached for your information is a copy of the final draft of
proposed Public, Educational & Governmental Access Rules
governing use of the Cable TV system's access channel.
It is anticipated that the Cable TV Advisory Committee will
adopt these Rules at its meeting on March llth with the hope
that they can be presented for consideration and ratification
by the Council at your meeting on March 16, 1992.
In addition to the proposed access rules the Committee will
also be recommending minor cleanup and clarification changes
to the Franchise Agreement:
1) that SeCtiOn 16E of said Franchise, sentence 1, be
amended as follows: One (1) full-time access channel
shall be provided for public, educational & government
cablecast transmissions.
2) that Sectio~ 19C of said franchise be amended as
follows: Section 19C to become 19D.
3) that a new Section 19C be inserted to read as
follows: One (1) full-time channel shall be made
available free of charge to Carmel Clay Schools for
program origination.
The Committee apologizes for presenting this information to
you in preliminary form prior to final adoption by the
Committee but it was necessary due to the established
deadlines in order that the material could be included in
your packets for the March 16th meeting.