HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-395 Water Utility BudgetORDINANCE ~___'-'~-:¢-~-~ AN ORDINANCE BUDGETING'EXPENDITURES FROM THE CITY WATER UTILITY WHEREAS.. the Common CouneiI of the City of Carmel is desireoua of exercising its statutory authority pursuant to IC 8-I-2-i00 to request the Board of Public Works of the City of CarmeI to "aubmit a budget of its financial needs for the enauing year to be set out in such detail as the municipal council may direo±"] and WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Carmel hereby proclaims that the submission of a comprehensive budget by the Board of WOrks to the Common Council for review end adoption greatly fac%litetes the Counc±l's annual budgetary review end appropriation process; and NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common CounciI of the City of Carmel that; for the expenses of the City Water Utility for the fiscal year ending Oecember 31, 1984., the following sums of money are hereby appropriated and ordered set apart out of the funds herein named and for the purposes herein specified, Such sums herein appropriated shall be held to include ell expenditures authorized to be made during the yeer~ unless otherwise expressly stipulated. Transfers from one line item to another end/or additional appropriations may be made only by resolution of this council et any regular public meeting. Budget By Accounts; Source of Supply 600 Operation Supervision & Engineering $ 0.00 610 Maintenance Supervision 29.,229.00 6II Maintenance of Structures & Improvements 1,500.00 614 Maintenance of Wells & Springs 2,400.00 616 Maintenance of Supply Mains 500.00 Total S 33~629.00 Pumping Expense 622 Power Production Labor $ 0.00 623 Power Purchased For Pumping 102,588.00 626 Miscellaneous Expenses 3,g74.00 632 Maintenance'of Power Producti'on Equipment 1,80O.O0 633 Maintenance of Pumping Equipment 1,go0.o0 Total $110..262,00 640 641 642 642.~ 642.3 642.4 643 651 652 653 660 661 662 662.1 663 665 670 671 672 673 675 676 677 678 679 901 902 903 903 904 920 920 921 921 Water Treatment Expenses Operation Supervision Chemicals Operating Expenses Operating Labor & Expenaes Labor - Plant ~3 Labor - Plant ~4 Miscellaneous Expenses Maintenance of Structurea & Improvements Maintenance Water Treatment Equipment Tools - Plant Total Transmission & Distribution Expenses Operation Supervision .& Engineering Storage Facilities Expenaes Transmission & Distribution Expenses Transmission & Distribution Labor/ Meter Expenses- Miscellaneous Expenses Maintenance Supervision - Labor Maintenance Structures Engr. Shop Maintenance of Blat.Tower & Gro'und Storage Main±enance of Transmission Mains Maintenance of Service Maintenance of Meters Maintenance of Hydrants & Valves Maintenance General Plant P.S. Equipment Distribution System - Tools - Engr. Total Customer Accounts Expenses Supervision Meter Reading Expenses Customer Records & Collection Expenses Computer Expense - Indpis,Water Biliing Uncollect,Expenae-Book' Cost OnIy-$4404,00 Total Adminiatrative & General Expenses Administrative & General Salaries Elected Officials & Staff Office Supplies Office Supplies - Mayor's Office 25,921.00 90,512.00 O O0 7,261 O0 10,198 O0 10,360 O0 10,751 O0 3,611 O0 9,276.00 309.00 $168,1~0.00 $ 9,585.00 2,000.00 1,508.00 70,486.00 1,000.00 13,738.00 10,198.00 1,960.00 12,666.00 4,000,00 2,500,00 10,201.00 6~840.00 200.00 600.00 $147,482.00 3,263.00 17,450.00 36,013.00 15,482.00 $ 72,208.00 28,804.00 43,196.00 7,913.00 2,200.00 2 Administrative & General Expenses [Continued] 921.2 921.3 923 923.1 923.2 923.3 924 925 926 926. 1 926.2 ' 926.3 926.4 928 930 930.1 930.2 930.3 931 932 933 Office Supplies- Clerk's Office Office Supplies-'Engineer's Office Outside Sergices Outside Services - Ha¥or's Office Outside Services ~ Clerk's Office Outside Services - Engineer's Office Property Insurance Legal Services Employee Pension & Benefits Education & Training - Utilities Education & Training - Clerk's Office Education & Training - Engineer's Office Education & Training - Mayor,s Office Regulatory Commission Fees Miscellar, eous Expense Miscellaneous Expense - Mayor's Office Miscellaneous Expense - Clerk's Office Miscellaneous Expense - Engineer's Office Rents Maintenance of. General Plant Transportation Expenses Total 4,000.00 1,400.00 25,681.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 11,149.00 6,000.00 37,318.00 1,500.BO 600.00 500.00 400.00 150.00 1,475.00 600,00 1,000.00 0.00 0,00 2,200,00 6,882.00 $183,968.00 Undistributed Expenses 408.1 Payment in Lieu of Taxes 408.2 Social Security Taxes 408.3 Unemployment Taxes 409 Gross Income Taxes TOTAL OPERATIN6 FUND Total 30,114.00 20,100.00 4,000.00 12,497.00 66,711.00 $782,450.00 311 3!4 314 331 332 332 332 332 332 332 332 332 332 WATER DEPRECIATION FUND Structures - W~ll House - Well ¢5 Well ~6 Clean Well Well ~5 Repair Pump & Well Structure & Improv.- Floor at Plant Plant Equipment: Pit,~2 RepIace Two ChIorine Pumps PIt,~2 RepIace ChIorinator Parts plt.~4 - Stone for Drive Ptt.~2 - Replace Plant Meter HSP Pump Replacement HSP Motor Replacement Plt,~4 - Replace Filter Controls Plt.~4 Telemetery Hook Up ~3 $ 450.00 4,000.00 4~200.00 2,000.00 800.00 800.00 250.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 400.00 2,000,00 341 342 346 347 349 390 390 390. 1 390,2 39i 391. 1 391.2 392 394 394. 1 394. 1 394. 1 394. 1 394.2 395 397 399 WATER DEPRECIATION {Continued) Structurea & Improvements Dist. Shop Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes MeteF~i Meter [_nstaIIations- Engineer Hydrant $ VaIvea Replacements ~ En9ineer Other Transmission & Distribution - Engr, Structure~ & Improvements - Office UtiIity BIdg., Brookshire, Plant ~f4 New Hee~ing g. Ventlation for Office Clerk's Remodeling Engineer i~g Building O~fice Equipment - Billing & Adm. Office Office EquipmeD~ - Clerk's Office Update Micro Film - Engineer Tr anspor~etion - Tools., Shop [ Garage - Engineer Tools~ Di~ribu~ion System - Engineer Two Warren Rupp Pumps 12 V. ~ S495.00 Two Hoses for Above Pumps ~ ~1~3.30 One Homeli~e Oiaphramk3,' Pump Tools, Plan~ - Manager tabora~ory Equipmen~ - Manager Communica~ion Equipment Other Tangible Proper~y Routine Depreciation GRAND TOTAL 1984 WATER DEPRECIATION $ 4OD.D0 2,000.00 3,623.00 700.00 2,200.00 300.00 3,000.00 9,890.00 O.O0 500.00 3,0BO.OD 200.00 400.00 OmO0 1,OOO.O0 990 O0 227 OD 1,300 OD 1,625 OD 1,200 DO 1,8.00 OD 400.00 12,000.00 $73,655.00 TOTAL OPERATING FUND TOTAL DEPRECIATION FUND 1984 GRAND TOTAL OPERATION DEPRECIATION $782,450.DD 73,6S5.DO $8S6,10S.00 4 This after Dated this; Ordinance shall be in fuli force and effect immediately its passage by ~he Common Council and approval by the Mayor. ATTEST: Clerk-Treasurer Approved: