HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondencePlan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 1 1 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 10/25/21 2:05 PM Changemark Landscape Plan Please submit a landscape plan showing building foundation plantings and trees. Please show the existing trees as well as the tree preservation fencing around the trees near construction on all construction documents. I looks like the large 48" tree will be close to the new parking lot construction and the 36" pine will be close to the new building construction. SPP010.2.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 6:01 PM submitted Resolved 2 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please provide the project name or title on the cover sheet Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:00 PM added Resolved 3 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please provide a site location map on the cover sheet Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:01 PM added Resolved 4 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please include an index on the cover sheet Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:01 PM added Resolved 5 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please provide all of the following on the cover sheet: Engineering firm's name, address, phone, and email address Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:01 PM added Resolved 6 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please provide all of the following on the cover sheet: developer's name, address, phone and email address Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:02 PM added Resolved 7 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please provide a legal description of site on the cover sheet Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:02 PM added Resolved 8 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please provide the sites zone district on the cover sheet Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:02 PM added Resolved 9 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please provide the setback distances on the cover sheet Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:02 PM added Resolved REVIEW COMMENTS Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 10 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please provide the sites total disturbance on the cover sheet Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:03 PM added Resolved 11 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please provide a professional engineer's stamp on the plans Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:03 PM added Resolved 12 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please submit a storm water management permit application Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 5/3/22 10:41 AM We are unable to locate this on our permitting software. Please have this permit application completed with the next submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:29 PM Stormwater application submitted with this latest revision ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/22/21 8:52 AM I did not see this application on our permitting software. Please apply for this permit here: https://cw.carmel.in.gov/PublicAccess/template/Login.as px ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:03 PM submitted Resolved 13 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Drainage report and calculations have been submitted Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:03 PM submitted Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 14 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please provide all technical information required by Section 102.02(xi)(m) of the Storm Water Technical Standards Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:04 PM see C010.3 for these summaries ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 5/3/22 10:42 AM Per my previous response, we require this information to be placed on the grading plan as well as in the drainage report. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:30 PM Updated drainage report submitted with this latest revision. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/22/21 9:03 AM Thank you for providing this in the drainage report but as required by the section referenced, this information will need to be added to the grading and drainage sheet. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:04 PM See Drainage report Resolved 15 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please include the following note on the plans: "No earth disturbing activity may commence without an approved storm water management permit." Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:04 PM Note added Resolved 16 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please include the following note on the plans: "Utility relocations required by the project shall be the responsibility of the developer. Utility line relocations required for road projects that result in a conflict with proposed development shall be the developer to resolve with the utility. Existing pole lines required to be relocated to within one foot of proposed right-of-way line." Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:04 PM Note added Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 17 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please include the following note on the plans: "All existing perimeter road drainage structures and bridges across the frontage of this development are indicated on the plans. Provisions have been made to pmprove or replace any drainage structures and bridges as necessary or as request by the City ot accommodate the pavement widening, auxiliary lanes, multi-use path, and any other required improvements to the property or the roadway. The cost to improve or replace any draiange structures and bridges will be borne by the developer." Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:09 PM does not apply to this project Resolved 18 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please include the following note on the plans: "Damage to the exisitng right-of-way shall be restored/repaired to the satisfaction of the City at the completion of the project. The contractor is encouraged to inspect the right- of-way with the city prior to the start of construction to document the existing condition of the right-of-way." Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:09 PM note added to cover sheet Resolved 19 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please include the following note on the plans: "Contractor shall protect the existing City dual duct bank in the right -of-way. In the event of conflict with the proposed improvements, relocation of the dual duct bank and all associated/appurtenant/ancillary items shall be the sole responsibililty of the developer subject to review and approval by the City." Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:09 PM note added Resolved 20 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please include the following note on the plans: "All paving within the existing and proposed city right -of-way shall conform to the requirements of the Department of Engineering. The contractor shall contact the department of Engineering to schedule a pre-construction meeting to review the department's construction requirements, staff notification requirements, required inspections for certain stages of the work and to review the authority of the department as it relates to work within the existing and proposed right-of-way." Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:10 PM note add Resolved 21 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please provide the anticipated start construction date in a comment letter or project summary Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:10 PM immediately following city approvals and permitting Resolved 22 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please provide the City's paving policy in the set Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:13 PM Added to sheet "10A" of plan set, uploaded as SPP010.9 Resolved 23 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please provide the City's curbing policy in the set Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:13 PM Added to sheet "10A" of plan set, uploaded as SPP010.9 Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 24 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please include a soils map in the plans Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:13 PM see cover sheet Resolved 25 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please verify that there are no direct discharge areas Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:13 PM there are none Resolved 26 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please clearly show the construction limits on all sheets with plan view (not required on profile sheets) Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:14 PM property boundaries are the construction limits as shown Resolved 27 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please verify that all elevations are North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD) Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:14 PM see note on cover sheet Resolved 28 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please verify that the horizontal datum of topgraphic map is Indiana State Plane Coordinates, NAD83 Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:14 PM see note on cover sheet Resolved 29 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please verify that the locations of existing utilities with top of curb and invert elevations, pipe sizes, and direction are shown Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:15 PM see existing topographic information in plan set Resolved 30 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please verify that all existing culverts, pipes, and bridges on existing drives or under the roadway are shown indicating size, type, and invert elevations Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:30 PM We have changed to outlet route per city's request. Updated plans have been submitted. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/22/21 9:03 AM Please keep me updated on the negotiations of this item and when a resolution is agreed upon. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:15 PM n/a, waiting for additional info from the city Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 31 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please verify that the locations of all existing electrical power vaults, transformers, power lines, gas lines, television cable , and telephone lines are shown Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:16 PM see existing topographic information in plan set Resolved 32 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please show the size and location of all existing and proposed fire hydrants within the development or within 300 feet of the proposed development Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:16 PM see existing topographic information in plan set Resolved 33 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Two storm water quality BMPs must be provided for the site Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 9:45 AM native seeding requirements have been added to the proposed swale on the SWPPP. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:33 AM NOT HAPPENING WITH THIS SITE DUE TO OUR PRIOR DISCUSIONS AND PRATICAL SITE CONSTRAINTS. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:32 AM A waiver to allow the use of 1 system (the vegetated basin & sideyards) is still required for thsi project. See Ref #194 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 10:47 PM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 7/21/22 9:08 AM Thank you for adding an additional BMP but per Chapter 700 (Section 701.01), two different BMP are required on the site. Please include a BMP in addition to the rain gardens on the next submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:06 PM Plans updaated with new drainage scheme, 2 BMPS now provided, see sheets C010.3 and C010.5 and updated drainage report ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 5/3/22 2:21 PM NOT MET Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM As previously stated, an additional BMP will need to be provided with the site. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:31 PM A full detailing of the water quality features has been updated in the drainage report. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/22/21 9:52 AM Per Chapter 700 of the Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, 2 BMPs are required for all proposed sites. An additional measure will need to be included with the next submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:18 PM The poroposed underground detention facility, as proposed, is sufficiently designed to treat all storms with 80% TSS removal 34 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please verify that the BMPs are sized per Chapter 700 of the Stormwater Technical Standards Manual Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 9:46 AM calculations are provided in the report per chpt 700 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:33 AM N/A ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:33 AM WQv calculation is provided based on this specific site and the provided drainage basin meets this requirement. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:28 PM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 7/21/22 9:18 AM Please verify that the additional BMP is sized per our requirements once it is added. NOT MET Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:07 PM Yes, these are sized adequately meet Chpt 700 requirements and have substantially greater capacity, treating all flows including the 100 yr event. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 5/3/22 2:31 PM Please verify that the additional BMP is sized per our requirements once it is added. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:32 PM The proposed system as outlined in the report provided treatment for 100% of all storms through peak 100 yr, far exceeding requirements of CHP 700 ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/22/21 9:52 AM Please verify that the additional BMP is sized per our requirements once it is added. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:18 PM verified 35 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Please verify that the detention storage volume is calculated per Section 302.04 of the Stormwater Technical Standards Manual Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:18 PM verified Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 36 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:34 AM Library Comment Detention volume for the fully developed Thoroughfare Plan right-of-way for the perimeter road frontage must be provided and ddequately sized pipes to carry water from the road to the proposed ponds are provided Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:09 PM Please see email dated 4.18.22 from Carmel Engineering Dept waiving R/W and transportation elements for this project. Copy of email provided in correspondence. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 5/3/22 10:50 AM Detention for the fully developed right-of-way must be provided regardless of if there are public road improvements made with the project or not. Please provide the additional detention or provide confirmation from your negotiations with the City that this is not required. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:33 PM N/A no public road improvements are proposed with this project. No expansion of existing R/W is proposed. The current existing storm drainage systems in the public arena is not affected by this project. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/22/21 9:03 AM Please keep me updated on the negotiations of this item and when a resolution is agreed upon. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:19 PM n/a, R/W items are in negotiations Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 37 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:36 AM Library Comment Please provide the finished floor elevation. This must be one foot above the adjacent roadway Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:09 PM Letter to BPW provided with this submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 5/3/22 10:52 AM As noted in our previous response, please have a request letter submitted to Caleb Warner. He will verify that the City Engineer is in support of the variance and place it on the next available BPW agenda if so. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:35 PM This request is still valid. Making the adjustment to 1'above Rangeline road C/L will create an unbuildable entry due to extreme pavement slopes and making ADA adherence at the rear of the building impractical. We request a variance from this requirement. Noted to submit a letter. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/22/21 10:06 AM Please have a waiver request letter submitted to Caleb Warner in our office. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:20 PM We are requesting with this design a lower FFE, due to the change in elevations on the site. We have a 4' fall form Rangeline to the west. Adhering to the 1' requirement will cause untenable grading issues and conflicts with ADA slope requirements at the west end of the project. This is similar to the Magnolia project, which was just approved. We will be seeking grading solutions similar to that project. Resolved 38 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:36 AM Library Comment Please provide all on-site and off-site flood routing through the site Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:21 PM noted Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 39 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:36 AM Library Comment Please show the 100-year elevations of all inlets in the clogged condtions Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:40 PM See civil plan sheet C010.7a emergence details, uploaded 4.13.22. The ponding area within the parking lot is outlined by a dashed line with a boxed note at the north end of the lot ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/22/21 9:54 AM We were unable to locate the ponding areas or elevations on the grading plan. Please revise to include these items. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:21 PM see grading plan Resolved 40 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:36 AM Library Comment Please provide the minimum flood protection grade (MFPG) and minimum lowest adjacent grade (MLAG) elevations and definitions of each Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:42 PM See civil plan sheet C010.4 grading and drainage, uploaded 4.13.22 ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/22/21 9:53 AM We were unable to locate these elevations on the grading plan. Please revise to include these items. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:22 PM see grading plan Resolved 41 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 8:40 AM Library Comment Please provide the building coverage ratio on the cover sheet Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:24 PM see cover sheet Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 42 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 10:39 AM Changemark Erosion control measures will need to be shown on this sheet Please show the initial storm water control measures or note that the measures shown on the SWPPP must be installed prior to demolition. SPP010.2.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:10 PM Notes revised as requested, see sheet C 010.2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 5/3/22 11:10 AM The note provided on the demolition sheet only states that silt fence will need to be installed prior to demo. Please revise the note to state that all stormwater measures necessary (inlet protection, construction entrance, etc.) will need to be installed. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:43 PM See civil plan sheet C010.2 demo plan, uploaded 4.13.22 ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/22/21 9:01 AM We were unable to locate any erosion control items on the demolition plan. Please revise the sheet to show the erosion control measures or note on the sheet that all measures shown on the SWPPP sheet must be installed prior to demolition. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:24 PM items added to demo plan Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 43 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 10:39 AM Changemark Right-of-way will need to be dedicated Per the Transportation Plan, Rangeline Road is an urban collector street and requires 76' full right-of-way. Half of this right-of-way will need to be dedicated from this lot. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:11 PM Please see email dated 4/18/22 from Carmel Eng. Dept waiving R/W and transportation elements for this project, correspondence folder. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 5/3/22 11:13 AM Please keep us updated on the conversations with the other departments. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:44 PM Communication with the relevant depts. is ongoing with an email on 4/12/22. Awaiting responses from the city. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/22/21 9:02 AM Please keep me updated on the negotiations of this item and when a resolution is agreed upon. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:24 PM n/a; R/W items are in negotiations, any agreed upon items will be added to the final plans Resolved 44 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 10:39 AM Changemark Right-of-way will need to be dedicated Per the Transportation Plan, 5th Street NW is a local street and requires 56' full right-of-way. Half of this right-of-way will need to be dedicated from this lot. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:44 PM Communication with the relevant depts. is ongoing with an email on 4/12/22. Awaiting responses from the city. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/22/21 9:02 AM Please keep me updated on the negotiations of this item and when a resolution is agreed upon. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:24 PM n/a; R/W items are in negotiations, any agreed upon items will be added to the final plans Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 45 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 10:39 AM Changemark Entrance will need to comply with the City's standard commercial driveway detail Please revise the entrance to comply with drawing 10-22 and have this detail added to the plans. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:47 PM Revised. See plan sheet C010.3, uploaded 4.13.22. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/22/21 10:05 AM Thank you for providing the detail. However, what is shown on the plans does not comply with the detail. Please revise the plans. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:29 PM detail added, entry will be modified and shown in final plans Resolved 46 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 10:47 AM Changemark Board of Public Works approval will be required for the new curb cut Please provide a BPW request letter to Caleb Warner in our office asking permission for the new curb cut onto 5th Street NW. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:47 PM Letter submitted with the latest revision. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 12/22/21 9:02 AM I will mark this item resolved once the letter is submitted to Caleb Warner. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:29 PM Letter to be submitted soon Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 47 1 Vectren Energy Chad Miller 11/9/21 11:06 AM Changemark CenterPoint Energy Please be advised that there is an existing active gas service line and meter to the existing home. This gas service line will be under the proposed parking lot and it is approximately 30" deep. Please locate and spot hole the existing service before construction of the parking area to prevent damage to the line. Will the new building need gas service? If so, please have owner call 1-800-990-1930 ASAP to have a work created for the new service. We also need load information on the building. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 11:30 AM noted. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 1:10 PM noted: OLD Town has been in communications with Centerpoint as of last week. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 12:36 AM note added on the sheet 4 of plan set at the bottom ofthe page. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:13 PM Noted, see sheet C010.3 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 6:58 PM Note added to civil sheet C101.3 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 6:02 PM noted UnResolved 48 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 11/10/21 2:46 PM Changemark Signage Allotment Per City of Camel Sign Standards for this kind of building only one Sign per street frontage is allowed. West facing sign wall would not be able to carry a sign as it has no street frontage. Please submit Elevations. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:58 PM noted, see signage ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Aliza Shalit - 12/8/21 11:07 PM Please submit elevations. Resolved 49 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 11/10/21 3:13 PM Changemark ADA parking requirement ADA standards require a minimum of 1 ADA compliant van accessible parking space for parking lots with less than 25 parking spaces. Revise the plans to include an ADA compliant parking space that connects directly to the accessible route to the entrance of the building. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 6:01 PM see plans Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 50 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 11/10/21 3:13 PM Changemark bicycle parking The City's UDO requires a minimum of four bicycle parking spaces (2 racks) for healthcare uses. Bike racks are to be an inverted-U or A-frame rack and are to be installed within fifty (50) feet of the main entrance of the building. Revise the plans to include the required bicycle parking. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 6:05 PM See civil sheet C010.3 site plan, required rack noetd and shown on the revised plan set at the NW corner of the proposed building and by note. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 6:00 PM will be added Resolved 51 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 11/10/21 3:13 PM Changemark ADA accessible route from sidewalk to building's entrance Please ensure that an ADA compliant accessible route will be provided from the sidewalk along Range Line Rd to the main entrance of the building. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 6:06 PM See civil sheet C101.7 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 6:00 PM added, see grading plan Resolved 52 1 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 11/10/21 3:13 PM Changemark Multi-use path along Range Line Rd The City's Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan requires a 10 foot multi-use path along Range Line Rd at this location. Revise the plans to include the required path. You may elect to provide a monetary commitment equal to the value to otherwise design and construct the improvements along the roadway frontage. If you choose to provide a commitment in lieu of constructing the sidewalk, please work with the Engineering Department to determine the appropriate commitment amount to fulfill this requirement. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 1:07 PM This item has already been decided with previous communications. Noting that, ADA complient ramps will be installed as necessary at the parking lot entries and are noted on the plan set. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: David Littlejohn - 10/17/23 11:07 AM If the path will not be included as part of this project you may elect to provide a monetary commitment to the City's non-reverting thoroughfare fund in lieu of designing and constructing the path or request a variance to not construct the path. Section 1.07 Compliance of the City's UDO states: E. Transportation Plan: In addition to meeting requirements of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all projects and Improvements or authorizations under the planning jurisdiction that adjoin, include, are served by or affect existing streets bearing a designation in the Transportation Plan shall conform to the requirements of the Transportation Plan Section of the Comprehensive Plan in regard to: 1. The dedication of public Rights-of-way; Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM 2. Design and construction of the improvements indicated by the Transportation Plan across the roadway frontage of the project; 3. Setback; and 4. Any other affected development standards. F. Monetary Commitment In-lieu-of Compliance: The petitioner may elect to provide a monetary commitment equal to the value to otherwise design and construct the improvements indicated by the Transportation Plan across the roadway frontage. The value of the commitment shall be equal to the difference in the value to otherwise design and construct the improvements indicated by the Transportation Plan across the roadway frontage, minus the cost to design and construct those improvements indicated by the Transportation Plan across the roadway frontage that will be installed by the petitioner. The values established above shall be approved by the Department of Engineering. Conformance with the Transportation Plan as outlined above shall be in addition to any improvements required ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:12 PM EMAIL EXCHANGE WITH ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN UPLOADED AS A SEPERATE PDF ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:12 PM EMAIL EXCHANGE WITH ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN UPLOADED AS A SEPERATE PDF ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: David Littlejohn - 7/19/22 4:01 PM For some reason I am not able to open that file. Please upload it again or email it to me so I can view it. If path will not be built as part of this project will a commitment to the City's Non-Reverting Thoroughfare Fund be contributed in lieu of constructing the path? ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 5/17/22 4:54 PM Please see the correspondence folder for conversation between engineering and our engineer regarding Right Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM of Way. Correspondence folder, Engineering Dept. Waived R/W ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 6:38 PM Communication with the relevant depts. is ongoing with an email on 4/12/22. Awaiting responses from the city. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:59 PM not feasible at this location; will continue to communicate with engineering 53 1 Hamilton County Surveyor Samuel Clark 11/16/21 3:10 PM Changemark Changemark note #01 Please submit an outlet connection permit for the indirect connection to the Morrow-Follet regulated drain. SPP010.0.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 1:05 PM AN INDIRECT REQUEST WILL BE SUBMITTED IF IT HAS NOT BEEN ALREADY. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:11 PM OK ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:11 PM OK ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:11 PM OK ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:50 PM Submitted 3.30.22 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/20/22 12:59 PM submitted ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:37 PM Submitted UnResolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 54 1 Hamilton County Surveyor Samuel Clark 11/16/21 3:10 PM Changemark Changemark note #01 Please submit drainage calculations in addition to the soil report. 520 N RNAGELINE Soil_Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 11:30 AM see the current submittal ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 9:53 AM REPORT IS AND WAS PROVIDED. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 1:05 PM PROVIDED AND UPLOADED FOR REVIEW ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:11 PM PROVIDED AND UPLOADED FOR REVIEW ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:50 PM Updated Drainage report with soils report submitted. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/20/22 12:59 PM submitted ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:39 PM Submitted UnResolved 55 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 1:51 PM Library Comment Please show how rooftop or ground mounted equipment will be screened from view. Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/16/21 9:27 AM Ok, please keep us updated as you progress on these determinations. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:40 PM Still being determined if needed, if so, will be ground mounted with fencing to shield view Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 56 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 1:51 PM Library Comment Will there be a dumpster? Please provide architectural elevations of the proposed dumpster enclosure. They must be architecturally compatible with the primary building. Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 10/19/23 10:32 AM Thank you for providing a screen for the trash can area. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 7/14/22 4:04 PM I see the trash can location on the site plan now, thank you for that. I should have also mentioned it will still need to be screened. Please verify that fencing will be installed to conceal the trash cans. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 5/17/22 4:53 PM See sheet C010.3 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:54 PM Designated location is noted on sheet C010.3 site plan of the revised plan set, uploaded 4.13.22, which will be the southwest corner of the property ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/16/21 9:28 AM We have found that using the residential trash service still needs to have a designated place for the trash bins to go when not at the curb. Please identify this location on the site plan. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:40 PM no, will use residential trash service Resolved 57 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 1:53 PM Library Comment Submit a copy of the Adjoining Property Owners List from Hamilton County. Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:40 PM submitted Resolved 58 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 1:53 PM Library Comment Provide the filled out and notarized affidavit of notice of public hearing page of the application. Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:40 PM submitted Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 59 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 1:53 PM Library Comment Provide the filled out Notice of Public Hearing page of the application. Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:40 PM submitted Resolved 60 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 1:53 PM Library Comment Submit Proof of Publication from the newspaper. Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:40 PM submitted Resolved 61 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 1:53 PM Library Comment Submit Certificate of Mailing for proof of mailing. Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:41 PM submitted Resolved 62 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 1:53 PM Library Comment Submit a copy of the Sign Affidavit. Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:41 PM submitted Resolved 63 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 1:53 PM Library Comment Please submit an exhibit of the proposed black lined site plan overlaid upon a current aerial photo of the immediate area. Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 5/5/22 9:24 AM Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:55 PM Aerial exhibit attached with this updated ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/16/21 11:13 AM I'm sorry, I did not see this. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:41 PM see page SPP010.4, noted to send an additional exhibit with the aerial. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 64 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 1:53 PM Library Comment Please label the required half right-of-way per the Carmel Thoroughfare Plan. Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 7/14/22 3:52 PM Thank you for the clarification. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:22 PM Please see email dated 4/18/22 from Carmel Engineering Dept waiving R/W and transportation elements for this project, correspondence folder. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:56 PM Noted, please see comment to engineering. Communication with the relevant depts. is ongoing with an email on 4/12/22. Awaiting responses from the city. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:54 PM noted, see comment to engineering Resolved 65 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 1:53 PM Library Comment Please prepare an estimated construction cost to comply with the Thoroughfare Plan & Alternative Transportation Plan, and work with the Carmel Engineering Dept. on that approval. Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:54 PM noted Resolved 66 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 1:53 PM Library Comment Are street lights proposed with this development? If so, please submit their location on a Lighting Plan and on the Site Plan. Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:54 PM no, existing streetlights and will have building lighting Resolved 67 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 1:53 PM Library Comment Do you propose to split the parcel? Or will it remain as one parcel with two buildings on it? Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:54 PM one parcel Resolved 68 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 1:57 PM Library Comment Please submit architectural elevations. Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:54 PM submitted Resolved 69 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 2:41 PM Library Comment Please provide the height of the building on the architectural elevation to the midpoint of the roof for a sloped roof. Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:55 PM 26' 4'', note southern elevation Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 70 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 4:56 PM Changemark site legend Please create a site legend that has total number of parking spaces, total square footage, lot coverage percent, etc. SPP010.3.pdf Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 4/21/22 10:02 AM Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 7:14 PM At the bottom of page C101.3 site plan ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/16/21 11:13 AM Thank you, I will wait to check that. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:56 PM Legend will be added to the final plans Resolved 71 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 4:56 PM Changemark Dumpster? Will there be a dumpster on site? SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:56 PM no Resolved 72 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 4:56 PM Changemark Retaining wall Please make sure architectural elevations show the retaining wall in the images. SPP010.3.pdf Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 4/21/22 10:06 AM Thank you for the updated rendering. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/20/22 1:00 PM see drawings uploaded ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/16/21 11:12 AM The site plan indicates a retaining wall along the south property line. We want to make sure we see this accurately in the elevations and renderings. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:57 PM n/a Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 73 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 4:56 PM Changemark Drive aisle width The minimum drive aisle width required is 25'. Please revise. SPP010.3.pdf Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 4/21/22 10:02 AM Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 5:59 PM Revised, see C010.3 site plan ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/16/21 11:13 AM Thank you, I will wait to check that. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:57 PM width will be as requested in final design Resolved 74 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 4:56 PM Changemark Sidewalk needed? Is a new sidewalk needed to connect the parking area to the existing building? SPP010.3.pdf Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 7/14/22 3:55 PM The existing walk is now shown on the plans, thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 5/17/22 4:54 PM There is a back door on the existing house and several deck areas as well. Any additional walkway needed would be handled with landscape stone or similar item. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 6:02 PM See C010.3 site plan ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Rachel Keesling - 12/16/21 11:12 AM I'm sorry, I did not see this added to the site plan. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:57 PM yes, added Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 75 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 4:56 PM Changemark Setback I calculated the average setback of the nearest four buildings to be about 14.25', so the proposed 13' is ok per 3.62.C.2.a. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:57 PM noted Resolved 76 1 Carmel Water Operations Steve Cook 12/1/21 11:05 AM Changemark Changemark #01 we will need current test results for a domestic water back flow device or we will need to review and approve drawings for installation of domestic water backflow device SPP010.1.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:44 PM Backflow device information directed to Mechanical Contractor, RT Moore; see correspondence for spec sheet and drawing of water room to come ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:35 PM noted Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 77 1 Fire Carmel Fire 11/2/21 9:29 AM Library Comment The required PIV, FDC and Fire Hydrant Locations shall be approved by CFD. Provide a Fire Hydrant within 100 feet of the FDC. Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 11:29 AM detailed information will be submitted with the future building design and permit request ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 9:00 AM SINCE THE PREVIOUS BUILDING IS NO LONGER PROPOSED AND WE ARE CURRENTLY SHOWING A PAD, THE ULTIMATE NEED FOR THESE ITEMS ARE TBD LATER ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 1:04 PM PIV, FDC ARE NO LONGER PROPOSED FOR THIS PROJECT. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:11 PM OK ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:11 PM OK ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:28 PM See sheet C010.3 for item locations. Discuss fire hydrant with Justin Moffett, and please provide a desired location for new hydrant. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:37 PM Noted UnResolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 78 1 Vectren Energy Chad Miller 11/9/21 11:06 AM Library Comment Please see my comments. Chad Miller CenterPoint Energy Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 11:30 AM OTDG has been in contact with Centermark and is coordinating this work. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 1:09 PM OLD Town has been in communications with Centerpoint as of last week. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 12:35 AM ok ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:13 PM Please review and let me know if you have further questions. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/13/22 6:57 PM See note added to Civil Sheet C101.3 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 6:02 PM noted UnResolved 79 1 Planning & Zoning Rachel Keesling 11/17/21 4:57 PM Library Comment Please see changemark and checklist items for comments. Please also upload the newest plans, including all architectural elevations, renderings, etc. Thank you. Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:39 PM Noted Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 80 1 Carmel Utilities Lisa Kempa 12/1/21 11:24 AM Library Comment see water request Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 5/17/22 5:00 PM C010.4, 5/9 comment, (wet tap will need to be a 4x4 then it can be increased to 6" requirement Which is domestic, which is fireline/size material ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/31/22 11:50 AM Noted ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:35 PM noted Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 81 1 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 11/16/21 4:29 PM Library Comment Our review is pending submittal of Construction Plans and Drainage Report in accordance with the City of Carmel STSM. Please note that on-site detention and water quality will need to be provided by this project. Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 8:11 AM noted, please review these current submissions for approval. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:16 AM PER OUR CONVERSATIONS WITH CITY ENGINEER AND PRATICAL DIFFICULTIES NOTED PREVIOUSLY FOR THIS PROJECT, DETENTION IS NOT PROPOSED AND VERY LIMITED WATER QUALTY (VEGETATED SWALE) IS NOW PROPOSED. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:02 AM Update! since this time the develoer has decided NOT to construct the previously proposed building. Instead we are now showing a generic 50x80 structure (use and utility requirements TBD with a future owner/tenant). We have also re-designed the drainage scheme in hope of simplfying the system and required calculations. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 12:36 AM information has been submitted for review. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 5/17/22 4:26 PM noted. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/20/22 12:58 PM noted ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:36 PM noted UnResolved 82 1 Engineering Alex Jordan 11/4/21 10:48 AM Library Comment We were able to provide some changemarks and checklist items but will need more complete submittal provided with the next review cycle. Please ensure all sheets and documents required by Section 102.02-102.04 of the Stormwater Technical Standards Manual are provided. Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:00 PM noted Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 83 1 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 11/10/21 2:48 PM Library Comment Elevations requested. West Facing sign not allowed per Sign Standards. Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 12/10/21 5:58 PM noted, see signage Resolved 84 2 Carmel Water Operations Steve Cook 12/13/21 9:23 AM Changemark Changemark note #01 see notes C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 5/17/22 4:26 PM water features have been revised as requested, see sheet C010.3 PIV is shown on the fire line. Domestic meter removed and notes updated to require an "inside set" TEE and reducer noted on C 010.4 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:45 PM additional water info (PIV, FDC, etc.) added to plans Resolved 85 2 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 12/13/21 2:18 PM Changemark black gum substitute There is overhead power in the alley. If that line is to stay long term ( i think some are getting put underground), I would recommend replacing the black gum with Columnar English Oak. If that line is not to stay i would recommend honeylocust as black gum do not do well in commercial areas in Carmel. L102 Landscape Details.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/1/22 4:07 PM replaced Resolved 86 2 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 12/13/21 2:18 PM Changemark label existing tree Please label the existing trees. This one is a Sycamore. L102 Landscape Details.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/1/22 4:07 PM Labeled Resolved 87 2 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 12/13/21 2:18 PM Changemark label existing tree2 Please label the existing trees. This one is a Norway spruce. L102 Landscape Details.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/1/22 4:07 PM labeled Resolved 88 2 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 12/13/21 2:18 PM Changemark label existing tree3 Please label the existing trees. This one is a maple. L102 Landscape Details.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/1/22 4:07 PM labeled Resolved 89 2 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 12/13/21 2:18 PM Changemark note minimum planting size Please add the planting sizes. For example, shade trees are required to be 2.5" cal., ornamental trees 1.5" cal., and shrubs 18" ht. L102 Landscape Details.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/1/22 4:07 PM added Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 90 2 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 12/13/21 2:26 PM Changemark existing trees are here Will the existing trees affect this infrastructure? C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/20/22 1:01 PM There is a possibility of retaining the pine tree at the corner of the existing house, but the other trees are too close to the foundation work, and it is likely that those root systems will be completely compromised during the construction project. Resolved 91 2 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 12/13/21 2:30 PM Changemark existing tree This existing tree is on the landscape plan to be saved. Please confirm. SPP010.0.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/1/22 4:08 PM confirmed Resolved 92 2 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 12/13/21 2:32 PM Changemark planting details please add the city planting details. I have uploaded them to the correspondence folder. L102 Landscape Details.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/1/22 4:08 PM added Resolved 93 2 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 12/13/21 2:34 PM Changemark tree preservation fencing Please show and label the tree preservation fencing. No grading should be done near trees and the fencing should be placed as far from the trees as construction permits. C010.5 SWPPP.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 9:59 PM Notes on C010.2 have been updated to mention trees not marked for demo, which are to be preserved and protected. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Daren Mindham - 4/21/22 9:02 AM I don't see the hashed line around the existing trees and the labeling of the tree preservation fencing? please confirm. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/1/22 4:08 PM shown Resolved 94 2 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 12/14/21 3:30 PM Changemark Signage 2 Per City Sign Standards section 5.39.H.6.c.iv Ground Signs (monuments) shall include a delineated cornice. Please update Monument design. Please make sure Sign remains at 6' in height once cornice is added. Ground Sign must be a minimum of 5' from the street ROW. A010.7 Signage.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 4/20/22 1:00 PM see drawings uploaded Resolved 95 2 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 12/14/21 3:30 PM Changemark Landscaping Per City Sign Standards 5.39.E.4, please Monument sign will require a Landscaped Green Area at its base equal to the Sign Area. A010.7 Signage.pdf Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 96 2 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 12/21/21 10:46 AM Changemark ADA access aisle ADA standards requires an access aisle adjacent to the ADA parking space that provides a direct connection to the ADA accessible route to the entrance of the building. Revise the plans to include an ADA compliant access aisle adjacent to the ADA parking space. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:07 PM required ADA spaces and aisles are added to plan set Resolved 97 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 12/22/21 8:57 AM Changemark Please revise this contact information Amanda Foley no longer works for the City. Please revise to be John Thomas' email: jthomas@carmel.in.gov C010.00 cover pdf.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 3:56 PM Revised as requested, see cover sheet Resolved 98 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:09 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.m The grading and drainage plan shall include a drainage summary, which summarizes the basic conditions of the drainage design, including site acreage, off-site/upstream acreage, allowable release rates, post-developed 10-year, and 100-year flows leaving the site, volume of detention required, volume of detention provided, and any release rate. Please revise. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 8/9/22 10:28 AM See Ref. #175 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:30 PM Calculations for 540 have need added. See revised report and plans as necessary. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 5/12/22 2:31 PM Calculations to confirm the summary for 540 N Rangeline Rd. will need to be included in the drainage report to confirm the summary on Plan Sheet 4. Detention will be sized to accommodate the runoff from this site. See also changemark ref # 138 and 139. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:08 PM Added as requested, see civil sheet 4 of 10 (C010.3) Resolved 99 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:09 PM Changemark 303.07 Ponding and overflow path throughout the development resulting from a 100-year storm event, calculated based on all contributing drainage areas, on-site and off-site, in their proposed or reasonably anticipated land use and with the storm pipe system assumed completely plugged, shall be determined, clearly shown as hatched area on the plans. Please revise. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:09 PM Emergence routing sheet has been added to the plan set (C010.7a) Resolved 100 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:09 PM Changemark Basin Bottom Please slope the bottom of the underground basin from east to west to facilitate complete interior drainage. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:13 PM Detail revised as requested, see civil sheet C101.4 Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 101 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:09 PM Changemark Geotextile Show non-woven filter fabric across the top of the #4 stone separating this material from the compacted aggregate base under the HMA pavement. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:30 PM Detail revised as requested, see detail on civil sheet C101.4 Resolved 102 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:09 PM Changemark Inlet Str Please provide additional details for the parking lot inlet, to include depth and diameter. A flat top will be required to accommodate the R-3561 casting proposed. It is recommended to use a standard inlet/manhole with a sump and snout with perforated pipe leaving the structure for the distribution of surface runoff into the stone basin to provide water quality in the structure and protect the stone storage from sediment buildup. Please review and revise. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 5/5/22 5:16 PM ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:31 PM Structure type 7 size called on details, see civil sheet C101.4 Resolved 103 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:09 PM Changemark 501.06 Sump pumps installed to receive and discharge groundwater or other stormwater shall be connected to storm sewer manholes or curb inlets or rear yard subsurface drains. All roof downspouts, roof drains, or roof drainage piping shall discharge onto the ground, as a Legal Discharge, or directly connected to the storm drainage system. Please show the sump discharge line and the roof drain connected to the parking lot inlet and not discharging into the stone detention. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:32 PM Revised as requested, see civil sheet C010.4 Resolved 104 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:09 PM Changemark 501.03 Manholes and/or inlets shall be installed to provide human access to continuous underground storm sewers for the purpose of inspection and maintenance. The casting access minimum inside diameter shall be no less than 22 inches or a rectangular opening of no less than 22 inches by 22 inches. Manholes shall be provided where a change in horizontal alignment occurs. Please revise the cleanout structures to manholes/inlets to allow for maintenance and inspection activities. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:32 PM structures have been added as requested Resolved 105 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:09 PM Changemark 305.02 The minimum diameter of all storm sewers shall be 12 inches. Under no circumstances shall the pipe be less than 12-inches diameter, measured as the inside diameter. This shall apply to both public and private storm piping, unless the piping is a roof drain, footing drain or sump pump. Please review and revise. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:36 PM 12'' lines have been added as requested Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 106 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:09 PM Changemark 401.01 If the storm sewer pipe is to be placed within a road right-of-way or in an area subject to loading, the pipe and fittings shall be Class III concrete. Please review and revise. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:37 PM distribution/level spreader and islocatior row are now 12'' duel wall hdpe(ssd) Resolved 107 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:47 PM Changemark 302.06.1 The design of the detention facility shall ensure that a minimum 90% of the original detention capacity is restored within 48 hours from the start of the design 100-year storm. Please review and revise. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 8:18 AM SEE ADDITIONAL DESIGN INFORMATION ADDED ON SHEETS 4 & 5 OF THE CURRENT DRAINAGE REPORT ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:17 AM PER OUR CONVERSATIONS WITH CITY ENGINEER AND PRATICAL DIFFICULTIES NOTED PREVIOUSLY FOR THIS PROJECT, DETENTION IS NOT PROPOSED AND VERY LIMITED WATER QUALTY (VEGETATED SWALE) IS NOW PROPOSED. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 7:55 AM Calculations are required to confirm that a minimum 90% of the original detention capacity is restored within 48 hours from the start of the design 100-year storm. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:09 AM This project has again been revised at the developers request. With this simplified design I believe we meet this condition. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 5:36 PM The drainage report has been updated per the drainage re-design just recently completed. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 8/9/22 10:31 AM This comment still applies pending geotech report being submitted. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:31 PM N/A, see new plan and drainage report ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 5/6/22 11:09 AM UnResolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM Per Section 102.03.ii.f, the summary report included in the stormwater drainage technical report shall contain adequately cited hydrologic or hydraulic calculations or modeling results. Please revise the summary report to include the location in the drainage report where these calculations and results can be found. See also changemark ref # 138 and 139. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:38 PM it is/does 108 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:47 PM Changemark Clarification Please clarify in the drainage report that the detention calculations are based on the proposed design and not the alternate design. All of our comments are based on the proposed design alone, and additional review would be necessary if the alternate design is selected. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:38 PM plans and report have been revised to reflect the "alternate route" previous outfall proposal is now VOID Resolved 109 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:47 PM Changemark 302.06.11 Detention basins shall be designed with an additional ten (10) percent of available capacity to allow for sediment accumulation resulting from development and to permit the pond to function for reasonable periods between cleanings. Please review and revise. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:39 PM basin has been expanded for the additional volume Resolved 110 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:47 PM Changemark 302.12 Design and construction of the stormwater facility shall provide for the discharge of the stormwater runoff from off-site land areas as well as the stormwater from the area being developed to an acceptable outlet (as determined by the City of Carmel) having capacity to receive upstream and on-site drainage. Per the drainage report, there is not a readily available outlet for this project. No approvals will be granted until an adequate outlet is provided. Please review and revise. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:39 PM na: no offsite flows are associated with this project Resolved 111 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:47 PM Changemark 302.11 An emergency overflow facility, designed to accommodate 1.25 the peak inflow discharge and peak flow velocity resulting from the 100-year design storm event runoff from the entire contributing watershed draining to the detention/retention facility, shall be provided for the release of exceptional storm runoff or in emergency conditions should the normal discharge devices become totally or partially inoperative. Please review and revise. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 5/6/22 10:51 AM ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:39 PM overflow calcs added to the report Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 112 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:47 PM Changemark 302.06.7 Control devices shall limit the discharge to a rate such that the post- developed release rate from the site is no greater than 0.1 cfs per acre of development for 0-10 year return interval storms and 0.3 cfs per acre of developed area for 11-100 year return interval storms per Section 302.03. If an outlet control structure includes an orifice to restrict the flow rate, such orifice shall be no less than 6 inches in diameter, even if the 6-inch diameter orifice results in a discharge that exceeds the predetermined maximum authorized peak flow release rates as determined using methodologies in Section 302.03. The use of a screw on clean out cap on the end of the 6-inch underdrain with a drilled 1.2 inch hole drilled at the invert will not be acceptable due to maintenance and accessibility issues. A structure with an orifice plate will be required. Please review and revise. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:31 PM See new plan and drainage report ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 5/6/22 11:11 AM It appears that the proposed basin has been designed to meet the requirements of Section 302.03 (0.1/0.3) utilizing a 1.2" Vert. Orifice/Grate. The proposed system relies on 60 LFT of 6-inch dual wall perforated underdrain to release flow from the proposed underground detention basin prior to passing through the proposed outlet control structure. The inflow capacity of the perforated underdrain pipe design will need to be calculated to verify no impact to the calculated peak release rates. Calculations will need to be provided to confirm the capacity of the 6-inch dual wall pipe to transmit the inflow capacity of the perforated underdrain pipe to verify no impact to the calculated peak release rates (see changemark ref. # 138 and 139). Please review and revise as necessary. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:39 PM noted within drainage report Resolved 113 2 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 12/23/21 5:47 PM Changemark OCS The proposed design outlet structure is not modeled correctly to reflect the proposed plans. Currently, the only outlet from the facility is through the casting of the â??Proposed Primary Discharge Structureâ? at an elevation of 824.34; therefore, no storage can be accounted for below this elevation as the system will assumed to be full to that elevation at the start of the storm. The primary outlet device will need to be modeled as a weir at the casting elevation, and the storage curve will need to be updated to ignore storage capacity under the 824.34 elevation. Please review and revise. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:40 PM plans and report have been revised to reflect the "alternate route" previous outfall proposal is now VOID Resolved 114 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/3/22 2:11 PM Changemark Please pursue this route for the drainage system The City Engineer has asked that this route be pursued. Please have the alternative option removed to avoid confusion. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 3:58 PM Revised as requested Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 115 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/3/22 2:11 PM Changemark Will this be just a structure or riser rings? Will there be a bottom to this or is it proposed to sit on the stone? C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 3:59 PM box inlet, sized to accommodate the proposed casting with sump, as required for use with SNOUT Resolved 116 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/3/22 2:11 PM Changemark Can the sump and roof drains be tied into the structure rather than discharged into the stone? C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 3:59 PM yes, revised Resolved 117 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/3/22 2:11 PM Changemark Please provide the detentions critical elevations Please provide the bottom elevation as well as the 2, 10, and 100-year elevations of the detention facility. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 3:59 PM See UG detention detail Resolved 118 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/3/22 2:23 PM Changemark Please include this improvement in the erosion control sheet with the next submittal C010.5 SWPPP.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:42 AM UPDATE! We are now showing and including again the parking / drive improvements for 540 N Rangeline. The alternate sheet 11 for this work is back in the plan set, showing grading and SWPPP details. It is my understanding that the owner will seek their own permits and grant necessary easements at a future date. The the immediate need. Moffett is wanting plan approval for the drainage scheme overall and will grant necessary easements on his project immediately so that he can complete a contractual sales agreement with a potential buyer of the Red house (lot 1) and build his portion of the facilities now. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 10/24/23 10:20 AM The demolition plan still has the northern lot contained within silt fence with a note that states there is an add- alternative to include a drive extension to the north. As stated in this response and the response to #128, 540 is no longer a part of this proposal. Please clarify and revise all documents to reflect what is being proposed. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 10:49 PM In the re-design, the scope of the project now DOES NOT include previously proposed improvements on the north adjoining property. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 7/21/22 9:52 AM Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM A portion of the northern parking lot is still missing from C010.5. Please have this provided on the next submittal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:41 PM See sheets C010.5 and C010.10 ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 5/3/22 1:34 PM There are no erosion control measures included for the requested area. Additionally, all erosion control measures for the newly proposed parking area will need to be included as well. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 3:59 PM revised as requested 119 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/3/22 2:23 PM Changemark Please provide perimeter protection in this gap We would like this gap to be closed with perimeter protection as it appears the site is sloped to the north in this section. C010.5 SWPPP.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 3:59 PM revised as requested Resolved 120 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/3/22 2:34 PM Changemark The entrance does not comply with the City's commercial driveway standard drawing We required the flairs to be a 30' radius. The radii provided to not meet this require and will need to be revised. Please also ensure that the entrance will be concrete within the City's right-of-way. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:00 PM revised as requested Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 121 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/3/22 2:34 PM Changemark Will this connection be bored or will the road be trenched? If this will be trenched and the road will need to be closed or restricted, Board of Public Works approval will be required. Please clarify. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:06 PM Approval by BPW is noted at the bottom of sheet 4 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:39 PM Plan settled and revised, see sheets C010.3 and C010.4 ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 5/3/22 11:29 AM Please revise the plans accordingly once this is decided. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:00 PM TBD between contractor and City of Carmel utilities, street & Engineering departments Resolved 122 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/3/22 2:34 PM Changemark Please provide curb on the northern portion of the parking lot We require that all parking areas be curbed. Please revise this area to be curbed. SPP010.3.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:01 PM Added as requested, see civil sheet 4 of 10 (C010.3) Resolved 123 2 Engineering Alex Jordan 1/3/22 2:36 PM Comment Please provide an O&M manual with the next submittal. This should include the proposed detention basin and additional BMP that was requested. I have uploaded the document "City of Carmel SWPPP Requirements" to the correspondence folder. This document outlines all items required in the O&M. Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 3/30/22 4:03 PM Provided with this submittal Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 124 3 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/3/22 3:11 PM Changemark Please have the owner acknowledgement we have provided added to the O&M as an individual sheet Please remove all other sections of this sheet and dedicate only to the owner acknowledgement. We have added our owner acknowledgement template to the correspondence folder. Notarized O M 04-01-2022.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:04 PM SECTION UPDATED AS REQUESTED ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:04 PM SECTION UPDATED AS REQUESTED ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:04 PM SECTION UPDATED AS REQUESTED ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:04 PM SECTION UPDATED AS REQUESTED ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:04 PM SECTION UPDATED AS REQUESTED ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:44 PM Revised and uploaded Resolved 125 3 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/3/22 3:11 PM Changemark Please show the BMP and access easements on the site map Notarized O M 04-01-2022.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:04 PM MAP UPDATED AS REQUESTED. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:44 PM Revised and uploaded Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 126 3 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/3/22 3:11 PM Changemark Please show the additional BMP for the site once it is determined Notarized O M 04-01-2022.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:43 AM Our request for waiver / variance to allow 1 BMP remains the same. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 10/24/23 10:28 AM We will need to determine if the City Engineer will allow only one BMP to be installed on this site. If the second BMP will be required, the O&M will need to be revised to include all information for it. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:05 PM ALL PROJECT BMPS ARE SHOWN AND REFERENCED ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:44 PM Revised and uploaded Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 127 3 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/3/22 3:27 PM Changemark Please provide checklists for all maintenance activities for both BMPs Notarized O M 04-01-2022.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 9:57 AM check list items have been provided. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 4/30/24 9:41 AM Please see our latest comment on the O&M with all items that need to be provided. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:36 AM ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM REVISED ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:44 AM The O and M manual has been updated. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 10/24/23 10:29 AM A bioretention checklist was provided but a dry detention basin is proposed. Please provide a dry detention checklist and remove the bioretention one. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:05 PM CHECKLIST INCLUDED ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:44 PM Revised and added Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 128 3 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/4/22 8:52 AM Changemark It appears that the parking proposed on 540 is not included in the drainage report Please ensure that the detention is sized for the newly proposed parking area on 540 North Rangeline and that the calculations are included in this report. Drainage letter REV#1.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:45 AM Detentions is size as one large combined system for the ease of calculations. Plese review the updated report. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 10/24/23 10:32 AM Please clarify the note on the demolition plan stating that there is an alternative plan to include a drive on this lot. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:34 PM That is correct. 540 is no longer a part of this proposal. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:45 PM This is now included in the report. Resolved 129 3 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/4/22 9:36 AM Changemark The 100-year ponding in the clogged condition will need to be provided for this parking area C010.7a emergence details.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:09 PM This area of improvement shown on 540 Rangeline are now NOT a part of this proposed. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:46 PM N/A see new plan and drainage report. 100 year elevations for new drainage scheme are noted on C010.3 Info Only 130 3 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/4/22 9:36 AM Changemark The MLAG and MFPG for the existing home on 540 N. Rangeline will need to be provided C010.7a emergence details.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:30 PM This area of improvement shown on 540 Rangeline are now NOT a part of this proposed. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:47 PM Grade note added to sheet C010.10 Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 131 3 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/4/22 9:50 AM Changemark Is this a new or existing line? If new, will the roadway need to be cut to install? This will need to be shown on the plans if so. C010.6a SWPPP.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 9:58 AM this item is old and the lable has been removed. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 4/30/24 8:50 AM This call out is still located on page 5. This comment will remain unresolved until this item is removed. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:37 AM THAT WAS A PREVIOUS ITEM WHICH IS NO LONGER PROPOSED FOR THIS PROJECT. THE DRAFTING HAS BEEN CLEANED UP TO REMOVE THIS ITEM. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 2/14/24 11:37 AM The note "See Sheet 5A for Storm Profile" is still shown on sheet 5, please remove to avoid confusion. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:46 AM Old notes have been removed. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 10/24/23 10:34 AM This note and the "See Sheet 5A for Storm Profile" note are still shown on sheet 5. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:31 PM This feature is no longer part of the proosal and has been removed. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:47 PM N/A see new plan and drainage report. Resolved 132 3 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 5/4/22 2:45 PM Changemark Changemark note #01 Wall Sign will require a Sign Permit Application. A010.1 S E Elevation.pdf Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 133 3 Sign Permits Aliza Shalit 5/4/22 2:45 PM Changemark Changemark note #01 Sign will require a Sign Permit application filed when the time comes. Please make sure submittal includes a landscape plan with a landscape area equal or larger to the ground sign area per UDO Sign Standards. Please make sure sign is located a minimum of 5' from the ROW. A200 ELEVATIONS.pdf Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM 134 3 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 5/5/22 1:13 PM Changemark Bike Rack ? Is this the bike rack. Please label the bike rack and refer to section 5.29 of the City's UDO to ensure that the proposed rack is compliant with the City's standards. The City requires inverted-U or A-frame racks to be installed in a way that allow for at least five feet of sidewalk clearance behind a bike when it is properly secured to a rack. C010.3 site plan.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 9:06 AM NOW WITHOUT A PROPOSED BUILDING AND SHOWING A PAD ONLY, A NOTE HAS BEEN ADDED THAT THE RACK AND PAD SHALL CONFORM WITH 5.29, SINCE A FUTURE SITE PLAN WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ANY NEW BUILDING ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: David Littlejohn - 2/14/24 3:15 PM Include a detail showing how the bicycle parking will be installed for this project. Refer to section 5.29 of the City's UDO for more details/info on the City's bicycle parking standards. The City requires inverted-U or A- frame racks to be installed in a way that allow for at least five feet of sidewalk clearance behind a bike when it is properly secured to a rack. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 1:08 PM yes, item now labled on sheet 4 ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: David Littlejohn - 10/17/23 11:32 AM The bike rack on the revised plan complies with the City's bicycle parking standards, but the way it is shown on the plan looks like it will be installed incorrectly. Please refer to section 5.29 of the City's UDO to see the appropriate way to install the racks andrevise the plan to comply with the City's installation standards. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 12:24 AM reference on sheet 4 updated to include section 5.29. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: David Littlejohn - 7/19/22 3:48 PM Section 5.29 of the City's UDO requires bike parking to be installed within 50 feet of the entrance of the building. Please revise the plans so that the location of the bike racks complies with the City's standards. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:16 PM Bike Rack location changed, see sheets C010.3 & C010.4 Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 135 3 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 5/5/22 1:13 PM Changemark Bike rack detail Provide a detail for the proposed bike rack to ensure that it complies with the City's bicycle parking standards.. C010.3 site plan.pdf Reviewer Response: David Littlejohn - 7/19/22 3:41 PM ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 7/1/22 2:54 PM See sheet C010.3 Resolved 138 3 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 5/6/22 11:11 AM Changemark 102.03.ii.f The stormwater drainage technical report needs to include in the summary report the results of the analysis of the proposed drainage control system showing that it does solve the project's drainage problems and that it meets the requirements of the ordinance and these standards. This shall include a table summarizing, for each eventual site outlet, the pre-developed acreage tributary to each eventual site outlet, the unit discharge allowable release rate used, the resulting allowable release rate in cfs for the post-developed 10-year and 100-year events. Please include summary of storage provided utilizing 0.1 & 0.3 cfs/acre release rates per Sec. 302.03 as well as the 6-inch orifice per Sec. 302.06.7. Drainage letter REV#1.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 8:19 AM SEE SHETS 4 & 5 OF THE CURRENT DRAINAGE REPORT FOR THIS INFORMATION. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:18 AM DRAINGE REPORT HAS BEEN UPDATED PER THE CURRENT DESIGN. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:21 AM See changemark reference # 194 and revise accordingly. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:10 AM The Drainage report has been complete revamped to a proper report format. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 5:36 PM The drainage report has been updated per the drainage re-design just recently completed. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:32 PM Summary is now included and noted within the report UnResolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 139 3 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 5/11/22 5:33 PM Changemark 302.06.12 Detention basins shall be sized to detain the runoff from the fully developed right-of-way per the City of Carmel 20-year Thoroughfare Plan across all frontages, regardless of existing watershed boundaries or drainage breaks/divides. The acreage of the full right-of-way width shall be included in the overall acreage of the development in determining the allowable release rate. Per Plan Sheet 2 of 10, the total site is 0.56 Ac. plus 0.21 Ac. of right-of-way that appears to be the half width right-of-way only. Please revise. Per Plan Sheet 4 of 10, 540 N. Rangeline Rd. is "to be reviewed and approved with this plan set." This is an additional 0.30 Ac. that is not included in the drainage report. This area does not include the right-of-way on 6th St. NW. Please revise. Drainage letter REV#1.pdf Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:33 PM N/A see email dated 4/18/22 waiving R/W and transportation requirements, in correspondence folder Resolved 140 3 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 5/12/22 2:07 PM Changemark 305.01 Calculations for Str's 102-104, inclusive, will need to be included in the drainage report. Drainage letter REV#1.pdf Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 8/9/22 10:35 AM N/A per redesign ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:33 PM see new plan and drainage report Resolved 141 3 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 5/12/22 2:57 PM Changemark 102.02.x Any other information required by the City of Carmel in order to thoroughly evaluate the submitted material. A complete detail of Str. 101 will need to be included in the construction plans. Please revise. C010.7a.pdf Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 8/9/22 10:36 AM N/A per redesign ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:33 PM see new plan and drainage report Resolved 142 3 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 5/12/22 2:59 PM Changemark 102.02.x, 102.vii Please revise Plan Sheet 9 to include the City of Carmel Standard Drawing 10 -31. C010.8.pdf Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 8/9/22 10:37 AM N/A per redesign ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:33 PM see new plan and drainage report Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 143 3 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 5/12/22 3:28 PM Changemark 102.02.vii. Storm sewer plan/profile sheet(s) shall show, in addition to the information provided, the location of all proposed storm sewers, including subsurface drains, existing and proposed ground surface profiles, top of casting elevations, structure numbers, pipe invert elevations, casting type, structure type, and all existing and proposed utility crossings also shall be indicated and any other information per the Digital Submission Policy. See changemark ref # 140. Limits of granular backfill may be indicated on the plan and profile sheets; however, any references with general notes, plan notes, or legends to the granular backfill material shall reference the appropriate trench detail on the detail sheets. Strâ??s 100-101 should reference the City of Carmel Standard Drawing 10-24 found on Plan Sheet 9. Strâ??s 102-104 should reference the City of Carmel Standard Drawing 10- 31. See changemark ref. #143 on Plan Sheet 9. The hydraulic grade line shall be indicated on the profiles to demonstrate that the hydraulic grade line remains below the rim elevation for the design condition. C010.7a.pdf Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 8/9/22 10:38 AM N/A per redesign ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:36 PM N/A, see new plan and drainage report Resolved 144 3 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 5/12/22 3:40 PM Changemark 102.02.xiv A Structure Data Table shall be provided in the plan set. At a minimum, the structure data shall include the following information: structure number reference, upstream structure number, downstream structure number, top casting elevation, upstream pipe elevation, downstream pipe elevation, pipe length, pipe material, pipe size, type of structure and detail reference to type of structure and any notes related to the structure. See changemark ref # 140, 141. C010.00.pdf Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 8/9/22 10:38 AM N/A per redesign ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:36 PM N/A, see new plan and drainage report Resolved 145 3 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 5/12/22 3:40 PM Changemark 102.02 The current revision date shall be indicated on all construction plan sheets. Please revise. C010.00.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:12 AM Plan set dates have been added as necessary ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 10:20 PM revision dates are now updated thoughout plan set ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 8/9/22 10:40 AM Please indicate drainage redesign in description column ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Rebecca McGuckin - 6/30/22 10:36 PM Revision Date noted, 6/27/22 Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 146 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 7/21/22 8:52 AM Changemark Please provide a geotechnical report with the next submittal MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:34 PM With the drainage re-design, geotechnical investigations is not necessary. Info Only 147 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 7/21/22 8:52 AM Changemark Please revise the soil map to include the northern property where the parking area will be installed MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:35 PM Northern property is no longer a part of this proposal. Info Only 148 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 7/21/22 9:38 AM Changemark Please show the ponding limits in the 100-year storm C010.10 emergency route.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:40 AM NO PONDING WILL OCCUR , THE ITEM MARKED IS NO LONGER A PART OF THIS PROJECT. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:47 AM Ponding area limits are now shown and noted on the Emergency route drawing ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 10/24/23 10:35 AM The ponding area will need to be provided for the dry detention area in the clogged condition. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:31 PM This depressional storage basin has been removed from this proposal. Resolved 149 4 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 7/21/22 9:54 AM Comment As I look at other construction documents the design of the SWPPP is very different than the landscape plan. There is an island in the parking lot, bio retention basin where the existing sycamore is, west of the existing building. It seems all of these design changes will affect the landscape plan and a review and edit of the landscape plan will be needed. I didnt see a new landscape plan version uploaded, so I was wondering is there one and if not, it looks like we need one. You can email it to me for review and I can hopefully address all items and then upload it for final approval, if you think that could work. Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 1:12 PM Developer will be updated the Landscape plan they submitt in the future with whatever version of building they settle on. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 150 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/4/22 3:23 PM Changemark The new detention areas do not meet several requirements set forth by Chapter 300 of the Stormwater Technical Standards Manual The detention areas will need to be revised to meet all requirement set forth by the STSM. Section 302.06 outlines may requirements that do not appear to be met with this proposal. For example, 302.06(3) states detention shall not be constructed under any pole of high voltage electric line. Also, the 100-year elevation of the detention facility shall be separated by no less than 25' from any building. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:49 AM We meet the 25' to any building requirement with this submittal, but I believe we will still need a waiver / variance for the utilit pole seperation.....We have moved the detention and parking faciities 10' West in an attempt to avoid utiilty conflicts. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 10/24/23 10:36 AM This will be discussed with the City Engineer. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:32 PM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. Resolved 151 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/4/22 3:23 PM Changemark How will runoff from the parking lot enter the detention areas? Curb turnouts will need to be provided to allow the runoff to access the detention. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:51 AM The curb configuration has changed...We now have standing 6" curb along the western perimeter of the parking. We do now have 2' curb cuts at the inside corners of the landscape island to move water into the basin. Some form of stone / riprap will be provided fromthe opening tothe bottom of the basin. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 10/24/23 10:38 AM Will some form of barrier or bollards be installed along this depressed curb? Is there concerns of cars getting tires stuck in this area? ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:39 PM a Depressed curb section is now proposed at the island location. Detail added to sheet 5. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 152 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/4/22 3:23 PM Changemark Please show the grading of the emergency spillways for the basins C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:44 AM ELEVATIONS ARE NOTED AT THE OUTLET DETAIL ON SHEET 4. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:52 AM Thank you. Details remain for review. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 10/24/23 10:40 AM This will be discussed with the City Engineer. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 1:43 PM details and grading of spilways are shown on sheet 5 Resolved 153 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/4/22 3:23 PM Changemark Has cutting the detention out from above these utilities been discussed with the associated departments? Please reach out to the gas company and Carmel water to ensure they are comfortable with the detention being excavated from above their lines. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:52 AM as noted above we have relocated dranage and parking to avoid conflicts as much as possible. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 10/24/23 10:41 AM This will be discussed with the City Engineer. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 1:50 PM no, however with this drainage re-design forming of the detention area will occur as a matter of controlingthe fill for the berm on the west line and the parking lot itself. little to no cutting is anticipated with this re-design. Info Only 154 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/4/22 3:23 PM Changemark Please provide additional topography on the adjacent lots Per our GIS, this home is lower than the detention. Please show this on the plans. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:39 PM GIS contours added as requested on survey. Resolved 155 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/5/22 12:26 PM Changemark Please list the BMPs in this section Notarized O M 06-29-22.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:06 PM LISTED AS REQUESTED Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 156 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/5/22 12:26 PM Changemark Please clearly delineate the access easement and BMP easement on this sheet Thank you for providing the call outs but we will need to see the exact limits of the BMP and access easement Notarized O M 06-29-22.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:06 PM MAP HAS BEEN UPDATED ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:06 PM MAP IS UPDATED Resolved 157 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/5/22 12:26 PM Changemark Please show the limits of the plantings in the rain gardens on this sheet Notarized O M 06-29-22.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:07 PM SYSTEM CHANGED IN THE DRAINAGE RE-DESIGN PLANTINGS NO LON Info Only 158 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/5/22 12:26 PM Changemark Please provide a cross-section of the rain gardens and a planting list for them Notarized O M 06-29-22.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:08 PM SYSTEM CHANGED IN THE DRAINAGE RE-DESIGN PLANTINGS NO LONGER APPLY Info Only 159 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/5/22 12:28 PM Changemark Please show the limits of the vegetation within the rain garden and provide a planting list for them on the civil plans C010.5 SWPPP.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:10 PM SYSTEM CHANGED IN THE DRAINAGE RE-DESIGN PLANTINGS NO LONGER APPLY Info Only 160 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/5/22 12:28 PM Changemark Please provide a cross-section for each basin in the plans C010.5 SWPPP.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:10 PM DETAIL PROVIDED ON SHEET 5 Resolved 161 4 Engineering Alex Jordan 8/5/22 12:30 PM Comment Due to the complexity of the proposed drainage system, please schedule a meeting with engineering and Crossroads to discuss this project. Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 162 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/5/22 2:15 PM Changemark 102.02.v.a Existing Project Site Layout shall include elevations shall be given in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD), and this datum shall be noted in the plans. C010.1 retracement survey.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:13 AM The survay datum note is on the cover sheet. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 10:24 PM survey datum note already appears on cover sheet, lower left corner. note placed here out of convenience to save spave for notes and details on other sheets within the plan set. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 10:24 PM survey datum note already appears on cover sheet, lower left corner. note placed here out of convenience to save space for notes and details on other sheets within the plan set. Resolved 163 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/5/22 2:15 PM Changemark 102.02.v.i Existing Project Site Layout shall include the land use of all adjacent properties. C010.1 retracement survey.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:16 AM same response as before ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 10:24 PM Adjoining land uses noted on sheet 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 10:24 PM Adjoining land uses noted on sheet 2 Resolved 164 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/5/22 2:42 PM Changemark 102.02.v.a Please provide additional survey for the properties to the west. GIS contours indicate that drainage would flow west from the subject property. It will need to be verified that there will be no adverse impacts from this proposed development. C010.1 retracement survey.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:17 AM same response as before ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 10:25 PM GIS contours added as requested on survey. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 165 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/5/22 3:19 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.d the grading and drainage plan shall include the delineation of all proposed land disturbing activities, including off-site activities that will provide services to the project site. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 8:20 AM SEE THE PLAN SET, NEW WORKDS ARE OBVIOUS AND CONSTRUCTION LIMITS ARE SHOWN ON THE SWPPP ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:19 AM NO OFFSITE ACTIVITIES ARE PROPOSED FOR THIS PROJECT. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:15 AM Please delineate the limits of the area that will be disturbed as a part of this project. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:17 AM Grading has been provided ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:15 PM No offiste is now considered beyond a saniraty sewer lateral connection in Rangeline Rd. The project has been re-designed. UnResolved 166 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/5/22 3:19 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.f the grading and drainage plan shall include all proposed topographic information at one-foot contour interval based on NAVD 1988. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:17 AM same response as before ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:16 PM it is and datum is noted on cover sheet Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 167 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/5/22 3:19 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.l the grading and drainage plan shall include one or more typical cross sections of all existing and proposed channels or other open drainage facilities carried to a point above the 100-year high water and showing the elevation of the existing land and the proposed changes, together with the high water elevations expected from the 100-year storm under the controlled conditions called for by the City of Carmelâ??s Stormwater Management Ordinance, and the relationship of structures, streets, and other facilities. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/9/24 12:00 AM limits of and the 100yr elevations has been added to the report and drawings. The 100yr is contained entirely within the proposed swale. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:20 AM OUR CROSS SECTION APPEARS ON SHEET 5 OF THE PLAN SET. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:18 AM See also changemark reference # 194. Please include existing grades in the cross section on Plan Sheet 5. Please include cross sections at each end of and parallel to the length of the detention facility, showing the elevation of the existing land and the proposed changes, together with the high-water elevations expected from the 100-year storm. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:17 AM same response as before ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 12:07 PM additional cross sections and details have been added to sheet 5 based on the drainage re-design. UnResolved 168 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/5/22 3:19 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.o the grading and drainage plan shall include elevations at each corner of every lot, all grade breaks (in swales, or lots and streets), a minimum house pad elevation for each lot or block, and the flood protection grade for each lot or block. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:28 AM Appropriate grading is shown on sheet 500 Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 169 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/5/22 3:19 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.m the grading and drainage plan shall include a drainage summary, which summarizes the basic conditions of the drainage design, including site acreage, off-site/upstream acreage, allowable release rates, post-developed 10-year, and 100-year flows leaving the site, volume of detention required, volume of detention provided, and any release rate. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/9/24 12:01 AM See sheet 5 of the plan set for the summary. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:21 AM SUMMARY HAS BEEN MOVED TO SHEET 5 ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:22 AM See changemark reference #194 and revise accordingly. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:19 AM See sheet 4 for project summary ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 10:28 AM Summary appears on sheet 4 UnResolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 170 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/5/22 3:19 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.n the grading and drainage plan shall provide details of the storm system showing connection to the main system or method of discharge into stream or reservoir, distance to stream outlet, locations and sizes of lift stations, manholes, inlets, junction boxes, and other necessary appurtenances. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/9/24 12:02 AM see sheets 4 & 5 of the plan set for pertinent notes and details. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:21 AM PER OUR CONVERSATIONS WITH CITY ENGINEER AND PRATICAL DIFFICULTIES NOTED PREVIOUSLY FOR THIS PROJECT, STORM INFRASTRUCTURE IS NOT PROPOSED AND VERY LIMITED WATER QUALTY (VEGETATED SWALE) IS NOW PROPOSED. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:22 AM See changemark reference #194 and revise accordingly. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:20 AM same response as before. Due to the practicaly difficulties discussed before, this current plan is our best and only option. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 12:57 AM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. UnResolved 171 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/5/22 3:19 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.o the grading and drainage plan shall include the definition of minimum flood protection grade in accordance with this manual. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:22 AM See sheet 4 , at the top center. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:20 PM This appears on sheet 4 Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 172 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/5/22 3:19 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.q the grading and drainage plan shall include drainage arrows indicating all surface drainage, swales and on each side of every break in swale slopes. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:22 AM See sheet 5 for drainage arrows ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 12:56 AM flow arrows added on sheet 5 Resolved 173 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/5/22 3:19 PM Changemark 102.02.xi.s the grading and drainage plan shall include a typical cross section of pond if not in accordance with standard cross section. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/9/24 12:03 AM Cross section of swale is on sheet 5. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:23 AM POND NOT PROPOSED WITH THIS ITERATION AS NOTED ABOVE ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:23 AM See changemark reference #167 and revise accordingly. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:23 AM Same response, a cross section of out current "basin" appears on sheet 5. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 12:55 AM ponds are no longer a part of the drainage re-design. UnResolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 174 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/5/22 3:19 PM Changemark 102.02.xiii the construction plans shall include detail sheets identifying pertinent details related to the stormwater management system. C010.4 grading and drainage.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/9/24 12:03 AM see sheets 4 & 5 of the plan set for pertinent notes and details. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 9:18 AM DETAILS ARE INCLUDED IN THE SET. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:23 AM See changemark reference #167 and revise accordingly. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:24 AM Approperiate details are in the plan set ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:22 PM pertinent details are provided throughout the plan set. Should additional details be necessary, sheets will then be added. UnResolved 175 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 9:36 AM Changemark 102.03.i.a the stormwater drainage technical report needs to include Existing conditions peak runoff calculations including the runoff curve number calculation, time of concentration calculation, and anticipated âÂ?Â?CâÂ?  values of master planned areas & Rainfall intensity data table. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:25 AM Please see the updated report, requested information is within. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 11:01 AM Existing Conditions runoff results added. Resolved 176 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 9:36 AM Changemark 102.03.i.b the stormwater drainage technical report needs to include Post-developed peak runoff calculations including the runoff curve number calculation, time of concentration calculation, and anticipated âÂ?Â?CâÂ? values of master planned areas. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:25 AM Please see the updated report, requested information is within. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 11:50 AM post developed runoff calculations are provided within the report. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 177 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 9:36 AM Changemark Exfiltration Rate Please provide geotech documentation confirming this exfiltration rate. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/9/24 12:04 AM None will be provided now due to plan changes. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:23 AM EXFILTRATION IS NO LONGER CONSIDERED FOR THIS PROJECT. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:24 AM Exfiltration is currently proposed. A geotechnical report will be required for this site with samples taken along the length/location of the proposed detention facility. See also changemark reference #194 and revise accordingly. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:26 AM same response as before ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 12:48 AM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. Exfiltration is no longer a design element of this project. UnResolved 178 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 9:37 AM Changemark 102.03.i.c.ii the stormwater drainage technical report needs to include in the detention calculations the critical storm discharge routed through pond/outlet structure. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:26 AM ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:29 AM same response as before, Please see the updated report in light of our prior discussions with the City Engineer. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 11:52 AM A drainage re-design has been implamented due to our proir discussion. See updated report and plans. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 179 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 9:37 AM Changemark 102.03.i.c.iii the stormwater drainage technical report needs to include in the detention calculations the critical pond elevations, including top bank and spillway elevations. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:27 AM ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:49 AM Please see the updated ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 11:52 AM A drainage re-design has been implamented due to our proir discussion. See updated report and plans. Resolved 180 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 9:41 AM Changemark detention volume This volume appears to be extraordinarily high given the footprint of the ponds/site. Please review and revise. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:51 AM Yes, the volume has been revised in the current report. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 11:52 AM A drainage re-design has been implamented due to our proir discussion. See updated report and plans. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 181 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 9:47 AM Changemark 102.03.ii. The stormwater drainage technical report needs to include in the summary report the significant drainage problems associated with the project. It does not appear that obtaining positive outflow via storm sewer is unattainable or unnecessarily burdensome provided that previous submittals included storm sewer from the site to existing storm infrastructure west of the site. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:53 AM Due to existing conditions at the ultimate outfall structure, the previously designed system was deem unfeasible by the developer, which lead tothe discussions we had with Justin Moffett and staff last August / September. The site has been through a drainage re-design. Also please note that the detention basin #2 in the previous plan was in direct conflict with other required items, namely tree preservation and has been removed entirely from the drainage scheme. UPDATE! The proposed drainage basin and parking have been relocated 10' EAST, away from the west line and advoiding potential utility conflicts in the 10' strip along the west side of the site. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 12:52 AM Due to existing conditions at the ultimate outfall structure, the previously designed system was deem unfeasible by the developer, which lead tothe discussions we had with Justin Moffett and staff last August / September. The site has been through a drainage re-design. Also please note that the detention basin #2 in the previous plan was in direct conflict with other required items, namely tree preservation and has been removed entirely from the drainage scheme. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 182 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 9:50 AM Changemark 102.03.ii.e the stormwater drainage technical report needs to include in the summary report the proposed design of the drainage control system. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/9/24 12:05 AM review pages 4 and 5 of current report ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:24 AM DRAINAGE REPORT HAS BEEN REVISED TO INCLUDE THIS ITEM ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:50 AM See changemark reference # 194 and revise accordingly. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:54 AM same response as before ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 11:53 AM Summary has been added. UnResolved 183 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 10:41 AM Changemark 302.06.3 No detention facility or other water storage area, permanent or temporary, shall be constructed under or within twenty (20) feet of any pole or high voltage electric line, and poles or high voltage electric lines shall not be placed within twenty (20) feet of any detention facility or other water storage area. These basins also appear to be proposed directly over gas and water facilities. Please provide depth information on these to verify these will not be adversely impacted. These also appear to be in a vacated platted alley, so these facilities may be in an easement. Please confirm. C010.3 site plan.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 9:55 AM Even tho we have relocated the basin and partin 10' to the East we will still need a waiver / variance for this item. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 10:35 PM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 184 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 10:41 AM Changemark 302.06.2 the 100-year elevation of stormwater detention facilities shall be separated by not less than 25 feet from any building or structure to be occupied. C010.3 site plan.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:03 AM UPDATE! with this current re-design, we meet this requirement. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 10:36 PM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. Resolved 185 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 10:41 AM Changemark 302.06.4 all stormwater detention facilities shall be separated from any road right-of- way by no less than fifty (50) feet, measured from the top of bank or the 100-year pool if no defined top of bank is present. Use of guard rails, berms, or other structural measures may be considered in lieu of the above-noted setbacks. C010.3 site plan.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:06 AM Due to the layout of the project, we will need a waiver / variance for this item. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 10:36 PM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 186 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 10:44 AM Changemark 302.06.8 grass or other suitable vegetative cover shall be provided along the banks of the detention storage basin. Vegetative cover around detention facilities should be maintained as provided by restrictive covenants, policy or codes. C010.3 site plan.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 8:26 AM The swales and relater earthworks will be grass covered except for landscaped areas as shown on the landscape plan. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:24 AM NOTED. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:35 AM See changemark reference #194 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:19 AM Temporary & permenant seeding is intended for all pervious areas as noted on the SWPPP. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 10:38 PM temporary & permenant seeding is intended for all pervious areas as noted on the SWPPP. UnResolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 187 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 10:45 AM Changemark 302.06.10 a minimum of fifteen (15) feet horizontally from the top of bank of the facility, or the 100-year pool if no defined top of bank is present, shall be dedicated as permanent stormwater easement if the above-noted boundary of the common area does not extend that far. C010.3 site plan.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 8:55 AM The proposed BMPE has been expanded and updated throughout plans, PP & SP drawings. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:24 AM N/A DUE TO REASONS CITED ABOVE ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:57 AM All required easements will need to be included on the secondary plat. Please review and revise accordingly. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:15 AM An easement will be provided over the western 38' of the property for this purpose. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 10:37 PM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. UnResolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 188 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 10:45 AM Changemark 302.06.11 detention basins shall be designed with an additional ten (10) percent of available capacity to allow for sediment accumulation resulting from development and to permit the pond to function for reasonable periods between cleanings. Basins should be designed to collect sediment and debris in specific locations, such as a forebay, so that removal costs are kept to a minimum. For wet-bottom ponds, the sediment allowance may be provided below the permanent pool elevation. No construction trash or debris shall be allowed to be placed within the permanent pool. If the pond is used as a sediment control measure during active construction, the performance sureties will not be released until sediment has been cleaned out of the pond and elevations and grades have been re-established as noted in the accepted plans. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/9/24 12:11 AM swale capacity is noted on sheets 4 & 5 of the revised report. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:24 AM N/A DUE TO REASONS CITED ABOVE ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:50 AM See changemark reference # 194 and revise accordingly. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:20 AM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:25 PM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. UnResolved 190 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 10:50 AM Changemark 302.11 Emergency overflow facilities such as a weir or spillway shall be provided for the release of exceptional storm runoff or in emergency conditions should the normal discharge devices become totally or partially inoperative. The overflow facility shall be of such design that its operation is automatic and does not require manual attention. Emergency overflow facilities shall be designed to convey, without overtopping the detention facility banks, one and one-quarter (1.25) times the peak inflow discharge and peak flow velocity resulting from the 100-year design storm event runoff from the entire contributing watershed draining to the detention/retention facility, assuming post-development condition on-site and existing condition off- site. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:51 AM ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:21 AM Weir calculations have been provided with the newly revised design.....no waiver or variance is required. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:25 PM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 191 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 11:09 AM Changemark 303.07 ponding and overflow path throughout the development resulting from a 100-year storm event or from a flood route of an internal detention pond or off-site development or watershed, calculated based on all contributing drainage areas, on-site and off-site, in their proposed or reasonably anticipated land use and with the storm pipe system assumed completely plugged, shall be determined, clearly shown as hatched area on the plans, and a minimum width of 30 feet along the centerline of the overflow path contained in permanent drainage easements and shall remain within the limits of the development (shall not encroach onto adjacent properties). C010.10 emergency route.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:22 AM sufficient routing and easements are provided for in this revision. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:25 PM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. Resolved 192 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 11:09 AM Changemark 303.07 There do not appear to be any grading features that would direct water to flow the path as indicated. There are also no curb cuts or turnouts for water to enter into the detention basins. C010.10 emergency route.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:24 AM UPDATE! The western edge is now curbed per design and curb cuts are indicated at the inside corners of the landscape island. See Sheet 4 for applicable notes. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 10:43 PM depress curb along the west perimiter of the parking lot is proposed with an updated detail shown on sheet 5 of 10 providing un unobstructed flow path into the pervious areas. also note, the detentin basin between the buildings has now been revoved from the plan set and the lawn are between buildings will drain via side yard swale simular to a typical residential situation. Resolved 193 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 11:10 AM Changemark 302.12 Design and construction of the stormwater facility shall provide for the discharge of the stormwater runoff from off-site land areas as well as the stormwater from the area being developed (on-site land areas) to an acceptable outlet(s) (as determined by the City of Carmel) having capacity to receive upstream (off-site) and on-site drainage. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:29 AM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A waiver / variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:25 PM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 194 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 11:10 AM Changemark 701.01 The City of Carmel requires that all water leaving a site shall be treated by a stormwater quality management system consisting of a minimum of two different BMPs. This is intended to require two separate for all runoff leaving the site. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 9:43 AM native seeding requirements havebeen added to the proposed swale on the SWPPP. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:25 AM N/A DUE TO REASONS CITED ABOVE ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:39 AM To be utilized as a single stormwater quality BMP, the detention facility will be required to meet the requirements of PC-101, BIORETENTION FACILITY. The current design (11:1) exceeds the recommended length to width ratio of 2:1, and the current ponding depth (1.34 feet) exceeds the recommended ponding depth of 6 inches (12 inches if underdrain is proposed). A geotechnical report to confirm exfiltration rates proposed, an underdrain with an adequate outlet will be required if exfiltration rates are less than 0.5 in/hr (currently 0.2 in/hr)), planting soils will be required to meet the design criteria, plantings (2-3 to 1 ratio shrubs to trees) and calculations to confirm standing water does not exceed 4 days will be required. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:30 AM A waiver to allow the use of 1 system (the vegetated basin & sideyards) is still required for thsi project. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:26 PM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. A variance is requested from this requirement due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff. Every reasonable effort to provide some kind of vegetated filtration system has been made. UnResolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 195 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 11:13 AM Changemark Voids Please clarify where the 40% void areas are located within the retention basins. MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:31 AM This is no linger a part of this project. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/4/23 11:27 PM The site has gone through a drainage re-design. Due to practical site constraints previously discussed with planning and engineering staff, all underground facilities have been eleminated. Resolved 196 4 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 8/8/22 11:14 AM Changemark 701 Please provide required WQ calculations MATRIARCH Drainage Report.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/9/24 12:15 AM see sheet 5 under "Stormwater Quality" ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:28 AM WQ CALCULATIONS ARE ADDED ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Willie Hall - 2/23/24 8:53 AM See changemark reference 194 and revise accordingly. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:31 AM Calculation are provided in report ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 10/5/23 1:42 PM Calculation provided in report UnResolved 197 5 Carmel Water Operations Steve Cook 10/20/23 8:30 AM Changemark Changemark note #01 please contact for an in person review for water utilities Steve Cook 317-733- 2849 scook@carmel.in.gov C010.3 site plan.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 11/3/23 11:07 AM Contacted Steve for appointment on 11/3/23 awaiting for his reply. Update! since this time the develoer has decided NOT to construct the previously proposed building. Instead we are now showing a generic 50x80 structure (use and water requirements TBD with a future owner/tenant). Now we are simply requesting a service line and meter as shown in the updated plan set. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 198 5 Engineering Alex Jordan 10/24/23 10:19 AM Changemark I will take these to the City Engineer to determine if these are something he will support Typically we do not support waivers from entire chapters of the standards, specifically the detention requirements. We will take these to the City Engineer and discuss if they are something that he is willing to support and place on the Board of Public Works agenda (who will also need to support the waivers). VARIANCE REQUEST-Matriarch Center.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 10:57 AM A revised, more limited request, based on these comments has been included with this submission. Resolved 199 5 Engineering Alex Jordan 10/24/23 10:46 AM Changemark Please provide a cross-section for the detention basin REVISED Notarized O & M 09252023.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 10:28 AM CROSS SECTION ADDED TO O & M ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 4/30/24 9:09 AM Please see our latest comment on the O&M with all items that need to be provided. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 2/14/24 11:34 AM The cross-section does not appear to have been added to the O&M. Please include in the next submittal. Resolved 200 5 Engineering Alex Jordan 10/24/23 10:46 AM Changemark We only allow dry detention to count as a BMP if native plantings are provided in the bottom of the basin REVISED Notarized O & M 09252023.pdf Info Only 201 5 Engineering Alex Jordan 10/24/23 10:47 AM Changemark This disturbance limit does not match the one provided in the drainage report Final Revised Civil Set - Matriarch Center 09252023.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 1:03 PM PLAN AND REPORTS ARE NOW UPDATED AND MATCH Resolved 202 5 Engineering Alex Jordan 10/24/23 10:47 AM Changemark A SWPPP narrative in the IDEM A/B/C format will need to be provided Final Revised Civil Set - Matriarch Center 09252023.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 1:03 PM SHEET ADDED AS REQUESTED. Resolved 203 5 Engineering Alex Jordan 10/24/23 10:50 AM Comment Please ensure that the next set of plans and drainage report exclude any items from the previous designs for this project. Please also look for an email from us with the City Engineer's determination on the requested waivers. Responded by: Doug Hall - 1/30/24 1:03 PM REPORT IS NOT UPDATED Info Only 204 5 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 10/24/23 1:02 PM Comment Drainage review on hold pending resolution to Ref.# 198-203. Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 205 6 Carmel Water Operations Steve Cook 2/8/24 2:46 PM Changemark Changemark note #01 we will need to review and approve water design. sizes fireline etc. for the new building C010.3 site plan.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 8:10 AM Future water design will be submitted with the eventual site plan once the occupant needs and building design has been determined. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:15 AM NOTED, NEW BUILDING DESIGN AND OCCUPANT TBD Resolved 206 6 Engineering Alex Jordan 2/14/24 2:04 PM Changemark Why are these not discharging at the toe of slope at 823? Is there a need to have this pipe below the basin and bubble up? These pipes will hold permanently as currently designed. 5.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:56 AM THESE DISCHARGE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SWALE, WHICH IS NOW 4' WIDE. THE PIPES HAVE BEEN RAISED AND SLOPED CHANGED TO RELY ON HEAD PRESSURE FROM THE ROOFS TO PUSH WATER MORE EFFECTIVLY. AS TO STANDING WATER IN THE PIPE, THE PVC IS NOW REPLACES WITH DUAL WALLED SSD. Info Only 207 6 Engineering Alex Jordan 2/14/24 2:04 PM Changemark As currently designed, this pond will hold approximately 1.3' of water How will the detention facility drain and provide storage for future rain events? 5.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:56 AM POND CHANGED TO A SWALE DUE TO ISSUES PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSED WITH THE CITY AND ABOVE Resolved 208 6 Engineering Alex Jordan 2/14/24 2:05 PM Changemark Please clarify is this is the correct release rate Revised Drainage Report 012524.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 10:30 AM That was a typo. The correct rate is 2.01 CFS, report has been revised. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 4/30/24 9:14 AM Please provide a response with the next submittal. Resolved 209 6 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 2/16/24 2:10 PM Changemark Parking lot landscaping After talking with staff, please provide trees and shrubs for landscaping improvements. Appropriate arborvitae would be a good choice along the western part of the parking lot on the 1.25' tall berm. Columnar English oak trees would be good for the landscape islands with shrubs. 4.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/7/24 11:31 AM OTDG is working on the Landscape plan and will submit separately ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 9:59 AM AN UPDATED PLAN IS IN THE WORKS AND WILL BE SUBMITTED SHORTLY UnResolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 210 6 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 2/16/24 2:10 PM Changemark foundation plantings Please show the foundation plantings around the existing building. These plants maybe existing or new but should be the expectation for the shrubs around the foundation for landscaping. 4.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/7/24 11:31 AM OTDG is working on the Landscape plan and will submit separately ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 10:00 AM AN UPDATED PLAN IS IN THE WORKS AND WILL BE SUBMITTED SHORTLY UnResolved 211 6 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 2/16/24 2:10 PM Changemark future building The landscaping around the future building can be planned for a future date. 4.pdf Info Only 212 6 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 2/16/24 2:10 PM Changemark plan names The city planners recommend making plan names the same names as Rebecca did back in 2022 so they can be versioned. 4.pdf Info Only 213 6 Urban Forestry Daren Mindham 2/16/24 2:35 PM Changemark note trees being preserved I am having a hard time distinguishing what trees are staying, and which ones are getting removed. Can you specifically label the trees to be preserved? If the hatched canopies are getting demo'ed can there be a legend with that notation? The fencing should be between those trees and the construction. 3.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 10:14 AM NOTES HAVE BEEN REVISED TO CALL OUT DEMO ITEMS IN CROSS HATCHED AREA. Resolved 214 6 Engineering Alex Jordan 2/21/24 2:00 PM Comment We have been informed by the City Engineer that, following a conversation with the owner, that the site design with be re-evaluated and revised documents will be resubmitted. Before submitting, please schedule a meeting with our department and Crossroad Engineers to discuss the plans and address any immediate concerns prior to submittal. Reviewer Response: Alex Jordan - 4/30/24 9:11 AM No meeting was scheduled with department staff prior to this submittal. Info Only 215 6 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 2/23/24 9:20 AM Changemark Outlet/Overflow detail See changemark reference # 167. A cross section parallel to the length of the detention facility and through and including the existing/proposed grades for the curb/pavement will need to be provided to confirm the design of this outlet. If this item remains, a Neenah R-4999-HX frame with a bolted Type D casting (if drainage through the casting is not required) or a bolted Type Q (ADA compliant) grate if drainage through the grate is recommended. This will provide the 24-inch opening under/through the walk. Please review and revise accordingly. 5.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/9/24 12:23 AM A parallel cross section and casting details are added to sheet 5a of the plan set. ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 9:41 AM CASTING & TYPE Q GRATE NOW CALLED OUT. UnResolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 216 6 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 2/23/24 9:20 AM Changemark 302.06.5, 302.08.3 General detention basin design (302.06.5) requires slopes no steeper than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical (3:1) for safety, erosion control, stability, and ease of maintenance. In excavated dry-bottom detention facilities (302.08.3), a minimum side slope of 3:1 shall be provided for stability. Please confirm the side slopes provided, as it appears (scaling) that the side slopes are 2:1, which exceed the allowable slope requirements. 5.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 9:44 AM swale side lopes are still 3:1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:30 AM SWALE SIDE SLPOES ARE 3:1 UnResolved 217 6 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 2/23/24 9:20 AM Changemark 302.08.1 Provisions shall be incorporated into facilities for complete interior drainage of dry bottom facilities, including a minimum 1% bottom slope in all directions if tile underdrains are provided and a minimum of 2% if no underdrains are provided. A positive/gravity outlet is required for the underdrains in all dry-bottom detention facilities. Please review and revise. 5.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 9:45 AM same answer as before ---------------------------------------------------------- Responded by: Doug Hall - 4/15/24 8:32 AM NO UNDERDRAINAGE ARE PROPOSED OR POSSIBLE WITH THIS SITE DUE TO REASONS ALREADY DISCUSSED. sITE GRADING WILL NOT ALLOW FOR 2% SLOPES AND WE ACHIEVE A 1% SLOPE TO THE NORTH AND 0.67% SLOPE TO THE SOUTH IN THIS LATEST ITERATION. UnResolved 218 7 Engineering Alex Jordan 4/30/24 9:58 AM Changemark A thoroughfare contribution will need to be made in lieu of providing detention Per conversation with the City Engineer, the projects waiver request will be approved with the condition that a thoroughfare contribution be made in lieu of providing detention. A $6,000 contribution will need to be made for all three lots for a total of $18,000. 5.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 10:32 AM Client has been made aware of this requirement. Info Only 219 7 Engineering Alex Jordan 4/30/24 10:04 AM Changemark This will need to be planted with native vegetation in order to count towards our water quality requirement Please show native vegetation in the swale in order to satisfy our water quality requirement. The following will need to be included in the plan set and O&M manual: - a planting list for the native vegetation - limits/hatching of the native vegetation shown on the plans and O&M site map - the limits of the native vegetation shown on the basin cross-section - "No Mow, No Spray" protective signage along the limits of the vegetation and a detail - location of the protective signage shown on the plans, O&M site map, and the basin cross-section 5.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 10:37 AM native plantings are now incorporated as requested. Resolved Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 220 7 CrossRoad Engineers Willie Hall 4/30/24 4:18 PM Comment As not all drainage comments have been adequately addressed to meet the intent of the Stormwater Ordinance, our office will not grant approval for this project. At the direction of the Engineering department, we will designate this project as "No Comments" to expedite its progress without further delay stemming from drainage review. Info Only 221 7 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/1/24 9:17 AM Changemark This will need to be revised to reflect the requested native vegetation REVISED Notarized O & M 09252023.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 10:45 AM revised as requested Resolved 222 7 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/1/24 9:17 AM Changemark Please revise this section to mention the native vegetation requested in the swale REVISED Notarized O & M 09252023.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 10:45 AM revised as requested Resolved 223 7 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/1/24 9:17 AM Changemark Please show the following on the site map - a legend item for the native vegetation hatching - the location of the "no mow. no spray" signage - the outlet/curb overflow - the BMP easement location REVISED Notarized O & M 09252023.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 11:03 AM map is revised as requested Resolved 224 7 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/1/24 9:17 AM Changemark Please revise this section to include maintenance and mowing guidelines for the native vegetation REVISED Notarized O & M 09252023.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 11:07 AM this area has been revised as requested. Resolved 225 7 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/1/24 9:19 AM Changemark Please include a line item for the native vegetation in this checklist REVISED Notarized O & M 09252023.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 11:12 AM line item has been added/revised Resolved 226 7 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/1/24 9:20 AM Changemark Please add the following details/information - the native vegetation planting list - a detail for the "no mow, no spray" signage - a cross-section of the swale with the limits of the native vegetation and location of the protective signage shown on it REVISED Notarized O & M 09252023.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/10/24 11:28 AM details added to end of O & M as requested. Resolved 227 7 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/1/24 9:23 AM Changemark Rip rap is not shown in this locations on the erosion control plan Please show the rip rap that is called out here on the the erosion control plan and any other necessary sheets. 4.pdf Responded by: Doug Hall - 5/7/24 11:47 AM RIPRAP HAS BEEN ADDED TO ALL PLAN SHEETS AS NECESSARY Resolved 228 7 Transportation Systems David Littlejohn 5/2/24 1:53 PM Comment Please ensure that all Transportation Systems comments for this project will be addressed when the site plan for this site is submitted for review/approval in the future. Info Only Plan Review - Review Comments Report Project Name: PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS - Matriarch Birth Center Workflow Started: 10/19/2021 3:52:24 PM Report Generated: 05/15/2024 11:00 AM REF #CYCLE REVIEWED BY TYPE FILENAME DISCUSSION STATUS 229 8 Engineering Alex Jordan 5/13/24 1:05 PM Comment We have no further comments on the plans. Before a stormwater management permit can be issued, the following items will need to be submitted: 1. A signed and recorded O&M manual 2. An erosion control engineers estimate 3. A non-expiring performance bond for 100% of the approved erosion control engineers estimate 4. A right-of-way improvement engineers estimate 5. A non-expiring performance bond for 100% of the approved right-of-way improvement estimate 6. A right-of-way permit application and $5,000 license and permit bond 7. A check for the approved Thoroughfare contribution amount made out to the City of Carmel UnResolved TREE PRESERVATION DETAIL Drip Line. Minimum 4 foot chain link or high visibility plastic mesh fence. Metal fence post. Drip Line. Existing grade. GUIDELINES 1. Erect fence barriers around all “saved” trees near the construction activity. 2. Fence multiple trees together when possible. 3. Fence barriers shall be placed outside the drip line and as far from the tree as construction permits. 4. Fence posts shall be placed no further than 15 feet apart. 5. No staging of material or grading shall occur within the fenced tree preservation area. DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL Remove trunk wrap if necessary. Remove all wire baskets, twine and burlap. Before tree is in the hole, remove bottom of basket cutting horizontally. After tree is in the hole, remove rest of basket cutting vertically. Backfill using existing soil. Water thoroughly to eliminate air pockets. Add 1-2 inches of hardwood mulch. Keep mulch 3 inches from trunk. Remove tags and labels. Prune only dead or broken branches or double leaders. Stake tree if necessary. Remove excess soil to locate and expose root flare. Root flare should be 1-2 inches above finish grade. Finish grade. 1 1/2 - 2 TIMES BALL DIAMETER LEAVE SOIL UNDER ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED TO HELP SUPPORT IT AND REDUCE SETTLING. SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL 1 1/2 - 2 TIMES BALL DIAMETER LEAVE SOIL UNDER ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED TO HELP SUPPORT IT AND REDUCE SETTLING. Remove any container or twine and burlap. Backfill using existing soil. Water thoroughly to eliminate air pockets. Add 1-2 inches of hardwood mulch. Keep mulch 3 inches from trunk. Remove tags and labels. Prune only dead or broken branches or double leaders. Remove excess soil to locate and expose root flare. Root flare should be 1-2 inches above finish grade. Finish grade. To: rkeesling@carmel.in.gov Subject: Parking at Matriarch, PZ-2021-00195 DP ADLS Attachments: SPP010.3.pdf Rachel, Everything is uploaded. There are more spaces available than I had originally noted on the application, so I believe with the 50% reduction in the OT Overlay zone, we should still be okay. I anticipate that there may be some adjustments to what you see here, for example, a tree lawn. I look forward to your feedback. Rebecca McGuckin | Community Collaborator Old Town Companies 31 1st St. SW | Carmel, IN 46032 C 317.496.7160 | T 317.660.4442 www.oldtowncompanies.com RE: Matriarch Center 520 North Rangeline Rd From: Jordan, Alex (ajordan@carmel.in.gov) To: alandsurveyor@yahoo.com; jkashman@carmel.in.gov; dlittlejohn@carmel.in.gov Cc: justin@oldtowndesigngroup.com;jthomas@carmel.in.gov Date: Monday, April 18, 2022 at 01:41 PM EDT Doug, We have discussed this with Jeremy and he is ok with waiving these requirements for this project. Sincerely, Alex Jordan Plan Review Coordinator City of Carmel Engineering Department (317)571-2305 ajordan@carmel.in.gov From: James Hall <alandsurveyor@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 11:49 AM To: Kashman, Jeremy M <jkashman@carmel.in.gov>; Littlejohn, David W <dlittlejohn@carmel.in.gov>; Jordan, Alex <ajordan@carmel.in.gov> Cc: Justin Moffett <justin@oldtowndesigngroup.com> Subject: Matriarch Center 520 North Rangeline Rd All, First off, I have to apologize for this late email concerning the Right -of -Way and Transportation plan requests for this project. I spend several weeks ill in February and March, now I'm in a rush to get this project over the finish line. As to those items, honestly, unless City of Carmel eliminates the OT overlay zone, I do not ever foresee a 76' right-of-way on Range Line or a 56' on any side street happening. It seems to me that these are wholly incompatible with the OT overlay zone, and I have not witnessed any of these works between 1st Street & Smoky Row so far. What consideration will the Departments / City of Carmel require in lieu of these requirements? Respectfully, Doug Hall, LS JD HALL LAND SURVEYING, IVOSB 803 South Ohio Street Sheridan, Indiana 46069 Ph: 317-696-3594 Fx: 317-758-5510 See our Facebook page for photos & recent project information This disk or electronic file (hereinafter referred to collectively as "data') is an actual reproduction of information contained in JD HALL LAND SURVEYING's computer. Because another party other than JD HALL LAND SURVEYING can alter the data, JD HALL LAND SURVEYING is not responsible for any alterations to the data after it is given to the receiving party. Furthermore, JD HALL LAND SURVEYING is not responsible for any data that may become outdated with time and is only responsible for the data as it pertains to the circumstances of the project listed below. The receiving party also agrees that the data is confidential and all data will only be used for the contemplated purpose between JD HALL LAND SURVEYING and the receiving party. The receiving party agrees the data will not be copied, duplicated, or disclosed to any third party_Specific permission must be obtained by a third party from JD HALL LAND SURVEYING, in writing, if that third party wishes to request a copy of these files. CITY OF CARMEL STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) REQUIREMENTS SWPPP for Construction Sites: 1. 14 Digit Watershed Hydrologic Unit Code 2. Name of all receiving waters If the discharge is to a municipal separate storm sewer, identify the ultimate receiving water 3. Estimate of peak discharge for post construction conditions (10-year) 4. Locations of specific points where stormwater discharge will leave the site. 5. Locations where stormwater may be directly discharged into groundwater, such as abandoned wells or sinkholes 6. Soils map of the predominant soil types including: a. Soil legend with descriptions of each soil type b. Brief description of how the site has accommodated the existing soil limitations 7. Description of potential pollutant sources associated with the construction activities 8. Temporary and permanent stormwater quality measures: a. Location b. Dimensions c. Detailed specifications d. Construction details e. Monitoring and maintenance guidelines 9. General construction sequence Each plan should contain multiple stormwater pollution prevention measures. All measures will not be installed at the same time. Various measures will be installed at different times throughout the construction process. Some will be installed prior to land disturbance, and others may not be installed until work at the site progresses to an area where they are necessary. Each proposed measure should be identified in the sequence as to when it is to be installed in relation to the land disturbing activities. 10. Location of proposed soil stockpiles, borrow, and/or disposal areas These areas shall be included as part of the plans whether they occur on or off site. 11. Temporary and Permanent surface stabilization methods appropriate for each season Provide application rates for soil amendments and seed mixtures, as well as, the type and application rate for mulch. 12. Erosion and sediment control specifications for individual building lots 13. Material handling, storage, and spill prevention plan a. List of expected materials that may be present on the site during construction operations b. Written description of how these materials will be handled to minimize the potential of entering the storm sewer system c. Procedures for the contractor to take if any spills occur during construction. 14. Contact information for the trained individual responsible for stormwater pollution prevention for the project site a. Name b. Address c. Telephone number d. E-mail address e. List of qualifications 15. Current revision date on all sheets Revised 3/5/07 CITY OF CARMEL STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) REQUIREMENTS SWPPP for Post-Construction: 1. Description of potential pollutant sources associated with the proposed land use. 2. Post-construction stormwater quality measures: a. Location b. Dimensions c. Sizing calculations d. Detailed specifications e. Construction details 3. Sequence describing stormwater quality measure implementation Description of when the proposed post construction stormwater quality measures will be installed in relation to the general construction sequence. 4. Stormwater quality measures to be implemented to prevent or minimize adverse impacts to stream and riparian habitats 5. An operation and maintenance manual for all post-construction stormwater quality measures: a. A brief description of what a water quality BMP is and does. b. Contact information for the BMP owner i. Name ii. Address iii. Telephone number iv. E-mail address c. A statement that the BMP owner is responsible for all maintenance and costs associated with the BMPs d. A right-of-entry statement allowing the City of Carmel to inspect and maintain the BMP as necessary e. A description of each BMP f. Specific actions to be taken regarding routine maintenance, remedial maintenance, and sediment/pollutant removal: i. Sediment/pollutant removal procedures should be explained in both narrative and graphical forms. ii. Guidance on routine maintenance, such as mowing, litter removal, woody growth removal, etc. iii. Guidance on remedial maintenance, such as inlet replacement, outlet work, etc. iv. A tabular schedule should be provided listing all maintenance activities and dates for performing the these required activities v. Who will actually be charged with maintaining the BMPs (maintenance staff, waste disposal company, etc.) g. Site drawings showing: i. Locations of the BMPs ii. Locations of the access easements to maintain the BMPs iii. Locations of the points of discharge for stormwater treated by the BMPs iv. Cross sections of BMP features h. Requirements regarding the submittal of annual inspection reports to the City of Carmel Engineering Department. The first report is due one year after construction is completed, with subsequent reports due each year within the same month of the initial report. If there are any deficiencies found during the inspection, these should be addressed. If the inspection report is not received within the month it is due, if there are deficiencies which were not included in the report, or if any deficiencies included in the report are not addressed in a timely manner, the BMP owner faces enforcement action from the City. Revised 3/5/07 Owner Acknowledgement Agreement (“Agreement”) For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the undersigned owner (“Owner”) hereby submits this Operation and Maintenance Manual (“Manual”) to the City of Carmel, Indiana (“City”) as a written acknowledgement of Owner’s warranty and agreement to institute, maintain, and follow the water quality Best Management Practices (“BMPs”) listed below, and to follow and abide by the inspection schedule and maintenance activities listed in this Manual. The Owner also hereby agrees to provide, at Owner’s cost, all additional maintenance, repair, and/or replacement services reasonably necessary to maintain the function and longevity of the BMPs from and including the date this Agreement is executed by Owner to and including the date on which a new Agreement is filed with the City by another party who assumes all of the obligations and responsibilities of Owner as set forth herein. BMPs: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________ Owner Signature Date _______________________________ ______________________________ Printed Name Company STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared _________________________________ Owner subscribed and sworn before this ____ day of __________________, ________. ______________________________ ______________________________ County of Residence Signature ______________________________ Commission Expiration Date ______________________________ Printed Name Rev. G Date: 8/20 Document No. BF-975XL Product No. Model 975XL Model 975XL Reduced Pressure Principle Assembly Page 1 of 2 Zurn Industries, LLC | Wilkins 1747 Commerce Way, Paso Robles, CA U.S.A. 93446 Ph. 855-663-9876, Fax 805-238-5766 In Canada | Zurn Industries Limited 7900 Goreway Drive, Unit 10, Brampton, Ontario L6T 5W6, 877-892-5216 www.zurn.com AB G CD F E Options (Suffixes can be combined)  -with full port QT ball valves (standard)  L - less ball valves, male pipe thread  U - with union ball valves (3/4" & 1")  S - with bronze "Y" type strainer  FDC - with fire hydrant connection; 2" only  FT - with integral male 45° flare SAE test fitting  TCU - with test cocks up  SE - with street elbows (3/4" & 1") Accessories  Air gap (Model AG)  Repair kits  Thermal expansion tank (Mdl. XT)  Soft seated check valve (Model 40XL2)  Shock arrester (Model 1260XL)  QT-SET Quick Test Fitting Set Application Designed for installation on water lines to protect against both backsiphonage and backpressure of contaminated water into the potable water supply. Assembly shall provide protection where a potential health hazard exists. For non-potable applications only. Standards Compliance •ASSE® Listed 1013 •IAPMO® Listed •UL® Classified (less shut-off valves or with OS&Y valves •C-UL® Classified •CSA® Certified B64.4 •AWWA compliant C511 •Approved by the Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California •NYC MEA 425-89-M VOL 3 Materials Main valve body Cast Bronze ASTM B 584 Access covers Cast Bronze ASTM B 584 Fasteners Stainless Steel, 300 Series Elastomers Silicone Buna Nitrile Polymers Noryl™ Springs Stainless Steel, 300 series Features Sizes: 3/4", 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2", 2" Maximum working water pressure 175 PSI Maximum working water temperature 180°F Hydrostatic test pressure 350 PSI End connections Threaded ANSI B1.20.1 Relief Valve discharge port: 3/4” - 1” - 0.63 sq. in. 1 1/4” - 2” - 1.19 sq. in. Dimensions & Weights (do not include pkg.) MODEL 975XL SIZE DIMENSIONS (approximate) A B C D E F G WITH BALL VALVES in.mm in.mm in.mm in.mm in.mm in.mm in.mm in.mm lbs.kg 3/4 20 12 305 7 3/4 197 2 1/8 54 3 76 3 1/2 89 5 127 16 1/8 410 12 5.5 1 25 13 330 7 3/4 197 2 1/8 54 3 76 3 1/2 89 5 127 17 3/8 441 14 6.4 1 1/4 32 17 432 10 15/16 278 2 3/4 70 3 1/2 89 5 127 6 3/4 171 22 9/16 573 28 12.7 1 1/2 40 17 3/8 441 10 15/16 278 2 3/4 70 3 1/2 89 5 127 6 3/4 171 24 1/16 611 28 12.7 2 50 18 1/2 470 10 15/16 278 2 3/4 70 3 1/2 89 5 127 6 3/4 171 26 1/2 673 34 15.4 ⃟ Rated Flow (established by approval agencies)Flow Characteristics Page 2 of 2 Zurn Industries, LLC | Wilkins 1747 Commerce Way, Paso Robles, CA U.S.A. 93446 Ph. 855-663-9876, Fax 805-238-5766 In Canada | Zurn Industries Limited 7900 Goreway Drive, Unit 10, Brampton, Ontario L6T 5W6, 877-892-5216 www.zurn.com Typical Installation Local codes shall govern installation requirements. To be installed in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions and the latest edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code. Unless otherwise specified, the assembly shall be mounted at a mini- mum of 12” (305mm) and a maximum of 30” (762mm) above adequate drains with sufficient side clearance for testing and maintenance. The installation shall be made so that no part of the unit can be submerged. OUTDOOR INSTALLATIONINDOOR INSTALLATION Specifications The Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventer shall be shall be ASSE® Listed 1013, rated to 180°F, and supplied with full port ball valves. The main body and access covers shall be bronze (ASTM B 584), the seat ring and all internal polymers shall be Noryl™ and the seat disc elastomers shall be silicone. The first and second checks shall be accessible for maintenance without removing the relief valve or the entire device from the line. If installed indoors, the installation shall be supplied with an air gap adapter. For use in non-potable applications only. The Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventer shall be a ZURN WILKINS Model 975XL. Capacity thru Schedule 40 Pipe Pipe size 5 ft/sec 7.5 ft/sec 10 ft/sec 15 ft/sec 1/8"1 1 2 3 1/4"2 2 3 5 3/8"3 4 6 9 1/2"5 7 9 14 3/4"8 12 17 25 1"13 20 27 40 1 1/4"23 35 47 70 1 1/2"32 48 63 95 2"52 78 105 167 AIR GAP FITTING 12" MIN. 30" MAX. FLOOR DRAIN DIRECTION OF FLOW FLOOR 975XLWILKINS ZURN12" MIN 30" MAX PROTECTIVE ENCLOSURE OPTIONAL WATER METER INLET SHUT-OFF AIR GAP DRAIN DIRECTION OF FLOW975XLWILKINS ZURN WILKINS 0 20 40 60 805 10 15 20 0 50 100 150 200 2505 10 15 20 Rated Flow (Established by approval agencies) FLOW RAT ES (GPM)PRESSURE LOSS (PSIG) 69 PRESSURE LOSS (kpa) FLOW RAT ES (l/s) MODEL 975XL 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2" & 2" (STANDARD & METRIC) 35 3/4" (20mm)1" (25mm)1 1/4" (32mm) 2" (50mm)103 15.812. 1 1/2” (40mm) 137 (PROVIDED BY OTHERS)