HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-283 Sewer Budget 1981AN ORDINANCE BUDGETING EXPENDITURES FORM THE CITY SEWAGE OPERATING AND DEPRECIATION WHEREAS, the Comaon Council of the City of Carmel is desireous of exercising it's statutary authority pursuant to IC 8-1-2-100 to request the Board of P~blic Works of the City of Carmel to "submit a budget of its financial needs for the ensuing year to be set out in such detail as the municipal council may direct"; and WHIPdEAS, the Conmon Council of the City of Carmel hereby proclRims that the submission of a comprehensive budget by the Board of Works to the Con, ton Council for review and adoption greatly facilitates~ the Council's~annual budgetary review amd appropriation process; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Con, on Council of the City of Carmel that; for the expenses of the City Sewage Operating and Depreciation Funds for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1981, the following sums of money are hereby appropriated and omdered set apart out of the funds herein named and for the purposes herein specified. Such sums herein appropriated shall be held to include all expenditures authorized to be made during the year unless otherwise stipulated. Transfers from one classification to another and additional appropriations may be made only by resolution of this Council at any regular public meeting. Be it further ordained that monies shsll be transferred from the Sewem Operating Fund to the Sewer Depreciation F~nd in amounts necessary to make provision for the current year depreciation expenditures. Budget by accounts 220 Notes Payable Collection System 701 702 703 705 706 Operation Supervision g Engineering Operation Labor Operation Supplies $ Enpenses g Uniforms Maintenance of Sewer Lines Vehicle Repairs, Gasoline & Expenditures 5,348.00 Total 5,348.00 Total 44,297.00 32,092.00 5,310.00 13,500.00 14,805.00 110,004.00 Wastewater Pumping 721 ?22 ?25 727 728 728.1 Operation Supervisor & Engineering Pumping Station Labor Pumping Station "Lift" Supplies Maintenance of "Lift" Structure Maintenance of Lift Station Equipment Maintenance of Equipment Total 13,944.00 17~124.00 1,100.00 500.00 3~000.00 1,$00.00 37,168.00 Wastew~terTreatment 740 741.1 741.2 Rents - Sludge Disposal Land Operation Supervision - North Plant Operation Supervision - South Plant 2,500.00 24,016.00 38~578.00 Page -2- Ordinance User's Accounting & Collection 78O 781 782 782.1 783 Supervision Meter Reading $ Collection $ Uniforms User's Billing $ Accounting Computer Billing Miscellaneous Expenses Total $ 1,250.00 14,323.00 27:001.00 17,810.00 600.00 60,984.00 Administrative g General 790 791 792 792.1 793 795 796 798 800 801 802 8O5 807 Salamies of General Officials Other General Office Salaries Expense of General Office Employees Training $ Education General Office Supplies g Expense Special Services - Engineering Fee Legal Services Insll~ance Employee's Welfare & Pension Expense Miscellaneous General Expense Maintenance of General t>roper~y Miscellaneous Charges Joint Expenses - Regional Board Total Taxes 507.1 Social Sect~eity Taxes 507.2 Unemployment Taxes Total 5O3 53O Depreciation Expense -- $120,000.00 (Clerk) ~ ~ ~ .-: $%9~,00p~00 (McCollough) (Not To me ~ncmuae~in Interest On long Term Debt -- $45,000.00 (Not To Be Included in Total) · TOTAL OPERATION, REPAIR $ MAINTENANCE 26,576.00 6,231.00 500.00 489.00 7,514.00 16,795.00 5,327~00 22,000.00 26,468.00 400.00 3,200.00 500.00 42400.00 130,400.00 13,404.00 62006.00 18,410.00 847,942.00 SEWER DEPRECIATION FUND Budget By Accounts 314 314 314.2 323 323 General Wastewater Structure North Plant Bridge Repair 1/2 of New Shop Pomp for Sieve Room (Vortex Type) Truck load Pump $ 2,000.00 42000.00 10,000.00 3,500.00 5,000.00 Cut Page -3- Ordinance # DEPRECIATION FUND - (Continued) 323 Lab Equipment $ 500.00 323 Auger System- North Plant 1,500.00 323 Non-Potable Water - Tap American Agg. 4,000.00 323 Sample Pumps g Pits for Ray, Primary, Aeration, and Final (4 P0~ps @ $250) (4 Pits @ $175) 324.1 Office Equipment & Machines 324.2 10 HP, Vert., 2-Stage, 4 Sylinder, Vert. Air Compressor and Tank ASME 2,000.00 324.2 Welder - AC/DC, Gas Driven 1,850.00 324.3 Rotary Hanmer, Complete with Drills (Up to 3") 550.00 324.4 Meter Reader Car (1/2 of $6,500) 3,250.00 324.4 Big Wheel Type Sludge Truck - Liquid - With Injector 75,000.00 324.4 New Van - 3/4 Ton to Replace Vega (1/2 of $6,500) 3,250.00 Radios -Used (2 @ $150) 300,00 Radio Test Equipment 300.00 324.31 324.31 300 Routine Depreciation 1,900.00 1,462.00 330.2 330.3 10,000.00 324.5 Air Pak Cylinder System 700.00 324.5 Gas & Oxygen Tester 1,100.00 Str~cture & Imprgvements (~ of Eng,. Office $5,000) Office Furniture & Equipment 330.3a Water & Sewer Office (~ of $2,803) 330.3b Engr. Office Microfilm (~ of $2,300) 330.3c 1~ Engr. Office Furniture 2,500.00 1,402.00 1,150.00 300.00 Total $ 143,550.00 This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect in~nediately after its passage by the CommoK Council and approval by the Mayor. Dated this /~ day of ~, 1980. ~iT~ST: Approved: