D-269 Stop Sign Lakeshore/98th ORDINANCE NO-_I2~ -~ ~2~ ORDINA~tCE ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL STOP STREETS I~HEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City of Carmel to amend the Carmel City Code section 41.08 and its supporting schedule B so as to best provide for the safety of the general constituency of the City of Carmel, Indiana to thereby include 'in 41 08 and said supporting schedule B, stop signs at the inter~ of Tahoe Road, Tahoe Court and Lakeshore Drive East and stop signs at the intersection of 98th street and Lakeshore Drive East. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana: That said section of the Carmel Code 41.08 and schedule B thereto, entitled Stop and Yield intersections are hereby amended to read as follows: In accordance with section 41.08 the following intersections as Stop and Yield intersections are included in "Schedule B" DIRECTION STREET NAME. OF TRAVEL SIGN AT WHAT STREET Lakeshore Drive East Northbound 4 Way Stop Tahoe Road ~akeshore Drive East Southbound 4 Way Stop Tahoe Road ]akeshore Drive East Southbound ~ Way Stop Tahoe Court Lakeshore Drive East Lakeshore Drive East 98th Street Northbound Southbound Eastbound 3 Way Stop 3 Way Stop 3 Way Stop 98th Street 98th Street Lakeshore Drive East -2- Tahoe Road Eastbound 4 Way Stop Lakeshore Drive Easl Tahoe Court Westbound 4 Way Stop Lakeshore Drive East BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED,that this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon passage. Passed and adopted by the Common Council of the City of Carmel on the ~/_day of ~7~ _,1980. ~est: Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel on the __day of ~ _,1980, at the hour of This ordinance approved and signed by me on the ~/__ day of _,1980, at the hour