HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-319 Budget/Sewer 1982ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE BUDGETING EXPENDITURES FROM THE CITY SEWAGE OPERATING AND DEPRECIATION WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Carmel is desireous of exercising it's statutary authority pursuant to IC 8-1-2-100 to request the Board of Public Works of the City of Carmel to "submit a budget of its financial needs for the ensuing year to be set out in such detail as the municipal council may direct"; and WHZREAS, the Common Council of the City of Carmel hereby proclaims that the submission of a con~rehensive budget by the Board of Works to the Common Council for review and adoption greatly facilitates the Council's annual budgetary review and appropriation process; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Contain Council of the City of Carmel that; for the expenses of the City Sewage Operating and Depreciation Funds for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1982, the following sums of money are hereby appropriated and ordered set apart out of the funds herein named and for the purposes herein specified. Such sums herein appropriated shall be held to include all expenditures authorized to be made during the year unless otherwise stipulated. Transfers from one line item to another and/or additional appropriations may be made only by resolution of this Council at any regular public meeting. Be it further ordained that monies shall be transferred from the Sewer Operating Fund to the Sewer Depreciation Fund in amounts necessary to make provision for the current year depreciation expenditures. Budget by accounts 220 Notes Payable Collection System $ 0 Total $ 0 701 Operation Supervision & Engineering $ 31,688.00 702 Operation Labor 33,558.00 703 Operation Supplies $ Expenses & Uniforms 5,981.00 705 Maintenance of Sewer Lines 8,400.00 706 Vehicle Repairs, Gasoline & Expenditures 9,306.00 Total ~ 88,933.00 Wastewater Pumping 721 Operation Supervision $ Engineering $ 0 722 Pumping Station Labor 20,698.00 724 Power for Pumping 1,190.00 725 Pumping Station "Lift" Supplies 550.00 727 Maintenance of "Lift" Structure 1,000.00 728 Maintenance of Lift Station Equipment 6,700.00 728.1 Maintenance of Equipment 1,250.00 Wastewater Treatment Rents - Sludge Disposal Land Operation Supervision Operation Supervision - North Plant 740 741 741.1 Total $ 31,388.00 $ 0 11,940.00 25,550.00 Page -2- Ordinance User's Accounting & Collection 780 781 782 782.1 783 Supervision Meter Reading & Collection $ Uniforms User's Billing g Accounting Computer Billing Miscellaneous Expenses Total $ 2,985.00 15,926.00 30,086.00 18,236.00 600.00 $ 67,833.00 Administrative $ General 790 791 ?92 792.01 792.1 792.12 793 793.1 793.2 ?93.3 ?95 795.1 796 798 800 801 801.1 801.2 801.3 802 802.5 805 807 Salaries of General Officials Other General Office Salaries Expense of General Office Employees Clerk's Office Training & Education Clerk's Office General Office Supplies & Expense Mayor's Office Clerk's Office Engineer's Office Special Services - Engineering Fee Clerk's Office Legal Services Insurance Employee's Welfare $ Pension Expense Miscellaneous General Expense Mayor's Office Clerk's Office Engineer's Office Maintenance of General Property Clerk's Office Miscellaneous Charges Joint Expenses - Regional Board Total $ 41,594.00 6,631.00 500.00 726.00 480.00 300.00 8,262.00 1,050.00 2,725.00 0 23,795.00 2~300.00 7,100.00 12,300.00 27,673.00 694.00 0 150.00 0 3,350.00 260.00 400.00 2,163.00 $142,453.00 Taxes 507.1 507.2 Social Secumity Taxes Unemployment Taxes Total GRAND TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 27,300.00 4,370.00 $ 31,670.00 $850,209.00 314 314 314 314.2 321 321 323 323* Budget By Accounts SEWER DEPRECIATION FUND General Wastewater Structures North Plant Bridge Repair Utility Bkkpr. Budget Sheet - Remodeling 40 x 60' Pole Bldg. for Trucks & Tractors 12 volt Sewer Pump Metal Loeator 75 HP. Blower Motor Projector g Screen 2,000.00 4,000.00 200.00 18,000.00 500.00 150.00 2,200.00 200.00 · ' 'Page -3- Ordinance # DEPRECIATION ~ - Continued) 324.3 324.3 324.3 324.3 324.3 324.3 324.3 324.3 324.3 324.31 324.4 330 Air Compressor Portable PH Meter for Soil Testing 12 volt, 30 amp. D.C. Power Supply Work Bench - Wood Top Electronic Tachometer Shelves for Bench Storage Cabinet Tool Box g Tools for Lift Stations Digital ~L.C.D. Multimeter Con~nunications Equipment - "Treatment" Portion New Car For Manager General Plant: 330.1 Land g Land'Rights 330.2 Strmctures g I~rovements "General Plant" 330.2 Structures g Improvements "Engineer Bldg." 330.3 Utility Bldg. Engineer Office 330.4 Conmunication Equipment $ 0 1,000.00 1,200.00 1,780.00 1,100.00 1,390.00 $ 2,200.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 170.00 125.00 150.00 200.00 150.00 965.00 5,000.00 6,470.00 Routine Depreciation GRAND TOTAL DEPRECIATION TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL DEPRECIATION FUND TOTAL OPERATING g DEPRECIATION FUND 10,000.00 $ 67,829.00 $850,209.00 6~,829.00 $9~8,03'8.00 This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately after its passage by the Conmon Council ~nd approval by, the Mayor. Dated this ~ day of ~98! roved: f~l'l'~: Dorbthy Hanc~aN/ e~A. Reimam, ~ayor Business 846-7708 Emg. 846-7355 Police Dept. October 23, 1981 Mayor Jane A. Reiman 40 E. Main St. Carmel, IN 46032 RE: ~= ~th Ave $ E. ~ Carmel Traffic proo~i~ a~ thc ~ ~cu~ ¥~ View Drive and Carmel Elementary School driveway. Dear Jane: On Monday October ~9, ~98] this traffic problem was brought tO OUr attention by two citizens at the council meeting. On Octobor, 22, Tom Welch a~%d I we~]t tO th~:> location to evaluate the problem. We concluded it would be necessary to create a d~finite traffic pattern at this intersection. The extremely wide entrances into the school property invites improper turns. Our conclusion is to paint yellow dividing lines around the curve from 4th Ave. S.E. intO Carmel View Drive, and to install an island in the center of the school driveway. The island should have a stop sign for school traffic exiting~ and a "Keep Right" sign for school traffic entering from the street. sh~u a~d +~ the Carmel ~u~ The stop sign at this'driveway ~"~ be ~° ~- Traffic Code. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. S~cere]y, Jerry W. Lowe JWL/vb