HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances 1-13 0RDINA~CE N0.~. Be it ordered by the Board of £rustees of the town of Carmel,Hamilton County,Indiama,that no horses,mules,cows or cattle of ~ny kind,sheep or hogs shall be allowed to run at large on the rublic Streets or alleys of the town of Carmel, Indiana,~amilton County,from the 15th day of November,until the 15th day of April each year. And no stock of any kind shall be allowed to rrm at large in said town during the remainder of the year except milk cows,and ~hey not allowed to run at lar?e at night. Any person violating any of the provisions of the above ordinances shall forfeit for each offense the sum of fifty (50~) cents and damages if damages should result. Adopted April 2nd.1894. ~. C,W.Cook,Clerk. ORDINANCE N0.9. Be it ordained by the Common Council of the town of Carmel,,~a~ilton County,Indiana,that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to ride a bicycle upon the brick,plank or gr~vel sidewalks of said town,t~less in the necessary act of crossing the same. And any person or persons who shall violate the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof,shall be fined in any stun not exceeding three (~3.00) dollars. The provisions of this act Apri~l,19,1897. shall be in force on and after . ?W.D.Crago,Clerk. ORDINANCE N0.S. Be it ordained by the Common Council of tho town of Carmel, County o~ hamilton and State of Indiana,that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to paste,tack or post in any conspicuous or public place within the said town any obscene, lewd,indecent or las'civious draw~n~,litho~raph,engraving,nicture, daguerre, otype,photograph,stereosoopic picture of an indecent or immoral nature. And any person or persons gnilty of any of the provisions of this act shall be fined as tho laws of the State of Indiana provide. Provided further - any carson or parsons wishin~ to paste~ tack or post any bills or pictures in said town shall submit tho same to the town marshal for inspection. Tho provisions'of this act shall be in force on and after Jul~ ~,1897. W.D.Crago,Clork. ORDINANCE NO.4. b ~ec. 1. Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the %o~ of C~rmel,Lamilton County,Indiana,the% it shall be unlawful for any person persons,Company or Corporation., to erect, ~onstruct, cause, permit, keeep or maintain within the limits of said to~wn, any thlng whatsoever, which is injurious to the health, or in_ decent or offencive to the senses of any of the inhabitants of said-~own or any obstruction to the free use of property by any such inhabitant and any persons or person maintaining any nuisance above refered to, is hereby declared to be the author and maintainer of a nuisance, and subject to the ~enalty here- inafter provided. Sec.-2. It shall be unlawful for any~, persons or person, company or corporation to throw or {~enosit or sucker to be thrown or deposited or euefer or hermit any servant, child, member of the family or any other person under his, her or thief contro~ to thro~ or deposit any manure, rubbish, slops putrit or unsound animal or veMet'able matter, or any filthy, noisome or unwholesome liquid or slops, or any liquids or slops that is liable to become unwholesome, in or into or upon any street, lane, alley, sidewalk, gutter, crossing, lot, cellar, or common within said town. Sec.-Z The Secretary of The Boa~d of Health, The Town Board of Trustees, or any member thereof and the Town ~arshall and their agents or d$outies shall have full po~ver and author- ity to enter i~to ~d u~or ~ ~+.re~, ]pt, alle~, or ~rnund for th~ purpose of a ssnitary survey o~ +he ~aw~ s~ ~ s 'GZQ1 nuisance is found, it shall be the d~ty of the Secretary of She Board ef Health when imformed of the exisSance of the same to immeditely notify the persgns so offendtu.~ in ~viting~ giving five(~)days to abate the nuisance, if such person shall fall or rufuse to abate the nuisanca within t~e time specified, it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to cause the same to be abated, keeping an accurate account of the expanses there- of and said expenses shall be a lien on the property and be collected by due process of law. Sec.-4 It shall be the duty of all physiCfans, accuu- chers,midwives, to immeditely report to the to~m Health offi- cer, all births, deaths, and communicable diseases dangerous to the public health and such correlative facts as are requi- red ia the~lank f~rnished by the State Board of Health. Wher~ver a birth or death occurs with~no phisician in attendance then such birth or death s~hall be at once rep- orted to The Town Health Officer by the parents or guardian or person having ~urisdictlon. Sec-~Whenever a c~.se of ~holera, Thy~hoid Wever, yellow ~ever or Neasels is reported to the Town Health ~ffieer it shall be his duty to at once placard the house where such d~sease exists. The card shall not be less than twelve(12) inches square with the name of the disease thereon in letters not less than three(Z) inches in length. It shall be posted in a oonspicious place and shall remain until ordered remo- ved by the To~rn Health Officer. V gec.-g.In case o~ Smallpox it shall be.tba duty~Of the. Town Health 0triter to isolate the pstient..in ~is,9~n house, or ir case he has no residence in an isolated hospital,and where the patient is unable to compensate the phisician or attendant to provide the .necessary attendance and food the expense thereof to be paid far as are other town expenses. Sec.-7 It shall be the d~ty of the Town Health officer to use every means to prevent the approach or spread ef any (or) all diseases dangerous to the public health and to en- force this Ordinance, and police powers are given him for that purpose, Sec.-Sit shall be unlawfull for any undertaker er any other person to bury human remains, axcept a permit shall have first been procured so to do. Said hermit shall be issued by the Town Health Officer or in his absense by the Town Clerk,. Sec.-O ~ny person or persons violating any ef the pro- visions of this ordinance upon conviction th'ereof shall be fined for each offense in any sum not to exceed ~lO.00,and each day,violation shall be a separate offense. Eec.10 It shall be the duty of the Town Trustees upon the death, resignation or removal of the Town Health offfcer 'to immediately meet and elect a successor. Sec.ll Whereas an emergency exists for the immediate taking effect of this ordinance, therefore the same shall be in effect on and after this date ~!ov. 21-st,l~. B.H.Cook w.D. ~rago pres. of Board Cler~ GZQI .... Ordinance ~o. ~. Shows, Concerts, Entertainments. SeC. 1- Be it enacted by the ~rustees of The ToWn Of Oarmel, that it shaI1 be unlawful for any non resident, person or per- sons to hold' a public concert,' or give a shew er ~nter~ai~L ent of any kind for- tbs pUrpose of pecunirary gain and e~arge an admittance f~e eithe~ in a publi~hall er tent withgut first havin~ obtained and paid f~r a ~icense. Sec.-2 Any non resident person er persons may ~t~in~a lic- ense to ~d such concert, show er entertainment upon the Da~$Dt ~ ~ to ~he' ~ar~haI~ o~ the to~. o~ ~ar~e!. S~-~ NO license shaIt be ~anted to any person er net- sons for' the pure'se of ~on~ucting any concert er entertain- ment er ~h~ ~ 1 oSscene er ~raI Oharacter. gee.L 4 ~t~i~g in ~h~s ~ct shall be construed as te ' applyin~ ~'~ r~iden~s e~ ~a~el, er te' concerts, shows ~ e~- ertai~enis f'e~ e~Catl~l ~r' Charitable p~poses. sec'.-~ Any non resident ~f Carmel who shall give any concert , show ~r ~ ~ entertai~nt ef any kind and charge an admission fee ~l~h~' f{rst ~ving pa{d for and obtained a license' sha~:de~ed ~ilty efa ~isd~meanor and upon conviction' sha~ Be' fined ~net less tha~ ~M.O0 nor more than $25.00. Passed this e-2h, day o~ ~uty, L. J. Small v Be it ordained ~¥.the Common Council o~ the Te~ o~ ~arme~, County ef Hamilton, State of Indiana: That whereas public con- venieDce requires that the sidewalks ef said tewn be graveled; at least once each yea~ and all shade, trees be ~wpt trimed and receiv~ the proper culture and prese~atien, ~ it and it is hereby ordered that if the ~r e~ any let ~all fail er reuses to ~avel any sidewalk ad$olning such let en er be- Fore the~ 15-th, day of October in each year after ~ving r~c- eived notice From the Narshal eF the requirements thereof, it~ it shall be the ~ty eF the Nars~l te Certhwith let ~t the grading ~r graveling of such sidewalk.to the lowest bidder, firat E~ving Ten(lC) Days notice by posting up written notices thereof in three public p~ces in said te~ Cer that len~h of time, and when such ~aveling is co~leted said Narshal shall report the same te said Beard o~ Trustees and the cost of said work shall be audited and ~id. The Beard e~ ~stees shall i~ediately bring suit in the ~me ef the Corporation to recover a~inst the m~e~ ef such let the amount ef the c~st of the ~aveli~ eF such sidewalk and upon exertion against the property oF said deFe~ant upon sueh Judge~nt the same shall be sold For cash without regard t~ valuation and appraisment laws of this state. And ~rom the date of the completion of such graveling under contract by the marshal the costs of such graveling and the damage aforesaid shall be a lien on such lot and may be sn~orced in any court of competent JurisdiCtion by an action in the name o~ such corooration. Th~ Board oe Trustees shall also Instruct as to t~e nee- ary trimming and care. o~ i~)e shade t~ees, a~d on the Cai]- ~ or refusal of the owner of any~lo~ sldJoiuing to comply w~th instruction~~ ~t' said Beard of T~ustsem ,the marshal shall for- thwith proceed, am se~ out above ~$r the g~aveli~g ef sidewalks. · Givem under our hands and seal this ~ 'day ~f fe~, .Pr.es. ~ Board Olerk Curfew Ordinance. ' Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the Tow~ ef Carmel,Hamilton c®unty, Indiana, that hereafter It shalX'be unlawful for any child under Eighteen years of age to any street, sidewalk, alley er public grounds, within the the corporate limits of said town between the h®urs of ~ Oclock P.M. and four ~cleck A.M. from Sept, 1-st, to April, 1-st, and fre~.Ocleck P.M. te ~our Oeleek-A.M. April, 1-st, to Sept,l-st, unless said child shall be attended b~ and under control or,some proper person, adUlt, er shall ~e quietly and promtly going or returning *rem religious er other services, or upon who shall violate some proper ~rrand, s~nd that every child the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction before a Justice of 'rne peaceAsn~ll be ~ined in ~ sum not less' than $1.00 er~e~$.00. Sec.- 2_~It shall be the duty ef the Marshal to notify all n those persons mentioned in this ordinance of the arrival of ~ at said hour upon each evening, said ~ provided for this purpose and knee as the ~r~ew It shall be the further' duty 'el the Marshal te arrest and detain every person found violating any o~ the provisions until~ this ,rdinance~: a legal warrant can be obtained an~ ~.j"~ ..... ' ..... '~ ~ I ~ '~. :~. ~" ..... "/ AN ORDINANCE ORANTINO THE CMNTWAL~AeTT~N C0~ANY O~ INDIANA AUTHORITY pERNISSI~N AND LIO~ TO ~oNSTM~T OWN ~_REE~ RAILWAY 'AND IN~F~.~UR~AM LI~., o~R A~ AND ~INTAIN A ~ UPON A ~ERTAIN STREET IN THE TOWN OR VIL~GE O~ ~AR~L. INDIANA. SE0.1- Be ~ o~dained ~ the Board ~f ~s%ees ~f ~he T~ mf ~a~me%~'~mtlt.n O~t~, Indiana, that authority', and l~oenS~ tS hereby ~an%ed aRd ~iven to the Central TraCtion Oom~ny eF India~ a ~eration ~der the~ laws ~'%he State' ~f Indiana its successors assize te afoot cons{~C%,'~o~ and operate a sIEle %Pack, S%~dard street r~llway'WitM the necessary s~e' %pmcks,turn~uts, swit- ches over' and upon the ~e~l~wing reu{~ %~ Beginhi~g ~ tMe North Oorpora%ioM Line where ~aIn street in'said %p~'~ersee{s ~he s~e, thence south e~ said See.L~"'~e t~aek'e~ said railway-$b~laid, in the cente~o~"~a~a'street~and all the rails used ion ef the same s~ll se standard stee~ rails ~g net les% than ~ lSs. te the yar~ Said trask shal~ ~e~.se as te $~*~te ~ ~a~e ef ~id street and se as net ~e interfere with er ebstru~t the free use ef ~he streeet by the general pU%'iie ~yo~ extent ~asenably necessary. ThO ~f~ u~,n co~e%ien of its tracks shall rep- lace the'%f~6et a~d"~ke the'~me as go,d and passable 'the '~SIie as ~t w~s Befere theb said werk was dene. Sec.-~ So long as the grantee, its assI~ns or su-aessors or assigns shall maintiai~ its tracks on said street as li~s between its rails and %he ends ef its ties in repair and in as geed condition as the residue ef said street is kept and maintained by said town. See,-4 In case %he grantee shall abandon said street it shall forthwith put the same in as geed condition as it. was before its use by said grantee. Sec,-5 said grantee shall set its poles for stringing cross suspension as near a~ practibale %® the curb line ef said street and in such manner ae not te interefere with the rest of the street, or sidewalks beyond ~he extent reasonably necessary. It may use iron, cedar er spruce poles ef uniform heigth and shall keepn allpoles painted in a.slghtly manner, Allpeles shall be set and maintainedat as nearly per- pendicular height as practiba!e and in such manner as net te obstruct waterways, drains, er water pipes, telegraph, telephones, er electric light wires. All cress suspension wires shall be suspended net less thsn eighteen feet above sur- faceof the rails except when necessary te pass under a bridge or ether obstacles. Sec.~ Said grantee shall equip its line with modern carsprovided with proper appliances for operating the same, so as to provide for th e safety and comfort ef its passen- gers andshall maintain the same in a good and safe condition. Said grantee shall have the right to transnort over said railway the United State~ Mail express packages and ar+icles of merchandise and freight and receive compensation therefor as well as teh right to carry and transport passengers. ORDINANCE. Be it ordered by The Board ce Trustees of the Tew~ ®f Carmel, Hamilton Ce.unty~ Indiana, that all shad? trees along the streets and. Dublic highways that have .~T,~own se that the limbs in any way interfere with the hauling er btravel~ngup®n such streets that the sa~e shall be trlmed' or cut back accerdinK to the instructions ef said B~a~; of Trustees on er before November the 20-th, 1899, and $ all persons owning property er lets adjoining said shade trees that shall fail er refuse te cem~ ty with the terms or conditions ef this ordinance after bein~ noti*ied by the tow~ marshal of the instructions of said board of Trustees, said marshal shall let out said work te the lowest b~dder responsible, Said work to he done at adJelning property owners. the expense of said ~.N.Hawkins Clerk Wickersham Pres. ef Beard. TELEPHONE Be it ordained by The Beard ce mrus~ees ~f the ef Carmel, Mamilton County, Indiana,~hat oermi~sI~n he, is hereby granted to the Carmel Nutual Teleohone ~o. to use the streets and alleys for the purpose o~ erecting poles and stretching wires for the construction amd maintaining a tel- ephone system in said town. The said telephone Ce. ts set all poles and stretch all wires so as not te obstruct the public travel of sai~ streets and alleys, ncr obstruct waterways, drains, gas or water pipes, all wires te be at least twenty five(9~) feet above the gr~nd. The leeatien of lines and setting o~ coles to be.pl- aced as aEree~.u~pon by the Board of Trustees and said Company. And ~ is heneby u~dersfood that all lines so ~ar as practicabte_~hall be located slong alleys. This ~ranchise is granted for a period years. of fifteen (1~) C.W.Oeok Clerk E,O.Binford~ Pres. ~F B~ard. S~OCK ORDINANCE. AN AC~ PROHIBITING STOCK TOWN OF CARMEL. Sec.- 1 Be the Town ef Carmel, ~RON RUNNING AT LARGE IN TH~ it enacted by the Board of Trustees eF Hamilton County, Indiana,that it shall be unlawFull for any stock to run at large in the town of ~.~ Carmel or to turn any horses or mul~s loose on the streets or alleys of said town. Sec.~ And that the owner of such stock Found running at large or turning horses or mules loose on said streets or alleys, shall be liable to a finejof not less than one (~1.00) nor mere than twenty flve~P~.O0~ dollare. Sec.-~All laws er ports o~ laws in een*liet with~m the provisions eF this act are hereby repealed. Sec.-4It is declared that ar~ emergency exists for the immediate taking ~Ffect ef this act and it shall there- fore be in Full Force From and after its passage, passed this ll-th, day ef June, ~.A.Haines Pres. of Board. L.J.Small ? Clerk GAS ORDINANCE, Act relating to the price of gas. AN ACT ENTITLED AN ACT REGULATTNO T~ pRIC~ 0F GAE in the T~w~ ~f ~armel. ~ ce ~he ToWn o~ ~armel, Be it enacted ~y the ~rustee~ .. . · Hamilt~ ~ounty, Indiana, that the ~oilowi~g scedule cO prices for Natural Oas shmlt be in effect ~ro~ and a~ter 00T. l_st, ReSidences,, 0~k and Heater t.e-geth~r ,, .. OOT. toApRIL .... April to cOT. Hemter Oct. t~ April Two ..... '' Three .. .- cook when no Heater is used .. Oct. te April .. April to Oct.' Heater when no cook is used OCt to April Grate Tw~ heaters OCt te April Tw~ grates incadescent lights, Jumbo, .50~ per. mo. ~2~.MO per yr 1.00 .... 1.~0 .... 1.00 .... 1~.00 per yr ~.00 ~er ~o 1.00 .... 14.00 .. yr ~.0~ ..~o ~.~ .... 8.75 .. yr 1.25 ..me 2.00 .... .10~ per mo. New Market, 15g per mo. passed June, 20th, 1~01. ~N ACT A~?AMDINC AN AC~ OM APRIL. l~-th,l~O~wMLA~IND TO THE NUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY Ow Be it enacted by the T~u'ustees o~ the %eW~ ef Carmel that sectien %w~ (~), and the ~irst paragraph ef seetien three (3) is hereby repe~led. Sec.'2 The lecatien ef lines, heights ef peles andv setting ef poles to be agreed ulon by the tewn Beard and s&id Telephone passed June 20-th, l~0I. AN ACT TO D ~F!N? A}rD REcuLA"'~ p~,QDLIN~ A~ NER0~NDISE ATAU~TION IN CAROL~' A~ PRo~rID~NO pENALImIES FOR ITS VIO~TION. %_ . SEC.~ Be it enacted by the B~rd of T~stees of the T~ Carmel,~hm% it shall be ~lawfut for any nonresident ef Oarmel other than a licebsed peddler to peddle manufactured goods~ ~ares er merchandise ef any kind. Sec.2 Any perspn ~y obtain a peddlers license authori- zing him er her t~ peddle manufactured goods wares on feet in the to~ of, Ca~el for %h~ ~e~d ef ~ne year from the date ~F such license upon the pa~ent to the marshal e~ the Carmel a Z~c~se fee* o~ *Sec.~ Any ~erson ~ay obtain a pe~alers ,vaKon li.e~se authorisi~g h~m or her to ~Oed~l~ ~~u~a"turea" war~s ~ mer~andise on' ~oot in the town o~ Oarmel ~o~* the period ef eno yea~ from the date of such license auth~isiug him ~r ,her ~e peddle manufaotur6d goods, wares or merc~ndtse from ~ wagon ~ ~her uehi~le in ~the toe o~ Carmel for a period *f ~ year ~ the date o~ such license, upon the payment ~e the*~sha~ ~ ~e to~ ef ~armel the sum o~ Sec.~ ~ t~n~en% peddler that does net canvas the t.~ a% re~lar interval~~ er any ether peddeler that prefers to %~e ~ ti~nse ~r each time he er she canvasses-the toe ~Fer the pur~se e~ taking orderS, or selling any actur~d ~eods. war~s or me~handise ou foot iu the town Carol ~5y obtain a Soecial license good eot one day only~ on teh Da~t to the ~arshal o~ the ~o~ ~" Csr~l ~he of ~0~. Sec.-~ Any transient peddler that does net canvass the town at regular intervals er ant peddler that prefers te take out~dlicense each'time he er she canvas the town ~or--the pur- pose · ~ taking ,rders mr selling any manufectured g®eds,,wares or merchandise frmm a wagon mr ether vehicle may obtain a special license geed for one day bnly upon payment te the mar- shal of the town ef Carmel the sum ef ~1.00. Sec.-~ Any transient vender selling any manufactuPed goods, wares er merchandise at publi~ auction must ~irst take ~u% a license. Seb.~ Any transient vender may take cut an auctioneers license goc'd for one day only noon payment te the ~a~shel of Car~el the sum ef ~2.00. Sec.-8 Ne peddlers er auctioneers license shall be tran- sferable. 'Sec.-9 Every licensed peddler er' auctioneer when engaged in his ~r her vocation shall-carry him er her license with him er her and shall exhibit his er her license upon request te any person asking te inspect the same, a~d anN peddler er auctioneer failing er refusing te exhibit his license on demand shall be fined not less than ~1.00 ncr more than ~2~.00. Sec.-10 Per the purpose ef this act the word Pe~dler is defined as m~aning te sell er offering to sell manufactured goods, wa~es or merchandise directly to"the een~u~er, either ~ by going from house to h~use for the purnose ef sell- ing and dellveri~g such ~oods ~r ~or tbs ~rpose ce taking orders for {he future delivery ~f such goods or by eno selling and delivering such goods from a temporary o,flee, pack or vehicle in the town ef Carmel. Sec.-ll Net~lng in this shall be cenetrued as r~quir- lng a Deddlers license er a peddlers wagen license ~rom any per~en that ls or ta~es o~lers ~or goo~s to be sold .... d sold to merchants, traders or dealers who purchase such ~or the purpose ~ resale 'or or an~ ~ ~ ~a~dener selling him ~wn.~r~du%e ®£ anyb kind direct qe the censumer er te any bemifide resident ®f the T®vrn. S~eo,-12 An~nen ~resldent ef Ca~el whe shall .peddle goeds w~r~ ~ ~r~ha~is~ en ~eet wi%heu% a peddlers license as herein before provided and a~y non resident e~ the te~ whe shall pe~!e-'geeds frem a wagen er vehicle .er te~erarY effio~-wi~m~a peddlers lic~se aud a~y A~ctioueer whe shmt~ ~ 8~ll~ge~s ~t publiq auotio~ Eitheut havinE flrst~ prec~ ~-~m~cti~eere license duly .i~s~ed am herein after pre~id~ s~ll ~e deemed ~lt%y cenvieti~ t~re~ shall be fined ~t less ~than ~2.60 mere ~%~ ~r~, ef 'B~rd b.J.Small Clerk ANORDINENCE GRANTING TO GEORGE ~cCULLOUGEAND AUTHORITT,P~MISSION A~ LIOn,SE TO OON~UCT,~ A~-~I~AIN ~D OP~TE A~ I~ ~ S~E~ ~I~D OV~H ALONG O~TAI~ S~E~ I~ T~ TOW~ OF ~MEL, I~ ~ILTO~ INDIA~; Be ~ ~rdained by the B~rd ~f ~ustees ef ~e T~ of C~rmel, H~llten Ce~ty, Indiana, ~at Consent, pe~isslon, and authority be and the same are here%y ~an%ed and glve~ unto Ge~g~ ~. Ne~ll~gh For the benefit eFa ~e~r~ien ~rganized or to be organized for ~he D~ese ( herein a~%er in this Ordinance desi~ated as 0Pan%ce I his successors assi~s to locate, construct and o~ and maintain and onera%e a single er double %rack Stand~d 6ua~ Street RaiIr~d with the necessary side t~ekS ~ switches, turnouts and t~n%ables and te I~a%e and eenstrue~, ~in~aln and use %he ~ehmn~eal appliances and esn%rivan~es neeesSagy and suita%16 %e operate the same, iaeluding electric~y as~a meti~e including the use of the ~verhead trolley in, uDen and ever the to wit: From the South ~erporation Line where Nain Street said to~ intersects the same, thence North en te the North ~orporatien Line of said %o~ and en any ether street or streets in said to~ and when Grantee shall have const~cted its said Railroad upon a~y o~e o~ %h~ above named routes, it shall then be deemed to have abandoned ~he above routes above named c. nd all the rights and priviliges ~anted by theis Ordinance. Shall extend for a period of ~ years ~rom the pass- age of this erdinmnce. And in the event of the discovery of any new powe~suitable for interurban street railroad pur- poses, ars successors er assigns may use the same in the operations of said railway. ~t this shall not augherize the use ef s~eam'maters. , Sec.2 The track ef said grantee, its successors er ass~ igns shall be laid im all cases in the center of the street as far as praCtiOal ex~ept wher~ a double track is centomplated being ~ut'deWA, and the said track shall then be laid that the cen~r-'lXfie el' the Street shall be the centre lines betWSen'~t~ tra~ks.'When a dbuble track is contemplated and only one ~raek is 1Aid, then said track may be laid only with the censent'~f the Beard ef Trustees ef said town at any other place t~ the centre of the street, and when i% is so laid' wi~h s~e~ oo~Sent, it fmcs% ~ lai~ ~t such a distance fro~ the ee~ter ef the street as will make the centre line between ~he tm~e ~r~ks when ,laid. The centre line pf the street, and se taf~'~% When a double track is laid only so much space is ~ft'~et~een the two tracks as is neeessar~ for cars te pass in safety, and all side tracks, switches, turnouts and turntable~'s~ll be so constructed and maintained-at all ti~s, as'not in any way'obstruct er impede the free use of said streets by the-]~u~lic beyond the extent reasonably necessary for the purpose of the construction and operation In all cases said grantee, its successers and assigns s~ far as soon as.practicable , upon the comp!e%~oD., change or re- pair any eF its said tracks er any pettish thereef, shall replace any' such street and make the same as geed as passable far the' genera~ public ~s it was beFer~ suc~n track er tracks were placed in Pesitien, changed er repaired.and .%him positlen shall inclu~&lleys and s~ree% creasings in%ersect®d ~Y such tracks.'' Sec.~l~henever said grantee, ibm sueeassers er assigns shall ~enSt~Uct anypart ef its ~,~lway %r~n any street that has not been'~uilt 'er i~reved te establish grade by said te~} then any such track or tracks shall be built as prae%ica~le te the su~face~ef the street, but whe~ an~ street has been built te an established ~ade by the te~, then a~ in every such ca~e,' the said ~ntee its~ccessers and assi~s shall ee~erm ~eh tracks,~itehes, side. tracks a~ t~neuts te such astablished' ~ade a~ said t~n shall upen resemble ~,Fice at all times by such ~tee, its su~essers and ass- igns require the te~'Engineer t~ ~nish~sueh ~es ,upon all streets, and alse the can%re line ef a~ ~.~ ~ streets. , Sec.-4 A T ~ail may be used in the c~s~rl~c~$n e~ any ef the tracks laid Dy said grantee, its sueees~s and as.s~,, gna and should any street be paved with brick/asphaltum, stone, concrete er ether similiar durable material, the track shall be laid with rails at least· ~ive and three qu'art~rs(~ ~-Z/4)Inches in height, upon ties laid ou ~ravel or broken stone Foundation so that the top of said rail when 25 laid shall be Flush.with the pavement on the outside, and said grantee its successors er assigns sha!1 put in its tracks, when a street is being paved se as net te unnecessarily delay the street contraet®r in his work, and all ties used in the construction e~ anYtracksI' si~e tracks,turnouts er switches shall-ce laid and at a~l times kept andmaintmined at ~Uch depth as net te be expOSed aBoVe the surface ef 'the street~ er interefere in any way with the public 'travel beyond the extent reasonably necessary for the purpose ®F constructing and operating such read. SEC~&-5 Said grantee its successors er assigns may take up er alter any track er layy it dee on any ether ~treet upon which permission may hereafter be granted it For that purpese but shall put the vacated street in as good condition For travel For the general public as it was immediatelY before such track was taken upyand in ease eF laying~ fa- laying er repairing its tracks, said grantee, its successors er asaig~s shall occupy anybstreet er part ef any street that has Been improved by said town by grav~ling ~he same~ grantee, its successors er assigns shall repair all that portion of such street~ lying between the ends of the ties. Its track whenever the s~.me becomes out cf repair by reason of the maintainanee ~ and operation of said Rail- way and shall keep and at all times maintain the tracks in a condition so that the rails and ties of said track shall not interfere with public travel on said tracks more than is reasonably necessary to operate said railroad. ~or Gao Qrdinan~e see page ~9 el, ~eo, k e~ Minu~es. said Ordinance Tho Carmel Nat. Gas and Imp~eve- ment Ce. refused te accept ~nd is therefere net spread on this Beok ef Ordinances.