HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-425 Budget 1985/Sewer ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE BUDGETING EXPENDITURES FROM THE CITY OPERATING AND DEPRECIATION FUND SEWAGE WHEREAS. the Common Council of the City of Carmel ts destreoua of exerctsino it*a statutary authority pursuant to IC 8-1-2-100 to request the Board of Public Works of the City of Carmel to "submit a budoet of its financisI needs for the ensuinQ year to be set out in such detaiI as the municipaI counciI may direct"; and WHEREAS, t'he Common Council of the City of Carmel hereby proclaims that the submission of a comprehensive budget by the Board of Works to the Common Council for review and ado0tion qreatly facilitates the Council's annual budgetary review and appropriation process; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel that; for the expenses of the City SewaQe 0peratinO and Depreciation Funds for the fiscal year endinQ December 31, 198S, the followin~ sums of money are hereby appropriated and ordered set apart out of the funds herein named and for the purposes herein specified. Such sums herein appropriated shall be held to include all expenditures authorized to be made durin~ the year unless otherwise sti0ulated. Transfers from one line item to another and/or additional appropriations may be made only by resoIution of this Council at any regular public meetino. Be it further ordained that monies shaIi be transferred from the Sewer Ooerattn~ Fund to the Sewer Depreciation Fund in amounts necessary to make provision for the current year de0reciation ex0enditures. Budget by Accounts: 220 Notes Payable $0.00 701 702 703 705 706, 707 Collection System Operation Supervision 8 En~ineerin~ Oneration Labor Operation Supplies, Expenses · Uniforms Maintenance of Sewer Lines Vehicle Repair, Gasoline & Exnenditures Maintenance of Structure Total 37,937.00 40,982.00 4,031.00 12,02S.00 500.00 $10S,024.00 721 722 724 725 727 728 728. Wastewater Pumoinq Ooeration Suoervision Pumoin~ Station Labor Power for Pumoinq Lift Station SuooIies Maintenance of "Lift" Maintenance of "Lift" Maintenanoe of g Enqineerinq Structure Eouioment Eouioment - Common Total 0.00 27,103 O0 2,380 O0 200 O0 800 O0 6,431 O0 411 O0 37,325.00 Wastewater Treatment 740 741 741.1 741.2 742.1 742.2 743 743.1 743 2 743 09 743 11 743 21 743 13 743 23 743 30 745 746 747 Lease - Sludqe Disoosal Land Ooeration Suoervision Ooeration Suoervision - North Plant Ooeration Suoervision - South Plant O~eration Labor North Plant Ooeration Labor South Plant Suoolies & Exoenses Suoolies & Exoenses North Plant Suoolies & Exoenses South Plant Trainin~ g Education Chemicals - North Plant Chemicals - South Plant Power - North Plant Power - South Plant Plant Tools Maintenance of Structure g Imorovements Matntenanoe of Plant Eouioment Transoortation Maintenance Total O.O0 13,937.00 7,191.00 46,916.00 32,528.00 153,S94.00 500.00 6,137.00 39,2S3.00 5,400.00 800.00 14,139.00 6,855.00 139,786.00 350.00 7,000.00 17~500.00 19,575.00 $511,461.00 780 781 782 782. 1 783 User's Accountinq & Collection Supervision Meter Readinq & Collection User's Billin~ & Accountinq Computer Billin~ Miscellaneous Exoenses Uniforms Total 3,484.00 18,650.00 38,274.00 16,197.00 1,100.00 77,795.00 79Q 791. 792 .792.01 792.1 792. ! 1 792.12 793 793.1 793.2 793.3 795 795. l 798 808 801 801.1 801.2 801.3 802 802. S 8QB 887 Adminis~ra~ive & 6eneral Salaries of General Officials O~her 6eneral Office Salaries Expense of General Office EmploYees Clerk's Office Traininq & Education Traininq MaYor's Office Trainin~ Clerk's Office 6eneral Office Supplies ~ Expense Office Expense - Mayor's Office Office Expense - Clerk's Office Office Expense - Enqineer's Office Special Services - En~ineerinQ Fee Special Services - Clerk's Office Leqal Services Insurance Employee's Welfare & Pension Expense Miscellaneous General Expense General Expense - Mayor's Office General Exoense - Clerk's Office General Expense - Enqineer's Office Maintenance of General Proper±y Maintenance of General Proper~v - Clerk's Miscellaneous Char~es 3oin~ Expenses - Reqional Board To±al $ 49,042.00 ' 19,065.00 300.00 O.OO 450.00 550.00 800.00 7,187.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 33,604.00 1,OOQ.O0 8,000.OO 1Q,416.00 56,987.00 l,O00.O0 1,000.00 1,OO0.OO O.O0 3,35Q.00 Off. 0.00 0.00 1,O00.O0 $201,751.00 507.1 Social Security Taxes 507.2 Unemployment Taxes Total 35,386.00 4,200.00 39,58G.00 GRAND TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $972,852.00 3 SEWER DEPRECIATION FUND Budqet bY Accounts: 311 313.6 314 314 321.5 321.5 322 323 324 324.1 324.1 324.2 324.3 324.4 324.32 330 1/2 Furnace for Center Shod fENGR) General Wastewater Structures Mt. Carmel Meter Vault & Recorder, Samoler Structure Villaoe Farms Meter Vault ISCO Auto Samoler for Industrial Surveillance ISCO Flow Meter & Recorder for Industrial Surveillance Lift Station Eouioment: R.F.Link "Radio Control" Contingency EQuioment 02 Meter for Lift Station Treatment Plant Eouioment: Rebuild Two Pumos Em~.Li~hts Basement'Ret. g Di~. Reolace Aerator Slide Gates Office Eouioment - Clerk's Office Plant Office Eouio. & Machines - Mqr. Bookcase & Print File Plt. Mqr. General Stores, Shod & GaraGe Plant Tools: Tool "Metric" Roto Hammer Solderin~ Station Portable Scooe Test Meter for Bench Continoency Tools General Transoortation: South Plant Tractor & Mower (ENGR) Jet Sewer Cleaner ~ENGR} 1/2 Insoector Vehicle ~Allen~ Communications Eeuioment - "Treatment"-MGR~ General Plant: 330.2 StCuctures "General Plant" 330.2 Heating & Ventilation- Meettn~ Hall 330.3 Utility BldG.-Office Eeuioment 330.3 Mayor Office- Office Eeuioment 330.4 Communication Eeuioment SOO.OD 3,000.00 2,000.00 8,000.00 b,OOO.OO 10,000.00 2,500.00 3,990.00 S,SOO.O0 1,000.00 300.00 5,400.00 2,500.00 9,000.00 O0.O0 1,288.00 400.00 00.00 400.00 75.00 1,000.00 75.00 300.00 7,250.00 27,000.00 7,000.00 9GS.O0 1,000.00 3,0OO.O0 1,800.00 1,000.00 1,396.00 Routine Depreciation 12,000.00 GRAND TOTAL DEPRECIATION $114,239.00 Total Operatina Exoense Total Depreciation Fund TOTAL OPERATING & DEPRECIATION FUND $972,852.00 114,239.00 $1,087,091.Q0 This Ordinance shall be in full after its Dassaqe bv the Common Mayor. force and effect immediat.ely Council and approval by the Dated this /~ day of ~~. :[984. S t d ~nq' 0~f f ~cer ATTEST: Approved: //~A. Reiman, Mayor 5