HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-326 Regulating TaxisAN ORDINANCE REGULATi~NG ~AXICABS BE IT ORDAINED BY INDIANAr THAT: Indiana~ offered hire THE CO~4ON COUNCIL O~' THE CIT~ 0~' CAP~4EL~ WHEREAS~ the Common Council of the City of Carmel, at regular meeting~ has determined tha~ the services by persons~ firms, or corporations who hold out for public the use of taxicabs~ should be regulated~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, as follows: Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Definition Taxicab License Application for License Issuance of License~ Liability Taxicab Stands Displaying Rates~ Excessive Charges All Drivers To Be Licensed Suspension or Revocation of License Renewal of License Penalties Section 1. Definition. For purposes of this chapter~ "TAXICAB" shall mean and include any vehicle used to carry not more than six (6) passengers (other -than the driver) for hire not operating on a fixed route. Section 2. Taxicab License. (A) No person~ firm~ o~ corporation shall r~eg~.arly operate or cause to be operated a taxicab or offer the services of any vehicle as a taxicab within the City of Carmel unless the owner of the vehicle has obtained hereunder a taxicab license governing such vehicle and each such vehicle carries a number assigned to it by the City. (B) Every such taxicab license shall expire on December 31 for the year in which issued. Licenses issued on or after July 1 of any year shall be issued at 1/2 the annual license fee herein provided. (C) The annu'al license fee for each taxicab shall be a general description of each vehicle for which a license desired~ the marking or lettering to be used thereon; ana any other information required by the Clerk-Treasurer pertinent to the issuance of such license. Section 4. Issuance of License. (A) The Common Council shall hold a hearing upon each application for $ license. If the Common Council finds upon such hearing that the public convenience and necessity do not justify the operation of the vehicle for which license is desired~ it shall forthwith notify the applicant of its findings. If it finds from such hearing that the public convenience aha necessity do justify the operation of the vehicle er vehicles for which license is desired, it shall forthwith notify the appticant~ within sixty (60) days thereafter~ applicant shall furnish and ~ile with the Clerk-Treasurer the following: (1) A full transcript of the information appearing on the certificate of title of each vehicle for which license is desired~ and the state license number of each such vehicle° (2) A certification that each vehicle for which a license is desired has been inspected and tested end that each such vehicle is roadworthy and safe for operation as a taxicab~ (3) The name of each person who will operate such taxicabt with the driver'S license number of each such person~ (4)' A policy~or policies of liability insurance issued for the life of the license applied for or longer~ by a responsible insurance company, for each taxicab in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) in any one accident, or Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) to any one person for personal injury, and in addition, any damages which may be assessed against the applicant in an amount not less than Two ~.,~ ~v ~h~,~and Dollars ~$2~0,000.00) for property damage (B) Thereupon the Common Council shall examine the supporting information and documents and being satisfied that applicant is the owner of any such vehicle~ that the same is a safe and fit conveyance~ and that satisfactory insurance has been issued and is in force thereon~ it shall~ upon payment of the prescribed license fee~ issue a license to the applicant. A person accepting such a license hereunder shall thereby indemnify the City of Carmel against any and all liabililty alleged to exist as a result of operation of such taxicabs. Licensees hereunder are not agents or servants of the City of Carmel~ and the City of Carmel does not recommend~ endorse, or certify the safety of Applicant and shall have no liability exposure for any action or inaction of such licensees° (C) A certified copy of the license shall be exhibited in a prominent place in each taxicab at all times° Section 5. Taxicab Stands°. At the time of issuing the license, the Common Council may designate a regular parking space for the taxicab or taxicabs~ and it may prescribe rules for usage of this stand suitable to applicant's business and agreeable with the public convenience and welfare. Section 6. Displaying Rates; Excessive Charges. Every taxicab shall display at all times a printed list of the fares and rates to be charged passengers for transportation~ and it shall be unlawful for any owner or driver to Charge any amount in excess of such printed rates. Applicant shall keep on file with the Clerk-Treasurer a current list of such fares an~ rates~ Section 7. All Drivers ~o Be Licensed° No person under twenty-one (21) years of age and no person other than a driver duly licensed to operate a vehicle for public passengers under the laws of the state shall operate a taxicab on any street or alley of the municipality. ~'ither suspend or revoke such license° The Common Council may prescribe rules for a hearing procedure regarding such suspension or revocation° Section 9o Renewal of Llcenseo All owners of taxicabs hereby licensed, at the completion of the year for which such license was issued~ shall be entitled to a renewal for each succeeding year without a finding of convenience or necessity providing all other requirements of this code have been complied with° Section 10. this chapter shall be Pen~ Whoever violates any provision of fined not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per violation~ A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day that a violation occurs or continuss. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of April~ 1982~ CARMEL COMMON COUNCIL BY P Indiana, pomo Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel~ on this 19th day of April~ 1982, at the hour of 7:30 1982. Approved and signed by me on this 19th day of April, ~a~or, City of darmel, Indiana