HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-334 Truck Traffic On ROWAN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRUCK TRAFFIC ON CERTAIN PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY WITHIN THE TOWN OF CA~IEL~ INDIANA~ ~ND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TIlE TO%\~ OF CA~EL~ INDIA~A: Section 1. No person shall drive a freight-carrying ~-~-~{~-c---'tired vehicle with a gross weight of over 5~000 pounds on the following streets of the Town of Carmel: A. GREEN STREET from ll6th Street south to the north boun~-~r-6-{' the Woodlands Subdivision, B. LAKESHORE DRIVE~ EAST fron~ !16th Street south to the nort~"~b-u-~-~-~-~he Woodland Subdivision. C~ LAKESHORE DRIVE, ~rEST frown ll6th Street south to the north' boundary of the Keyston Woods Subdivision. D p~LT.YNC~ SPRTNGS DR/~E from it6th Street south to the north-'~-0~6~'a~ of Kedge Woods Subdivisions. Section 2. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not be app]'~abte to any such vehicle described in Section t hereof~ which said vehicle has as its _~nediate destlnatmon an area within the woodland Springs Subdivision. Section 3, Any person who o.~erates a motor vehicle in %~{~l~h-~'Of this ordinance~ shall, upon conviction thereof~ be fined in an amount not to exceed Section 4. The Town of Ca~,et shall cause to be posted ~-~-a-~i~-~'~gns and markings on the above described public streets~ clearly indicating thereon the restrictions herein imposed. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and adoption, PASSED AND.~DOPTED bv~ Board/3Of Trustees of Ca~el~ Indiana, TOI~j BOARD OF TRUSTEES CAp~EL, ~iNDI ANA ~OWen S?Kern, President PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY WITHIN THE TO~ OF CA~4EL~ ~NDIANA~ AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF ~E IT ORDAi~{ED BY THE ~OARD OF ' ' ~' ~RUS~E~$ OF T~LE TO'~ OF CARMEL ~ INDIANA: Section t~ No person shall drive a freight-carrying pneuma~c-t~_ed vehicle ~ ' ~ ' w~th a gross weight of over pounds on the following streets of the Town of Carmel: from lt6th Street south to the north ~uo~tvlsion. B. LAKESHORE DRIVE~ EAST fro~:: ll~th Street south to the nor oundary o e ~oodland ~ubd~v~sion~ C. LAKESNOR~ DRIVE, WEST from ll6th Street south to the nort~'~~'~-"~.~e Keystone ~oods D. ROLLING ~ ~ o~RIN~S DRIVE from ll6th Street south to the north boundary of Keystone Woods Subeivmslons~ Section 2, The provisions of this Ordinance shall not be app~c-~-f&~ to any s~ch vehicle described in Section i hereef~ which said vehicle has as its ~umediate destination an area within the Woodland Springs Subdivisicn~ Section 3~ Any person who operates a motor vehicle in %}~o~t-i~-~-°f this or~inance~ shall, uDon conviction thereof~ be fined in an ~mount not to exceed $25.00. Section 4~ The Town of Ca~%el shall cause to be posted certa-i~-~ns and markings on the above ~escribed public streets~ clearly indicating thereon the r=strict~ons herein imposed. This Ordinance shall be in full force an~ effect from and after its passage and adoption° ~'~" ~ ' ~. by~e ~oar~of Trustees of Ca~:ei~ Indiana, PAS~.,D this ~ ,,~ay o= /~/~~,~ ~ 1972 BOARD OF TRUSTEES~ CA~L~ INDI~{A ~N ORDINA-NCE REGULATING TRUCK TRAFFIC ON CERTAIN PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY WITHIN THE TOWN OF CA~EL~ INDI~NA~ PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TO~; OF CA~EL~ INDIANA: S~ctlon 1: ~$o person shall drive a frelght-carrylng ~u~i-~3tired vehicle with a ~ross weight of over ~000 pounds on the following streets of the Town of Carmel: A~ 12~th Street between KINZER STREET an~ 5~STFIELD BOULEVARD~ Section 2: Any person who operates a motor vehicle in violation of this Ordinance~ shali~ upon conviction thereof~ be fined in an amount not to exceed $25~00. Section 3~ The Town of Ca_~nel shall cause to be posted certain ~-~-n-~'-markings on the above d~escribed public streets~ clearly lndicatln? _hereon the res~rlctlons herein This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect fro~ and after its passage and adoption. PASSED ~~NQ ~DOPTED by~ Bo~r~of Trustees of Car~el~ Indiana this ~day of ~._~.~_~.L~.~ ....... ~ 1972. TO~ BOARD OF TRUSTEES, CA~4EL~ INDIANA By Owen S. Kern~ Pres~ent ATTEST: Nei! B. Schmelteko? ~g ORDIN~{CE REGULATING TRUCK TRAFFIC ON CERTAIN PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY WITHIN THE TOWN OF CA~4EL~ INDIANA, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOk~TION THEREOF BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF %'RUSTEES OF T}{E TOi'~9 OF CARMf]L~ INDIANA: Section i~ No person shall driv~ a freight~carryinG ven~c_e with a gross weight of over 5~000 pounds on the following streets of the To~n of A. 126th Street between KINZER STREFT and ~,7~L~TF.~._~ BOULEV%~. ~p~..~[~ Any person who o~erates a motor vehicle in violation of this Ordinance, shall~ upon conviction thereof: be fined in an ~ount not to exceed sT~ ~ Section 3~' The To%~n of Carmel shall cause to be posted certain slgns and. marking= on the above described ~ublic streets ~ ....~ e here.n 1.L~osed. clearly ind. lcat~nQ thereon t~:. restrictions ~ '~ This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect fro~ and after its passage and adoption~ PASSED ~ND~.~DOPTED by ~/~ BoarcLof Trustees of Carmel, Indiana _ RUoTE~o BOARD OF CAR~EL ~ _NDIANA Owen ATTEST ~ Nell Z. Schmeltekop (Co~orate Seal) _ ORDINANCE REGULATING TRUCK TRAFFIC ON CERTAIN PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY WITHIN TOWN OF CA~L~ INDIA}~A, pROVIDING p~ALTIES FOR VIOL~TIO~ THEREOF ?~ IT ORDAIN.~D ~Y T~E BO~.D OF TRUSTEES OF T~iE TO~?~ OF ~AP~E~ ~ INDIANA: Section i~ person shall drive a freight-c~rryln.~ pneumatic--tire vehicle with a qross weight of over 5 pounds on the following streets of the Town of ~armet~ A~ 126th Street between KINZER STREET and ~STFIBLD BOU~VAP~- ~ ' Any person who operates a motor vehicle in v~olatien ~-%'~-~'~-~dinance~ shall~ upon conviction thereof~ be fined in an ~ount not to exceed Section 3~ '~he To~n of Carmel shall cause to be posted certain ~"~h~'~'~arkings on the above aescribed public streets, clearly indicating thereon the restrictions herein lmposed. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage an~ adoption~ ~ ~ ..... by t~ Board/~f ~rustees of Carmel indiana BOARD OF TRUSTEES, CAPJ~EL, L~DI ~NA "~en S. Kern, President ATTEST: ,ell B. SchmeltekoP (~Dorate Seal)