D-217 Add.Approp./StreetORDINANCE ~D-217 AN 0BI~V~ANCE TO ~PPROPPXA~ ADDIT!O~AT. FUNDS FROM T~E LOCAL ROAD A~ID STREET. SPECIAL DISTRIBUTION W~, it h~s been determined that it is now necessary to appropriate more money th~n w~S appropriated in the annual budget, now therefore: That for the purpose of right-of-way pu~ch~se ~ud wideni~ of Ra~eline Road a sum of $154~ 000. 00 is needed in excess of the ~mo~ut budgeted for the current yea~. That for the period ~ollowi~ the effective ~te of this ordinance there is hereby appropriated out of the Local Road and Street Special Distribution ~u~d the following specified ~mo~nt to meet such eXtr~ordir~Y emergency which is hereby declared to exist. Extension of 3rd Ave. S.W. -$16,500.00, Right-of-way Purchase- Widening of P~ngeline Poad. $137,500.00 This ordinance sh~ll be in full force and effect from and s~fter its pass~ge. Presid & 0~fic~: ~ ~ Peggy Lou Smith C!erk-T~easu~er Approved: Albert B. Pickett, M~yor I~ted: