HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-212 Add.Approp/MVHORDINANCE #D-212 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL FUNDS FROM THE MVH SPECIAL DISTRIBUTION FU~D TO MVH SPECIAL DISTRIBUTION BUDGET FUND. WHElfEAS, it has been determined that it is now necessary to appropriate more money than was appropriated in the az~uual budget, now therefore: BE IT 0RDAINEDby the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana: That for the purpose of street and alley resurfacinga sum of $21,233.33 is needed in excess of th~ amount budgeted for the current year. That for the period following the effective date of this ordinance there is hereby appropriated out of the MVH Special D~stribution fund the following specified amount to meet such extrao~[n~ry emergency which is hereby declared to exist: From: MVH Special Distribution - $21,233.33 To: ~MVH_ Specia~_~Dis~ribu~ion~ Budget Fund - ~$21,233.33 This ordinance shall be in full force an~ effect ~rom an~ after its passage. dated this day of April, 1979. A.TTEST: ~ ~ Approved: Peggy Lou Smith Al'B-eft B. P~ckett, M~yor ~ Clerk-Treasurer Dated STATE OF INDIANA STATE BOARD OF TAX cOMMISSIONERS 201 State Office Building Indianapolis 46204 In the ma~ter of Additional Appropriations ) No. 790965 for: Hamilton County ) City of Carmel ) A petition having been filed by the proper legal officers of the above named taxing unit in the matter of additional4_23_79 appropriations,, a reporTthiShavingmatterbeenhavingmade and been set for hearing on all of the facts having been carefully considered, this Board does now take the following action thereon: APPROVED: Motor Vehicle Highway special Distribution Fund S21~233.33 Street and Alley Resurfacing Reference is made to the appropriation ordinance or resolution of the proper appropriating officials of said taxing unit, adopted: 4-2-79 STATE BOARD OF TAX COM/~ISSIONERS T--~aylcr/I. Morris, Jr., Commissioner STATE OF INDIANA OFFICE OF THE STATE BOARD.OF TAX COMMISSIONERS I, Gordon E. McIntyre, Secretary of the State Board of Tax Commissioners, do hereby certify that the above is a full, true and complete copy of the order of This Board made this date in the above entitled matter. WITNESS MY HAND and seal of the Board on ~his the 1st day of~Y , 19 79 · ~ . ~ ,~c~xe~ut%9~ Secretary