HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-76A Define Councilmanic DistORDINANCE NO. ~ ' ~ ~ ~
An ordinance defining the boundaries of and
establishing councilmanic districts for Carmel,
WHEREAS, in the general election of 1974, it was established by
a majority vote of the electorate that Carmel, Indiana, would become
a city and therefore it being necessary for the Board of Trustees
of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, to define the boundaries of and
establish councilmanic districts. ~ ~/ ~
That the councilmanic districts shall be and shall be des-
cribed as follows:
a. Cooncilmanic District No. 1. Begin at a point in the
center of Range Line Road where said road is intersected by 136th
Street, also known as Smokey Row Road and referred to hereafter as
136th Street, and proceed West along the corporate limits of the
Town of Carmel, Indiana, to a point where said corporate limits pro-
ceed in a Southerly direction, thence South along said corporate
limits to a point where said corporate l%mits proceed West, thence
West along said corporate limits to a point where said corporate
limits proceed South, thence South along said corporate limits to a
point where said corporate limits meet 131st Street, also known as
Main Street and hereafter referred to as Main Street, thence West
along said Main Street to the center of U.S. Highway 31, thence
Southwest along the center of U.So Highway 31 to a point where said
corporate limits turn from said U.S. Highway 31 and proceed thence
South along said corporate limits to a point where said corporate
limits proceed East, thence East along said corporate limits to a
point where said corporate limits proceed South, thence South along
said ~orporate limits to the center of 116th Street, where said
corporate limits proceed East along the center of ~aid~'116th Street
to the center of Range Line Road thence North along the center of
Range Line Road to the place of beginning.
ALSO: Part of the~ South Half of Section 25, Township 18 North,
Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly des-
cribed as follows:
Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 25, Township 18
North, Range 3 East, thence North on and along the West line of
said Section 25, 654 feet, more or less; thence Easterly paral-
lel with the South line of Section 25 to the East line of the West
Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 25; thence North
on and along said East line to the Southwest corner of Wilson's
Village, First Section, as per plat thereof; recorded in the
Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County; thence East on and along
~ ~n ~m~rv of ~aid Addition and the extension thereof,
- 2-
of Hamilton County; thence Southerly on and along the Western boundary
of said Lot #51 and the Western boundary of Wilson's Village, Ninth
Section, as per plat thereof, recorded in the Office of the Recorder
of Hamilton County, to the S~uth line of said Section 25; thence
West on snd along said South line to the Place of Beginning;
ALSO: An area bounded on the North by
Gray Road, on the East by UoS. Highway
Street, also known as Smokey Row Road,
Morion Railroad, said area includes the
Meadows and Rolling Acres.
146th Street, also known as
31, on the South by 136th
and on the West by the said
subdivisions of Rolling
b. Councilmanic District No. 2. In addition to the plat
of Stone Hedge Addition to the Town of Carmel, Indiana, begin at a
point where U.S~ Highway 31 and Keystone Avenue, also,known as High-
way Indiana State Road 431, intersects and proceed in a South
direction along said U.S. Highway 31 to the center of Range Line
Road thence South along the center of Range Line Road to where the
center of 131st Street, also known as Main Street and hereafter re-
ferred to as Main Street, thence East along the center of Main
Street to the center of 4th Avenue, Southeast, thence South along
the center of 4th Avenue Southeast and the projection of said 4th
Avenue Southeast to the center of 126th Street or Mohawk Road, thence
East along the ~nter of 126th Street to the center of Keystone Avenue
or highway Indiana State Road 431 thence North along the center of
highway Indiana State Road 431 to the center of Main Street, thence
East along the center of Main Street to a point where the corporate
limits of the Town of Carmel proceed North, thence North and West
along said corporate limits to the place of beginning.
c. Councilmanic District No. 3. Begin at the center of
Range Line Road where said road is intersected by 131st Street, also
known as Main Street, and proceed South along the center of said
Range Line Road to the center of 116th Street, thence East along the
center of 116th Street to the center of highway Indi~a State Road
431, thence North along the center of highway Indiana State Road 431
to the Southern most line of the plat of Mohawk Hills Addition to
the Town of Carmel, Indiana, thence West along said plat line of
said Mohawk Hills Addition to a point where said plat line proceeds
North, thence North along said plat line of Mohawk Hills Addition
to the center of 126th Street or Mohawk Road, thence West along
the center of 126th Street to the center projected line of 4th
Avenue Southeast, thence North along said projecti6n of said
center line of 4th Avenue Southeast to the center of Main Street,
thence West along the center of Main Street to the place of begin-
d. Councilmanic District No. 4. In addition to all of
the Mohawk Hills Addition to the Town of Carmel, Indiana, begin at
the center of highway Indiana State Road 431 where said highway
Indiana State Road 431 is intersected by Main Street, thence South
along the center of said Indiana State Road 431 to the center of
116th Street, thence East along the center of 116th Street to Gray
Road, thence North along the center of Gray Road to the center of
126th Street, thence West along the center of 126th Street to the
Eastern most line of the plat of Cool Creek Estates Addition which
i~ ~o the coroorate limits of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, thence
e. Councilmanic District No. 5. Begin at the center of
Indiana State Road 431 where said Indiana State Road 431 is inter-
sected by 116th Street thence South along the center of Indiana State
Road 431 to the center of 106th Street which is also the corporate
limits of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, thence East along the center
of 106th Street to the center of Haverstick Road, wh~re said corporate
limits proceed North along the center of Haverstick Road, to a
point where said corporate limits proceed East, thence East along
said corporate limits to a point where said corporate limts proceed
North, thence North along said corporate limits to the center of
116th Street, thence West along the center of 116th Street to the
place of beginning.
ALSO: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 8,
Township 17 North, Range 4 East, containing 80 acres, more or less,
in Hamilton County, Indiana.
Part of Secti~a 7 and part of Section 8, both in Township 17
North, Range 4 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly
described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 8, Township 17 North,
Range 4 East; thence East on and alon~ the North line of said
Section 8 (centerline of 106th Street~ to the East line of the West
Half of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 8; thence South on
and along the East line of said West Half to the North line of the
Southwest Quarter of said Section 8; thence East on and along said
North line to the East line of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter
of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 8; thence South on and
a~ong said East line to the North line of the South Half of said
Southwest Quarter; thence East on and along said North line to the
East line of said Southwest Quarter; thence South on and along said
East line to the South line of said Section 8; thence West on and
along said South line (centerline of 96th Street) to the Southeast
corner of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range 4 East; thence West
on and along the South line of said Section 7 (centerline of 96th
Street) to the centerline of State Road #431 (Keystone Avenue);
thence North on and along said centerline 824 feet, more or less;
thence East to the West line of aforesaid Section 8; thence North
on and along said West line to the place of beginning.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that it is the intent of this ordinance
for the convenience of the voters of Carmel, Indiana, and for assist-
ing the public offidals who, pursuant to law, must refer to and use
the above Councilmanic District Boundaries in order to define pre-
cincts for use in the primary and general elections, that the council-
manic districts shall be the same as the existing Wards to the great-
est possible extent, the only deviation being that new geographic
areas within the corporate limits of Carmel, Indiana, whid~ have only
the municipal boundaries of Carmel, Indiana.
That the councilmanic districts created hereby shall be
effective immediately upon passage and publication of this ordinance
and same will be used pursuant to the law in selecting councilmen
for the City Counoil of Carmel, Indiana.
Dated this 30th day of ~..~,~ 1974.
Georgd F. St'~vens
Frederiok Po Hinshaw
Stanley B. Beach
William D. McFadden