HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-27 Sewage Disposal PlantORDINANCE NO o ~)-~
WHEREAS, the ToWn of Carmel has established and is o~eratin~
a sewage disposal plant, and,
WHEREAS, it is necessary that the of_lcials of the Town
operate said plant and devote considerable time to said operation,
~qEREFORE BE IT 0PDAINED by the Board of Trustees of the
Town of Carme ~
Section 1. That each member of the Board of Trustees re-
ceive the sum of $10o00 Der month from the Carmel Sewage Disposal
Section 2. That the Clerk-Treasurer of the Town of Carmel
' e of $50.00 oer month from the Carmel Sewage Dis-
recelv the ~um ~
posal Plant.
Thi~ ordinance shall be in full force and effect
from and after its passage.
Dated this~~day of ~'/~~.' 1960-
Board of Trustees,
Carmel, Indiana.
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