HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, that it shall be unlawful fer
person, persons, company or corporation to erect, construct,
cause, permit, keep or maintain within the limits of said Town
anything whatever, which is injurious to health or indecent or
offensive to the senses of any of the inhabitants of said Town
or auy obst~ection to the free use of property by auy such in-
habitants, any person~ or persons maintaining any nuisance a-
bove referred to is hereby declared to be the author and. main-
tainer of a nuisance and shall be fined not loss than five (5)
dollars nor more than one hundred (100) dollars.
Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons,
company or corporation to throw or deposit or suffer or permit
any child, servant, member of the family, or any other permon
under his, her or their control, to throw or deposit any manure,
rubbish, slops, putrid or unsound animal or vegetable matter,
or any filthy, noisome or unwholesome liquid or slops or sub-
stances that are liable to become unwholesome, in or into, or
upon ~ny street, lane, alley, sidewalk, gutter crossing, lot,
cellar, premises or commons. And it shall be unlawful for any
rank weeds to be allowed to grow on any ground Within the cor-
poration of the Town.
Section 3. All garbage receptacles shall be tightly cov-
ered and emptied frequently enough to prevent fermentation and bad
odors; and garbage receptacles and vaults shall be cleaned, emp-
tied and disenfected, and weeds shall be cut aud hauled away at
and disinfected, and when weeds shall be cut and hauled away
and if any o~ner or lessee being duly ordered as herein pro-
vided, shall fail or refuse te obey said order, it shall be
the duty of the Town Marshal, Upon notice from the Health
Officer to cause the garbage receptacles mhd vaults cleaned,
emptied and disinfected, or the weeds to be cut and hauled
away and said Marshal shall keep an accurate account of the
expense thereof which shall be paid from the town treasur~
upon the sworn voucher of the town marshal, and said expenses
shall be a lien on the property and collected by law and turn-
ed into the town treasury.
Section 4. The secretary of the town board of health,
who is also the town ha~Jath officer, and all deputy health
officers, and the town marshal snd deputies, shal~ have full
power and authority to enter into or upon any street, lot,
alley, premises, or ground for the purpose of making a sani-
tary survey of the same, and if a niusance or unsanitary con-
ditions are found it shall be the duty of the town health
officer whe~ informed of the existencs of the same to immedi-
ately notify the person or persons so offending, in writing,
fixing the time limit to abate the niusence. If such person
shall fsll or refuse to abate the niusence within the time
specified, it shall be the duty of the town marshal upon notice
of the health officer to cause the same to be abated, keeping
sn accurate account of the expenses thereof, which shall be
paid from the town Treasury upon the sworn voucher of the town
marshal and said expense shall be a lien on the property snd
collected as taxes are collected and turned into the town
Section 5. All Cases of cholera, typhoid fever, measles,
officer by the attending physictau, if any otherwise by the
householder, and it shall be the dnty of the town health of-
ficer to at once impose quarantine by placarding the house
where such disease exists, excepting tYPhoid fever ~nd pul-
monary tuberculosis, for they shall only be reported and
corded but not qU~antined. The card shall be not less than
twelve (12) inches square ~ith the name of the disease thereon
in letters ~of not less than two (2) inches in length and hav-
ing upon it the following notlce~
All persons are forbidden to enter or leave these
premises without special permit from the health
officer having Jurisdiction and all Persons are
forbidden to remove or mutilate this card or to in
any way interfere with the quarantine Without orders
from said health officer.
This card shall be posted in a conspicuous place and
shall remain there until removed or ordered removed by the
town health officer. It shall be a misdeme~uor to remove or
mutilate said Card except by the order ef the said town health
officer, and all dwellers in the quarantined habitation, or
prescribed area, shall not leave maid habitation or area
break the quarantine and no one shall enter except by permis-
sion of the health officer aud all persons shall obey the di-
rections of the health officer concerning the care they shall
take against carrying the infection to others.
Section 6. In case of smallpox it shall be the duty of
the town health officer to isolate the patient in the house
in which he er she is found, or in case this is not practical,
in an isolation hospital, established by the to~n board of
trustees, and where the patient is unable to compensate phy-
sician or nurse, or provide all necessary attendance and floor,
the expense thereof, shall be paid as other town expenses, and
those who have bee~ exposed to smallpox shall be ~accinated
and disinfected in body and apparel and given their freedom
for ten days, provided they will faithfully promise to report
to the helath officer at the end of the ten days from first
~x~)osure to b~ ~1 ~ ~
Section ?. If at any time the work of p~eventlon of the
spread of infection or cont~gio~s disease is more than can be
reasonably executed by the town health officer, he may, with
the consent of the town board, employ one or more intelligent
men to act a.s deputies to establish quarantine, remove patients
to the special hospital ~nd conduct disinfections. All ho~ses
wherein infectious and contagious diseases may exist or have
existed, shall at the proper time be thoroughly ~isinfected
with formaldehyde according to the rules of the state boa~d of
health officer or his deputies at the expense of the town as
the work obviously is for the benefit of the people. A com-
plete record of all disinfections, all vaccinations end all
other he~%h work done, s~ll be kept by the town health offi-
cer in the minute book of the town board of health.
Section 8. ~hen visiting persons known to be infecte~
with smallpox, diphtheria, and scarlet fever, all physicians
and health officers shall prOtect their clothing end hair
against infection, end shall thoroughly disinfect their hands
before coming into contact with the public. To accomplish this
a linen or rubber Coat with sl~ull cap shall be wo~n by physi-
cians and health officers when visiting patients afflicted
with the disease named and health officers when visiting pat-
lents afflicted with the disease named and said linen or rubber
coat and skull cap shall be carried in hand-bag or other ap-
proved receptacle and keep disinfected with formaldehyde.
The hands shall be well disinfected by washing t~lth anti-
septic soap end applying an effected antiseptic.
Section 9. It shall be the duty of the town marshal at
all times to aid the town health officer in the work of en-
forcing this ordinauce upon deman~ of said town health officer.
five (25) dollars, nor more than one hundred (100) dollars and
imprisoned for tan days at the option of the court, and one
day's Violation shall constitute a separate offense.
Section 11. As an emergency this ordinance shall be in
effect immediately on smd after its passage.
Passed ~A4%y~ 22, 1903.
Old Ordinsnce No. ~
Re-enacted this_/~ ~ day of
C1 erk-Treasurer