HomeMy WebLinkAboutZ- 4 Thoroughfare Plan . . . l t' THOROUGHFARE PLAN ORDINANCE fOR THE' TOWN OF CARMEL, lNDIANA :,',"/1" AN ORDINANCE est~blishing a Thoroughfare Plan to promote the orderly development of the Town of Carmel, Indian~; ~nd its envi rons; to. improve the he~ 1 th ,".s~fety, convenience and welf~re of its residents; to the end that the highway system be carefUlly planned; that newdommu~f~y centers grow only with ~dequate highw~y facilities; th~t the needs of industry, business and agriculture be recognized in future growth; that residential areas provide s~fe ~nd healthy suiroundings for family life; that the developme~t. of the Town be commensurate with and promotive of the efficient ~nd economical use of public funds; for the purpose of formulating definite policies for the laying out, development and improvement of public str~ets and highways and-services to platted and unplatted land. WHEREAS, the Carmel Town Pl~n Commission has prepared a Thorough- rare Pl~n for the Town of Carmel, Indiana, including an ordinance for its enforcement; has held a public he~ring on,the plan and ordinance; has by resolution adopted the rhoroughfare Plan and recommended thereon to the Town Board of Trustees that said ,ordinance be passed; all in aacord~nce with Chapter 174, Acts of General Assembly of Indiana for 1947, and all acts amendatory thereto, and Chapter 44, Acts of the General Assembly of Indiana, for 1931, and all acts amendatory thereto: NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED by the Town.Board of T~ustees of the Town of . Carmel, Indiana: Section 1. SHORT TITLE. This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Thorough- fare Plan, A section of the Master Plan of Carmel. Indiana, - 1958". Section 2. MAP OF THOROUGHFARES. The Thoroughfare Plan of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, consists of a map entitled "Major Street and Highway Pl~n, Thoroughfare Plan, C~rmel, Indiana, 1958" which shows the location of existing ~nd proposed thoroughf~res within the jurisdiction of the Town Plan Commission, and -is hereby declared to be a part of this ordinance. Notations, reference_, indications and other details shriwn on the Thoroughfare PI~n are as much a part of this ordinance as if they were fully described in the text of this ordinance. itA . .~~.. . -- \'. r . ",_;",.,~ """",.'-"~_''''''' _~,.,_.".". _._.,. .,"'_'.'" ._~.", ~~_... 0.... :., " ., ';; ,i - , "1 , . ":- .~:' r ";,. " J,' .:"" f' ',' . t ,- ~ I ~~'-"'l,o:""""',:"._ ,,'-':'""~';~'::-'''-~""':''"T''' ,..,.".........-.......ro-:-.,..." 16 i , lir. ,......,.--.- . . . See t ion 3, D RA VII N G . A drawing entitled "Typical Thoroughfare Cross-S~ctions, Carmel, Indiana" shows~ross-sections for streets as designated on the Thoroughfare Plan Map. Section 4. DESIGNATION OF THOROUGHFARES~ The thoroughfares within the Town of Carmel are classified as to width and type in accordance with their function as a part of the Thoroughfare system, and are designated as Arterial, Feeder, and Residential streets as shown on the Thoroughfare Plan. Such streets are to be provided with the right-of-way widths shown on the Thoroughfare Plan as set out in Section 5. of this ordinance and are to be improved as required by the Town of Carmel ordinance providing for the control of the subdivision of land, Ordinance No. ____. Section 5. POLICIES AND DIRECTIVES. a. Qpeninn or Winp.ninr, of Strp.p.t~. Whenever a street designated on the lhoroughfare Plan is to be platted os a part of a subdivision of land, the right-of-way width shall conform to the policies and specified designations, and indications in the Thoroughfare Plan, provided that where a street borders a tract of land to be subdivided, the owner of such land shall be required to plat only one-half of the right-of-way width designated for such street, measured at ninety (90) degrees to the center line thereof. b. ~Qq"tion of Strop.t~; Wherever the locations of streets are indicated on the Thoroughfare Plan as following existing roads or streets, or section or half-section lines, or other established property lines, they shall conform to such locations; however, streets lying wholly within a subdivision, and not designated as following an existing road or a section line, may be varied in their alignment when such variance promotes the plan of a neighborhood development unit in accordance with good site planning principles, and if such alignment provides for the continuity of traffic movement. Streets which follow irregular alignment, or indicate revised alignments or are not references to established lines. shall follow in a general manner the alignment shown on the Thorough- fare Plan. Their alignment'shall be subject to detailed surveys " , l i .! -2- 'i .j _ ~"."""'._""'_ ........,',.~_....-::...:~:'........ ......... n_._" ~......"...._ ,_~,~",_" ....,t. .,..._..._~,~....~.._.~-........~-_...~,-:.~ '~""".-'7"'1"'---""."'" ~... .',' ('-..-........ ;t, 'h .,': " :1" .' ,............-..,............. ., .....!..,..,I"'.,....~.....'--.. 1-/5 ,0- ~;:: . . . which may be made by the owners of land to be subdivided. Such surveys shall be subject to the approval of the Town Plan Commission prior to the acquisition of land.or the filiny of ~ubdivision plans affecting such streets. .c;'~ Con,; nprHti on hy Pl1hl; 0. Allpnd'''. After'adoption of the Thoroughfare plan and this ordinance. the Town Board of ~rustees shall be guided by and give con- sideration to the general policy and pattern of development set out in the Thoroughfare Plan in the authorization, construction, alteration or abandonment of public highways and structures. d. ",""or.e of Permits. In the case of permits authorized by the ,Town Baard of Trustees of the Town o~ Carmel, Indiana, for the erection or alteration of s\ructures and other improvements; the permit(s)" shall be issued only if the proposed street and thoroughfare rights-of-way as set forth by this plan will be protected from encroachment and, for planning and zoning purposes. the proposed street and thoroughfare right-~f-~aJ lines will be considered as the front line of lots and tracts bordering such streets and thoroughfarei. Section 6. CONTINUING AUTHORITY OF TOWN PLAN COMMISSION. Subsequent to the adoption of the Thoroughfare Plan and the passage of this ordinance, the Town Plan Commission may: ~. Determine lines for new, extended, widened o~ narrowed thoroughfares in any portion of the Town of Carmel: b~ Certify to t~e Town Board of Trustees the amended or additional plan under the same procedures a. est8blished for the certification and approval of the ThOr~ughfare Plan. Section 7. AMENDMENTS. In addition to the provisions of Section 6 herein. amendments may be initiated as follows: I a. The Town Board of Trustees may direct the Town Plan Commission to prepare an amendment, as desired; and submit it to public hearing within sixty (60) days after formal written request by the Town Board of Tr,u s tee s . , I ,1\ 'tl\ , ,\~ . I' :l:"--~':"''''-':' 'If I q , ,r 'I :,": !: J',.) . -I.. :,'(' , ,'t: 'C' :1 ':! 'I '\ i -3- ,.." ., ....-..:,...~.".".. ',"" . ' . ... '. " .. 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If any title. section; clause. provision or portion of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid. or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect any other title, section, clause, provision or portion of this ordinance. Section 10. WHEN EFFECTIVE. This ordinance shall' be in force and effect from and after its passage according to law. I .Approved and passed the /~~~day of I,) .";;. :,>c."1- U II , 19.J..7 TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES '. of the Town of Carmel, Indiaria ~cA~L:. .~~,~r- President By ATTEST: -". "I . ..- /; ) / I c......,:<.~ t ('.-.oL..', "--_::: ..f .~.i.,,'L;;,...~~'.... Town Clerk-Treasurer -4- . _",~~___"",,-_."_""""'""""'P_~'''..''''~~~'''''"'.'''''.~'_'_'"M".~" _ .:.__~~.~' .,.... '"_~'".~' .~- ...".,._,,__....,""_n_____.... .... ~--:-'T!-- .--,.. ..~ ","-' , - ~. "," .1 ;.j,Jj' ,...---"'-' .."........., ,---;._.~~._-- ~-;-- ,. ., . ~