HomeMy WebLinkAboutZ -61 Rezone R-4 to I-1ORDINANCE
An ordiR~nce amending the Zoning Ordinance a part of the Master
Plan of the To~ of Carmel, Indiana.
An Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance of the To~ of Carmel,
Indiana. Ordinance No Z-l, as amended, passed by the Town Board
of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, on the 21st day of Dec
1957 under authority of Chapter 174 of the Acts of 1947, and all
acts amendatory or supplemental thereto, of ~he General Assembly
of the State of Indiana.
Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel,I
Indiana, that Ordinance No. Z-l, as amended, is hereby amended as
Section I. That the zone map, identified as Carmel zone map, ahee2
I and 2, and dated 1961, which accompanies and is a part of said
Zoning Ordinance No. Z-1 as amended, is hereby changed as follows:
An area described as follows is hereby re-classified from R-4
residence district to the I-1 industrial district on said map.
Begin 339.8 feet south and 785.8 feet east of the northwest
corner of th'e east half of the south~t quarter of section 25,
Township 18 North, rang& 3 east,
sidewalk on south line of first
Carmel; thence south 196.0 feet
said point being cross on the
street southwest in the Town of
to iron stake; thence east parallel
iwith south line of said street 121.'5 feet to a point; thence north
196.0 feet to cross in side~alk~ on south side of said first street
l~southwest; thence west 121.5 feet to place of beginning, in Hamil-
ton County, Indiana from R-4 to I-% zone.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from
and after its passage.
Passed by the Town Board of Trustees of the