HomeMy WebLinkAboutZ-191 Permit FeesAN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE Z160 WHEREAS, there is in full force and effect in the City of Carmel, and in Clay Township, Ordinance Number Z160- as amended, an Ordinance providing for Zoning and sub-division control within the City of Carmel and Clay Township, Indiana; and, WHEREAS, Section 29.6.1 thru Section 29.6.6 of said Ordinance provides for certain filing fees to be paid to the City of Carmel and collected by the Department of Co~uunity Development; and, .... WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of Carmel that Sections of the Ordinance be amended. It is thereby ordained by the C~L~¥on Council of the City of Carmel that Section 29.6 of the Ordinance Z160 as amended shall be amended and read as follows: 29.6 Filing Fees. Applications and petitions filed pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance shall be accc~penied by the filing fees hereinafter specified, and shall be paid to the City of Ca~uel and collected by the Department of Cc~munity Development. 29.6 FILING ~'EES 1. Preliminary Plat 2. Final Plat 3. Zoning Ordinance Amendmant 4. Variance, requirement 5. Variance, use 6. Variance, sign 7. Variance, subdivision 8. Special use, single and two-family residential 9. Special use, all other uses 10. Preliminary Development Plan 11. Final Development Plan 12. Change in Development Plan 13. Appeal 14. Temporary Variance-original application or renewal 15. Architectural, Design, Lighting and Sign Approval 29.6.2 IMPROVHMENT LOCATION PERMIT FEES~ 1. Industrial and Conmercial B~ildings including churches, public buildings and private schools (Carmel/Clay buildings and schools are exempt frc~ fees) (Page 4 ) Cc~nercial parking lot or structure Any tew~oorary permit (up to one year) J_ndustrial, cc~ner- cial, and institutional buildings (filing and $100.00 plus $ 5.00 per lot $100.00 $25O.OO $100.00 plus $50.00 for each additional variance $25O.00 $ 50.OO $ 50.00 $100.00 $250.00 $250.00 $100.00 $200.00 $ 50.00 (applies to all new and previously approved variances) $ 50.00 inspection fees) $150.00 plus $.03 per gross sq. ft. includes base inspections a, b, c and d (Page_4~ $150.00 plus $.03 per gross sq. ft. includes base inspections a, b, c and d (Page 4 ) $ 2.00 per parking stall plus applicable inspection fees One-half (%) the cost of the permit for a similar permanent building or structure. Plus applicable inspection fees. Renewable annually. Page 1 29.6.2 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION PEP~LIT FEES (cont.) 4. Single-family 5. Two-family ' dwelling 6. Multi-family dwelling (of any constr~ction type or ownership classification 7. Dwelling Addition up to 3 roc~s total; attached garage or car- port, enclosed porch Dwelling Addition, greater than 3 rooms 8. Detached garage or carport up to two (2) spaces Each additional space 9. All accessory buildings or structures with or without permanent foundations (ex- cluding farm buildings under 400 sq. ft.) 10. Swimming Pool (in or above ground, portable or stationary, with minimum dimensions of two (2) feet depth and twelve (12) ft. diameter) 11. Mobile Hc~e Parks 12. Structural Modification (Remodeling) Residential Co~nercial and Industrial Moving or changing location of building or structure (except mobile homes snd other buildings with non-permanent foundations) $ ~90.00 plus $.05 per sq. ft. over 1600 sq. ft. of total floor area includes base inspections a, b, c and d (Page ~4 ~) $110.00 plus $.05 per sq. ft. over 2500 sq. ft. of total floor area includes base inspections a, b, c end d (Page 4 ) $ 40.00 per unit, plus applicable inspection fees $ 25.00 plus $.02 per sq. ft., plus applicable inspection fees $ 25.00 plus $.02 per sq. ft., plus applicable inspection fees $ 25.00 plus applicable inspection fees $ 5.O0 $ 25.00 plus $.02 per sq. ft. over 500 sq. ft. of total floor area, plus applicable inspection fees $ 25.00 plus $.02 per sq. ft. of total pool area plus patio area plus applicable inspection fees $100.00 for admin, and service building with up to 10 mobile home spaces $ 25.00 plus applicable inspection fees $ 25.00 plus applicable inspection fees $ 25.00 plus inspection fees Page 2 29.6~2 tMPR~ /~3CAHION. PEN~IT' ~S ~(c~nt ~ )' 13. Mobile Homes (ma/lufactured hor~es under 750 sq. ft.) 14. 15. 16. Roadside sales stand (Six (6) month temporary permit, in- cludes one (1) temporary sign with 32 sq. ft. area maximum) All Inspections and Re-inspections: (refer %o 29.6.6 Page 4) Res-~ential (single and two (2) family) Commercial* & Industrial Construction; permanent residential, business and manufacturing operations started or underway prior to obtaining required permits, inspections and Certificates of Occupancy.** Single Family Multi-Family Cc~mercial Industrial All O~her (including signs, pools, accessory buildings, porch, roc~ additions, barns, or storage buildings etc. ) 29.6.3 SIGN FEES 1. Sign permit application 2. Sign erection-In~provement permit, $ 20.00 for mobile homes placed upon permanent foundations other than in a mobile home park plus applicable inspection fees $ 50.00 plus applicable inspection fees $ 25.00 per inspection trip $ 50.00 per inspection trip Fee plus $100.00 late fee Fee plus $100.00 late fee Fee plus $100.00 late fee Fee plus $100.00 late fee Fee plus $ 50.00 late fee after official notice from the Department of Cc~munity Development of the violation $ 25.00 $ 20.00 per sign face plus $1.00 sq. ft. over 32 sq. ft. * Cc~mercial includes retail and wholesale, aparkments and office buildings ** Additional permits will not be issued by the Department of Ccmmunity Development to any individual, firm or corporation until all previously required permits, inspections and Certificates of Occupancy have been issued and all fees paid. Page 3 29.6.4 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ~S 1. Residential 2. Industrial, Cc~nercial and Institutional Buildings $ 15.00 per dwelling unit $ 30.00 per leased section 29.6.5 DEMOLITION PFi~MIT FEES Demolition or removal of buildings or structures $ 25.00 for the first building or str~cture plus $15.00 for each additional kuilding or structure 29.6.6 /NSPECTIONS Inspections (Additional) a. Footing and underslab plumbing - Residential - Con~nercial/Industrial b. Electrical - temporary pole and meter base - Residential - Con~ercial/ID~ustrial c. Rough-in (electrical, plumbing, heating & air conditioning - Residential - Cc~nercial/Industr ial d. Final - Residential - Cc~mercial/Industrial e. All other inspections - Residential - Cc~nercial/Industrial 29.6.7 EXEMPTIONS FROM ~'~S: $ 25.00 ~ inspection trip $ 50.00 per inspection trip $ 25.00 per inspection trip $ 50.00 per inspection trip $ 25.00 per inspection trip $ 50.00 per inspection trip $ 25.00 per inspection trip $ 50.00 per inspection trip $ 25.00 per inspection trip $ 50.00 per inspection trip The listed fees are waived for all City of Carmel and Carmel/Clay School System buildings or facilities except for inspection fees. It is further ordained that th_is Ordinance shall repeal any and all Ordinances in conflict herewith and shall be in full force and effect upon its passage. Page 4 signed: Jane A. Reiman, Presiding Officer Attest: signed: Dorothy J. Hancock, Clerk-Treasurer Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel on the , 1982, at the hour of signed: Dorothy J. Hancock, Clerk-Treasurer This ordinance approved and signed by me on the __ , 1982, at the hour of signed: Jane A. Reiman, Mayor of the City of Carmel ~ay of day of Passed and adopted by the Common Council of the City of Carmel on the Presiding Officer Dorothy J. ~/n~Sck, Clerk-Treasurer Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel on the / day of ~~O~t~2 , 1982, at the hour of ~.' ~J%" . This Ordinance approved and signed by me on the 1982, at the hour of ~