HomeMy WebLinkAboutZ-151 Rezone S-1 to S-2AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TtfE ZONING OI~I)INANC]33 A PAINT OF THE MASTEI:~ PI.AN CAR~4EL INDIANA 7 3 0 $ OI DINANCZ NO. Page AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING OIgDINANCE Oti' TIlE TOWN OF CAF~MEI~ INDIANA, OP~DINANCE NO. Z-l, AS AMENDED. AND OF{,f)INANCE NO Z-13 .AS AMENDE.D, PASSED BY THE TOWN BOAgD OF Tt~,USTI~.',ES OF TIlE TOWN OF CAR- MEL, INDIANA, ON TIlE 21ST DAY 0[4` DECEMT3EI~, 1957, AND TIlE 2ND DAY Ot:' MAY, 1961 t~ESPECTIVELY, AND ALI. ACTS AMENI)ATOR, Y OH, SUPPLEMENTAL THEfgETO, UNDEP~AI.;THOIglTY OF Ct~tAPTER, 174 OF THE ACTS OF 1947, AND ALI, ACTS AMENDA'FORY THERETO OF TIlE GENEI~,AI~ASSEMBLt OF THE STATE OF INDIANA. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COI, NCII~ OF Till!; CITY ()F (AF~Mt I~, INDIANA, THAT ORDINANCE NO, Z-1 ASAMI. NDEI), ANDOI:~DINANCE N(). Z-13, .AS AMENDED ARE ttEt~,EBY AMENDEI) AS EOI~I~DWS: SI~]C TION 1 That the zone Map xvhieh accompanies and is a part of' orang Ordinance Nc). Z--13, as amended, is hereby chan~ed as follows: The attached Exhibit A is reclassified fr'om an S1 zoning classification to a S.. ×oning classification on said map. tzC I'[(. N !!: Chis or'dinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Passed b.y the City ounc.~l of the ~0~ of Carmel, Indiana, on this day of(~-~o.~,~ , 1,97~ (')IrI'~r COUNCIl,, (AIglVIE], INDIANA Clerk- .t reasur'er', [ac'mci, Indiana T!us nstru~ent prepay'ed by: W~.~hc t,ng~necrs, InC. EXHIBIT Thirty (30) acres off the North side of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter in Section 8. Township 17 North, Range 4 East in Hamilton County, Indiana. - ALSO: The WeSt Half of the Northeast Quarter of the 'Southwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 17 North, Range 4 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, containing 20 acres, more or less. ALSO: The East Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 17 North, Range 4 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, containing 20 acres, more or less. Subject, however, to the right-of-way of the old County Road along the entire West side of said $0 acre tract. Subject, also, to 16, 5 foot wide right-of-way off the euttre North side of said Southwest Quarter as recorded in Will Record "L", page 1, in the Circuit Court of Hamilton County, {ndiarm,~ and in Deed Record I37, page 189. Subject, also, to a 16. 5 foot wide easement off the entire North side of said Southwest Quarter granted in Miscellaneous Record 35~ 0age 500 and assigned to the Chic Oil Company in M. iscellaneous Record 3§,~ 0age 271 and reassigned to the Buckeye Pipeline Company as recorded in Miscellaneous Record 39, page 286 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiarm. Subject, also, to a blanket type easement over 50 acres, more or less: in the West part of the North Half of said Southwest Quarter granted in Miscellaneous Record 35, page 507 and assigned to the Ohio Oil Compaily in Miscellaneous Record 39, page 272 and reassigned to rite Buckeye Pipelilme Company as recorded in Miscellaneous Record 39, page 286 In the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. Subject further to all other legal easements and rights-of-way.