HomeMy WebLinkAboutZ-280 Rezone B-5 to B-2AN ORDINANCE ~%y~.NDiNG ZONING ORDI~-~%~NCE NO: Z-160, A pART OF THE MAS~ER PLAN OF T~E CITY OF C-~%~IEL~ INDiA~{A ORDINANCE NO. Z-280 AN ORDINA~NCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CA~EL, INDIA~QA, ORDINANCE NO. Z-160t AS AMENDED, PASSED BY THE CO~{ON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CA~EL, INDIANAt ON JA~NUARY 21~ 1980, UNDER AUTHORITY OF ACTS OF 1979f PUBLIC LA%~ 178f SECTION t, et seq., (I.C. 18-7-4-101 et seq.) A~ND ALL ACTS A}IENDATORY OR SUPPLEMENTARY THERETO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF CA~EL, iNDIANA, THAT ORDINANCE NO. Z-t60, AS k~ENDED, iS HEREBY A~ENDED AS FOLLOWS: That the zone map accompanying and made a Dart of Zoning Ordinance Z-160, as amended, and the zoning class~fzcatzons of Zoning Ordinance No. Z-160~ as amended, are amended to reclassify and rezone the real estate described in Exhibit "A" hereto from the B-5 Business District Classification to the B-2 Business District Classification within the zoning districts and on the official zoning map. That the zone map accompanying and made a part of zoning Ordinance Z-160r as amended, and the zoning classifications of Zoning ordinance No. Z-160, as amended, are amended to reclassify and rezone the real estate described in Exhibit "B" hereto fro~,~ ~ ='~' ~.n ~o the R-4 Residence the B-5 Business District Czas~l .... =_o. - District Classification wzuhz the zonzng districts and on the official zoning map. That the zone map accompanying and made a part of Zoning Ordinance Z-160, as amended, and the zoning classifications of Zoning Ordinance No. Z-160, as amended, are amended to reclassify and rezone the real estate described in Exhibit "C" hereto from the B-5 Business District Classification to the R-1 Residence District Classification within the zoning districts and on the official zoning map. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Passed by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, on the 7~ day of ~a~-w , 1993. COMMON COUNCIL, CARMEL, INDIANA BY: T~' Presidi~g~er /Clerk/~r~asurer ~C/ APPROVED: Mayo of Carmel, Indian= TRACT A ,,_ Part Of the North Half of the Northwest Ouarter of Section iq. Township 1~5 North. Range 4 East In Clay Township. Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows, Commencing at the 5outhwest Corner of the Hor~h h~tf of [h~ Horth~est Ouarter~ thence North ~ degrees 03 minutes [G ~cconds East a distance of G7~.~q feet on the 5outh line of ~ald Half Quarter to a point. 5aid point being on the line of Permanent Right-of-Way for 5tate Highway Number per plan5 for ProJect Number 5-1GDC14) further described in Condemnation proceedtng~ in the Hamilton ~ounty Circuit/ Superior Court Ca5¢ Ho.GI-G2G. and also'the POINT OF DEGIHHIHG for the herein described tractt ~hence continuing along ~old 5outh line North ~q degree5 03 mfnute5 1G second5 East a distance of 375.54 feeti thence North O0 degree5 minute5 44 second5 West ~ distance of 1324.32 feet to ~ point., eaid point being on ~he Horth line of 5aid thence 5outh ~ degrees 54 minute~ 2G seconds West a distance of 4q6,01 feet to a po~nt. %hi5 and ~h¢ following (79 course5 are along the m~oresald Eaet tine of Permanent Right-of-Way for 5tote Highway Number 431; thence C1) 5outh 01 degree5 minute5 33 ~econd5 Em5t a d~5t~nc¢ of 17.2~ feet~ thence 5outh G1 degrea~ 25 minutes O0 seconds West a distance of 4~.~0 FeetL thence (3) 5outh ~D degrees D3 minutes O0 seconds West a tits%ante of 100.~0 feet; thence (43 Horth 7~ degrees 20 minute~.O0 seconds West a distance of 127.70 feet; thence (5) 5curb .07 degrees 27 minutes O0 seconds East a distance of 71.8o feet to a point of curvature of a non-tangent curve whose radius bears Horth 76 degrees 11 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of DG24.GO feet from the point of curvature~ thence (G) 5outheasterly on said curve to thc left an arc distance of 11~1.7~ feet~ thence (7) 5outh 4G degrees 3~ minutes O0 seconds East a distance of 43.22 feet to o point on the 5outh line of said Half Quarter and to the POINT OF DEGINHIHG. containing 1~.40 Acres more or less. Subject to alt easements ~nd Rights-of-Way Exhibit A (Page 1 of 2) on :ne ~or:h line o~ said North Mall 2030.77 fear co a line which hears North Ol degrees 05 r described in Condemnation proceedings in plans for Pro ec~ S-165(14) and ~u~Cg~ .... .-. ~ ~.~.' . f ~he trace [~erezn ~reuic/SuDe:~or Cour~ Cause No. 61-az9 ana.[n~ po~?~ ~, ~.~n~ ~m~rheasC cora%er of ~;aid 7S ~egrees Ll minutes 12 seconds East 5624.60 ~id Easterly Limited Access righg-of-way line on sa~d curve an arc dist,~nce of L346.00 ~.~c,t; :~or:n 59 deg:ees 29.mimuCes O0 seconds Eas~ on s~lia Easterly Limited Access rig~ r-of-wa; SuDoec~ :o ~he rtgmt-of-way of l&6:h Street. ~-ib5(14) and fur:her desctibe~ in Condemna~ioz~ proceedings in the Hamilton Coun:v Circ'JL Cour: Cause No. 61-626. Exhibit A (Page 2 of 2) T ACT Part of thc North Half' of the Northwest Quarter of 9ection ltl Townshp 1~5 North. Range 4 East In Clay Township. l~am~lton County. Indiana. more par t'icularly described os Beginning ~t the 5outhwest Corner of tile North half of the Northwest Ouarter~ thence North ¢3q degrees 0:3 minutes 1G seconds Ernst a dist~ncc of 10~4.&2 fc~t on thc ~outh lin~ of sa,d H~lF Quarter to a point, s~id point being th~ ~OIHT OF BEGINNING for ~he herein described tract~ thence continuing ~long ~id 5ouCh line North &~ d~grcc5 O3 minutes ~G seconds t[~st a distance of ~O~.5~ feet t:o a poln~i said point being o~ thc approximate w~stern boundary of ~hc 3OO year Flood H~zard Area described for ~hc City of Carmel. furtcr 14~.., 3~. l~. ~his ~nd ti'If next (7) course~ follow thc aFsr'~Said western boundaryi thane(,. (]) I'lorth 4& degrees 55 m,".tc5 ~2 seconds East a dis't~H('.e of Gl..).) Feet; thcnc(~ (2) 'lc-th 55 degrees 23 minutes 11 r, cconds East a distance of &;.5~ f~eti thence (~3 North GG degrees 5q minutes [fast ~ d~st~nce of 24q.&2 fectl thence (4) North G~ degrees 4G minutes ~4 seconds East a di~,[.z~nce of 17~.c~5 feet; thence C5) North 47 degrees 4q minutes 4& seconds East a 70,52 feet~ thence CC) North 2& degrees 40 minutes 2~ seconds 5~st a distance of GS.G5 feet~ thence (7) North 17 degrees 2G m~nutc~ O2 seconds East a distance of 525.2~ feet to thc ~outh~est corner of Parcel 'D' p~r survey performed by fngin~ers. Ina. Job, Number &5-74G. dated October 7. thence on the ..West line of said Parcel 'B' North nO degrees 2~ minutes 5G West ~ distance of 4GG.G~ Feet to a point, said po,~t being on 'th~ North line of said Northwest Quarters !he~ce 5outh ,b~ d~gree5 54' minutes 2G seconds West a d~st~nce of ]OGG.O~ feet on s~c:l Hor~h IJne~ thence 5out:h t c ~ point. 5~ld point being on the %3ou/h line of said ()u~rtcr section mod also the POIH'I' OF OECINHING. containing 275,3 Acres, more or less. :-~ubject to ~11 easements ~nd Ri(ih r, 'oF--W~y Exhibit B TRACT J'mrt of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of 5ec:l:ioll l"! Iownship ]¢ North. Range 4 loam ,~ Clay Township¢ De.c.,:nning mt the 5outhwest Corner of the Horth half of the Northwest Quarterl thence North bq degrees O~ minutes 1G seconds East a distance of 13G5.41 feat on the 5outl~ linc of 5aid Half Quarter to a point, said point being the POINT OF BEGINHING for the herein described tract and also being on thc approximate western boundary of Lh¢ 100 year Flood I'h)zard AFe~ described For ~t~ Oi~y of O~rmcl. Furter described Ftc>:d Insurance ~te M~p ~1600~ 000~ c d~ted ll~y t:h~s, and the next (7) courses follow Lhe of or,aid western t:?ouadary~ thence (1) North 48 d¢grec0 55 mmutes 52 llax~ ~ distsanc~ of G1.55 f~at~ thenr.t: (2) hlo~"t:l~ 55 degrcc~. 23 Z4q ~2 fectl thence (4) North G1 deor-e~s 4G minutes 14 ~econds ~ distance of 173.q5 ¢eati thenc~ (5) North 47 de¢:-ees 4q mfnute~ 46 second~ East a distance 70.52 dim ante of GS.G5 feett thence C7) Horth 17 degree~ 2G minutes O2 seconds East ~ distance of 525.28 Feet to the 9obthwest corner Of Parcel 'B' per survey performed by WeJhe Eng??.~rs. Inc. Job Humber ¢5-74G. dated October 7. lq~5~ therce on the 5outh'lifl~ of said P~rcel 'B' North 8~ degrees .~, minutes 2G Ems~' ~ distance of 4GG.Gq feet parallel with the North line o¢ s~l~ Quarter to a point, said point being on :~ ~mst line of ~mld Quarter; thenc~ Sou[l~ go degrees rmnute~ 5G second~ ~mst ~ distance of' 8Gl. G2 fe~t on said E~s~: line [o ~ point, s~id point being the 5outhe~st Cor~er o¢ the North M~IF o¢ the Northwest Quarteri [hence 5curb degrees O5 mmutes 1G seconds West ~ distance of ~2~.43 Feet on the 5outh line of s~ld Quarter to I:h~ POINT OF FlEG1NNIHC,. containing 15%8 Acres. more or less. Sub:eat to ~l ea~¢ment~ ~nd Rights-of-Way Exhibit C