HomeMy WebLinkAboutC-208 West Clay DEFEATEDSponsor: Councilor Snyder
WHEREAS, C & J Company, LLC and CPM Family Trust, the owners of the following
described real estate ("Real Estate") in Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana
City of Carmel, Indiana a Petition for Annexation requesting annexation of the Real
of Carmel, Indiana.
WHEREAS, Real Estate is contiguous by at least one-eighth of aggregate external
boundaries to the present boundaries of the City
WHEREAS, the City
the City and is desirous of annexing the Real
City of Carmel,
Indiana that the following
Indiana together with the parts
of any public highway and public,
acent thereto and not previously annexed be and
hereby is
of the City of Carmel, Indiana:
Pan of the
Quarter of Section
County, Indiana, and mc
Quarter of Section 8, and the Southwest
17 North, Range 4 East, Clay Township, Hamilton
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the No corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 8; thence
Noah 89 degree~ minutes 57 seconds West 1583.35 feet along the Noah line of
said Southeast thence South 00 degrees 18 minutes 52 seconds West
132( South line of the Noah half of said Southeast Quarter Section;
thence S~ 89 degrees 36 minutes 04 seconds East along said South line 462.23
feet; North 00 degrees 18 minutes 52 seconds East 193.77 feet parallel with
the line of said Southeast Quarter Section; thence South 89 degrees 36 minutes
04 seconds East I 124.00 feet parallel with the said South line to a point on the East
line of said Southeast Quarter Section; thence continuing South 89 degrees 36
minutes 04 seconds East 45.00 feet to the existing East right-of-way of Gray Road
as established in Instrument No. 9552806, recorded in the Office of the Hamilton
County Recorder~ thence North 00 degrees 18 minutes 52 seconds East 1120.59 feet
along said East right-of-way and parallel to the East line of said Southeast Quarter
Section; thence North 89 degrees 21 minutes 57 seconds West 45.00 feet to the Point
of Beginning and containing 44.095 acres more or less.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the Real Estate is hereby assigned
Council District ~(~ and shall become a part thereof upon the effective date of this ordinance.
The Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, declares that this Annexation Ordinance
shall be in full force and effect sixty (60) days alter its final publication pursuant to I.C. 5-3-1.
"'L~a~bydthe Common Council ofthe City ofCarmel, lndianathis ]F'Dt~lay of
200 I, by a vote of __..~_ ayes and 4"- nays.
Officer Luci Snyder
N.L. Rundie, President
John R. Koven
Robert Battreall
Kevin Kirby
Ronald E. Carter Wayne A. Wilson
Diana L. CordrayZ IA teasurer
Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, the /~_day of d~?d-~c , 2001.
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Cl~reasurer
Approved by me, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this/~d~ay of
B/~/"'/"rainard, Mayor
Dian ordray, IAMC, surer
This Document Prepared By: Charles D. Frankenberger, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, 3021
E. 98'h Street, Suite 220, Indianapolis, 1N 46280
City of Carmel
December 7, 2000
Mr. James J. Nelson
Nelson & Frankcnberger
3021 Easl 98th Sireel. Suite 220
Indianapolis. IN 46280
RE: Annexation Ordinance C-21}8 (North Havcn)
Dear Jim:
This office has rcvicxxed Annexalion Ordinance C-208 Ihal xxas received on December 7. 2000. Wc hax c
no issttcs wilh Ihe legal descriplion. The annexalion is at least 302% conlignous u ith existing corporalc
limits of ihe Cily of Carreel, xxhich exceeds lhc requirement for anncxatioo
The only olhcr comment I hax c is lhal perhaps an mmexalion cxhibil '~xould bc approprialc Io nccompan)
Oldinaocc C-208.
Thank you for Ihc ol~porlunity to review this anncxatioo. If you have questions. please call.
Dick Hill, Assistant Director.
Dcpamncnl of Engineering
M. Kale Wccsc. City Engineer
Diana Cordra). Clerk-Treasurer
Tcrp; Krucskaml~. Infornmtion Systems
C & J Company, LLC and CPM Family Trust, (hereinafterjointly, "Petitioner"), the Owner of
the real estate sho~xn on Exhibit "A" hereto ("Real Estate") in support of this Petition for Annexation,
1. That Periltoner is the sole owner of the Real Estate.
2. That the Real Estate is contiguous to a public highway and the public rights-of-way
thereof. (hereinafler "Public Highway").
3. That the Common Council ofthe City of Cam,el, Indiana CCotmcil") has by ordinance
defined the corporate boundaries of the City oCCarmel, Indiana.
4. Thai more than one-eighth ( I/8) of the aggregate external boundaries of the real estate
coincides with the corporate boundaries of the City of Carmel, Indiana.
WHEREFORE. Petitioner requests that the Council adopt an ordinance annexing the Real Estate
and the Public Highxvay. to the City of Carrnel, Indiana.
BEFORE M E. a Nola~' Public in and for said County and State~ personally appeared the aforesaid
Charles P. Morgan and Roxanne L. Morgan, who subscribed and swore to the statements heteinabove
WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this ~a.day of December, 2000.
Charles D. Frankenberger
3021 East 981h Street. Suite 221)
Indianapolis. Indiana 462811
Printed Name:
Part of the North Half of the Soulheasl Quarter of Section 8, and the Southwest Quarter of Section 9,
To~xnship 17 North. Range 4 East. Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, and more particularly
described as follows:
Beginning al the Northeast comer of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 8; thence North 89 degrees 21
minutes 57 seconds West 1583.35 feet along the North line orsaid Southeast Quarter Section; thence South
or) degrees 18 minutes 52 seconds West 1320.86 feet to the South line of the North half of said Southeast
Quarter Section: thence South 89 degrees 36 minutes 04 seconds East along said South line 462.23 feet;
thence North O0 degrees 18 minutes 52 seconds East 193.77 feet parallel with the East line of said
Southeast Quarter Section: thence South 89 degrees 36 minutes 04 seconds East 1124. O0 fe~ parallel with
the said South line to a point on the East line orsaid Southeast Quarter Section; thence continuing South
89 degrees 36 minutes 04 seconds East 45.00 fel to the existing East right-of-way of Gray Road as
established in Instrumenl No. 9552806, recorded in the Office of the Hamilton County Recorder; thence
North 00 degrees 18 n~nutes 52 seconds East I 120. 59 feet along said East fight-of-way and parailel to the
Easl line of said Southeast Quarter Section; thence North 89 degrees 21 minutes 57 seconds West 45.00
feel to the Point of Beginning and containing 44.095 acres more or less.