HomeMy WebLinkAboutC-01-1927 G.W. Weidlers/Phelps
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I3l!i,ITBESOLWEl1" by the' Bbar,d of 'elzuete~e of the Town of O,a:mnel,
in Hamil ton Coti~t:f, India~a,' that WHEIlEA:!: Heretofore G:. W. W.lIiUlell' laid out
, '
,and Il'lattll~ a, GJerlail'll eull-diviejLo~ t.o thit TOlin of' Garll1ftl, Indiana, knoWl'tas ell. W.
\'Iddllll! I II Sub>-l'lh~siorl to Baid' TQlVn, whic:b Sub,...JI1i'l7feioEl QX)nsi e1>s ot' lilig}rl;'P Thrllll:
. .
10te and stneets and alle:fs adjoining: and whereae, the eame waS pla~d of reoor~
in. the Rerorden.\ s OcefiCl:<!l' of Hamil ton ~ounty, Indiana, in' Deed Reoord: ]1;, on page,
'51, whic.h Sub.>-l'li...bidn is de>eClJrib.eili as fd,HoW'" to-wi t: ~p 20 :hert Iilast 0: .
stone in the line at' said 'Ile-st ,Flalf' of the.."North West Quallter of' 6n:Uon ;0, ..
'Eownship 18 No1!th, Rang!! 4 East fn Hamil tori Gaunt;{, Indiana, 16?',~ :freert S<<>uth
of' the North line of'. said SeClJtion, thence West 8606 :li'ee't to a stone in the jJ:ast
Unit of' O;ol.1ege AVIOJue in the ,To'fin of Qaz'mell, Indiana, thenc::e Nor1Jl along, the
East line of'ttlJoUege Awenue'-1261 :hl!rtt, thene" East at rilJPt: angles with OoUa,!';",
Awenue 860.6 Jt8,ert, to a: !:,o1fi,t 20 :tinct ,-mast o:li" the Eaet. line o:fi" the W&:st:Halft' oft'
said North We et Quante!!'. Se oUom,. f.henClJB South .1261 feet to the. plaa.e oft' b.eg~nning;,
Which aaid: Su)l-;:Pbie:l..onClJelli1!;ainll eigh1\y,' tluree- l!ots, the dimensioI1ls of whic,h are
shewn on the plat, together with the width eff streets and alle~s, whiGJh plat ,is
hereto atta~hea and made a part hereoff; ~. it therefbre neaolwe~ by the BOard of
Tl'ueteee of' said Town of' Q;armeJi., , Indiana, that. the Oorporate Umi te of said
'fown 1l:e extend:ed, annexing:' aaid d:esa:rihed ternt tor,p to said 'l'ewn or C;armel, Indiana.
SeC'ticm 2.
BE IT PURTllER RESOL~D, by. the Bbard ef' 'l!nustees ef the 'Fawn ef'
Ganmel, Indiana; that this Reselution, tog!!ther with the plat 0:11' 91. '11" Weidleu's .
Suli-Diwieion: to thEY Town of' Oarmel, Indiana, be recorded in the Reoordell'1 s Office
at a rllgl,.\lar meeting. of said ll'oard on the S
day 0.1'
, 1927..
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