C-09-1960 HarrowgateORDINANCE A ~'pecial Ordinance providing for the annexation of conti~guous territory to the Town of Carmel, Indiana. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indiana! The Petition of American Fletcher National Bank and Trust Company, Indianapolis, Indiana, as Trustee, having been duly filed with the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, and the Board of Trustees having found that it is in the best interest of the Town that the following described conti ~guous property, to-wit: Part of the Northeast Quarter and part of the Northwest Quarter of ~ection $0, Township 15 North, B~n~e 4 EasT, in Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Begin at a point 46 rods South of the Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter and run thence East l0 de~reee ~outh ~50 feet to a point, for the be~innin~ point of this description; thence continuing 9outheastwardly on the last described courBe a distance of 409 feet more or less to the center of Cool Creek; thence Southeastwardly with the meanderin~s of said Cool Creek to a point 35 rods West and 76 rods twelve and one-half feet 8outh of the Northeast corner of said Northeast Ouarter; thence East 31 degrees South to a point E50 feet West of the East line of said Northeas~ Ouarter; thence ~outh parallel to said East line, 55~ feet to a point; thence West 1MO feet to a Doint; t~ence South parallel to said East line of said Northeast Ouarter, 6E4.55 feet to a point in the ~outh line of said Northeast Ouarter; thence West along and with the South line of said Norzheas~ Ouarter and along and with ~ne South line of said Northwest Quarter to a point 168.6 feet West of the 9outh- east corner of said Northwest Ouarter; thence North 609.75 feet to a point; thence North 50 degrees 51 minutes East 6~8 feet to a point; thence North 1E deMrees 17 minute~ Eas~ 690 feet to the beginning point of this description, containing 88 acres, more or less, and subject to all legal highways. should be annexed to zne Town of Carmel, Indiana, and become a part of the Town of Carmel, Indiana. Said Trusteea do hereby annex said territory to the Town of Carmel, Indiana. This ordinance in full force and effect from and after its -2 - Indiana in special session this ~-~ day of F_~.~.- ,1960. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF CAR~.EL,INDIANA Clerk-Treasurer Of the Town of Carmel, Indiana