HomeMy WebLinkAboutC-23-1967 Keystone Square ~~ iJ;..,J )'w-'" ~..- !;;; :::. <=> Jj ~;;{ ~ :c '" "!l: t.',J v~ ','.~ 1:~ ~~~ 1>;."1 ~ (,.;11.,,, ~'l' tr. ;,1.:; -F t~ ' ,;t' :;r,;: ~~ w ~ ~,_ w t;.;' t:: ,,",'; Q ...~. ......l t., ",--:; ._. .or.:; "'" '." ......r.:; \7."".\\ "'" e..... SPECIAl. ANNEXATION ORDINAl:1CE !:!.Q.. s:.-2J - ,.. :~ ~i~\IJ~:,'11 ,.,\ t ~r.;,.,_,:" A SPEClt>L OrmrNIINCE FOR THE ANNEXATION O~' CONTIGUOUS 'l'E!UUTORY TO THE TOW~ OF cnru1EL, INDIM1Z\ ' 1i1HEriliAS, the 0lA/110rsof. all the tl$lrri tory hereinafter desoribed b,w.~ filed a. petition for annexation' thereof too the Town of Carm.Z!l, Indlm;':I. and, i,fHEREAS, said tlilT.ritory is urban in cnaraotG:lr, is an eosentie.1 Zlnd economic and social part of si~id Town, NOH THEREFORE, :BE IT' ORDAn/EO BY THE BOARD OF TrtUSTEES O~' ~l:im TOi]H OF CAlUlEL, INDIAl~A .t:hl1t tho folJmfing descdb~d terTi tory in Clay Township, HOImilton County, Indiana 00 and thG same is hereby ann",y..ed to and l'.Ihall hElrEillfter b.a a part of tho Town of Cnrmol, Indiana: Part of the No~thwast Quartor of Sact.ion 5, '!'own~hip 17 North, Ran'Jl!l 4 }o'l\st, Hamilton County, Indiana more 'partioularly describe) 11" follovlI,ll . . B8Jinning nt the SOl1th'fJest corner of las,id qunrtQr eection, nmni.lI'J thonoe N. 0"OG'05" H. and along. 'the WElst ]J.ne of. the said 1/4 r;,~cl;io', . 924.06 fElct to a poi.nt 396 fl>e.t. south of the North\fO!3t.oOrnf~r of the S01:1th Hlll.'t: of said 1/4 zecition1 ,th..mce S. 89" 39' zr:i" E. and pm:'lll,<o'.1 w1th tho!) north line of saidl/Z-1/4 scotion 1653.07 fOClt1 then co 5.002(;'05" w. !l2~'i.S6 feet to the I:lCluth line of Baidl/'I S...Ci;:i.OIl~ thenoe N.8903S'30" w. and along said south lino 1644.45 :e.,,,,\; to the point of beginning oontaininc;r 35.01 acX'es mora or loli's. 1I.LSO: Part of the south 1/2 of the mq 1/4 of SE)C. 5, Twp. 17 North, Ran':lo /I E<ll.t., l:I>.mU..t.))\ Co,',n\:.y, Indiana desc:t'ib."d as fo110w,[>I a<9gin.n1ng at t.he NW co:tuer of said 112-1/4 IUlotion,' running tlV';nce S. !J9~39'2S"E.hnd <llong tho n.ori;h line c~f ~a\l.d 1/2-1/4 . a(~ction 1090.'17 l!O<:ltl thllluce 8.22015135" vi. ,49.65 f(IOt.1 tlWflfJO S.4'~"',OS'(l5. "1. 70.C(J flSlctl thence 8.6037'05" H. 80.15 i!ll4!,tl t.h','7'.'::'~ S. 34 Q 2'1".05. W. 83.90 fQlct.I thence S .11024' 05 n W. 146.35 r(;1r:lt, 1;IF.:'W'1 11. ::l9039'2S"W. 930.67 fa~t t.o th!:! we!lt1i.n\3 of aa:l.cl l/2-J./4. ~(',ot:!.un: thence .1.0006'05" w. and along SOlid West lil~@ 396 feet. t() the j,)oinl: of b@ginning,containing 9.05 acros of land, morQ. or less. . . And the Boaxd of T:r:ustaCl$. of .tl\e Town of Cal.,nm1t Inr.11nnl.l 110 h~'.1:',~h:; deol.!lI:e that. this orC',illitnc,~ sh;;;ll be in full ferca arId effec.t: .imm~diat01yfrom anc'\ aft(l:: ita adoption and passllgill. . PAS:-;ZD AND ADOPTED nY 'l'l.IEE.JAnD OF 'l'RUS'l'EJl;S ai? 'l'HE TOWN OJ:' Ci\.IMI~I" INDIANA THIS:24,:I;h dlllY~,~~ OC'l'013ER, 1967 . ie''''!'.' ~;i. _ ". :'; '~~'.{ ~:~ ~.." ,.!t~." ,'; . ~:::(....~:: '"'t?I' , ;~ ,~::,>~.' .:? t':"".,:,-" 0 <;..~ 0 ::, ':: ':;,~;:,,:,~,>, ..1 ;:.,.r >1A ~i ,.' '," - I ;"I...~ !) (:F' '"I .)~\ ; ~ r~:> ,i . (~ ~r' ('~;: A'l:tl1istt.,.., dii; i~ J~.'~ . . X<).::t;' j:.;/')'i t, f~2; ". ir:'i-;1.r1f;me),Gl.et:, Sr..,' cf,,:rr;. '.l':c:enS1.lrer . ThifJ inll1'l:rum,~nt vr'Jpa:pad by Leroy K. NeM, 'l'o~m l\:t.torJ;ley .....,<, ~. ,/~ . .' :7~;(. .-/' ...' - '/ II ,- . '!.""'.t.~ .... e;::-UI4i:J\..-~- -7 l;laS~'~'1IU;()fll' l'rl)3. " " Cb"it' ~~- ~;'J'r ,n, . . ';' .<.. "";"'0""" . .,..._,_..,~.. ""