C-21-1967 Concord Village , ,. ~ SPl;;CIAL ANNl1'.x.ATI0N OU.DlNANCE NO. C-2.1 A SPECiAL ORDINANCE FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CONTiCi'lJOUS TERRITOIW TO THE TOWN OJr CARMEL, INDIANA WI-LERE.AS, the ownflJ1'a of all tho ttll'l'U01"Y hereinafter ducrlb'ild have m.ade appl1cat1on for anne"ation thereof to the Town of Carmel, Indillna, and WHEREAS, Ii.aid territory iaurban in character, ill an $conomic: !!ll1d Dodal part of ~aid Town and the Town ia financially abll1!l to provide the entire area to be annCJl:ell withmunlcipal $crvicell ala soon alll the flIamc 1.0 .u'lnexed and it is t.o the best interests of botli the Town l.l.lld the tcrrHory that the eame be annexed, NOW, THE1'l.EFORE, DE IT ORDAiNED BY 'I'HF.: BOARD OF TRUSTIi:I:;S OF TH.E TOWN OFCAlU..n;;L.INDIANA, that the following dellcrU:Jcd terrl.tol'Y in Clay Townohip, HamUtonCounty, Indiana, be, and the sarno b, horoby annexed to and shall horeaftel' be a part of the Town of Cannol, Indiana: .A put of the Northe!ut Quarter of theWut Ha.lf of. the Soutl1w(Oll~ Quarter of Section 30, Township 18 North, RangEl 4. Eut, in HmnUt.;m County, Iridiana, bainS more particularly 4011Cll'lbed as followa: ..: :6egl.nnina at the NortheaGt cornel." oil the E;:.d Hat! of the SouthwclIt Quarto:: ol Section 30, Towrllllhip 18 NOl'th, Rl'll'lg() ~ ..li:Ii\Gtl thence South 00 degroell, 17 m.inutes, 14 seconds '';Vest , on and along the East line of said Hal! Quarter S0c::tl,\,ln, 263D. (,4 teet to the Southeaot corner tho 1'0 of: thenCo North 89 dogrees. .35 minlthllll, !;is lJl':conds Vlcllt em llnd along the South Una of li'!t\ill Half Quarter SecUQl'l, 1HO foet to the Southwe0t cornell' thereof; thence North 00 deii:rees. 14 mil'llltGO, 28 Illccelll1da Ealllt on nod. 3.1011$ the 'Weet Un.til ot' /laid Htlll Quarter S(lctiOl'l. 884.63 j"Nltl thence North 90 degreu. 00 minutes, OOIll)conc1I!l, EMt 653.40 feet; thence North 00 deG(reee, 14 ml.nutea, 26 secc:mae Eal.l't, 1000.00 feet: thence North 90 degrees. OOml.nutca, 00 Goconda, ..... Wewt 303.40 feetl thence North 00 degrees, 14 mlnutelll, 26 . '" aeconclll East 336,68 feet; thence North 90 dOllli'eell, '00 mblutGe., 00 Il<ilcond.. East ZOO, 00 t'eet; th~mceNo1\'th 00 dearCl<l13, 14 . . minuteB, as 1l0COlld& Eut: 410.06 fMt to the North Un'" of. said Half Quarto!" Section; th(llllCe North 90 degl'l':Olls. 00 mtl1l1teB. 00 Iilec:ondl!l East on and 11.101'12 at'orefJaid North Une, 772...14 feet to the plaee of bOfJib'lnl.ng, containing in all 57, OOacl:'Ifll), more or leee;.. . l ,,,~. ~.-C-.-: k~- ~. .... ,," ~, ,", And tha E!olu'd of Truste0r.l of the TOWl1 of Carmel,. Indiana, do her0by declare! that thiB ordinance eMU be in full forclil and effect irnmeal.at",ly from and after ita par>u/ilc. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF TItUSTll:1l:S0l.1''l:'HE TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIANA, THIS 12th DAY Oll'SEPTEMllER, 1967. ~~!/~~~ ~uuelll';. Ransom, Pl'0l1idi!mt 1\ TTESl': . J/::J i">J hit ,:.'" t, I.L-, Ii. 11'. rJinllmeillter. Sll'. Clerk)troll.Burar. . f' Thill instrument prapu'cd by Lnoy K. New. Town At1:ornay ",'. . ~ '"r .' ., . ,,' .......,... ,.... hZ~.r:D,N I "r# (}, E7C1'i;t tl:/pr~1J1l7! ~.J /~t7 ','. . " September 1, 1967 Town of Carmel Carmel Town Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana, 46032 Attention Carmel Planning Commi,ssioner Gentlemen: The subject of this letter is to specifically seek annexation of' the real estate owned by the, undersigned as reflected on the plat presently'before the Planning Commissioner for approval. The real estate involved consists of approximately 46 acres.' Very truly yours, JEMAC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY . ""I ,r'- 7 ",V,,{/ ,A'-' (, ,'7J"-,'? " /o:.,~ /'-..... ~ B;v' "John K. Thorne ' /'/' Managing Partner e.,/.' - . JKT:rb " . <" ...., ~"""'^r-'-:-~""'7"'.--~'-~~'-'-":""~~"" . ..,\, , -~,-"-~;""'-''t " ,', ; " " " ......,. , ' ",",',\ ",'. CONCORO BUILOERS. INC. 9145 NDRTH DE~W"Ri: STREET INDIANAPDL.IB. INDIANA BUIL.CERS AND ,OEVEI..OPERS 187-5311 545-51 95 Carmel Town Board of Trustees Carmel, Indiana Gentlemen: I l.(.~-" _/ /.-';1' l....;.. ~ .'1" !SP7S'yn;~ :1.1 /tJ~7 . August 31, 1967 CHARLES A. PECHETTE PRES I DENT ". Concord Builders, Inc., in regard to the platting of proposed Concord Village, desires and requests annexation to the town of Carmel. MB:sd I I' . . i .'.' '-7."~--.--'-- --,..._~---.~--.~......,..."'~,' < " :'" ' "- Yours very .truly, \r 'Q ...."" \'fu.,~ -j:::>C~ Milo Beam Vice President i' ..,'. . ~ '.~ '.. .l',,"