HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment Report 12-21-212
DECEMBER 21, 2021
2. Docket No. PZ-2021-00195 DP/ADLS: Matriarch Birth Center.
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a new medical health center, to be located south of the
existing building at 520 N. Rangeline. It will be a two story, 7,000 sq. ft. building. The overall parcel size is 0.5
acres. 23 parking spaces will be provided. The site is located at 510 N. Rangeline Road. It is zoned B-5/Business
and is located in the Old Town Overlay – Historic Rangeline Subarea. Filed by Justin Moffett of Old Town
Project Overview:
The Petitioner proposes to construct a new building just south of 520 N. Rangeline, which is a character building as
designated by the Old Town Overlay. Sites to the north, south and east are all zoned B-5/Business. West of the site are
sites zoned R-2/Residential. Please see the Petitioner’s Information packet for more details.
Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Standards this project MEETS:
Old Town Overlay Zone, Historical Range Line Rd. sub-area:
• Permitted use: Clinic or medical health center
• Maximum building width when lot is greater than 80’
wide: 55’ allowed and proposed
• Front setback follows the average of the block and is
within 3’ of that distance: 14.25’ existing of the nearest
four buildings and 13’ is proposed = OK
• Minimum side yard: 5’ required, 65’ proposed (north
property line)
• Minimum rear yard: 5’ required, 79’ provided (west
property line)
• Maximum Lot coverage: 61.3% proposed, 70% allowed
• Materials, Windows, Doors, Roof & Covered porch:
Consistent with Overlay requirements
• Maximum Building Height: 30’ allowed, 26’4” proposed
• Pedestrian connectivity: Paved walkway from
the sidewalk to the front door required and
• Vehicular parking: 14 spaces required, 22
• Minimum lot area: 10,000 sq. ft. required;
21,780 sq. ft. provided (0.5 acre)
• Minimum lot width: 100’ required, 127’
directly fronting on Rangeline Rd.
• Minimum ground floor area: 900 sq. ft.
required, about 4,400 sq. ft. proposed
• Signage: General sizes and locations shown, to
be submitted later for final approval
UDO Standards NOT MET, therefore variances have been requested and/or adjustments required:
• Bicycle parking: 4 spaces required – petitioner states they will be provided. Need plans to be updated.
• 25’ wide drive aisle width required, 24’ provided
Site Plan, Parking and Engineering:
The Petitioner seeks approval for a new building to be constructed on an existing lot. The building currently located on
this lot (520) is a contributing building of Social History Significance on the RuskinARC map of Carmel (Historical
Architecture Survey) as well as a Character building on the Old Town Overlay map. In the B-5 district, there is no
restriction on the maximum number of principal buildings per lot, therefore, it is permissible to build a second building.
The Petitioner plans to utilize 520 as part of the new business and will maintain and preserve 520’s historical character.
Parking will be provided on the west side of the lot, with 22 spaces provided and accessed from 5th St. NW. A clinic or
medical health use requires 1 parking space per 250 sq. ft. The 7,000 sq. ft. building would require 28 spaces. However,
the Old Town Overlay allows for a 50% reduction in the required number of spaces, bringing it down to 14 required.
The Petitioner is working with the Engineering Dept. on addressing their review comments through Project Dox.
Active Transportation:
There is an existing sidewalk along Range Line Road. The Thoroughfare Plan calls for this to be converted to an asphaslt
path. The Petitioner plans to maintain the existing sidewalk and will contribute to the non-reverting thoroughfare fund in
lieu of constructing a new asphalt path in this location. A new 5’ wide sidewalk will be constructed along 5th St. NW.
New sidewalk will be installed along the east side of the new parking spaces. Ramps will be provided for access to the
building – both through the back and to the front through the covered porch area. Bicycle parking is still needed – 2
racks are required. The Petitioner has stated they will be adding this to the plans.
Architectural Design:
The proposed 2 story building will be residential in appearance, with white vertical board and batten siding, a dark gray
brick base and wood accents. It will have a large wrap around porch, which is not a requirement, but is highly encouraged
for new buildings in the Historic Range Line Overlay section.
The Petitioner has stated building accent lights will be installed; however, we have not yet seen fixtures or details
regarding this. Petitioner, please provide lighting details.
The Urban Forester has requested for existing trees to be noted on the landscape plan, as well as showing building base
planting and parking lot screening. These items have been provided and are under review by the Urban Forester.
The site is on two public street frontages; therefore, two main identification signs are allowed. The Petitioner has shown
one wall plaque style sign and one ground sign. These type types are acceptable. The Petitioner has shown these signs as
examples but will return for final approval of the signage designs once that is ready.
DOCS Remaining Comments/Concerns:
1. Adjustments to parking lot to gain 1’ in drive aisle width
2. Bicycle parking needed
3. Lighting details needed
4. Urban Forester approval needed
The Dept. of Community Services recommends the Plan Commission sends this item to the January 4, 2022 Commercial
Committee meeting, and gives the Committee the final voting authority.