HomeMy WebLinkAboutC-13-1965 Canada Dry/Woods Wire SP~;CIAL ORDINANCE NO. C-13 SPECIAL ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN. CONTI(VJO~S TERRITORY TO T~ TOWN OF CAP~EL, I~'DIANA AND FIX iWNEREAS, a certain contiguous territory .to the Town o~ Oarm 1, tar and is an economic and social part' of~the~z~P~w~, o iana is urban in charac tannicA~ ~w te Oarmel and said territory is presently bein~ p.artl.y~se.rved by._ _:~1_? ~... and sewers and the TO~N OF CA~EL is financially sole %o provx~e ~ne enmxre ' ..~, area described bel°w wi~h all municipal services, and ' ' . . .%~EAS, said conti~uous territory forms a compact area abutting'th T~,~N OF C~RMET~ and it is ~n the best interests'of both the T~N OF CABMEL and the territory to be annexed that such annexati$~n be completed, and ~ .WHF~REAS, the terms of annexation are fai~' and ~ust in that immediately. upon annexation said territory will receive all benefits and services now afforded to the rest of the TO~N OF CANNEL at the prevailing rates therefor, NO.~ T~.~FFORE ~ BM IT' ORDAINM,~ BY THF. BOARD OF TRUSTIES OF THE TOdN OF.CARMEL, INDIANA* that the foll.owin~, described territory be and the same is hereby' annexed to ~nd shall hereafter be a p~r~ ef tbs TO~N O~ CA~EL, INDIANA~ Part of tbm East half of Section 25, T~p 18 North, Range ~ East in Clay Town~ ship, Hamilton County, Lndiana, more particularly d~scribed as follows~ Beginning. at a point which is 1156.9 feet west and 594.0 feet north of the southeast ~2~ corner Sf the southeast quarter of Section 25, Twp 18 North Range ~ ~ast: thence west a distance of ~09.8 feet to an iron stake: thence north 1067 feet to tbs southeast corner of Lot No. 29 in Johnson addition, as shown by the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, page 26 in the office of the Recorder of Hamilton County,~ndiana; thence continuing north alOng'the east line of said Lot 29 to the northeast comertbereof a distance of 200 feet; thence east along the south line o~ ~aid)Lot 28 of said Johnson Addition a d~stance of 100 feet~ thence north on and alon~ the east.line of Lots 28 and 27 of said Johnson Addition to a point which is 560.44 feet south and25 feet west of tbs northWest corner of snideast~half of the southeast quarter of said Section 25, TW~ 18 North, Ran.g.e 3 East; thence east a distance of feet to a point of intersection wi~n the wesb.right of way line of the ~ !.~.R. (MONON) as now established, tbs same point being due east of the northeast corner'of a certain lot designated as "Lot 1 in ~r$~ 1% Ha~in~ ADD?as recorded and describsd inza csrtain deef of conveyance from Buckles to Sanders 'which appears in deed reosd 150, page 514 in the office of the Re- cor,~er of Hamilton Cminty, Tndiana; thence~ south on and along the said right of way line of the said MONON R.R., as now established, a distance of 616 feet to tbs southeast corner of certain property qwned by the Foster-~n- d~.l Co. as the same is describe~ in a deed of conveyance which appears of record in deed record l~2,pag~ 453 in the office of the Recorder of Hamilton Cou~ty, lndiana[ thence west a distance of ~42 feet to a point whick is on the line of third Avenue, S.W.,' as now established, the same being located at t~s heftiest corner of property now owned by the T~JN OF CARMEL which was conveyed September ~,1957 b~ ~eneral warranty deed by Wells Hampton and Martha Jane M. Mampbon, his wife and which is 75 feet nort~ and south by 300 ~ee~ east and west; tbehce south on and alone the east line of said Third Avenuv S.W. and aT6nz the west property lin-es of property now owned by Morton Wohlman et u~ a~d W. & S. Rea.lty 0o., O~c. a distance of 792.4 feet to a point, which is the point of beginning. And an additional parcel of real estate also being a. part of the East half Section 25, Twp.'l$ North, RanEe ~ East in Clay Township, Hamilton County, Tndisna, m~re Particularly'described as follows: .i Meg~nnin~ at a point 742.1 feet.west and 594.0 feet north of the southeast corner of the 8outheas~ quarter of Section 25, Twp.18 North, Range ~ East con- tinuin~ thence east acrossthe right of way of the said MONON R.R. a distance ............. ~+ ~ ~ now the TO~!N O~ CAPJ~EL T.IMITS; ~hence north and said Board of Trustees of the Town of Sarmel do hereby declare that this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after its passage and publicatiOn acc~rding to law. ?ASSE~0 AND ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF CAP2~EL, Ihl)!ANA THIS ISTH DAY OF JULY, 1965. ' "' ' Delbert C. Flick · ?. R. ~umler . . ' ~ James F. Ritchey... ' ' Donald Fields -, Max Johnson Atto st ~ N. F. Zinsmeister ~lerk-Treasurer On a motion by Donald Fields and seconded by Max Johnson th~ ordinance was passed and adopted ~anim~usly. ..- CERTIFICATION. · I~ HERBERT F. ZINSMEIST~R,$r., beinE the duly qualified and authorized OLE~*TREASURER of the Town of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana, and being the officer who is duly authorized andlegal custodian and keeper of records, minutes and ordinances of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, IndianA, byvirtue of said office of CLE~*TREASURERdo h. ereby certify{ - that the attached Ordinance No. 'C*13 of the TOWN OF CARMEL, Ih~)IANA is a full, true. correct and complete copy thereof as the same aopears from the ori~inal thereof on file and on record kept ~nd d~posited in the office of the CLE~T2EASURER of the Town .of Carmel, Indiana as of the 13th day of July,1965.. WITNESS MT HAND ~N~ SEAL ON THE DATE AND DAY SET FORTH ABOVE. Herbert Zinsmeister,Sr~ ~ ~'~'- Clerk~Treasurer of the . TOWN OF CARMEL, INDIANA