HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter #06 Brian & Sally ShapiroCARMEL PLAN COMMISSION
DECEMBER 21, 2021
7. Docket No. PZ-2021-00205 DP/ADLS: 11335 N. Michigan Rd. Apartments.
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a new development with 4 future outlots and an apartment
complex (244 units). The site is located at 11335 N. Michigan Road. It is zoned B-3/Business & Residential and
is located within the US 421 Overlay zone. Filed by Ryan Wells of REI Real Estate Services, LLC.
Proiect Overview:
The Petitioner proposes to develop the former Altum's Gardens site into a new mixed -use development with commercial
and residential uses. To the north (on the western portion of the property) is the ARN Funeral and Cremation Services,
zoned B-5/Business. North of ARN and north of the eastern portion of the property is the Woodhaven subdivision, zoned
S-1/Residential. East is a large, 32-acre parcel zoned S-1/Residential. South is the Weston Pointe retail shops and outlots,
zoned B-2/Business and within the US 421 Overlay Zone. Lastly, to the SE are the Townes at Weston Pointe, zoned R-
4/Residential. Please see the Petitioner's Information packet for more details.
Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Standards this proiect MEETS:
US 421 Overlay Zone:
• Permitted uses*: Dwelling, Multiple- family, General •
Office, General Retail, General Service, among others
• Minimum building height: 20' required, 26'2.38"
proposed •
• Architectural design — base, middle, and top provided
• Roof pitch — 5:12 proposed and allowed
• Building entrances defined and articulated
• Building materials — tan brick proposed
• 30' greenbelt along US 421 required and provided
• Lighting plan compliance with 0.0 or 0.1 footcandles
adjacent to all property lines, 0.1 is max allowed adjacent
to residential
• Minimum site acreage for DP: 3 acres required; 22.149
acres proposed
• Access to adjacent tracts proposed via connection to the
south and ROW platted to connect to the east
Minimum gross floor area: 2,500 sq. ft.
required; about 10,000 sq. ft. provided on
smallest building
Pool and Garage buildings, as well as
trash enclosure are designed to match
principal buildings
• Minimum Lot width: 100' required, 650'
• Maximum lot coverage: 80% allowed,
66.6% proposed
• Bicycle parking — short term: 0.1 spaces
per bedroom = 33 spaces required (325
bedrooms), 56 spaces/28 racks provided
throughout property
*Permitted uses are subject to Plan Commission approval per commitments on the land signed in 1988. See
"Declaration of Commitments" document at the end of this report.
UDO Standards NOT MET, therefore variances have been requested and more info needed:
• Architectural Design Theme: information needed on what style the buildings are designed to be complimentary to
• Vehicular parking: 523 spaces required; 387 spaces provided
• Minimum Lot Area: 5,000 sq. ft. per multi -family dwelling unit allowed; 2,898 sq. ft. proposed (also can be seen
as 141 dwelling units allowed, 244 proposed)
• Maximum building height: 30' allowed with 8' additional for mechanicals, 38'9" proposed
• Building facade offsets: 8' required, 1.5' proposed
• Building materials: Trim details not to exceed 10%, up to 62% proposed
• Minimum side yard setback (north and south): 76.6' required adjacent to residential, 40' proposed
• Minimum rear yard setback (east): 52.6' required adjacent to residential, 40' proposed
Site Plan, Parking and Engineering:
The Petitioner is proposing to align their site with Bennett Parkway across Michigan Road. The site has been designed
with a central street through the middle of the property, with three outlots to the north and one outlot to the south of the
direct Michigan Road frontage. The proposed apartment buildings are divided into six buildings north of the proposed
street and four buildings south of the proposed street. Six individual garage buildings will be provided throughout the site
for additional garage options for residents. Five of the ten buildings will have garages on the first floor of the building.
The UDO would require 523 parking spaces for the 244 units that are proposed. The project will provide 393 spaces
through surface parking, detached garages, tuck -under garages, and tandem spaces (behind the tuck -under garages). A
variance is required for the shortage of 130 parking spaces.
The Petitioner is working with the Engineering Dept. on drainage for the site. There is a large existing pond on the north
portion of the site. The Petitioner would like to expand that pond to have one central detention facility for the entire
Active Transportation:
Sidewalks will be provided on both sides of the streets with crosswalk striping to help delineate crossing points for
pedestrians. Short term bicycle parking racks are provided adjacent to every building and public area. 28 racks are
provided around the site, which allows for 56 bikes to be parked. Long term bicycle parking is encouraged at a rate of 0.5
spaces for each bedroom, minus those units that have private garages. This means that about 62 interior long-term spaces
would be encouraged for this development. Petitioner, please provide more details on if and where long-term spaces
are provided.
Architectural Design:
The buildings are traditional in design, with a base, middle, and top as required by the US 421 Overlay. However, the
Overlay does not really gear the architectural requirements to residential buildings, it is more for commercial
development. Thus, quite a few variances are needed for the design of these buildings. They are two and three stories tall,
which is appropriate given the townhomes to the south are two stories, as well as the single-family homes to the north are
two stories. One additional floor that is still residential in character and nearly meeting the maximum height for a single
family dwelling (35') is a reasonable transition.
The proposed color pallet is tan and blue fiber cement siding with a tanibrown brick. The overlay requires the majority of
the building to be brick or stone, and only allows for 10% of the fagade to be other materials. A variance will be required
for the amount of siding on these buildings. The Department is still working with the Petitioner on design details to
enhance the character of the elevations.
The lighting plan meets photometric requirements (0.1 footcandles) at all property lines. Poles will be installed at 15' and
12' tall. The US 421 Overlay requires a maximum pole height of 24'. We will continue to work with the Petitioner on
providing updated elevations to show where the lights will be placed on the buildings and how that will enhance the
character and design of the buildings.
The north portion of the site has been left in a natural state for many years. The pond is mature and there is a significant
vegetation buffer around the perimeter of the property. The Urban Forester is working with the Petitioner to preserve and
enhance this existing buffer.
Siunaue: No information on signage has been presented at this time.
DOCS Remaining Comments/Concerns:
The Department is still working through multiple review comments with the Petitioner on Project Dox, our online review
software. We will keep the Commission updated as we move forward.
The Department of Community Services recommends the Plan Commission forwards this item to the Commercial
Committee meeting on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 for further review and discussion.
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