HomeMy WebLinkAboutS-1 Issuance of Revenue Bonds ORDiN_~NCE NO. S-~ A.n Ordinance concerning the construction and opera- tion by the Town of carmel, Indian~, of sewage works, revenue bonds to provide the cost · lection, segregation and distribu ~Oof the issuance ~' n thereof, the col _~ .... ~ . the safeguarding ox of the revenues of s~¢~ ~v~s, the interests of the holders of said bonds, and other matters connected thereEith WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the ToEn of Carmel finds that the Stream Pollution Control Board of the state of Indiana, acting under the provisions of Chapter 9~4 of the Acts of 1943, issued a final order on March 2, 1959 kgainst said Town to cease polluting the streams and watercourses in and about said Town and to provide sewage works sufficient to correct or abate such pol- iution; and ~fica- WHER~S, the Board has heretofore approved plans, s~W~ tions and estimates and determined to establish~ construct, ee~iP~ own, operate and maintain the sewage works under and pursuant to Chapter 6~ of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana for the year 1932 (Special Session), and all acts amenda- tory thereof and supplemental thereto, and has determined to fin- ance the cost of such works, over and above the amount of funds available therefor from a federal grant, by the issuance of re- venue bonds under the provisions of said Act, the amount, terms and conditions of such bonds to be s~osequently determined by the Board; and w~qER~S~ the plans, specifications and estimates prepared by the engineer employed by the Town for the sewage works have been eubmitted to all governmental authorities having ~urisdic- tion, particularly the Stream Pollution Control Board of the State of Indiana and the State Board of Health, and have been ~ase 2 tion of said ~orks t~ave been received, and on the oa~tS of said bids the cost of said ~orks, as defined in Sec. 7 of the governing ~ Three Hu~au. rea Forty Six Thousand o~c~, ~ill be in t~e amoun~ of !line Hundred. Fifty Five Dollar's and ~v~en y cen,~ (~3~6,955.2~; that there is available for application upon such cost the sum of xa. w,~a~ed w~ft~ Five Dollars and tmenty Ei%hty Seven Thousand ~[~ne m~ leaving a cents (~87,955.20) from a federal grant to the ~-~ d Fifty N~ne ~housand Dollars (~2.~9,O00.00) balance of T~o ~_ndre - precedent to the d to be fmnance by the To,,in; that all conditions ~' s authorizing the lssuance of revenue bonds adoption of an oramnanc to provide the necessary ftmds to pay the portion of the cost of such ~orks to be ffnaaced by the To~n have been complied mith accordance mith the provisions of the governin$ s,~u~e, novi therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRuSTEE~ OF THE TOWN OF CARi~iEL, INs±Aha · ~ '~ 'n -oroceed ~1~h the construction of oec~iOn ~. Thao tb_e ' e plans and s~oecifica%~°ns said. seviage ~orkS in accormanc ~ith the heretofore prepaz'ed and f~ted by Moore and Garns ~.:mneers, -, - ~ .... s employed by the To~n, v:hich plans and specl- Consulting En~:..mnee~ , fications are hereby approved and by reference made a part of this ordinance as fully as if the same v}ere a~ched hereto and . construction of sald ~orks incorporated he~-n~ that the cost of shall not exceed the sum of Three H~dred Forty Six Thousand Nine ~ ' Fifty Five Dollars and Tv~enty Cents ({j}3g6,955.20). The terms ~ ~ k~ "and other l~ke terms ~he~ used "se~age ~rea~ment ~orks, v~or .~ '~ ordinance s'~al 1 be construed to mean and include all structures :~s ,~.~ea ahal! be constructed and the bonds herein ~age 3 of and supplemental thereto, including particularly Chapter 121 of the Acts of the Indians. General Assembly for the year 1957, hereinafter sometimes referred to as the ~Act". Sec. 2. Said sewage works, consisting of lands, easements, right-of-waY, building, grit chambers, primary settling, aireation, secondary settling tanks, digestor, sludge bed~ chlorination chamber, lift stations, force main, intercepting sewers, repairs and extensions of existing sewers, diversion chambers, and other equipment, acces- sories and appurtenances shall be aca~ired and constructed in ac- cordance with the plans, specifications and estimates hereinbefore referred to. Sec. 3. The Town shall issue its sewage works revenue bonds in the amount of Two Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Dollars (~259~OO0) for the purpose of procuring funds to be applied on the cost of said works, as defined in Sec. 7 of said Act. Said bonds shall be issued in the denomination of One Thou- sand Dollars ($1,OOO), numbered consecutively from 1 to 259 in- clusive, dated as of the first day of the month in which sold, and shall bear interest at a rate not exceedi~ five and one-half per cent (5-1/2%) per annum~ payable on the first days of January and July in each year, beginning on July l, 1960. Such interest shall be evidenced by coupons attached to said bonds. Both bonds and interest coupons s~hall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at the Union State Bank of Carmel~ Indiana, or at the option of the holder, at The Indiana National Bank of Indianapolis, in the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, and such bonds shall mature serially in .numerical order in the amounts and on the dates as follows: 1 1Q78 L-_ Page 4 3,000 January 1, 1966 8,000 January 1, 1983 3,000 January 1, 1967 9,000 January 1, 1984 4,000 January 1, 1968 9;000 January 1, 1985 4,000 January 1; 1969 10;000 January '1;- 1986 4;000 January 1, 1970 10;000' January 1, 1987 4,000 January 1, 1971 11,000 January 1, 1988 5,000 January 1, 1972 12,000 January 1, 1989 5,000 January 1, 1973 13,000 January 1, 1990 5,000 January 1, 1974 13,000 January 1, 1991 5,000 January 1, 1975 14,OQO January 1, 1992 6,000 January 1 , 1976 "14,000 January 1, 1993 6,000 January 1, 1977 15,000 January 1, 1994 17,000 January 1, 1995 Sec. 4. The bonds of this issue maturing on January 1, 1972, , and thereafter, shall be redeemable at the option of the Town, in whole' or in part, on July 1, 1971, or any interest payment date thereafter, in their inverse numerical order, at face value, to- gether with the following premiums: 5% if redeemed on July 1, 1971, or thereafter on or before Jam:1ary 1, 1978: 4% if redeemed on July 1, 1978, or thereafter on or before January 1, 1984: 3% if redeemed on July 1, 1984, or -thereafter on or before January 1, 1990; 2% if redeemed on July 1, 1990, or thereafter prior to maturity; plus in each case accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption, Notice of such redemption shall be published at least one time in a newspaper or financial journal of general circulation, pub- lished in the City of Indianapolis not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption. If any of the bonds so to be redeemed are registered, such notice shall be mailed to the address of the registered holder as shown on the registration record of the Town. The notice shall specify the date and place of redemption and the serial numbers of the bonds called for re- demption. The place of redemption may be aetermined by the Town. Interest on the bonds so called for redemption shall cease on the redemption date fixed in such notice, if sufficient funds are avail- able at the place of redemption to pay the redemption price on the date so named, and when said bonds shall be presented for redemption. Page 5 Sec. 5. Said bonds shall be signed in the name of the To~n of Qarmel by the President of its Board of Trustees and attested by the Clerk-Treasurer, ~ho shall affix the seal of said To~n to each of said bonds. The interest coupons attached to said bonds shall be executed by placing thereon the facsimile signature of the Clerk-Treasurer, and said official, by the signing of said bonds, shall adopt as and for her o~n proper signature her fac- simile signature appearing on said coupons. Said bonds shall . have all of the qualities and incidents df negotiable instruments under the negotiable instruments la~ of the state of Indiana. Said bonds shall be negotiable by delivery unless registered. Upon presentation of any of the bonds at the office of the Clerk- Treasurer in the Tmln of Carmel, said Clerk-Treasurer shall re- gister said bonds as to principal ~ithout charge or expense to the holder. Such registery shall be noted on each bond so pre- sented, after ~hich no transfer thereof shall be valid unless made by the registered o~ner in person or by his attorney duly authorized and similarly noted on such bond, but bonds so registered may be discharged from registry by being in like manner re- transferred to bearer, after lIIhich they shall be transferable by delivery but may again be registered as before. The registration of any bond shall not affect the negotiability of the interest coupons attached thereto, but such coupons shall continue to pass by delivery merely and shall remain payable to bearer. Said bonds, and any bonds ranking on a parity therewith, as to both principal and interest, shall be payable from and secured by an irrevocable pledge of and shall constitute a first charge upon all the net revenues (herein defined as gross revenues after deduction only for the payment of the reasonable expenses of opera- tion, repair and maintenance) of the sewage works of the Town, in- Page 6 eluding the works herein authorized to be acquired and constructed, and all additions and improvements thereto and replacements thereof subsequently constructed or acquired. The To.in shall not be ob- ligated to pay said bonds or the interest thereon except from the net revenues of said works, and said bonds shall not oonstitute an indebtedness of the Town within the meaning of the provisions and limitations of the constitution of the State of Indiana. Sec. 6. The form and tenor of said bonds, the interest cou- . pons to be attached thereto, and the form of registry endorsement thereon shall be sUbstantially as follows, all blanks to be filled in properly prior to delivery thereof: UNITED STATES OF ANERICA State ~f Indiana County of Hamilton No. .1,000 TOWN OF CARMEL SEWAGE WORKS REVENUE BOND The Town of Carmel, in Hamilton County, State of Indiana, for value received, hereby promises to pay to the bearer, or if this bond be registered, then to the registered holder, SOlely out of the special revenue fund hereinafter referred to, the principal amount of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the first day of January, 19 (unless this bond be called for redemption prior to maturityas hereinafter provided), and to pay interest thereon from the date hereof until the prin- cipal is paid, at the rate of per cent ( %) per annum, payable on the first day of January and July in each year, beginning on July 1, 1960, upon presentation and sur- render of the annexed coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the Union State Bank of Carmel, Indiana or at the option of the holder, at The Indiana National Bank of Indianapolis, in the City of Indianapolis, Indiana. This bond is one of an authorized issue of two hundred fifty nine (259) bonds of the Town of Carmel, of like date, tenor and effect, except as to numbering and dates of maturity, in the total amount of Two Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Dollars ($259,000), numbered from 1 to 259 inclusive, issued for the purpose of providing funds to pay the cost of sewage works, as authorized by an ordinance adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel on the day of ,1959, .---j Page 7 entitled "An Ordinanoe oonoerning the oonstruction and opera- tion by the To~n of Carmel, Indiana, of sewage works, the issuanoe of revenue bonds to provide the cost thereof, the collection, segregation and distribution of the revenues of said works, the safeguarding of the interest.s of the holders of said bonds, and other matters connected therewith, II and in strict complianoe with the provisions of Chapter 61 of the Acts of the Indiana General Assembly for the year 1932 (Special Session), and the aots amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. . Pursuant to the provisions of said Aot and said ordinance, the principal and interest of this bond and all other bonds of said issue, and any bonds ranking on a parity therewith, are payable solel~ from the Sewage Works Sinking Fund (Created by said ordinanoe) to be provided from the net revenues ~erein defined as gross revenues after deduction only for the payment of the reasonable expenses of operation, repair and maintenance) of the sewage works of the To~n of Carmel, including the works oonstructed or aoquired by the use of the proceeds of this bond and the issue of which it is a part, and all additions and improvements thereto and replaoements thereof subse- quently constructed or acquired. This Bond shall not con- stitute an indebtedness of the To~n of Carmel ~ithin the meaning of the provisions and limitations of the constitution of the State of Indiana, and the Town shall hot be obligated to pay this bond or the interest thereon except from said speoial fund provided from said net revenues. The Town of Carmel irrevooably pledges the entire net revenues of said se~age works to the prompt payment of the prinoipal and interest of the bonds issued on aocount of the construction of said sewage works, of which this is one, and any bonds ranking on a parity there~ith, to the extent neces- sary for that purpose, and oovenants that it will oause to bel' fixed, maintained and collected suoh rates and oharges for servioe rendered by said works as. are SUffiCi. ent in eaoh year for the payment of the pro);Jer an.\lJ'..!ilJl~l<lsl.. expens~QL .Qlls:ra tiO;), repa).r and m~!.n.~..illlg~Qf_~i?- works, and for the payment of the sums required to be paid iITro said Sinking Fund under -the provisions of said Act. In the event the Town, or the proper officers thereof, shall fail or refuse to so fix, maintain and oolleot such rates or oharges, or if there be a default in the payment of the interest on or principal of this bond, the holder of this bond shall have all of the rights and remedies provided for in said Chapter 61, Acts of 1932 (Special Session) and. the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, inoluding the right to have a receiver appointed to administer the works and to charge and collect rates sufficient to provide for the payment of this bond and the interest thereon. The Town of Carmel further oovenants that it will set aside and pay into its Sewage Works Sinking Fund a sufficient amount of the net revenues of said works to meet (a) the interest on this bond and all other bonds ~hich by their terms are payable from the revenues of said sewage works, as such interest shall fall due, (b) the necessary fiscal agency charges for I _....--'---1 Page 8 paying the bonds and interest, (c) the principal of this bond and all other bonds payable from the revenues of said se~age works, as the same are payable, and (d) an additional amount as a margin of safety, ~hich margin, together with any unused surpl~s of su~h margin carried forward from the preceding year, shall equal not less than ten per cent (10%) of all other amounts so required to be paid into said Sinking Fund. Such required payments shall constitute a first charge upon all the net revenues of said works. This. bond and all other bonds of said issue shall have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments under the negotiable instruments law of the State of Indiana. ~his bond may be registered as to principal at the office of the Clerk-Treasurer in the Town of Carmel, Indiana, in the name of the owner hereof, and suoh registration noted hereon by said Clerk-Treasurer. Thereafter no transfer hereof shall be valid unless made at said office by the re- gistered owner in person or by his duly authorized attorney and similarly noted hereon, but this bond may be discharged from registration by being in like manner transferred to bearer and may again from time to time be registered or transferred to bearer as before. Such registration shall not restrict or affect the negotiability of the interest coupons hereto attached by delivery only, but such interest coupons shall always be payable to bearer. The bonds of this issue maturing on January 1, 1972, and thereafter, shall be redeemable at the option of the Town, in whole or in part, in inverse numerical order, on July 1, 1971, or any interest payment date thereafter, at face.value, together with the following premiums: five per cent (5%) if redeemed on JUly 1, 1971, or thereafter on or before January 1, 1978; four per cent (4%) if redeemed on July 1, 1978, or ,thereafter on or before January 1,1984; three per cent (3%) if redeemed on July 1, 1984, or thereafter on or before January 1, 1990; two per cent (2%) if redeemed on July 1, 1990, or thereafter prior to maturity; plus in each case accrued,interest to the date fixed for redemption. Notice of such redemption shall be published one time at least thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption, in a newspaper or financial journal published in the City of Indianapolis, Indiana. A like notice shall be sent by mail to the holders of such bonds as are then registered, Interest on bonds so called for redemption shall cease on the redemption date fixed in said notice, if funds are availa.ble at the place of redemption to pay the redemption price on the date so named and ~hen presented for payment. It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, condi- tions and things required to be done precedent to and in the execution, issuance and delivery of this bond have been done and performed in regular and duefbrm as provided by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Carmel, in Hamilton County, State of Indiana, has caused this bond to be executed in its corporate name by the President of its Board of Trustees, __~~i Page 9 its corporate seal to be hereunto. affixed, and attested by its Clerk-Treasurer, and the interest coupons hereto at- tached to be executed by placing thereon the facsimile signature of the Clerk-Treasurer, as of the first day of 19'-. , - TOWN OF CARMEL BY President, Board of Trustees Attest: Clerk-Treasurer , (Interest Coupon) Coupon No. $ On 1, 19 (unless the bond herein mentioned shall have been called for previous redemption), the Town of Carmel, Indiana, will pay. to Gearer at the Union State Bank of Carmel, Indiana or at the option of the holder, at The Indiana National Bank of Indianapolis, in the City of Indiana- polis, Indiana, out of its Sewage Works Sinking Fund Dollars in lawful money of the United States of America, being the interest then due on its Sewage Works Revenue Bond, dated 1, 19__, No TOWN OF CARMEL By (Facsimile) Clerk-Treasurer REGISTRATION ENDORSU{ENT This bond can be registered only at the office of the Clerk-Treasurer in the Town of Carmel, Indiana. No Writing hereon except by the Clerk-Treasurer. Date of Registry In Whose Name Registered Clerk-Treasurer Sec. 7. The Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to have said bonds and coupons prepared, and the President of the Board of Trustees and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized and Page 10 ~irected to execute said bonds and the interest coupons to be at- tached thereto, in the form and manner herein provided. The Clerk- Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to deliver said bonds to the purchaser thereof after sale made in accordance ~ith the pro- visions of this ordinance, provided that at the time of said delivery, the Clerk-Treasurer shall collect the full amount which the purchaser has agreed to pay therefor, ~hich shall not be less than the face value of said bonds, plus accrued interest from the date thereof to the date of delivery. The bonds herein "authorized, when fully paid , for and delivered to the purchaser, shall be the bind~ng special revenue obligations of the To~n, payable out of the revenues of the Townls sewage works to be set aside into the Sewage Works Sinking Fund as herein pr9vided, and the proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds shall be and are hereby set aside for application on the cost of acquisition, construction and installation of said sewage works hereinbefore referred to, and the expenses necessarily incurred in connection therewith. The proper officers of the To~n are hereby directed to draw all proper and necessary warrants, and to do ~hat- ever acts ,and things Which may be necessary to carry out the provi- sions of this ordinance. Sec. 8: Prior to the sale of said bonds the Clerk-Treasurer shall cause to be published a notice of such sale once each ~eek for two weeks in The Noblesville Daily Ledger and the Noblesville Morning Times, Noblesville, Indiana, there being no newspaper pub- lished in the Town of Carmel, and one time in the Indianapolis Commercial, the last publication to be at least seven (7) days prior to the date .fixed for said sale, said notice shall also be posted as .provided by law. The bond sale notice shall state the time and place of sale, the character and amount of the bonds, the max- imum rate of interest thereon, the terms and conditions upon which bids will be received and the sale made, and such other in- Page 11 formation as the Clerk-Treasurer and the attorneys employed by the Town shall deem advisable. Said notice shall provide, among other things, that each bid shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check in the amount of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) to guar~ntee performance on the part of the bidder, and that in the event the successful bidder shall fail or refuse to accept delivery of the bonds and pay for the same as soon as the bonds are ready for delivery, or at the time fixed in the notice of ~ sale, then said check and the proceeds thereof shall be the pro- perty of the Town and shall be considered as its liquidated da- mages on account of',such default; also, that bidders for said bonds will be required to name the rate of interest at which the bonds are to bear," not exceeding the maximum rate hereinbefore, fixed, and that such interest rate shall be in multiples of one- eighth (1/8) of one per cent (1%); also, that the opinion of Ross McCord Ice & Miller, bond counsel of Indianapolis, Indiana, ap- proving the legality of said bonds, will be furnished tothe purchaser at the expense of the Town, and that no oonditional bids will be considered,' The bonds shall be awarded by the Clerk-Treasurer to the high- est, qualified bidder who has submitted his bid in accordance with the terms of this ordinance and the notice of sale. The highest bidder will be the one who offers the lowest net interest cost to the Town, to be determined by computing the total interest on all of the bonds to their maturities and deducting therefrom the premium bid, if any. The right to reject any and all bids shall be reserved. If an acceptable bid is not received on the date of 'the sale, the sale will be continued from day to day thereafter without further advertisement for a period of thirty (30) days, during which time no bid which is lower than the highest bid received at the time of the advertised sale will be considered. Page 12 Sec. 9. The accrued interest and premium received at the time of the delivery of the bonds, if any, shall be deposited in the' Sewage Works Sinking Fund hereinafter created, together with such amount of the proceeds of the bonds as shall equal the accruing interest on the bonds for a period of twelve (12) months. The remaining proceeds from the sale of said bonds shall be deposited in a bank or,banks which are legally designated depositories for the funds of the Town in a special account o~ accounts to be designated as IITown of Carmel, Sewage Works Construction Account." All funds deposited to the credit of said Sewage Works Sinking Fund or Sewage Works Construction Account shall be deposited, held, secured or in- vested in aooordanoe with the laws of the State of Indiana relating to the depositing, holding, securing or investing of public funds, including particularly Chapter 9 of the Acts of 1945. The funds in said special aocount or accounts shall be expended only for the purpose of paying the cost of the works, as defined in Section 7 of Chapter 61 of the Acts of 1932, as amended, or as otherwise required by, said Act. Any balance or balances remaining unexpended in such special account or accounts after oompletion of the works, which are not required to meet unpaid obligations incurred in con- nection with such oonstruction, shall be paid into the Sewage Works Sinking Fund and shall be used solely for the purposes of said fund. " Sec. 10. There is hereby created a sinking fund for the pay- ment of the interest on and principal of the revenue bonds issued on account of the construction of said sewage works, and any bonds ranking on a parity therewith, and the payment of any fiscal agency charges in oonneotion with the payment of bonds and interest oou- pons, 'whioh fund shall be designated as f1Sewage Works Sinking Fund.1I There shall be set aside and paid into said Sinking Fund monthly, as Page. 13 available, a sufficient amount of the net revenues of said sewage works, as hereinbefore defined, for the payment of (a) the interest on all bonds which by their terms are payable from the revenues of said sewage works, as such interest shall fall due, (b) the necessary fiscal agency charges for paying the bonds and interest, \ (c) the principal of all bonds payable from the revenues of the sewage works as they fall due, and (d) an additional amount as a margin of safety and for the payment of premiums upon bonds re- . deemed by call or purchase, which margin, together with any unused surplus of such margin carried forward from the preceding year, shall equal ten per cent (10%) of all other amounts so required to be paid into said Sinking Fund. The monthly payments into said Sinking Fund shall be in an amount equal to at least one-twelfth (1/12) of the amount required for such payments during the then next succeeding twelve (12) calendar months and shall continue until such time as said funds shall contain an amount sufficient to pay all of the bonds then outstanding, together with the in- .\ terest thereon to the dates of maturity thereof. In no event shall any part of the Sewage Works Sinking Fund be used in calling bonds for redemption prior to maturity, except to the extent that the amount then in said Sinking Fund exceeds . the amount required to pay the bonds which will mature within a period of twelve (12) calendar months next following the date of such redemption, together with all interest on the bonds payable in said period. Any such excess of funds above said required level may also be used in purchasing outstanding bonds at a price less than the then applicable redemption price, if first approved by \' the Board of Trustees. Moneys in said Sinking Fund shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever except as stated in this section. i I .. .--------} Page 14 In the event all required payments into the Sewage Works Sinking Fund have been met to date, and there has been accumulated in said fund an amount sufficient to meet the requirements of said fund for the then next succeeding twelve (12) months period, and funds in an amount sufficient for operation,repair, main- tenance and depreciation have been accumulated and reserved for that period, then the Board of Trustees may transfer any excess net revenues into a fund for extensions, betterments and additions to the works. No such transfer shall b~ made, however, which will interfere with the required monthly payments into the Sewage Works Sinking Fund or with the operation of the works. Sec. 11. All revenues derived from the operation of the sewage works and from the collection of sewage rates and charges shall be segregated and kept in a special fund and in a separate bank account, separate and apart from all other funds of the Town. Out of this fund the proper and reasonable expenses of operation, repair and maintenance of the works shall be paid and the require- ment of the Sewage Works Sinking Fund shall be met. The Town shall keep proper books of records and accounts, separate from all of its other records and accounts, in which complete and cor- rect entries shall be made showing all revenues collected from said works and deposited in said fund, and all disbursements made therefrom on account of the operation of the works, or to meet the requirements of the Sewage Works Sinking Fund, also all trans- actions relating to said works. There shall be prepared and f~rnished, upon written request, to the original purchasers of the bonds and to any subsequent holder of the bonds, not more than ninety (90) days after the close of each fiscal year, complete financial statements of the works, covering the preceding fiscal year, which annual statements shall be certified by the Clerk- ~ Treasurer or independent auditors. Copies of all such statements " '--~.. Page 15 and reports shall be kept on file in the office of the Clerk- Treasurer. Any holder or holders of the bonds then outstanding shall have the right at all reasonable times to inspect the ~orks and all records, accounts anddata of the To~n relating thereto. Such inspections may be made by representatives duly authorized by ~ri~ten instrument. Sec. 12. The To~n covenants and agrees that it ~ill establish and maintain just and equitable rates or~harges for the use of and the service rendered by said works,tobe paid by the owner of each and every lot, parcel of real estate or building that is connected with and uses said se~age works by or through any part -_........_._-~- It/~of the(seJ.a:ge',system of the Town, or that in any ~ay uses or .-.~_._-_.-.~...... . is served by such works; that such rates or charges shall be sufficient in each year for the payment of the proper and rea- sonable expenses of operation, repair and maintenance of the ~orks, and for the payment of the sums required to be paid into the Sewage Works Sinking Fund by said governing Act and this ordi- nance. Such rates or charges shall, if necessary, be changed and readjusted from time to time so that the revenues therefrom shall always be sufficient to meet the expenses of operation, repair and maintenance, and the requirements of the Sewage Works Sinking The rates or charges so established shall apply to any and ,I Fund. .1 \.~ ~ all use of such ~orks by and service rendered to the Town and all departments thereof as the charges accrue. Se9tion 13. The Town reserves the right to authorize and issue additional bonds, payable out of the revenues of its sewage work~, ranking on a parity with the bonds authorized by this ordinance, for the purpose of financing the cost of future additions, exten- sions and improvements to the sewage works, subject to the following conditions: . .____.. ,.__.__._.__._.__.___.__.____n_. Page 16 (a) The interest on and principaiof all bonds payable from the revenues of the se~age works shall have been paid to date in accordance ~ith the terms thereof. (b) As of the date of issuance of such additional bonds, there shall have been accumulated and set aside funds in an amount suffi- cient for operation, repair and maintenance of the works for the then next succeeding t~elve (12) calendar months, and the balance in the Sewage Works'Sinking Fund shall equal not less than the principal and interest requirements of the then outstanding bonds payable during the then next succeeding t~elve (12) calendar months. (c) The net operating revenues of the sewage works in the fis- cal year immediately preceding the issuance of any such bonds ranking on a parity with the bonds authorized by this ordinance shall be not less than one hundred twenty-five per cent (125%) of the maxi- mum annual interest and principal requirements of the then outstanding bonds and the maximum annual interest and principal requirements of the additional parity bonds proposed to be issued; or, prior to the iss1:lance of said parity bonds, the seliage rates and charges shall be increased SUfficiently so that said increased rates and charges applied to the previous fiscal yearts operations would have produced net operating revenues for said year equal to hot less than one hundred twenty-five per cent (125%) of the maximum annual interest and principal requirements of all bonds payable from the revenues of the sewage works, including the additional parity bonds proposed to be issued. For purposes of this ,subsection, the re- cords of the sewage works shall be analyzed and all showings shall be prepared by a duly licensed consulting engineer or certified public accountant employed by the Town for that purpose. Sec. 14. For the purpose of further safeguarding the inte~sts .... ._-~_._--_. .-------' Page 17 of the holders of the bonds herein authorized, it is specifically provided as follo~s: (a)- All contracts let by the Town in connection with the construction of said se~age works shall be let after due adver- tis~ment as required by the la~s of the State of Indiana, and all contractors shall be required to furnish surety bonds in an amount equal to one hundred per cent (100%) of the amount of such contracts, to insure the completion of said contracts in ac- cordance with their terms, and such con~ractors shall also be re- quired to carry such employers liability and public liability in- surance as are required under the la~s of the State of Indiana in the case of public contracts, and shall be governed in all res- pects by the la~s .of the State of Indiana relating to public contracts. (b) The ~orks shall be constructed under the supervision,and subject to the approval of Moore and Garns Engineers Inc., or such other competent engineer as shall be designated by the Board of Trustees. All estimates for work done or material furnished shall first be checked by the engineer and approved by the Board of Trustees. (c) The Town shall at all times maintain its sewage ~orks in good condition and operate the same in an efficient manner and at a reasonable cost. (d) So long as any of the bonds herein authorized are outstanding, the Town shall maintain insurance on the insurable parts of said ~orks of a kind and in an amount such as ~ould normally be carried by private companies engaged in a similar type of business. All insurance shall be placed with responsible insurance companies quali- fied to do business under the laws of the State of Indiana. In- surance proceeds shall be used in replacing or repairing the pro- perty destroyed or damaged; or if not used for that purpose shall be Page 18 treated and applied as net revenues of the works. (e) So long as any of the bonds are outstanding, the Town shall not mortgage, pledge or otherwise encumber suoh works, or any part thereof, nor shall it. sell, ~ease or otherwise dispose of any por- tion thereof except replaced equipment which may become worn out or. obsolete. (f) Except as hereinbefore provided in Seo. 13, so long as any of the bonds herein authorized are outstanding, no additional bonds . or other obligations pledging any portion of the revenues of said sewage works shall be authorized, exeouted or issued by the Town except such as shali be -made subordinate and junior in all respects to the bonds herein authorized, unless all of the bonds herein authorized are redeemed and retired coincidentally with the de- livery of such additional bonds or other obligations. (g) The Town shall take all action or proceedings necessary and proper to require connection of all property where liquid and solid waste, sewage, night soil, or industrial waste is produced with available sanitary sewers. The Town shall, in so far as possible, cause all such sanitary sewers to be connected with said sewage works. (h) The provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a con- tract by and between the Town of Carmel and the holders of the sewage works revenue bonds herein authorized, and after the issuance of said bonds, ':this ordinance shall not be repealed or amended in any respect which will adversely affect the rights of the holders of said bonds, nor shall the Board of Trustees adopt any law, or- dinance or resolution which in any way adversely affects the r1gnts of such holders so long as any of said bonds or the interest thereon remain unpaid. (i) The provisions of this ordinance shall be construed to ~-(. " \ ,\ "-i., I . ',I Page 19 CJ'eo.t'i) l\l. tl"USt 1n tho pl'oueec1s 01' the sale 01' the pond.s hlll~:.t.n nuthoJ;'1ZQd to);" th& uan OJv1 plll"pOaaG !le:ra5.nBat tor'\',h. and theJ hol('lel"S or "'-.h0 bOJlda lilMll r(l~!l.in a li$n o.u B1.10h prooeedtl unt.ll tJwsa.nl.El ~'l"<l' appl1ed lnl.\.Q('lQJ:>dl\llOe ~i::' t,h the Pl"QV1a10!lr1 of t13.\(I Qrd1nn.ncea.nd 01' 0E.dfl gow,H'%~1ng A.at, 'J.'hllt P:!.'O\l'j.s:l.otla of thla orditiL\1'1.00 4l'lAll allJ/) b0 OI.'uUitru."d. 'l;dl erlllt\ta M>' tl'Ust.'.n thIa pOl.... tion of' thl!fl.,treve:nues h~reln &r",oti&d to be $~'eJ:t:!MI.l:'t and pM.d 1n~thoSEM%"1l \'~orl!:1J 91nk11'1l?; Il'u.rI.dfor the l1se.a aJ.'l,d p;llrpo$GIi of , , ,... 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