BPW-04-13-76 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS APRIL 13, 1976 The meeting of the Board of Public Works was called to order at 2:03 p.m. by Mayor Albert Pickett. All members were present. City Engineer, Fred Hohl, moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting end approve them as received, City Attorney, Owen Kern, seconded it and it passed unanimously. MIdwest Mobile Comm. Co. M~ntenance A~reement: Fire Chief Swails appeared before the Board to request the approval of a maintenance ~greJ~ent with Midwest Mobile Communications Co., Inc. for the service for the base and mobile units and generator of the fire department: Chief Swails stated it was eX~ctly as last years. Mr. Kern moved the ~o~reement be approved, Mr, Hohl seconded it and it passed un~uimously. Three New Firemen: Chief Swails requested authorization to hire three additional firemen. Mr. Kern moved to approve the employment of three additional firemen, Mr. Hohl seconded it passed unanimously. Employee Pay Meeting: Mayor Pickett requested City Engineer Hohl and Utilities ~r Dougherty meet with him at 8:30 a.m. Frida~v to dis'eus~ some ~lc~e"~ salaries. water Plant B~ckwash Waste Pro~ect: Mr. Herb Zinsmeister, of Clyde E. Williams & Assoc., appeared before the Board to recommend proceedio~with the study to solve the discharge of the treatment plant in Cool Cree~. Mr. Zinsmeister stated the Steam Pollution Board would no longer accept the rationale that it is temporary. Utilities Mar~ger stated Mr. 0ral Hert's prim~.ry concern was the iron waste more so than the brine waste, therefore the treatment process would be a little less. Mr. Zinsmeister requested a letter of authoriza- tion to furnish engineering services necessary for preliminary study on methods to achieve compliance with N P D E S permit requirements for the downtown water treatment plant. Total engineering fee not to exceed $3,250.00 without additiohal authorization from the Board. Mr. Kern moved pttrsuant to Mr. Zinsmeister's recommendation the City write a letter to C E W Co. authorizing them to proceed with study not to exceed $3,250.00 and allowing the City approximately 30%credit towards the desig~ fee of the necessary plant. Mr. Hohl seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Letters to State Board of Health: Utilities Manager asked Mr. Zinsmelster if the letter requested by the State Board of Health requesting a waiver in our N P D E S permit for the South Plant because our current permit calls for a June or July affluent standard of 10 and 10 and the plant is designed to discharge 30 - 30. Mr. Zinsmeister stated the letter was in the process of being written. Mr. Dougherty stated ottr permit for the North Plant also requires we have a Metering bypass sewage. Mr. Zinsmeister stated his firm would write a letter requesting the need for a bypass meter be deleted. Mr. Hohl stated we h~d pttrchased a magnetic type flow meter for use to monitor this bypass flow. He stated it is an 8" meter and we can't get enough "head" to avoid backi~sewer system up. He stated we needed to get a larger meter or return it. It has not been paid for yet. Cost is app~oxim~tely $6~000.00. Mr. Hohl stated we h~ve been trying to estimate the flow at Brookshire lift station and we could use that 8" meter there. Mr. Zinsmeister stated if you put the meter in and it showed the plant needed to be expanded you h~ve expeuded this money and wottld have to t~ke the meter out and use it elsewhere. Mayor Pickett stated he would like to review the m~tter further and would discuss it at the next meeting. Lift Station Telemetr~ Sewer: Utilities Msz~ger stated he had looked into prices for equipment for alarm systems detecting sewer failure. He h~d received an estimate from Honeywell for $7,960.00 for equipment. Mr. Dougherty stated installation costs would be page 2 twice that ~ud he felt we could do that ourselves. Mayor Pickett stated he would like to got some Dnput from the Council regarding this expenditure. Mr. Kern moved to table this request until next meeting allowing the Mayor to got some input from the Council Mr. Hohl seconded it and it passed unanimously. Water Tower Maintenance: Upon the recon~nendation of Utilities Msr~er, Mr. Eernmoved to put out bids for maintenance of the water tower, Mr. Hohl seconded it ~ud it passed unanimously. Sews~e Contract with B & R Septic Tank Co.: Upon the recommendation of Utilities Maz~ager. ~Mr~ ~o~e~ th? con~ra? b~twee~ the Carmel Sewage Utility and Phillip Ridge d a ' ..... ~ oervlce wnereo ~ ~ /b~ / y a~me± agrees, to accept fresh raw sewage hau~ed from West- field Apartments to the 96th Street waste water treatment plant for $5.00 per 3,000 g~llon load, Mr. Kern seconded it and it passed unanimously. New Well'Problem La.yne Northern: Utilities Managor stated Layne Northern Co., has done some testi~ this past week in an effort to prove their wells are O.K. and he would recommend that the results of the test be gotton to Clyde E. Williams Co. and U S G S amd schedule a meeting towards the end of next week and have U S G S and Clyde E. Williams evaluate. ~he situation. Mr. Hohl stated~it was his feeling of what he h~s seen of the pumping tests indicates there is not sufficient water pumpable at that High School site to supply this plant adeqt~tly to meet the supply this seer. Mayor Pickett requested Mr. Zinsmeister be present April 23rd 2 p.m. at the meeting with Purdue for possible land site negotiations. North Sewer Plant: Mr. Zinsmeister reviewed a letter he had written to Mr. Kern regardin~ costs of construction for the North Plant. Mr. Zinsmeister stated it was not possible to certify that the invoices presented by Mr, Wilfongwas specifically for the construction of the plant. Letter was then given to Mr. Kern for his i~erusal.: Mayor Pickett recessed the meeting at ~:~0 p.m. ~ Meeting was re-convened at ~:20 p.m. Water Jumper P~te 0rd~nsnce: City Engineer recommended the daily charge for jumpers be dropped to a flat $2.50 fee. Mr. Kern stated he would draw up a new ordin~uce for the councils consideration. WaterMain Replacement 1st Ave..qE,: Mr. Hohl stated he took the liberty of asking Fred Swift last week if he h~dspecific objection to the proposed water m~in replacement at ?st Ave. SE and he had stated no he had no specific objection with that project. Mayor requested him to go ~head with project. Industrial Cost Recover~ 0rd~ns.nee: Mr. Hohl stated the Industrial Cost Recovery Ordinance calls for a list of users to be classified sometime this year. Mr. Zinsmeister stated he would fellow up on the requirements of that ordins~uce. Mr. Hohl stated he felt the Indianapolis Water Co., should be classified as an industrial user and he had a pro- posed letter to them for the Boards review calculating our chargos to them. Mayor Pickett stated he would like to research it some more ~d discuss it further at the 20th meeting before the letter was mailed. Carmel Knoll: Mr. Kern stated he had attended a meetin~ of creditors regarding the b~uk- ruptcy of Caz~nel Knoll, and had filed a calim for the delinquent water bills. He stmted they were in re-organization process. P~-rchase of Street StriDing Paint: Mr. Hohl requested permission to purchase paint for street stripin~ purposes. Mayor Pickett stated if the money w~s in the budgot, he could purchase it. pa~e 3 126th Street Right of Wa~P~rch~se -Mohawk Place Traffic: Mr. Hohl stated Mrs. Mueller is not satisfied with the location of the proposed 126th Street road and there is no liklihood she would do snything to help us with the present location. He stated we could not afford to condemn that right-of-way. Mr. Hohl then moved that we delete the extension west of P~ngeline Road from the 126th project and extend the lane widening on Rangeline Road northward approximately 350' from the present design in order to provide a turn lane into the Mohawk Place Shoppi~ Center entrance. M~yor Pickett seconded it and it passed unanimously. Cla~m~ numbering 1130 thru 1651 totaling $769,148.6~ were approved. There bei~no further business the meeti~was adjourned at 5:35 p.m. ATTEST: / /~([ PeggY Loa Smith, CZerk-Treas~rer Albert B. ~ickett, M~yor /