BPW-12-12-78 MINUTES OF THE BOA_RD OF pUBLIC WORKS December 12, 1978 The regular meeting of the Board of Public Works was called to order at 3 PM by Mmyor Pickett, who presided. Mr. Hohl and Clerk-Treasurer were present. Mr. Kern wms not present. Mr. Hohl moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting, Mayor Pickett seconded it and it passed zn~animously. REQIIEST FOR SEWER SERVICE-RALPHMORGAN SUB-DIVISION: Mr. Hohl.~eadle$~er from Mr. P~lph F. Morgan, requesting sewer availability"for property located mt 99th St. mud Hmverstick Road for mpproximately 57 sim~le dwelling lots. Mr. Hohl moved that the letter be entered in the record (attached to original minutes) and thmt a request for sewer service was m~de on this date and it will be mcted on mt such time ms we have determined that there is cmpacity to serve mdditional sub-divisions on a first come first serve basis, Mayor Pickett seconded it and it pmssed unanimously. HOLDING TANK FOR SHOPPING CENTER __~_ACRES ON NORTHRANGELINE ltD: BOB LANGSTON: ~oved the hol'---ding tmuk be approved ms requested by Mr. Langston for shoppin~ center on North Rangeline Road subject to Langston obtaining amy necessary approvals from the State Board of Health subject to his agreeing to immediately connect to sanitary sewer system within 60 dmys of notificmtion that cmpmcity is mvmilmble and contingent upon his supplying m copy of a signed contract or proposal from m State Board of Health licensed hauler to haul his mffluent which also indicates a point of disposal by the hauler of said affluent, Mayor Pickett seconded it and it pmssed unanimously. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES FOR ZONINGMAP: Mayor Pickett remd proposed agreement for contrmctuml services between the City of Carmel and Weihe Engineers to prepare an ink drawing on Cmrmel's existing Mylar Zoning Map updatim~ the zoning for Carmel and Clay Township according to the existing ordinances including subdivision plats, rezones amd mll commercial ~znd industrial developments since Janumry l, 1970 at a cost not to exceed $3,000.00. Mr. Hohl moved to approve agreement subject to obtmining necessary funds, Mayor Pickett seconded it and it pmssed unanimously. UTILITY CETA W0P~'Ms SOURCE OF SALARY CHANGE: Utilities Manager recommendedthe Board of Works authorize the City Attorney L'o prepare am amendment to the 1978 and 1979 salary ordinance changing the source of funds for Ed Wolfe and James Morrison, CETA workers who would no longer be eligible for CETA funds due to promotion and length of service. Mayor Pickett suggested the Utility Manager and City Engineer get together and prepare a list of mll workers who might need to hmve source of funds changed amd submit to City Attorney for preparmtion. FI~T,ITY CENTER WATER MAINEXTENSION: Mr. Jim Johnson, representing Fidelity Center, appemred before the Board a~d reque=bed Cmrmel extend water service to Fidelity Center. Mayor Pickett stmted he would discuss the m~tter with the Council. CARMEL-CLAYKIWANIS ROADBLOCK: Mayor Pickett remd letter from Kiwanis Club requesting permission for thc fo~rthannual Smlvation Army fund rmising romdblock on Smturdmy, December 16th from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. mt intersection of R~ngeline Road and Main Street. Letter stated they would, ms in the past, utilize warning signs and work in co-opermtion with the City police department. Kiwanis and Carmel High School Key Club members would also man kettle's, Friday evenim~, December 15th and Page 2 12/12/78 Saturday 16th at both 0'Malia stores, Marsh supermarket and Union State Bank. Mr. Hohl moved to approve roadblock subject to stated conditions in the letter, Mayor Pickett seconded it and it passed unanimously. DEGAN& ASSOCIATES CONTRACT - AMERICAN STATES INS. CO. vs CITY 0F CAR~m: Mayor Pickett read proposed indemnity agreement with American States Ins. Co. stating that American States Ins. Co. has become obligated to make a payment on bonds written on Degau and Associates, Inc in an ~mount exceedi~ $10,000.00 and Degan & Associates, Inc. ~re no longer in business. Degan & Associates did the storm sewer reconstruction Phase II in Newark Village and the City of Cac~mel still has a $1,82~.~ balance left on the contract. American States Ins. desires the City to pay them the outstanding $1,82~.~ the City owes Degan. Mayor Pickett stated he would discuss the matter with the City Attorney and the Clerk- Treasurer would check to see if the money had been encumbered. ~U'I~0RIZATION FOR STA~ SURVEY: Mr. Hohl moved to authorize Frank Hahn & Associates to do the stake survey for proposed property for the water plant and wells and easements on the Haverstick property. Total oost $2,300.00, Mayor Pickett seconded it and it passed unanimously. DRYN CORP CONTRACT: This item was tabled. PROPOSALS FOR PERFORMING A SOI~ FOUND~.TION INVESTIGATION FOR WATER TREATMENT PLAIIT: Mayor Pickett stated three quotes were received for this work and recommended accepting the low quote of Shilts Graves & Associates for $2,810.00. Mr. Nohl moved to accept quotation of Shilts Graves & Associates and authorize work to begin subject to determination of adequate funds remaining in the engineering budget account, Mayor Pickett seconded it and it passed unanimously. ~0ND RELEASES: Mr. Hohl moved to release the followi~bonds: Johnson Acres - Blacktopping on Streets - $28,000.00 Cool Creek N. Sec 16 - Streets excluding blacktopping_ $2~,000.00 Watermains and hydrants - $2~,000.00 Cool Creek N. Sec l~ - Streets excluding blacktopping_ $1~,000.00 Sanitary Sewers - $2~,000.00 Watermains and Hydrants - $12,000.00 Mayor Pickett seconded it and it passed unanimously. CLAIMS: Mr. Hohl moved to approve claims #~39 thru ~90~ totali~4~ $ 880,~0~.03 subject to claims being signed this evening, Mayor Pickett seconded it and it passed unanimously. STREET SWEEPER: Mr. Hohl moved we accept the bid of Ries Equipment Co. for an Elgin Pelican Street Sweeper in the amount of $33,720.00 less a trade-in allowance of $3,000.00 for the old street sweeper maki~ a net delivered price of $~0,720.00 with the intention that it be purchased on a lease-purchase plan paid in three payments on January l~, 1979,80 and 81 subject to transfer of funds by City Council, Mayor Pickett seconded it and it passed unanimously. JAWS OF LIFE T00I,: Upon the recommendation of Fire Chief Swails, Mayor Pickett moved to approve purchase of a jaws of llfe tool subject to transfer of funds to make money available, Mr. Hohl seconded it and it passed unanimously. Page pARAMEDICS.: Upon the recommendation of Fire Chief Swails, Mr. Hohl moved the Mayor send a letter authorizi~Washington Township to put their radios on our frequency for better communication inasmuch as we oall upon them for paramedic assistance, Mayor Pickett seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. There bei~ no further business the meeting was adjourned at ~ PM. Approved: Atl$~t B~. Pickett ATTE~ ~ . // ,