BPW-12-26-78 MINUTES OF THE BOAI~D OF PUBLIC WORKS MEETING December 26, 1978 The meeting of the Board of Public Works was called to order at 3 PM by M~yor Pickett, who presided. All members and Clerk-Treasurer were present. Mr. Kern moved to approve the minutes of the last regular meetim~, Mr. Hohl seconded it and it passed unamimously. 0VERCMA~PT~ - DAWSON CARMELTOWNWATER & SEWER: Mr. Hohl stated he had been contacted by Mr. Joseph Dawson, who requested refunds for alledged over payment of sewer and water connection charges as outlined in letter attached to original minutes. Mr. Hohl moved to authorize refund of $6,86h.62 for sewer overcharge and $17,280.00 for water overcharge subject to verification of accuracy by the Clerk-Treas~rer due to the charges having been calculated and collected by utility personnel, Mr. Kern seconded it and it passed unanimously. POLICE DEPARTMENT LIFE I~UttadICE: Mr. Steve Bowen of the Police Department and insurance representatives Bob Kelly and Mike Ray appeared before the Board to request the Board approve the insurmuce policy the depmrtment had selected to replace the lost benefit of social security. The policy offered a $5,000.00 term life policy with balance in a cash value for the men if they should leave the department. Mr. Kern moved that whereas we are doing this to have money encumbered and whereas this isn't much of an insurmuce account but if it is all right with the State Board of Accounts it would be all right with him, Mr. Hohl Seconded it and it passed unanimously. Mayor Pickett to sign contract when Mr. Kern notifies him of the correctness of it. WATER MEINEXTENSION A~R~:~MENT - BR00KSHIRE LAKES: Mr. A1 Hughey appeared before the Board and requested water main extension agreement for Brookshire Lakes as outlined in letter attached to original minutes~ Mr. Kermmoved to accept proposition as set forth in the letter from Mr. Nughey, realizing it will h~ve to be worked out in more detail at a later time, Mr. Hohl seconded it and it passed unanimously. AWARDING BIDS FOR DIGESTER CLEANING: Upon the recommendation of Utilities Man~ger, Mr. Kern moved to accept the bid of Municipal Equipment Services Co. subject to .nm~tting the 5 mile distance clause and adding the words "caused by contractor after item #~, Mr. Hohl seconded it. Mayor Pickett stated this was part of the work that was beim~mandated by EPA and he thought we had to do it. Mr. Dougherty stated he felt it should be done and did not feel this was an area that could be cut from the budget. Motion passed unanimously. NORTH PLANT RENOVATION BIDS: Bids for North Plant renovation were opened by City Attorney as follows: BowenE~ineerim~ Corp. - properly submitted - $h9,000.00 with alternatives Greve Construction Co,Inc - properly submitted - $53,000.00 with alternatives Kenneth Smock Excavatim~ - properly submitted - $39,875.00 Mr. Kern moved to refer bids to Utilities Man~ger and City Engineer for recommendation Friday, Mr. Hohl seconded it and it passed un~uimously. Page 2 12/26/78 PREVIOUSLY AWARDED BID: Clerk-Treasurer asked Utilities Manager if he had followed up on the note she had written him regarding the notice received from Allied Chemical that the price for Liquid Alum Solution was being increased even before a purchase was made. Bid was awarded November 14, 1978. This put that bid higher than General Alum & Chemical Corp who h~d guaranteed their price until October 1979. Mr. Dougherty stated he had tried to call the compsay but had not talked with them yet. Mr. Kern suggestedMro Dougherty call the other compauy to see if their bid was still firm and then contact the firm we had awarded the bid to and inform them we would not be purchasing from them at that price. If they refused to accept that, let him know. GASOLINE BID: Bid for gasoline from Amoco was opened as follows: 45.41 - reg~2a~ 48,29 - lead free, subject to change without notice. Mr. Kern moved to accept proposal, Mr. Hohl seconded it and it passed unanimously. SIGNING CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPMR: Mr. Hohl moved to award the bid for street sweeper which had been received August 29th, Mr. Kern seconded it and it passed unanimously. SENIOR CITZZ~ CONTRACT: Mayor Pickett read proposed contract with Hamilton County Senior Citizens setting forth services to be received for $1,200.00. Mr. Eernmoved to accept contract, Mr. Hohl seconded it and it passed unanimously. ..W~LL PROTECTIONEAS~tENT - EART~M COLLEGM: Mayor Pickett read proposed well protection easement and referred it to City Engineer for mailio~. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE REC0~TION: Mayor Pickett read letter from Peggy Smith, Chairperson of the Committee studyi~ our emergency medical services which stated the Committee recommended chargir~ a user fee of $35 for ambulance service and $50.00 for EMTuse. Mayor Pickett stated he didn't feel he was ready to make a recommendation on this because he didn't feel he knew enough about it. Mr. Hohl stated he didn't feel he was ready to make a recommendation either and stated he felt that inasmuch as Mayor Pickett had applied for a grant to pay for services for a 6onsulting firm to study our traffic and ~S we should wait for that recommendation. Clerk-Treasurer asked when that would come about. Mayor Pickett stated the aPplication was dow~ at the state now. Clerk-Treasurer stated the Committee had studied the issue and felt that if we were going to maintain control of our service we had to generate some revenue. She stated Sheridan had initiated a user fee last week as most communities were. Ms. Smith asked what they wanted to know. Mayor Pickett stated he did not feel we should establish a fee until we decided where we were going with the service and he didn't feel we were at thatpoint yet, Mr. Kern stated he didn't feel the City could bill the township for a fee because a township did not have powers to bill fees. Clerk-Treasurer stated she felt townships could bill inasmuch as Washington Township did. Mr. Kern stated fees would have to be set by the Council. CLAIM~: Mr. Kern moved to approve claims numbering~905 t~ru ~6108 totaling $24~,061.88 subject to signing, Mr. Hohl seconded it and it passed unanimously. PAPER PRODUCTS: Clerk-Treas~urer stated she disliked brir~i~ this up at a public meeting, but inasmuch ~s she and her staff had visited the ladies room many times and found it without tissue and towels and had been informed all paper products were to Se kept locked up, ~he would like permission to either have access to the storage area or some extras in her office. Mayor Pickett stated there was supposed to be someone checking the supplies. Ms. Smith stated they don't and there was none at all in the restroom this morning. Mayor Pickett stated there 86[ 12~26/78 were several cases a month being used and he didn't want extras out. He will check them himself every morning. Meeting was recessed until 4 PM Friday. Meeting was re-convened at 4:03 PM Friday, December 29, 1978. GASOLINE BID: Mr. Kern opened bid from Hamilton County Farm Bureau Co-op for 53.7 for regular and 56.7 for unleaded. Mr. Kern moved to notify Amoco their quote was successful, Mr. Hohl seconded it and it passed unanimously. NORTH WASTEW~M ~ATME~T MODIFICATION BID AWARD: A discussion was held regarding the bids received Tuesday for the north wastewater treatment modification. Mr. Do~gherty stated he had met with representatives of Kemueth Smock Excavatio~, Inc. low bidder, and had determined that Smock Inc had not done this type of work but the individual overseeing the work had worked with companies that had. Mr. Kern voiced his opinion he would rather go with a company that has done this type of work before. Mr. Doug~herty suggested cha~e orders for the project which would bring Smock's bid up to $40,360.00. Mr. Hohl moved to award the bid to Kenneth Smock Excavating, Inc. and to authorize Mr. Dougherty to prepare cb~ange orders, Mr. Kern seconded the motion and it passed 2 ayes, i nay. Mr. Kern voting nay. VACATION LF~VE: Mr. Hohl read resolution to enter into the record the fact he had 5 days vacation left for year of 1977 and 8 days left for 1978 or a total accumulated vacation of 13 days. Mr. Kern moved to approve resolution, Mayor Pickett seconded it and it passed unanimously. POLICE INSURANCe: Mr. Kern stated he had checked the proposed insurance policy and determined it was proper. Board then approved claim to Standard Life Ins Co. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM. Approved: ' I ~"~,~ ~.1.1.~. ~i~e~t ~.' Picke~tt, 'Mayor Clerk-Treasurer 961