HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPW-10-09-79 ~INOTES 0F THE
0CTOBE~ 9, 1979
The meeting of the Board of Public Works was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by M~yor
Pickett, who presided. Mr. Hohl and Clerk-Treasurer were present.
Mr. Hohl moved to approve the minutes of the last two meetings, M~yor Pickett seconded
it and it ~ssed unanimously.
Utilit,y Billi~q~: Utilities Maz~ger stated he w~s not ready at this time with
proposals for change in computer companies for utility billing. A discussion
was held regarding withholdi~ payment from the present company to compensate us for
the many ez~OrS by them. M~yor Pickett to contact City Attorney regarding legslity
of doing this.
· b~rd Ave. S.W. Contract: Mr. La~ry Hicks, Mr. paul Campbell and Mr. Albert Saunders
of Indi~ Horizontal Boeing were present for the purpose of signing their contract
for boring and jacking on 3~d Avenue S.W. project. Mr. Hohl moved that the contract
for boring dmainzge under L & N R~ilro~d for the 3rd Avenue project be awarded to
Ihdian~ Horizontal Boring in the amount of $4,800.00. Mzyor Pickett seconded it
and it passed unanimously. Mr. Hohl stated the contract specified 60 days completion
a~d he would like to m~ke it a matter of record that if the permit be too long in
comiD~, it is the city's intent to be somewhat generous in extendiD~ time that was
neoess~y ·
Bond Release: Mohawk Crossing: Mr. Hohl moved to release bonds for Mohawk Crossing
Section 2 for storm sewers, water mains amd hyd_v~nts ~nd streets, Mayor Pickett
seconded it mud it passed ~mously.
7~ Release: Briar Lane Section I: Mr. Hohl moved to release bonds in Briar Lane
Section I for replacement bond Lot 26 for Sidewalk, Mayor Pickett seconded it a~d
it passed unanimously.
Bond Release: Broo~b~we North Section I: Tabled.
B~uer Commercial Park - SeWer Service: Mr. Arnold B~uer and Mr. Stan Neal appeared
before the Board to request permission to increase extension for sewer service for
Bauer Commercial Park. Mr. Hohl explained they had sent their plans for an extension
west to the Board of Health who informed them that Bauer Commercial Pa~k was not on
a list submitted to them by the City a year or so ~gs of anticipated projects going
to the south plant, so prior to them issuiD~ a SPC 15 construction permit, they
wanted assurance from the Board of Works of Carmel that it was Carmel's intention
to allow them connection to the south plant. Mr. Hohl then moved that the sewer
extension proposed by B~uer Commercial Pa~k for connection to the south treatment
plant be approved. Mayor Pickett seconded it and it passed ~ously-
Gre,y Road and l~6th Street Water Mains: Mr. Hohl moved the engineering design and
speel~c~ti~s~o~be~,~e~i~t~de~E~ Williams & Associates, be authorized for the
two mains at Grey Road and 136th Street so that bids may be obtained in conjuction
with the water plant expansion project. Mayor Pickett seconded it and it passed
unanimously. Mr. Hohl stated it was our intent to go ahead and do the design of the
portion of the Main which is severely needed for re-inforeement of the existing sewer
and ia the city's intention to make a decision of whether to construct these mains
when we determine what the actual bid cos~ are on the proposed water plant project.
Should costs over run our expectations, or have an adverse rate effect, these m~ins
would be among the first thing to be considered least. But with the design, they
could be done at a later date.
Septic Availabilit~in Carmel City I.~mitr~: An Attorney for Mr. Seymour HofFm~.u
appe~red before the Board to request permission for his client to install a
conventi~l, septic system in the city limits of Carmel at ~262 F~st 116th Street.
This is a new address for a proposed new home to be built at the site. This
is across the street from the w~est boundary line of Wo~dbrook Elements&~y School.
There is a sewer line about 300 feet from the property line and about 300 more
feet to the proposed site of the home. Cost to extend the sewer would be about
$10,000.00. M~. Hohl moved that the Boa~d approve the request, that they be allowed
to utilize ~ septic system on the Hoff~e.n property subject to them obtaining the
necessary p~mits a~d sucessfully passing the perculation test and als0 stating for
the record that at such time that a sewer should be built it will be necessary for
the owners to connect to the sanitary sewer s.ud pay their share of the cost of the
construction of the sewer. Mayor Pickett seconded it ~nd it passed~unanimously.
Medical Drive Road Acceptance. Mr~ Hohl stated there were still p~o~lems with the
~egal description On this dedication; therefore it must be tabled again.
Claims: Mr. Hohl moved to approve'claims numbering~, through ~78~ totaling
$7-~-~7~.37, Mayor Pickett seconde~ it and it passed ~ua~imously.
Third Ave S.W. Contract: M~!lton Co. Ashby. It: Mr. Hohl moved to p~oceed with the
slgningof the contract that was approved at the last Boa~d of Works meeting and that
we remove the restriction on the ~mo~ut of work to be completed inasmuch as we
have determined that we have sufficient funds. Mayor Pickett seconded ~t and it
passed unanimously.
There bei~ no further business the meeting was adjo~rned at ~:00 p.m.
Peggy Leu Smith
k~Tbert B. P~cket~t~Ma~r '\/