HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPW-04-10-79 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS April 10, 1979 The meeting of the Board of P~blic Works was called to order at 3:05 PM by Mayor Pickett, who presided. All members and Clerk-Treasurer were present. Mr. Hohl moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting, Mr. Knowles seconded it and it passed unanimously. PARAMEDICS: Mrs. Cindy Haskell and Mrs. LindaAbels appeared before the Board to inform the Board of their concern of the lack of paramedic service in Clay Township and read petition as attached to minutes. M~yor Pickett stated he f&lt everyone was concerned. Mrs. Abels s~ated the committee has been set up to receive donations. Mayor Pickett suggested the comm~ ttee co-ordinCte everythingwith him. Mrs. Abels expressed her concern that Carmel ~IT's respond to a call, determine if paramedic help is needed and then call for assistance. She stated that presently our of~icer must be on the scene before paramedic help is requested. She expressed her concern of precious time lost and asked if a dual response to Washington Township could be set up for paramedic calls duri~ this interim time while we are workim~ out a plan to set up our own paramedics. M~yor Pickett stated the Fire Chief would follow up on setting a policy along those lines. BID OPENING FOR TRUCK-STREET DEPARTMENT: Bids for street truck were opened as follows: Dan Young $1~,910.49 with list of alternatives Carmel Welding & Supply $16,555.27 with 10-foot snow plow for $2,416.56 Don Hinds Ford,Inc. $11,820.8~ with list of options Wabash Ford $13,677.99 with alternatives Bids were taken under advisement to be awarded at next meeting. CENTRAL INDIANA LD-~J~.~AN EETIRE~ENT HOME REQUEST FOR SEWER SERVICE: Mr. Hohl read letter from Mr. Harold 0~, President of Central Indiana Lutheran Retirement Home requesting a sewer tap on in the vicinity of 96th Street and Keystone Avenue for their proposed Carmel Creek Manor Retirement Community at the southwest corner of 99th Street and Keystone Avenue. Letter attached to minutes. Mr. Hohl moved that the sewer request not be approved due to the moratorium at the south sewer plant but that it be made a matter of record that they did request service and at such time as sewer service is available the Board will consider their request, Mr. Knowles seconded it and it passed Luuanimouslyo This project is outside the City limits. AC.~wm~MENT FOR SURVEY OF WATER EASEMENT BY FRANK HAHN & ASSOCIATES: Mr. Hohl presented the proposal concerni~ the preparation of water line easements from Peabl Haverstick to Gray Road (attached to original minutes). Mr. Hohl moved to authorize work as requested on proposal, Mr. Knowles seconded it and it passed unanimously. PLAT APPROVAL FOR COOL C~EE, W NORTH SECTION 12~l~:l4 - LARRY DAWSON: This item was tabled. POLICE ¥~HiCLE ~Replacement): This item was tabled. Page 2 /lO/79 ENGINEERING AG~RRMENTFORRANGELINE: Mr. Hohl presented an engineering agreement from Clyde E. Williams & Associates for construction observation services. They will provide inspection services throughout the Raugeline Road project while under construction. Mr. Hohl stated the Board would forward this agreement to the state for their approval. Mr. Hohl read cover letter to be attached to agreement. The Board signed the cover letter. Mr. Nohl moved the Board of Works approve that this agreement be forwarded to the state for their approval and signature,'Mr.~Knowles seconded it and it passed unanimously. CIVIL DEFENSE SIREN: Fire Chief Swails stated that all necessary equipment has been purchased for an additional siren to be placed at the Brookshire Water Plant. Mr. Knowles moved to place the siren at the Brookshire Water Plant, Mr. Hohl seconded it and it passed unanimously. MEDICAL INSURANCE: Mayor Pickett stated otur group insurance contract expires May 1st. Mr. Bill Meyers, Mr. Gary Waldron and Ms. Lynn Gruber representing Equitable Life appeared before the Board and presented a proposal for a group policy for th& City. Mr. Chuck Nuthak representing Indiana Municipal Trust also appeared and presented a proposal for a group policy. After lengthy discussion the Board decided to set a special meeting April 20th to make a decision on the group policy for the City. DISCUSS REBID FOR DIGESTER: Mr. Jim Dougherty stated in December of 1978 a bid was awarded to Municipal Equipment Services Co. To date this company has not made any effort to comply with their contract and the City. Mr. Knowles advised Mr. Dougherty to contact the other company who had submitted a bid to see if they are s~ill interested and to let the bonding company of Municipal Equipment Services know our intent. PERSONNEL PROMOTION: This item was tabled. ADDED ITEM: PAID HOLIDAYS FOR FIR~4EN: Fire Chief Swails presented a letter of explanation as.~t%ached to minutes. After discussion, Mr. Knowles moved the firemen be paid for 7 extra days off representing the 7 paid holidays the rest of the City employees receive and this motion is to include the dispatchers and exclude those people who work an 8-5 day, Mr. Nohl seconded it and it passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF CLAIME: Mr. Hohl moved to approve claims #13~3-1792 totaling $921,97~O~, Mayor Pickett seconded it and it passed unanimously. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM. Approved: Peggy Lo~ Smit~, Cler~Treasurer Al~'e~t B. Pic~ke~t$ ~fo~ - ~