HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrvis S-2021-00311CITY OF CARMEL/CLAY TOWNSHIP, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 1. SIGN PERMIT NUMBER: S-2021-00311 SIGN COPY: Men Women FlyFishing Dogs SIGN ADDRESS: 14250 CLAY TERRACE BLVD, CARMEL, 46032 SIGN TYPE: Canopy SIGN DURATION: Permanent (*See #7 Disclaimers, pg. 3) SIGN AREA DIMENSIONS: 8.04" x 210"TOTAL SIGN AREA SQ. FT.: 11.73 WALL MOUNTED SIGNS: SPANDREL PANEL DIMENSIONS: 12"x396" SIGN DIMENSION AS A % OF SPANDREL PANEL: 53.03% of width HEIGHT OF SIGN FROM GROUND: 12' 2.25"NUMBER OF SIDES: 1.00 (wall sign: measure to bottom of sign; groundsign: measure to top of sign) BUILDING / TENANT SPACE FRONTAGE: 90'9"SIGN DISTANCE FROM NEAREST R.O.W.: 21.4' (R.O.W. stands for Right of Way. The inside edge of sidewalk is often the end of the R.O.W. (City’s property) and a good spot to measure from.) LAND ACREAGE: n/a (Applies only to Temporary signs)SIGN FACE COLOR(S): White ILLUMINATION METHOD: None BUILDING TYPE: Commercial IDENTIFY ANY EXISTING SIGNS ON SITE: Orvis WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THE PREVIOUS TENANT (IF APPLICABLE)? n/a SHOPPING CENTER OR COMPLEX NAME: Clay Terrace SIGN STATUS: New TOTAL SIGN AREA PERMISSABLE SQ. FT.: OTHER ILLUMINATION METHOD: n/a OTHER BUILDING TYPE: n/a 2. ZONING PARCEL ID: ZONING DISTRICT: PRIOR APPROVALS: P.C. Docket # n/a B.Z.A. Docket # n/a Building Permit# n/a 3. APPLICANT PERMIT NUMBER: S-2021-00311 NAME OF BUSINESS*: Orvis CITY: SUNDERLAND CONTACT EMAIL: WILLIAMSJA@ORVIS.COM PHONE: 802-379-7128 ADDRESS: 178 CONSERVATION WAY CONTACT PERSON: THE ORVIS COMPANY, JASON (*Entity identified on the sign) STATE: VT ZIP: 05250 PROPERTY OWNER: WASHINGTON PRIME GROUP, KEATON G PHONE: CONTACT PERSON: WASHINGTON PRIME GROUP, CONTACT EMAIL: KEATON.GERBER@WASHINGTONPRIM ADDRESS: 180 EAST BROAD ST ZIP: 43215STATE:OH CITY: COLUMBUS I CERTIFY THAT A PICTURE OF THIS SIGN WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OFCOMMUNITYSERVICES WITHIN ONE (1) WEEK AFTER ERECTION OF THE SIGN. -OR- I WOULD PREFER AN INSPECTION FEE BE ADDED TO THE COST OF THIS PERMIT TO COVER THE COST OF THE STAFF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES TAKING THIS PICTURE. Y N 4. SIGN COMPANY/OWNER'S REP COMPANY NAME: CONTACT PERSON: Jackie Smith ADDRESS: 5201 W 46th St ZIP: 46254STATE: INCITY: Indianapolis EMAIL ADDRESS: jsmith@universallightingandelectric.com PHONE: 3175910119 PERMIT NUMBER: S-2021-00311 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF CARMEL/CLAY TOWNSHIP, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 5.FEES (COMPLETED BY DOCS STAFF)PERMIT NUMBER: S-2021-00311 ADMINISTRATIVE ADLS AMENDMENT SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION $109.00 SIGN ERECTION $68.01 INSPECTION FEE (Required if photography not provided) TOTAL FEE $177.01 PERMIT ISSUED ON: 12/6/2021 2:37:30PM FEE RECEIVED ON: 6. DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS (COMPLETED BY DOCS STAFF) THE FOLLOWING ITEMS LISTED BELOW ARE CONCERNS BY STAFF OR PRIOR COMMITMENTS THAT MUST BE ADHERED TO AS A CONDITION OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT (PLEASE INITIAL EACH ITEM INDIVIDUALLY ): 1) x ________ 2) x ________ 7.DISCLAIMERS (COMPLETED BY DOCS STAFF) APPLICANT, PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: PERMANENT SIGNS: •IF THE SIGN IN THIS APPLICATION IS A PERMANENT SIGN, THIS SIGN PERMIT IS APPROVED FOR THIS SIGN ATTHIS LOCATION ONLY. •IF THE APPLICANT RELOCATES AT A FUTURE DATE/TIME TO A NEW BUILDING, A NEW SIGN PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE NEW LOCATION. ALL FEES APPLY. TEMPORARY SIGNS: •IF THE SIGN IN THIS APPLICATION IS A TEMPORARY SIGN , THIS SIGN PERMIT EXPIRES ON: THIS SIGN PERMIT MAY BE RENEWED ANNUALLY FOR AN ADDITIONAL YEAR WITH A PERMIT BY RE-APPLYING. ALL FEES APPLY. •IF THE SIGN IN THIS APPLICATION IS FOR AN INTERIM BANNER PENDING A PERMANENT SIGN, IT IS APPROVED FOR A THREE MONTH TIME PERIOD FROM THE DATE THE PERMIT IS APPROVED . A SIGN PERMIT IS REQUIRED. IT MAY BE RENEWED FOR AN ADDITION THREE MONTHS WITH A PERMIT BY RE-APPLYING. ALL FEES APPLY THE APPLICANT CERTIFIES THAT THE FOREGOING SIGNATURES , STATEMENTS AND ANSWERS HEREIN CONTAINED AND THE INFORMATION HEREWITH SUBMITTED ARE IN ALL RESPECTS TRUE AND CORRECT , AND THIS SIGN WILL BE ERECTED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS OF THE STATE OF INDIANA, AND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF CARMEL /CLAY TOWNSHIP, INDIANA AND ALL ACTS AMENDATORY THERETO, AND SHALL BE ERECTED WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OF THE DATE OF ISSUANCE OR THIS PERMIT IS NULL AND VOID. FURTHER, THE APPLICANT CERTIFIES BY SIGNING THIS APPLICATION THAT ALL REPRESENTATIVES OF THE 8.CITY CONTACT PLEASE DIRECT ANY SIGN QUESTIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES (DOCS): CITY OF CARMEL Or call at 317-571-2417 DOCS 1 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 Page 2 of 3 L A,A.-.. _.f L eLLt!f V1 AUL114JI14dLIVII To Whom It May Concern: We hereby authorize Lana Reynolds and their agent, Universal Lighting & Electric to secure permits anrd/nr install rjanage as npr riprign at- 41 %�­ fog... 0— F­ _­ 0 Orvis 14250 Qlay Terrace Blvd _ tgEq Carmel,_IN La nu'lof u / ri Uytff LY UVV1 11=1 Clay Terrace Partners, LLC 1439Q la. I Terrac,e.Blvd Ste 180 Carmel, IN 46032- DATE 12Z03Z202121 Signature of Landlord /Property Own- er Agent Keaton Gerber Printed Name of Landlord /Property Owner /Agent A r4 A rp r r rt k ^ r-%,n -!3 n A p r-n -a i #1 ; f Ai ff"Ln ro n + r'rn rn n%Ajnpr r'% 9-4 LA I -IJI-M! M-4 %All if 'LA L_ # I # 44 11 Ai %A I T 1 0 f I t %—, V V I I %_ I WPG 180 East Broad Street I Coiurnbus, Ohio 432115 614,62'L9000 1 Wash iing ton P ri rne-corn WASHINGTON PKiivic GKvuw VIA EMAIL f-% It I Ink *I r.;1i W10 i %-j V %-- I I I I S Ve /— 'U X— .1 Dana Reynolds V iclory 3ign indusiries 2 109 Lafayette Road, -' Foil Oglethorpe, GA 30742 RE Orvis Clay Terrsep — Csrmel- IN Dear Dana: This letter is notification that the Tenant Signage Drawings for the above referenced ncation U as are being returne " . oris WIM inc IUIIUWj'flg WrIUM Coordinate with General Manager for all preconstruction meetings. Please review the Tenant Handbook for all Tenant Store Working Drawing requirements; incomplete submissions will not be reviewed. I k-1 C: Jennil"er Jones - 613enerall IIN IV viand per WPG 180 East Broad Street I Columbus, Ohio 43215 614.621.9000 I Wash ingtonP rime. com NYSE m En C') 37 En en o CL C)L tm o cc CD 3 00 < 21 "%4 m -0o0- w> 0KC- CD C) U) r- c- ''z CD CD CD0 (n P 3 (n 0 =r CD M CD p .. " I I "I w 4. co -% N 0 .0 6 3 : � CD Cl) 0 (D CD %< < (D From:Jackie Smith To:Shalit, Aliza Subject:RE: Orvis Signage Date:Monday, December 6, 2021 12:22:29 PM Attachments:Carmel Orvis Revised appl info.pdf Hi Aliza, Here is the info you asked for – I also attached revised documents in case you need them. Spandrel (the log) for Sign 1 on Southeast elevation: 34.67’ x 1’ The letters when spaced would be 17.5’ long and 8” tall Spandrel (the log) for Sign 2 on West elevation: 33’ x 1’ The letters when spaced would be 17.5’ long and 8” tall The material the letters are made of is plexiglass – they are individual letters. The LOA is attached. Please let me know if there is anything else you need. Thank you Best Wishes, Jackie From: Shalit, Aliza <ashalit@carmel.in.gov> Sent: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 1:48 PM To: Jackie Smith <JSmith@universallightingandelectric.com> Subject: RE: Orvis Signage You too! Aliza Shalit | Sign Permit Specialist ashalit@carmel.in.gov | 317.571.2280 From: Jackie Smith <JSmith@universallightingandelectric.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 1:40 PM To: Shalit, Aliza <ashalit@carmel.in.gov> Subject: RE: Orvis Signage Thank you, Aliza Ld Zgt,le jjq�jb I!d uo .Jpps LLJ I -, 1z M . S e0kj JSA;jj Ootq R IK i � j n i o a rX zi Ci1soul Isojeloosse UOAJ "D jqqoj 09 4 I IN 'Lj�, U, uu I t7� At (1 19 r5 Lu fo Lj— P L5 AM I T L J V) LLJ wz -i LL FirCD - H II� ui w F- LU :z CD 0 uj IT� V5 LU Uj fn 4-11 r I c1j In In co co (WIN " ! r rn LU( I -r� -�MR ► Iw IN , I I 1 I I� LI:u CD �mmcn LU LLA LL- in C/3 177 cn rl77777-7 i10 i C-n ill 110 i10 I 00 ME PEI I ! ! I I III I I II {r ! ! .ail I�� ! I_�__� 1 III ! --------- a_ CD uj S2 fm S2 Cf> I I 11 III I I 't, ( I! I � I " i { I I O LU O - 0 !Aj uj Lei M. cn Ll I 5 r ti 0 > U tU cz cr— N 0 CZ~ w � c cn U � �® o6 0L- L- � L- T co . ` a) cu ll�r CV .. Q2 'UJ — E CZ _ t�3 m cn Q 0- Co C R r i u u c s c u N 2 cn or. z co T 0 N (D T T .Soct�i�L'O'Si �'/-E Y,4 j /D N CITY OF CARMEL/CLAY TOWNSHIP, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA 2019 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION' 1D V Cupf TIMV ft Ar A r1MV4 W A Ir 0 a own A I IN B a . ,_ — i � ^ ,W4 . %.I& Q Tf-N-'kT Tlic T3 AST 1 JE_ be ... ec rl C Ft V U bUU111ILLed el UU I Ily L jitahav, ztw�earrnelan.gov & ePlan review system • PRIOR APPROVALS (Letter of Grant or Building Permit Placard / Pink Application Page• ) SITE PL AUNT (Depicting all dimensions, setbacks and proposed sign location) QUIRT UT UAT A "rT/-1XTC4 - -11 -1 LJAV46-il IN I-JAaA.4 V X'X I IN-1114 0 kj_fVPlF"LjLUU g all LWcubluabl, 4u1jy twu vilur) • BUILDING OR TENANT SPACE ELEVATION o (Depicting frontage dimensions and proposed sign location) • LANDSCAPE PLAN: Required for ground signs L mawri 18, mal re heignits and calliver) ktfCP 1:4Z the plari'ag area, plartit te ial Lu SIGN PERMIT FEES: (RleMe.do NOT submit check until permit has been issued) • ADLS AMENDMENT.- $1 12 +S27.50 PER SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION: $105.00 SIGN ERECTION OR REPLACEMENT: $42.00 PER SIGN FACE PLUS $2.00 PER SQUARE FOOT L SIGN 0 PERMITNUMBER, SIG-r0PMZAW R MOM e-**uA trbA* tf V` W1301� SIN ADDE&S: /4l0 IN___GttR� SIGN STATUS: NEW EXISTING SIGN DURATION*: &PERMA.NENT TEMPO (*See #7 Disclaimers. ngy. 3) I A ? 1�4blkx"N I TJr.L' �JWALL skjrAWNINU UUROUND USUSPENDED UPROJECTING &PORCH W6rS9JeA5 OBLADE Q WINDOW QBANNER ODRIVE-THRU ()CONSTRUCTION O SALE/LEASE SIGN AREA DIMENSIONS: /2.0 581 X 0 67 " TOTAL SIGN AREA SQ. FT.: Requested: &_q_ Permissible: %V 7 A V V 1h Ar d-46 Jw %Ift'T "�' VVFA1JL%J J.JiV1VXN"Em SG '1ZV 1U.NN.b T'LT"I*P)kNDI�ik'-L.PANEL DBIENSIONS-0 Height: x Width: SIGN DIMENSION AS A % OF SPANDREL PANEL: Height:, % Width: % QVI-W 'L* r%A& la / g �/ J& JL- 1.?1%.x1N JL-x%APj'TJL AxjV.,%jVj-j": 'a 7 W T-ft a -W -dr, W-% ONZ A0W% (wall sign: measure to bottom of sign; ground sign: measure to top of sign) IN UMMILK blvLb: kv I U 2 BUILDING / TENANT SPACE FRONTAGE: 9 // S /im I-) T-T T 7V -FT. SIGN DISTANCE FROM NEAREST R.O.W..- 1K q vy . Qtnnfl ' r Right r%T`%7ATq,%r �j"�ja Tn FT. ^�A JL %.rjL V V GA V - AL AA464 AAJ63AL416, 46,%.t 5%"' vi 1W VT "L13L tir VV k%_,j Ey S pfopefLy) and a goo d spot to measureIL - from. ) LAND ACREAGE: (Applies only to Temporary signs) SIGN FACE COLOR(S),- -IZIAll 76� ILLUMINATION MFTHOn! MTRVT RAT. r) 1PYP-PVAT. RP'%TP7DQ7P_T TT fri AT Ci 0 �Trlxrr nrrLT'0D %-&.I I A.1A A.1A JL I A &A JL" I A, BUILDING TYPE: eCOMMERCIAL Q RESIDENTIAL 0 INSTITUTIONAL Q MIXED USE Q OTHER: IDENTIFY ANY Ex1rS1&rIxL,,TG S.IGNTS! ON SITE: Z�F .61AN -rM3 ala-de, 4 -1-" # 0 V4i-.; Smj.� WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THE PREVIOUS TENANT (IF APPLICABLE)? _A0r,4 PI I SHOPPING CENTER OR COMPLEX NAME: A-4 Q 14 10 2. ZONING (click here to open the GIB" Map) Z 'A1FXTG DIS-1D!il iwr RI-0A "AvI%kj, 14IIN2C1W1Q6W%RroJ. ra 0w-9 OVERLAY ZONE: 1:131 ❑C3 Keystone Pkwy. ❑0 Carmel Dr./Range Line Rd. 13 Old Town West I 16th M All L'..j M M L�j 0 L.110LIML rl Ti,._s-& St. I-% T " VY lu t flume Jr- IdCc %­,uffifflefeial Corridor PRIOR APPROVALS: P.C. Docket # -B.Z.A. Docket # Building Pertnit# W CITY OF CARMEL/CLAY TOWNSHIP, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA 2019 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION •i 1 j i IW Ti NAME OF BUSINESS*: 6 AVA I IS PHONE -'`� -• �'j *79 (*Entity identified on the sign) ' r- y • CONTACT PERSON: ft.Jet oo I"7� �! �..L � ,� CONTACT EMAIL: W 1 �1l �S cL Q ry 1 S •i rr.r. r ir.n w.. � ADDRESS: ! 74? CITY: STATE: T" ZIP: Oslsoo VROPE IDTtr d %"Ti�T1C+�. kd�� e. Ad � �a I_'7 � j /JdO e Ad eta e ��` A �.�;�-.�: � s s i .� � *� �-.ft .4 As-, s0% w N . ar � v ft. .,r �� m r r . s a i V .0 �_.._v r a +�- -,r s• as r Airy r .i a rr .. s '�.. , . _ .. - i.- ,... s - •..�fZ►I ff 1 .'1.1�1 \ E . V► �l CONTACT PERSON: ko e 70AJ G�-+ 4 CONTACT EMAti...,: cz. 17, t0 ADDRESS: /Xy e 4o O ' A.?"4' •>T CITY: -c-alum- 4 "4 STATE: ON SIP: d/wls"'o THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THE FOREGOING SIGNATURES, STATEMENTS AND ANSWERS HEREIN CONTAINED AND THE INFORMATION HEREWITH SUBMITTED ARE IN ALL RESPECTS TRUE AND CORRECT, AND THIS SIGN WILL BE ERECTED AND IL ir"ui T Aiti� trN.► ii .AiCCURDA XtiC.E i v 1' 1 t�' ' iL[1 Cr��I..ABLn Lft"W a Ur I tfrE N I A T E OF RINDIAI�f A, AN fi.l � � - Zt INIE�iC. (.��'�.DINANC.'E OF � du %4T i{Li v,A.r 'iT iv i T I I vi JLsP5 ii�I A-f A_L11r k t'111 �v A ..J J A%r.. T 0 t''►11v�,j 1_0^ T Vn, t IIrrTra . 1 113 A.INI J arlAIA, tiE Et[EC 1 ZD �W�rUq �l.R ko) 'lY�V1V I HZf Ur I Hr, DATE OF ISSUANCE OR THIS PERMIT IS NULL AND VOID. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES BY SIGNING THIS APPLICATION THAT ALL REPRESENTATIVES OF TIM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ARE ADVISORY. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE* PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME (please print) BUSINESS OWNER'S SIGNATURE* BUSINESS OWNER'S NAME (please print) j it ea iivi pu53able jur signatures on this page, a ieiter on company letterhead or an email with a company signature black approving the signage will be accepted. 4. SIGNCOMPAN.Y%Q W ER'S REP a _ h r t71 • 1 M 7 1 T • Y► tT i an • I .es .r 1 I► e r . �./ .. �.,tltviriv Y tvA►lvtx,: v-- • • • �s •w•crr,,r s ivt� C., • CONTACT PERSON: �,%'_/ •�/'Y� �?" �� ,.. ., ► it i 4-A -00 Its • CITY. ..� ., STATE. i N � ZIP. � C./� � Y ADl)R��:.✓ ..� e� T T 1 I� EMAIL ADDRESS. 1 I t t Q,.t �'_ 1 ir P ONE: �� Soq % I t ESTIMATED INSTALL DATE: � ! ! —`1,' l'P�T'1'i..! A T A DT!-`TT TDL, tlL, TUTS QIF_T Al FIT T D'C ['+T Ti31► XTTrnrr% mtt nYtr, ir�.r.n � rrrr+w ,�r�.rr rNr .�.r.IW. rr r.,yr ..�,.r,wY .,.,...,...Y va�t�i st J isrl l s']. 1 1L 1 Vitli vl' 11110 �,71V �1 1►Y 1LLe J7J.i �7V.Ci1Y111 1 rlJ t V 111L'i jjrr1` R 11VIM 1 Vr L.V1VINIUM I Y ZiLKV1L:h, WITHIN ONE (1) WEEK AFTER ERECTION OF THE SIGN. -0R- I WOt TIED PR FFRR A i 44 TW1VPFrTT0V F'P'P. � iFF A Ir)nFT) Ti) ' 14P rnQT OP TT TQ D PP UTT Tn r�nA1_ V 'Tt V r-- f'W"Ir nV �- war f.., A.: A"" v.-s u i y.& i .L i.& .J i 1 s v V V ♦ A e%N 1 1 s i . Vl' THE STAFF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES TAKING THIS PICTURE. EPLAN USER: NAME: 49iL_k__;7...� -� �F.MA T.: t S.' ;. - . = �,�� «� /ti� r 0.12 --- - -- _/ Yit� !d d mil• ��i ..s A .. �t `v S. DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS CLaMPLE,TED BYD0CS S TAFF '�-.....+, ` `.• • ` `� r ``�"-' THE FOLLOWING ITEMS LISTED BELOW ARE CONCERNS BY STAFF OR PRIOR COMMITMENTS THAT MUST BE ADHERED TO AS A CONDITION OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT (PLEASE INITIAL EACH ITEM INDIVIDUALLY): 1) N, N Exhibit 'A" Lean! rans Parcels #1 and #2 W&D Land Company, MXX East T 4L 11 1-1 UIL%lt Wa•jtIL IilQ lloululvwaz� Vi 0CLUU11 4&�� I 2_"Alijj c� N uru4 4-s-ain-urg ,e a,_a Be 'g on the"North IM*e of the East haff of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Tow-nshiv 18 911r= Ch North, Range 3 East 810.48 feet South 88 degrees 47 rrdmutes 30 seconds West (assumed bean'ng) ^,m sq ^n t.+;-%. f i 3c A, e- tL,r, Al 3 Ait _.z- .0 �dLAA 9.Aw A I XaAA.A_&_Fq_&" L 11Wk VUA" X 'i"A UlLell-MA-e 17 V ULU UV ".0 A.1, M q A lww ZAbL PWW1ZL VVILU UIC Lidt­NL MIC; Ul N;1i1LLV4V1Wk;dbL YLIWLUI )IV.Vu i,cm, taunt e norta oo aeg. ees 41 mmutes 30 seconds East paralle". with said No line 170,00 feet; thence out 001 degrees 02 mmutes 4.5. seconds East parallel with the. said East Iftie 3 69.8 feet to the NoTtIn line of real estate desc'bed in a conveyance by W arranVy Deed lkor 168� page 378 in the Office of the Rerzorder of Hamilton CountyEadiana; thence South 88 degees, 51 minWes 20 seconds West parael with thle, Snouth line of said Noitheasst Qua.-fter 0'651,,0515 filet to the West line of said East half; thence Nor&, 0-0 Orl Vac^."Ar- 1x?.Av+ ^" SI-11,1A '(Uma 1"),43A +e% M *%^tt'T%+ 'I �Zlt POI&AP, Vier %064' V,&.L "I 146A T WO 1"ko �j d-Oftd 4L.0 4Vk'ojA. UV " LJV1.LLC, ­?.kJ.J SOU&i Dri i.'j _?l rh ..... r-, r..1. -rf) PX 0 t R 210 r- I � -. HA! V- Tr'1eY10P, IN�` nIT'n- Xx ah -mirwiteR A I Qzm-nnnnq H!4 zt I j^ Q ­. -.0 -W - %. _.M--W '-w .... feet-, thence Nordn 00 degrees 57 ='nutes 39 seconds East 355,68 feetto a point on the !Kforth line CL ..* � --t— rN q rm4.q P'.- _.L. X'T r _.. ... .,_ +. 11 -1-1- - 'U. T . �'; . . - - a - - .. . . - .,% - - .. . - 0. i 1. 1 ^^ 'C 01 smtr'�Nbrffi-east. yuaAer IVY414J. ir= W t;51 Or Lae.LNOTMxt��l COMM, MtTleol' Tnence Norin 6zs aegrees A "T rt 1.%,, . 1 n Y It described in a convey mtoe-- b-v W=anty Deed recorded inn Deed Record 209, page 211 in said W Record%ekr's Office, being 948.48 sect We-st of said Nortneast corneir; thence South 00 degrees 12 minut23�0 East on tho West 11V.e of said real estate 350.00. feet to the Southwest comer k AF7 v tIT%V�i llrj� r- f'A t '"I- V r-� +U 4 e4-1r4ej ­gm—%j parallel with said North line 125Q00feet 't-o the Southeast comer of said real estete; thence Norffi 00 AA0TP'j=;z I ") M r- n jnL1fr-_'z 'Ack qP'nonois Waczt on the Past link of sia'd real es-t—Ate f . t r�t P_t--414 'N.'rittbeag nuarfer- fl-tence T.w. 4orth. R9 dief_>rree.si 4`7 r-d+rRi_-z.te-,R ?V) nn- el Nowth lirtf_- 33.00 feet to the Plaoc ollbe, kP=r19 Parc-el 2 Gnst. 92000-47988') A. A County, Indiana, being r-nom, pP..:'V'V2&-r1y desc',ribed as foll'.ows: Be ' . ng 8414" feet V*Test of eNorffieast com-,­x off&'e Noxtheast quarterof Section 24, Towns-Inip. I � North. wee .3. East, thence Wiest on, and along Me Nortli lin&.& or sma Q uter ecuon 1'2reet, to a Pomt, thence South on a forvard deflection angle of 89 degrees 00 rmrlute 1e'ft 350 feet to a Iz e Point, thence East mid parallel to thQ North line of said artier section 125 15 et to a point; thenc Xi ,'�d!t t� �1."ta �R'/' `:rn'e 0." Ki' G"!`1 '°s ir'I'9! f7 I-� -24A 4-^ 4%ez, _k'1qk.jiL11 _Iav 11V 114.06'e Liebtag A part olfthe East Hal"' of the Northeast Ouarter of LqCC ,O-t qIOn 44. Townsh" 18 North, Rirlcrp, i -Pasf 1P Be ing at a po4 t 6KO feet SouLh of the Northeast Cor inn of tt 9 11,ft .4 Township 18 N, R 3 E thence South on and along the Fast line of sa'160 East Half of Section 1 249 id 03 feet to a East Half 68t snit; thence West 1305,42 feet to the West 'line of s&"d East Half.; thenCe North 6803 feet to an iron stake; thence said eu oft b ' 679.5.Leet Sou&,, of tbe M lg 5 Nord1west ccrmer of the said East Half-, thence East L 31 05 .71 feet to the place, of begm'm'ng. A part of the East I-Talf of the Noftheast Quarter of Sectioj324, Township 18 North, Range 3 Eastt dcscn'bl��d as follows® Beginning at the Northeast comer of thoNortheast- Quaxtext, of'Section 24, Township 18 N, R. 3 E; thenze South along the East Iffic of said Quax-tter sed'I on 680.00 leet to a, Point; thence West parallel with the North line of sa-I'd Quarter section 6.39.711 feet to an -1-ron stake, said poffit bey {. 666.0 feet EkLl� UA �sgI4-P9 Aft C� Am e% oft I TOP 4� r, n T $1 P V �WA j n6 . North feet to the place be&nmng, said line 6400 -.,L f ,XCEPT- (I'RJCTHT Y Y rl- A pw of the East Half of Northeast Quarter of Section 24.Townshdp IS North, Range 3 F-4,ast, Hamilton C'unt -y, Ind"ana described as follows. o C'o irriya g Ett f sai V MIM West (assumed bearw'lg) 19:5-219 matters (640.48 feet) along the north line of s i aid sec tothe OrOlicniged west IM'v of the Ovmer% Land; thence ouch 0 dezees 13 e�s 46 seconds East 5 .030 %kw minut awP feet) along s 'A prnjopgrto 4".L1 ofte ffir %0Z.0, vI..�..XI—!IMe e taoint litzr oft.,rie detiarson"t'o of 4 po PA is on the s-outh voundaryStreet ;thence North 88 degrees, 36 boun 60 m. '-wates 43 s%erconds Easst 1 "C'31,(440.8' feet) along.along.the, dary of sw*d 146'�'Stxee,- te road- thence South I d� 1, o th-vq-est bou-na'ary 01,kontage egrax 23 ininut-oes 17 seconds East 24.043 rneters (6.70 feet) along the boundary t1=11j, .11 vi-I 1=8�0 L t-j -.2 U-i L I I r! 11'r Py A V.7% JILL nutcs "W"', -cc.-.,rfd- East IIVD.La. e T, au; In bouln z cegrees � Y mutes 4 6 seconas lcias' , I L ..,9,04 eaters (39.25 feet) along, said bouxida-51-; thence, So -at. 88 degxees 36 milnutes 43 second S West 1,54,405 meters Csof%)6.58 feet) to the west hne ml the owners Jand.- thence North. 0 deigroes. '3 mi=tes 46 "'68-82 feet), along saic seconds West 20,975 mete.rs rest hime to the, Po' Mt of b?.e91&rIrA,n9 alia contatmng 0.3122 hectaxts (101`772 acres) More, O.r less. EXfCEPT,I. (EXIST24G- PjVV) A part ofthe East Half of the NLortheast Quaxter of Sect'= 24. Towashin I R 1\.Tortli 'P -nn g=, =,m- -r-W -tiaill*louton Ld'oun4nv. hridiana cftscrynen nc 14" w -- -- ---- - - - -- - - v - — �-- lik-- # t Be -nnin on me north line of said section South 88 degrees 36 minutes. 43 seconds West (assurned oearing) ouvov meters (200,00) fe&L) from the northeast corner -of sad sec ti . , therine IV 10� 1� UC91.0v L-3 MMUles I / gecon= hast-U-30 meters (16-50 feet) to she south bo-oxidary o- f 146hStreet; thence South 88 degrees 3 6 Minutes 43 seconds West 134.360 meters (440.8 1. feet) to the. west Ii 1% of the owner's land- thence North 0 it clegrees 1 '3 vdnutes 40' seconds 'VVest 5,03 0 meters (1 .50 feet) AlnnQ CA'ei UtPQt fn col'A nritq-k KT, A A"A-�,, ".11wI3lball-o INU fln (I r,T a, 4 CAI-r'l"elci 1-4*n&%" C's —1; IR- i.,V.LE tC" Lill 16a we tj�VU I I CWC-E, (0. 167 arts' more or less. EXC,E.?T.'0-311ELT, PTPRLMI Parcel #4 Letag .0 ILIVIU4 RXIu 3 fSust, uesurioea as follows: Be a point 11,5,,5 feet West of the Northeast comer of Section 24, Township 118 4f. rth, Image East; thence ounn /.6 .ogees I d rmnutes West to an tron post, a chstance of 410.*"/-"") . ;-L - - - - 1-01 P-- L Ivi't. ;,v all UV I VaL116110E; ouuu,44 uz6itcs. 13 minuiles vvest to an iron pon, a istanc of 461,5 fe�A to an 'iron post,, thence South 41 degrees 0 minutes to an iron post, a distance of 927,7 feet to an. iron post located 67 feet -PAst 0"' the Southwest wrner of d"Ie Nor"theast Q a ozr of the Noritheast (,')uax+t.er of said Section. dn K apprwi A part of the Qater of Section 24, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, located 1-,q, i Cay Township, Hamilton Coujity, Indiam-L u W A bemg more, svecifically described, as follows.- e,� P" 1 9 la<Z YVUIL Vil LIXI I.:144L ilalz Ui UIV INUfUlUdst YuarLer 01 Z)ecl-10111 4, 1 OYMSMD i?S NOAN a' Rarize 3 East, said Point of Begumang, bein South 00 degrees 130 m"nutes 00 seconds 9 1�as -s, u m. e, d bearing) L"360,30 Peer, nrorn &,.e Norfacast comer ot'said Northeast Oua:t ; thence &,)uth 00 de&a-ees 0-0 ,mutes 00 secon.Ls, 680,35 feet ("t-neasured, 680.2 . feet Deed) and along the. East line of said A �,Iortheast Quartor to a point behag North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds 6-00.80feet fi- = thv Scietheastcome r of said Noetlaeasl Qua ez; thencx South 88 deoxeles 54 minutes 3v seconds,, West o h lid--n-e cif AgiA VnefFtPP--,-L 'V Ir S'T t"4 et 1. F4 � -XV744-1, 'A". S u ILL A)k 7 ni 3-e; P T ". I JI I r n Prm rNJ eNTrk Q Q A A "?*A 0 0 g, A 'e, V, feet to the POR;T OF BEGTNTKG, Containffig 2,0.38 acres more or lessjoeirig subjec to the ri& Ui ZI I W I ay 8L ... t Xl_ V -r T rl� Eun 10- U-S, ECoadlNumber Imny ur-e ana the gat of way gran't 'tojr a ftontagve road 'j- �-' r T C� _r? . � A N ?I- - --.. It.. .- rVI- .1 -,". � e-6. -'. -- .1 -- - - - , - -1 f" It f�' V vue, miviug C.P sal- ,,, 16. - / a=mnore por iess, -.,)vkng sut)ject to 1. anp-Dlicable 6--Ihasements and rights of vvay of recoruL Tract,A aTI LAA T_a't '0 MA RenleOart I f*kp n1ant,-"Y f'rOh AI - - - - - Plat Book 2, page 267 in the*Offitce of ffie Hanu 'It= Cofty Recorders Hamilton County, Indiana. I I, %.r A AA Y.,X j ik TI of e,% 4 A part of dw East half or the iNorxeasl k4"-Ler Ot Ne=1011 Y,4� ... Ownship 18 North, Range 3 East M' 1,14WILIWIA %.WU WIV� W.Ulahal MUM Paul QuIarly aescnoexl as Tonows': a Begi=,na at. a t)oint on the North line of the s 'd half Ouartebr Section, splid Point being 640,58 fmt 0 L 2a & West of to Nord, -east Corner of said half Quater Sevdon. Continue thence Westwardlybong and ­."4A. 44. 'f -rt% Ail C— U aK;I 4-�_I • k I L J.' 1 111 1 Z; P I 1 1, VV LI I Lf Lt;j JU G� A A ( S.9 W viiX4-114-j -cc) �rje r_..a_S! jjrj(! .5iuvu ieet; m'", eince rastwamy paraiiei to the North hne of aforesaid Haff quarter Section 170.00 feet; thence Northw artily 310.00 ��et to the place of beginning, conta=9 1,200 acres, more or less. parceJ4,9 Rofmana, East A Part of the East H�dff ofthe Northeast Quarter caw Section 24., To-,�7vmship 18 Noilh, Range 3 East i.n Hamilton Clourlrv. Lndiana. more naxticulvz1v desen'bed as follows- t�e Plait 4 ,san=th ,g al a Doi on the Nonn Ime, of e Past Piait OT the NorrAea8t Quarter ot ecbon 24, .P. Township 18 North, Range 3 East, South 8 8 degrees 47 minutes.3 0 secon&s West (assnxned bearmg) '1092.21 feet kom th-.1%.. Northeast corner ofs-, aid Northeast Quuter; thence South 00 degrees 57 rnlnllffxe 19 eernnrig wpct I;; LO %WVIIO &IAIIX� LO Jr We W.68.0 feet-q ',qq A4 Al O%deotarnn& 'ix Tas+ r, --r%a —r&.0 v%.O vy %-41yat. T M a 6_5 L f,16114-: M lit lrri;� %A;f­--Z" nn :;-nn CAZL L L YY Z3L AIIM5 OT Sal - r, ence. Wc) "I (XI.) e 4,; , 0) ("encit CleUC� - - 0 - � i lyfl ' rl"T ;`sty along said West as 355.55 feet to the. Norfl-west comer of said East Half; thence North 88 degrees T7­6,w r .gym Ma1.6 5 0.1 U 4 1 V V LU U10 piarx, U21 OtgjTxjrT-j& 4 1 111 rX M Except tbet part cteeded to the Board of, C"Ouratty Col-n-mi - ss.1"oner by Warranity Deed dated May 4,, 1998 an.d -ecorded Jul-jY16,1998 as Instrameaf No. 98-38949. 1 the OM- est o f the Recorder ofHam-i Iton County, Indiana, beh-ig more particular1y described as follows: 14 ­41— 0.. 7 M Z-&A ,c II A A I NW ." v4bO Gj!6L.0 40 %`e L"Imh wit %J A. 4..� %weAw—r. kfTT14:24"J_Y AA4 J.'IWA 6rjk.,L% 44, Ha'Lffi'ILon i,,0141ty, india-na, described as, followsiv, Berinram,e at a uoint on the North lino of sm'd Sect."on South 8 8 degees 36, Minutes 43 seconds VVeTs.' 1�.w .4 za. ,stets- ed bew4kn ' 3302,906 meters (1092,21 feetlftotn the Northeast commer o-fsaid Section . i s a i Cli I'Is at a Northeaet comer of the owner's hmd, then Soulth 00 degrees 46 minutes .52 seconds oIM West 53,033 maters (16,51 feet) along xi E&;;"& line ofthe owner', 1,-md, threnice S ouch 8 8 degne-es- �36 Ali % A Z A i'% Z' -�z I I 3 f, r I r'� f ) :4 VV �I_ 4 1 F it 9 6V F I t 71 � i PTI e*4 Fa ,T^,-Ile, CIP%. r4 " I t9. 4 ri r"mct�,� ".."i f, 'n 4 ?1 1 -A^+ 'G VI' AN n A. vlr' IJ JIINI*146b1 VV LwfrvaJV AV%�'�� 67W.VAI �',V_I%i F'r iooat- LW 14, & I r1 YaTi � � Q 4 ? x;4. *4% A -" e% n, k l ^vq+k floc" V / � ¢� rti+vs.a I"e fr 011 i�4 aw.w a &4. � ,a Apt v S ` � O' Ar -V ^ +4 � •� �t f �j � .. k.A�• eos . S"" K . said Noith lineto the point of be ffining and 911 contain 0,0326 ct �s .80 acres more or less., AT 41 eX � _11k r,RT frpf'' � to f'nP ��'� �''� At 1 ����t�r4 'tte� e��Kr����.., �.. ����-�,,-u3�, ?�� � .�.Jj.�+�r�= � +�_ _. �.� �._rr..a�.. w :r wr .oi.sa7s ,.e.r.- w v�.s..ac. -y/ �. '1✓�1A L+id14� ���✓68ib1.L�4F6S.1.�i31i1'wJ Lid kj T� Y v . L rU tL .iw 6Se�"i..� nt .L. dy di � 199.8, arid recur my 16, 1998 as lmtrame ft No. 98-3 8 5% M the Office of the Recorder o Ha to County, Indiana, being -more particularly describeds fo OS: 1Y9 A.l !•Y T4 1�..� , 1 w.l. sa L e. �.. d.Q. I Q ._ �. ...i _ 1 ' i. 1�%i A K d'1 " r'"' �s.t€ _:�a. r. 1.: el i Oft1h t I'VEI Pkr-)ASt a ��� �T-r�r �� ��+�Tin� Ott. I nIrr"1?I � E°tf^ %w a wer ars.0 ar vt.a *.r g g a v Y 2.34+. A_ 1 w ST �f''�.1 E111"xt !i' rfz eA J2 etA*v4 6t 'rPi�e i n L- +�r% ^.TVrm Haim( S. 5{AA i� J y✓ 4!�iR I!. *� +R r�ri•a}�%�.��• �e��✓��: b e� � �i �i.�+ 0i1 a 4' p � 71i 9 V t6 91 s I anime, ,' the 1�i�`tvlheh� ' °3�"'�'°�pr e� q%id S,=.Pf1ml° t1iim' ntu Rniitls RR r'lo oao I� _ s.c w n.r tea aJ+.c .6%w %0%00 Wd %A Fast (assume �Ile�, 132.906 metErs-i(10 v2 1 feed to A nmin-na 01 Pqf linp:'of t p • .. .:+wrM '� . •. .� . • .� • � es..w.►�►- ewr.t�--ar+� gVFR� MI r AA'M'Da w k\.ig thenceens motes second West5.033'titers (16.51 e alo said olor p a o.. �,�description,u s � boundary E ��-Ic t the pint o b6 � �� iged Street; fence cons u 6M th 00 degrees 46.minutes 52 seconds West 14.1982 teens .. 15 feet) 'L ` P9' f •. q e ro � .a ».. a � Y Y � a� iw4 a 7 f r p 4 lf' F r" A te- i'9 a r"a pa P R' N ra. u .n.< p 2 � long � � �, Dyne 01 e € 3 �� � : c � �" ^ 21 A.5 b t to the West line of the wner" land, thence :Now O degrees 11 �ntes� 3 secon West 1 - 7 .titers "A .13 feet) .on said West line t the bounder o 14 th Street, thence North degrees 3 � � it t s t � �A . u E. W et s A � � �_y to he point of beg-n=gand containing 0.0967.e tares (0.239 acres) more or Me Receipt#:5365 Carmel City Hall:317-571-2400 Date:1/4/2022 One Civic Square www.carmel.in.gov Payment Receipt Paid By:Brittany D Alsip Invoice #Case Type Case Number Sub Type -SIGN S-2021-00311 COM Tender Type /Description Amount CREDIT-Credit Card 177.01 - - Sub Total:177.01 Fees: Fee Codes /Description Amount SIGNPERMIT-Sign Permit 109.00 SIGNINIMP-Sign Installation Improvement 68.01 - - - - - - Sub Total:177.01 Total Amount Due:177.01 Total Payment:177.01 Received By:ashalit Code:DEFAULT_Recpt5365_4_1_2022_ashalit Page:1 of 1 3V-11W a Rx e In I%L •4 �_ .jam,,, 5 t N %dr.. ° : rz�d ', y. ? , _ _ .! p •�_ �~ �„ _ _. 7 _ . a. a VId z 4 N3WC iv..1 g58r au0S S 0111aVZI-,L ` NIlvd0aS ,s A l — 'I— t l^ —'- — all