HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPW-11-08-82MINUTES OF THE BOARD
NOVEMBER 8, 1982
The meeting of the Board of Works was called to order by Mayor
Reiman at 4:30 P.M. on November 8, 1982. Board members Fred Swift
and Billy Walker were present. Also present was City Attorney, Dave
Coots and Clerk-Treasurer, Dottie Hancock.
Mayor Reiman made a motion to amend the minutes of October 25th to
change the word "bid" in regard to the sidewalks to "estimate" and
approve the minutes as amended. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and
passed unanimously.
New Business
Carmeltown Lights - Members of the Carmeltown Homeowners
Association appeared before the Board to request installation of
street lights. This request had been made some time ago but a
decision was delayed due to the question of street dedication in
the area. Mr. Coots advised the Board they could accept the right-
of-way without accepting the streets. Following discussion, Mr.
Swift made a motion to accept the right-of-way within Carmeltown
and proceed with the installation of 11 streetlights at a cost to
the City of $7.75 per month per lamp. Motion seconded by Mr. Walker
and passed unanimously.
Mayor Reiman suggested a letter be sent to Mr. Dawson regarding the
as-built spec ifications for the roads and utilities.
Mr. Swift made a motion the Board send a letter to the Plan
Commission and request that the Commission build into the final
plat approval criteria for dedication of sewers and streets for
owner-occupied developments so there would be a set plan. Motion
seconded by Mr. Walker and passed unanimously.
Christmas in Bethlehem - The Board was in receipt of a request from
the Carmel Clay Chamber of Commerce to close Main Street between
Rangeline Road and 1st Avenue N.W. on Dec. 2 for the annual
Christmas in Bethlehem. Mr. Walker made a motion to close Main
Street on Dec. 2 from 7 to 1O P.M. as requested by the Carmel-Clay
Chamber of Commerce. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed
Kiwanis/Salvation Army Collection - The Board was in receipt of a
request from the Kiwanis Club to put up a Roadblock at Rangeline
Road and Main Street on December 11 to collect for the Salvation
Army. Mr. Swift made a motion to allow the roadblock as requested.
Motion seconded by Mr. Walker and passed unanimously.
Bond Release - Fire Station Four - Chief Couts appeared before the
Board to request release of the performance bond on fire station #
4 in the amount of $235,000. Chief Couts stated the problem with
the driveway was corrected except for sealing of same. Following
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discussion, Mr. Walker made amotion to release the bond contingent
upon posting a $2500 cash or surety bond to cover the sealing of
the driveway. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman an,i passed
unanimously. Mr. Coots was requested to write a letter to Tetracor
concerning the motion.
Plaque for Swails Memorial Fire Station - Chief Couts stated he
could find the money in the fire budget to -pay for the bronze
plaque and stone commemorating fire station #l as the Swails
Memorial Fire Station. Mr. Swift made a motion to approve the
purchase and installation of the plaque at an approximate cost of
$1000. Motion seconded by Mr. Walker and passed unanimously.
Transfer of Funds for Utilities - The Board was in receipt of a
request for transfer of funds in the utilities to cover the State
Board of Accounts audit and lift station maintenance. Mr. Swift
made a motion to recommend said transfer be made to the Council.
Motion seconded by Mr. Walker and passed unanimously.
Escrow Agreement with Hughes Construction - Mr. Coots presented a
proposed escrow agreement wit Hughes Construction to provide for
the escrow of retained construction fees. Mr. Swift made a motion
to approve said agreement and authorize signing of same. Motion
seconded by Mr. Walker and passed unanimously.
Sidewalk for Main Street - Discussion ensued with the problem of
lack of sidewalks and possible outlay of monies for the design of a
walkway on East Main Street between Harrowgate and Gray Road. Mr.
Walker stated he felt the estimate of $3600 for the design fee
would be better spent on the sidewalk itself. Mr. Walker made a
motion to send the question back to Council with a recommendation
that a study be made to develop priority areas for sidewalks, see
if the City Engineer can work on the designs and install sidewalks
as the City has money available. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and
passed unanimously.
Mr. Swift made a motion to request the Plan Commission when
approving plats.for subdivisions sidewalks be required or the outer
perimeter of subdivision when boundary borders existing City or
county roads regardless of whether or not plots face outer main
roads. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman and passed unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, the
same was duly adjourned at 5:25 P.M.