HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange_Order_19_-_ Rieth-Riley Construction_American_Structurepoint,_Inc_(-$35,957.15); 16-ENG-05 – 96th Street and Keystone Parkway Roundabout; CO #19; ENGINEERING DocuSign Envelope ID: D379C9F9-2EE2-4335-A2F0-0AE1DED7B9D4 APP'OVED City of Carmel Project 16-ENG-05 96th Street ans Keystone Parkway CHANGE ORDER # 19 The purpose of this change order is to final balance die last pay item as well as adjust the completion dates to cover work delays due to utility relocation delays. Contract Price prior to this Change Order $31,919,824.83 Contract Price Yill be increased/decreased by this Change Order ($35,957.15) New Contract Price including this Change Order $31,883,867.68 Amount Adjusted Contract Cumulative % Change Price from Original Contract Original Contract $28,793,000.00 1$28,793,000.00 N/A CO 01 $25,843.67 $28,818,843.67 0.09% CO 02 $3,481.80 $28,822,325.47 0.10% CO 03 $0.00 $28,822,325.47 0.10% C0 04 $46,996.32 $28,869,321,79 0.27% CO 05 (S172.023,87) $28,697,297.92 -0.33% CO 06 $68,110.98 $28,765,408.90 -0.10% CO 07 $164,830.51 $28,930,239.41 0.48% _ CO 08 $1,300,000 00 $30,230,239.41 4.99% CO 09 $235,881.10 $30,466,120.51 5.81% CO 10 $251,434,21 _$30,717,554.72 6.68% CO 11 '($404,170.92) $30,313,383.80 5.28% CO 12 $232,862.12 $30,546,245.92 6.09% CO 13 $216,919.25 $30,763,165.17 6.84% CO 14 $1,213,176.86 $31,976,342.03 11.06% CO 15 $222,348.78 $32,198,690.81 11.83% CO 16 $36,089.75 $32,234,780.56 11.95% CO 17 ($94.98) $32,234,685.58 11.95% _ CO 18 ($314 860.75) $31,919,824.83 10.86% CO 19 (835,957.15) $31,883,867.68 10.73% DocuSign Envelope ID: D379C9F9-2EE2-4335-A2F0-0AE1DED7B9D4 CITY OF CARMEL TO: CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO,: 19 DATE: 1218/2021 PROJECT NAME: 16-ENG-05 CITY REQ. NO.: CITY PO NO.: CITY PO DATE: I. You are directed to make the following changes in this Contract: The purpose of this change order is to address additional minor items added for work in 2021 as well as balance overruns and underruns, This change order also addresses Increases/Decreases in existing item quantities. See the attachments for more information. SCHEDULED ADJUSTMENT ITEM AMOUNT (+) OR (-) DAYS 3520 1$35.957.15) 201 II. The following referenced Documents further describe the changes outlined, in Paragraph I, and are to be considered a part of this Change Order: R.F.P.: W.D.C. No.: Other: The changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Price and Contract Time: Contract Price prior to this Change Order 31,919,824.83 Contract Price will be increased/decreased by this Change Order $ (35,957.15) New Contract Price including this Change Order 31,883,867.68 Contract Time Prior to this Change Order Days 9/3/2020 Completion Date Net increased/decreased resulting from this Change Orde 0 Days Current Contract Time including this Change Ord 201 Days 6/30/2021 Completion Date This Change Order is for full and final settlement of all direct, indirect, impact costs and time extension incurred at any time resulting from the performance of the changed work, The Above Changes Are The Above Changes Are Approved: Recommended Accepted: American Structurepoint Inc. Rieth-Riley Construction Co, Inc "Mayor Not Present* ENGINEER CONTRACTOR ,---ilauttialoinard, Mayor 9025 River Road, Suite 200 Indianapolis, IN 46221 ALuciflaut_ezurb Address Address ---iDiViiitsli:tkititiacli3urke. Member --BkcovisiWzattition, Member Indianapolis, IN 46240 Indianapolis. IN 46221 City/State/Zip City/State/Zip Je• iny K shman. PE. City Engineer By: ATTEST: DocuSigned by: Phone: (317) 547-5580 Phone: (317) 518-2500 (k)a- 6FgatipoWol icing, Clerk Date: 12/16/2021 Date: 1212A\1,4,A Date: 1/6/2 02 2 Version 2I110-q8-3I AR-6 DocuSign Envelope ID: D379C9F9-2EE2-4335-A2F0-0AE1DED7B9D4 182 6 STRUCTUREPOINT American Structurepoint, Inc. Change Order Details 96th Street and Keystone Parkway Description: 16-ENC-05 Construction of a roundabout.interchange at the intersection of 96th Street and Keystone Parkway, including the reconstruction of Keystone Parkway from 1-465 to 98th Street, and reconstruction of 96th Street from Haverstick Road to Enterprise Drive. The Project includes new construction of a twospan bridge over 96th Street. Change Order: 19 Date Created: 12/08/2021 Status: Pending Approval Date Approved: Type: Changed Conditions Summary: Final Quantity Balancing and Substantial and Final Completion Date Adjustments Change Order Description: This change order covers the final balancing of the escalation cost adjustment item. Note the Final Contract Price is $31,883,867.68. There is a rounding discrepancy of$0.01 in this change order. The final contract price is correct. This change order also adjusts the substantial and final completion dates. These dates are being extended due to utility relocation needed for the storm sewer and path installation on 96th Street from Marie Drive to Lakeshore Drive. This relocation was anticipated to be completed in early 2021 with remaining contract work to be completed in May of 2021. Awarded Project Amount: $28,793,000.00 Authorized Project Amount: $31,919,824,82 Change Order Amount: -$35,957.14 Revised Project Amount: $31,883,867.68 Increases/Decreases Line Unit Item Unit Current Change Revised Number Price Quantity Amount Quantity Amount Quantity Amount Section: 1 -801-08400 3520 105-09356 DOL $1.000 1,366,257.22 $1,366,257.22 -35,957.14 $35957,14 1,330,300 08 $1,330,300.08 , COST ADJUSTMENT FOR CLAIM RESOLUTION Reason: Balancing Change Order (1 Item) Totals $1,366,257.22 -$35,957.14 $1,330,300.08 Change Order Details: 96th Street and Keystone Page 1 of 2 12/16/2021 Parkway DocuSign Envelope ID: D379C9F9-2EE2-4335-A2F0-0AE1DED7B9D4 New Time Limits TYPe Pending Deadline Pending Cost per Day Completion Date 12/31/2020 $0.00 Substantial Completion-All work expect between Marie Drive and Lakeshore Drive Completion Date 05/31/2021 $0.00 Substantial Completion -All work between Marie Drive and Lakeshore Drive Completion Date 06/30/2021 $0.00 Final Completion (3 Time Limits) Recommended for Processing: CI 0 r\Aori.) 12/16/2021 esident Project Representative Date Contractor Date CJA,-:4- Off- 12/27/2021 Owner Date Change Order Details: 96th Street and Keystone Page 2 of 2 12/16/2021 Parkway