BPW-05-02-83MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS MEE TING MAY 2, 1983 The meeting of the Board of Works was called to order by Mayor Reiman at 4:30 P.M. on May 2, 1983. Board member Fred Swift was present. Also present was City Attorney, Dave Coots and Clerk- Treasurer Dottie Hancock. Mr. Swift made a motion to approve the minutes of April 20, 1983. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman and passed unanimously. Old Business Tom Wilson - Mr. Wilson appeared before the Board again for a determination concerning the water and sewer availability charges for the Stonehedge section now under development. Mr. Wilson again reiterated that the development was under construction, although the availability charges had not yet been paid, when the sewer ban was imposed and he should have to pay only those availability fees due in 1977. Mr. Coots stated that to allow any charges other than those presently in effect, would be a violation of the ordinance. Following discussion, Mr. Coots suggested that he and Mr. Wilson meet and return to the Board with a written recommendation. New Business Public Service Indiana - Mr. Steve Carney from Public Service Indiana appeared before the Board and requested permission to convert 187 mercury vapor street lights to sodium vapor lights. Mr. Carney presented the Board with information showing a yearly savings to the City of $3,500.64 and stated that the conversion would not cost the City anything and that service would not be interrupted. Mayor Reiman stated she wanted the matter discussed by the Council and made a motion to table this matter until after the May 16th Council meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. Promotion of Probationary Fireman - Chief Couts appeared before the Board and requested probationary fireman Joseph A. Butts be promoted to the rank of fireman since he has successfully completed the required probationary period. Mr. Swift made a motion to approve the promotion of Joseph A. Butts effective May 3, 1983. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman and passed unanimously. Mohawk Crossing, Section III Oversizing - Al Oak and George Sweet appeared before the Board to request an agreement with the City for reimbursement of oversizing of water mains. Mr. Coots recommended that the Board enter into an agreement with this developer and any other developer for a method of reimbursement upon an agreed formula in any instance where it is advantageous to the City. Following discussion, Mayor Reiman made a motion that the Board authorize the entry of an agreement between the City of Carmel and Mohawk Crossing Ltd. providing for the reimbursement in the amount 05/02/83 Page 2 of $2995.00 and the method of reimbursement for repayment of oversizing costs benefiting the City. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. Litigation Settlement - Mr. Coots explained to the Board that he had struck an agreement with the opposing attorneys in the Journal Box case. The agreement would basically reduce the judgement in the amount of $234,000 to $34,589.85 plus simple interest at 8%. Mayor Reiman made a motion to authorize settlement of the Journal Box case pursuant to the Memorandum of Settlement presented by Mr. Coots. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was duly adjourned at 5:35 P.M. APPROVED: Jane A Reiman, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy J Hancock, Clerk-Treasurer