BPW-05-31-83MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS MEETING MAY 31, 1983 The meeting of the Board of Public Works was called to order at 4:30 P.M. by Billy Walker with Board Member Swift, Attorney Coots and Clerk-Treasurer Hancock present. Permission Request to begin Facilities Plan - Mr. Don Silvey from HNTB appeared before the Board to request permission to proceed with the facilities plan for the sewer plant expansion project. Mr. Silvey stated that due to changes in the EPA grant program, it is necessary to get the facilities plan filed before June 30 in order to hope to qualify for 75% money from the EPA. Following discussion, Mr. Swift made a motion to grant HNTB permission to proceed with the facilities plan for the sewer plant expansion. Motion seconded by Mr. Walker and passed unanimously. Fiscal Consultant Agreement - The Board was in receipt of a letter from Roger L. Umbaugh of H.J.Umbaugh & Associates setting forth his agreement for accounting services to provide financial information and assistance in completing the outside user agree ment for the City of Carmel. Following discussion, Mr. Walker made a motion to enter an agreement with H.J.Umbaugh persuant to a letter from Roger L. Umbaugh to Mayor Reiman dated May 27, 1983, which is hereby made a part of this record, in a maximum amount of $5000. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. Water Availability Reimbursement - City Engineer, Tom Welch, appeared before the Board to present a method of repaying sums due Mr. Al Hughey and Mr. Bob Langston for prior oversizing of water mains in keeping with city ordinance. Following discussion, Mr. Swift made a motion that reimbursement of water availability be made to Hughey and Langston as outlined in the May 5, 1983 memo to Mayor Reiman, copy of which is attached and made a part of the record for reference, and subsequent reimbursement be processed on a procedure as set forth in this memo but information on those pendinq reimbursements be made as a matter of information to the Board. Motion seconded by Mr. Walker and passed unanimously. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was duly adjourned at 5:02 P.M. APPROVED: Jane A Reiman, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy J Hancock, Clerk-Treasurer