CCM-09-17-84 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPT. 17, 1984 The meeting of the City Council was called to order by Council President Ted Johnson at 7:00 P.M. on Sept. 17, 1984. Council members Badger, Fleming, Garretson, Doane, McMullen and Solaro were present. Also Present was City Attorney, Gordon Byers and Asst. Clerk-Treasurer Terri Hiatt. Invocation was given by Miss Doane, followed by Pledge of Allegiance. President Johnson introduced new City Attorney Byers to members of the Council. Mr. Garretson made a motion to approve the amended minutes of July 16. Motion seconded by Mr. Fleming and passed unanimously. Mr. Fleming made a motion to approve the minutes of August 20th. Motion seconded by Miss Doane and passed unanimously. President Johnson and Council members welcomed Miss Doane back and hoped she was doing better Old Business Public Hearing - Ordinance D-416 - Additional Appropriation - Mr. Garretson made a motion to introduce Ordinance D-416. Motion seconded by Mrs. McMullen. After reading the ordinance the public President Johnson opened the meeting for a public hearing. Ms. Martha Nutt who resides south of the Carmel Theater expressed her feelings on the demolition and construction to be done. President Johnson then closed the public hearing. Mr. Garretson made a motion to suspend the rules and act on Ordinance D-416 this evening. Motion seconded by Miss Doane and passed unanimously. Mr. Badger called for the question. Vote was taken on Ordinance D-416 which passed unanimously. Main Street Widening Project - President Johnson stated Mayor Reiman had met with citizens residing adjacent to Main St. and showed them the options regarding the widening of Main St. He stated the Engineers from HNTB pointed out in the meeting that the 3 lane proposal with curbs and sidewalks on both sides of Main St. would require very little, if any, acquisition of right-of-way. The 4-lane proposal would require an additional 8 to 10 feet of property, primarily on the south side of the road. President Johnson stated the general consensus of the residents along Main St. was for a 3-lane widening. President Johnson explained the school was more than willing to work on a plan for widening 4th Ave. south of Main St. Mr. Garretson made a motion that the Council direct the City Engineers to prepare drawings for 3-lanes between Keystone Ave and 4th Ave., and that the Engineering also include the rehabilitation of 4th Ave. intersection with Main St. Motion seconded by Mrs. McMullen. Discussion ensued. Mr. Solaro stated he didn't feel they knew enough, in terms of projected traffic, projected growth in traffic or projected decline in traffic to decide between a 3-lane or 4- lane at this point. President Johnson stated the Engineers were concerned with the 4-lane widening and the removal of the hump on Main St. would increase the speed of traffic. Mr. Badger felt the 3-lane might present a higher number of traffic accidents and felt traffic would be backed up trying to come out of the school. Mr. Garretson felt the problem was how to address traffic in a very limited space. President Johnson stated a 4-lane plan would require tearing up sidewalks whereas the 3-lane plan would not. Charlie Whitsitt, 350 2nd Ave. NE, expressed his feelings in that he was more concerned with the turning of traffic during peak hours. It was the consensus of the Council to have HNTB come back and answer questions and have discussion on this project. Mr. Garretson made a motion to table his motion until the next meeting. Motion seconded by Mrs. McMullen and passed unanimously. Resolution - State Fair Band Contest - Tabled till Oct. 1 meeting. New Business Inducement Resolution 9-17-84-l - Switches Inc. - Mr. Garretson felt that since Council has to vote on zoning and must approve any rezoning, it prejudices the Council if it pass an inducement resolution. Mr. Garretson stated he felt an inducement resolution says, in effect, the City encourages such. Mr. Badger felt an inducement resolution is what an applicant needs to get started and felt they shouldn't do anything until they have it. Attorney Byers stated an inducement resolution is not a statute requirement in the State of Indiana. Mr. Byers explained, by Council taking action would not be prejudicing itself on the issue. President Johnson suggested putting some form of standard language for the record saying the approval of this inducement resolution does not preclude any zoning. Mr. Coots suggested placing this in the application itself, as opposed to the resolution so the applicant knows from the first day that the City of Carmel is reserving certain things unto itself. Mr. Coots explained the essence of an inducement resolution is to start the clock on those items reimbursable out of bond proceeds. Mr. Coots, representing Switches Inc. stated that Switches Inc. is seeking to relocate it's corporate headquarters and engineering and testing facilities from Logansport to an 11 acre parcel of real estate on St.Rd. 421 at approximately 110th St. Sight plan has been approved by TAC and Land Use Committee and approved by the EDC. Mrs. McMullen made a motion to intro duce Resolution 9-17-84-1 and dispense with the reading of same. Motion seconded by Mr. Badger. Mrs. McMullen called for the question. Vote was taken on Resolution 9-17-84-l which passed 6-0-l; Mr. Garretson abstaining. Ordinance D-417 - Amending City Code 41.17 Re: City Parkin g Lots - Mrs. McMullen made a motion to introduce Ord. D-417 and dispense with the reading of same. Motion seconded by Mr. Badger. President Johnson explained this ordinance would increase the parking time from 2 hours to 3 hours and raise the $2 fine to $5. Mrs. McMullen made a motion to suspend the rules and act on Ord. D-417 this evening. Motion seconded by Miss Doane and passed unan imously. Vote was taken on Ord D-417 which passed unanimously. Stop Sign Request - Eden Glen Dr. - The Council was in receipt of a letter from Mr. John Dattilo, 12002 Eden Glen Dr. requesting the placement of a stop sign on Eden Glen Dr. at the corner of the first cul-de-sac l) the west side of the street traveling south from Carmel Dr Mr. Dattilo came before the Council and gave his reasons for his request. Following discuss President Johnson stated the Council would recommend to the Police Dept. and the City Engineer to make a study of this area ani come back to the Council with their recommendations. Mr. Dattilo would be informed of the meeting and results. Report from Mayor's Property Development Committee - Mr. Garretson reported to the Council that the Committee had completed their study and sent a copy of the report to each Council member. Mr. Garretson explained the Committee had received a report from Wright, Porteous & Lowe that indicated the City needed 15 acres to consolidate all City services. Mr. Garretson stated on the basis of the Ball State report, the Committee concludes that the site at Gradle Drive is suitable for a city complex. Mr. Garretson stated that if the City chooses to use this site, the Committee recommends that an architect be employed to develop a master plan, so that when the first phase goes in, the fire station, it be harmonious with the way the whole site will look when it's done. The Committee also recommends that if it is to be phased in, more should be done in landscaping while the land remains vacant. Members of the Council commended Mr. Garretson on the report. Mr. Badger made a motion to prepare a resolution giving Council approval to proceed with development of the city property. Motion seconded by Mr. Solaro and passed unanimously. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was duly adjourned APPROVED: ATTEST