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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCM-07-01-85 MINUTES OF THE
JULY 1, 1985
The meeting of the Carmel City Council was called to order by Mayor
Reiman at 7:00 P.M. on July 1, 1985 with Council members McMullen,
Doane, Johnson, Garretson, Fleming, Badger and Miller were present
as was City Attorney Andrews and Clerk-Treasurer Hancock.
Invocation was given by Miss Doane followed by the Pledge of
Mayor Reiman introduced new Council member Jim Miller and
distributed his biography to the Council. Mayor Reiman stated that
Mr. Miller had been elected at a caucus this evening and sworn in
by Judge Jerry Barr. The certification had not yet been made so Mr.
Miller will not be voting this evening. Mr. Miller stated he felt
it was an honor and privilege to serve Carmel in the capacity of
Councilman Ward 4.
Mr. Garretson made a motion to approve the minutes of June 17,
1985. Motion seconded by Mr. Johnson and passed unanimously.
Old Business
Alternative l Provisions - City Complex and Fire Station - HNTB
There was no report from HNTB but MR. Garretson reported that he
and Mr. Johnson met with Don Silvey to discuss trimming the cost of
the City Complex. The gentlemen asked for alternative options on
some landscaping and other proposals such as plaza, ziggurat and
statuary. They felt that perhaps $300,000 could be saved without
changing the total plan.
New Business
Public Hearing P Ordinance D-439 - Additional Appropriation -
Revenue Sharing Fund Mr. Garretson made a motion to introduce
Ordinance D-439. Motion seconded by Miss Doane and Mayor Reiman
read the Ordinance. Mayor Reiman opened the meeting for public
hearing. Mr. Jack Badger addressed the Council on behalf of the
Carmel Dad's Club stating that the request submitted last year was
merely a wish list and that the Dad's Club would appreciate any
help and would like the opportunity to submit a request if the
Council would taking requests later. Since no one else spoke to the
appropriation the public hearing was closed. Mrs. McMullen made a
motion to suspend the rules and act on Ordinance D-439 this
evening. Motion seconded by Mr. Johnson and passed 6-0-1, Mr.
Miller abstaining. Vote was taken on Ordinance D-439 which passed
6-0-1, Mr. Miller abstaining.
Transfer of Funds - Resolution 7-1-85-1 - Street Dept. - Mrs.
McMullen made a motion to introduce Resolution 7-1-85-1. Motion
seconded by Miss Doane. Discussion on side walks ensued and Mayor
Reiman asked Miss Doane, Mr. Fleming and Mr. Badger to serve on the
committee to decide on sidewalk projects for 1985. All three
consented to serve. Vote was taken on Resolution 7-1-85-1 which
passed 6-0-1. Mr. Miller abstaining.
Public Hearing - Ordinance Z-208, Proposed Rezone D.H. Clark &
Assoc. SE Corner of S.R. 431 and 146th Street - Mrs. McMullen made
a motion to introduce Ordinance Z-208 and dispense with reading of
same. Motion seconded by Mr. Badger. Mayor Reiman opened the
meeting to public hearing at 7:44 P.M. Mr. Dave Coots, attorney for
D.H. Clark & Assoc., presented the proposaL on behalf of the
petitioner. There was no comment from the public. Public hearing
W,IS closed at 7:58 P.M. Mr. Garretson asked if the petitioner was
agreeable to annexation. The petitioners stated they would not
object to annexation. Discussion ensued regarding the use of the
property for cluster, condominium and owner occupied multi-family
housing, Some members of the Council were concerned as to what
exactly would go on the property. Mayor Reiman stated she would
want the petitioner to come before T.A.C. to get input on the
roads. The petitioner will come back to the July 15th meeting for
Ordinance Z-209, Proposed Rezone - Indiana Assn. of Church Of God -
Mr. Garretson made a motion to table this item as it had not been
published for a public hearing. Motion seconded by Mrs. McMullen
and passed 6-0-1, Mr. Miller abstaining. This item tabled until
July 15, 1985 meeting.
Request for Stop Sign - First Avenue NW - Mr. Johnson made a motion
to request a review and report of the traffic along 1st Ave. NW
from the Engineer and Police Dept.
There being no further business to come before the meeting the same
was duly adjourned at 9:20 P.M.