HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCM-07-15-85MINUTES OF THE
JULY 15, 1985
The meeting of the Carmel City Council was called to order by Mayor
Reiman at 7:00 P.M. on July 15, 1985, with Council members Miller,
McMullen, Doane, Garretson, Johnson, Fleming and Badger present.
Also present was City Attorney Andrews and Clerk-Treasurer Hancock.
Invocation was given by Miss Doane followed by the Pledge of
Mr. Fleming made a motion to approve the minutes of July 1, 1985.
Motion seconded by Mr. Johnson and passed unanimously.
Old Business
Ordinance Z-208 - Proposed Rezone D.H. Clark & Assoc. - SE Corner
of S.R. 431 & 146th St. Mr. Coots,Attorney for D.H.Clark and Assoc.
appeared before the Council and stated that he had taken the
proposed rezone back to the Department of Community Development and
wished to table action on this Ordinance until the August 5 meeting
so the plans can be taken to the Technical Advisory Committee and
the Land Use Committee. Mr..Garretson made a motion to table action
on Ordinance Z-208 until August 5. Motion seconded by Mrs. McMullen
and passed unanimously.
Carmel City Square Status Report - Mayor Reiman stated the
information on the City Square was not yet available. Miss Doane
made a motion to table this item until the July 29th meeting.
Motion seconded by Mr. Johnson and passed unanimously.
Request for Stop Sign - First Ave. NW - Mr. Garretson reviewed the
reports of the Engineer and Police Department stating they did not
feel stop signs were warranted. Mrs. Susan McCracken, 541 1st Ave.
NW, Carmel, appeared before the Council to state some of the
reasons the residents of the area felt the stop signs were needed.
Following discussion, Mr. Garretson made a motion to allow the stop
sign at 1st Ave. NW and 3rd Street NW. Motion failed for lack of
second. Miss Doane made a motion to allow a 4-way stop at 1st Ave.
NW and 3rd St. NW and a 3-way stop at 1st Ave NW and 6th St. NW.
Motion seconded by Mr. Johnson. Mr. Garretson made a motion to
amend the motion to allow for the 4-way stop at 3rd St. NW and 1st
Ave. NW only. Motion failed for lack of second. Vote was taken on
Miss Doane's motion which passed 5-2, Mr. Badger and Mr. Garretson
voting nay. The attorney will prepare an ordinance for the August
5th meeting.
New Business
Public Hearing - Ordinance Z-209 Proposed Rezone - Indiana Assn. of
Church of God Mr. Wayne Dickenson, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
for the Indiana Assn. of Church of God appeared before the Council
and explained that the rezone from R-2 to B-7 was requested in
order to change the building. Mr. Garretson stated he felt a
covenant not to sell for retail or wholesale sales would be needed
in order to protect the City under the B-7 zone. Mr. Dickenson
stated they were willing to make that covenant. Mr. Garretson made
a motion to delay action on this Ordinance until July 29 in order
to give Mr. Dickenson time to prepare the covenant. Motion seconded
by Miss Doane and passed unanimously.
Public Hearing - Ordinance D-440 - Additional Appropriation -
General Fund - Mr. Johnson made a motion to introduce Ordinance D-
440 and dispense with the reading. Motion seconded by Mr. Garretson
. Mayor Rein,an opened the meeting for public hearing and explained
the amount requested and the need. There was no comment from the
public. Public Hearing was closed. Mr. Garretson made a motion to
suspend the rules and act on Ordinance D-440 this evening. Motion
seconded by Miss Doane and passed unanimously. Vote was taken on
Ordinance D-440 which passed unanimously.
Public Hearing - Ordinance D-L41 - Additional Appropriation - MVH
Fund - Mrs. McMullen made a motion to introduce Ordinance D-441 and
dispense with reading of same. Motion seconded by Mr. Fleming.
Mayor Reiman opened the meeting for public hearing and explained
the amount and need for the monies. There was no comment from the
public. The public hearing was closed Mr. Garretson made a motion
to suspend the rules and act on Ordinance D-441 this evening.
Motion seconded by Mrs. McMullen and passed unani mously. Vote was
taken on Ordinance D-441 which passed unanimously.
Co-City Kennel - Mayor Reiman explained that the City of
Noblesville wanted more money for kennel services and would no
longer take animals from Carmel after July 20. The Indianapolis
Humane Society had submitted a proposal for $500 annual fee.
Discussion ensued and the Council stated they wanted more
information and would have a meeting Wednesday, July 17 to decide
the matter.
Ordinance D-442 - Beverly Enterprises Amendment Ordinance to Re-
Fund EDC Bond Issue Mr. Dave Coots, Attorney for Beverly
Enterprises, appeared before the Council to request passage of an
Ordinance granting permission to pay off the 1983 bond issue by
issuing a 1985 bond to refinance same Mr. Fleming made a motion to
introduce Ordinance D-442 and dispense with the reading of same.
Motion seconded by Mr. Garretson. Mr. Garretson made a motion to
suspend the rules and act on Ordinance D-442 this evening. Motion
seconded by Mrs. McMullen and passed unanimously. Vote was taken on
Ordinance D-442 which passed unanimously.
Other Business - Mr. Johnson referred to a letter received from the
State Highway Commiss ion stating they would not give us a "no turn
on red" at Carmel Drive and Keystone. Four years ago the Highway
Department told us that if the improvements they suggested were
made at Carmel Drive, Keystone and Keystone Way, the State would
install the no turn sign. The improvements have been made and our
request turned down. It was suggested that Mayor Reiman, Mr.
Johnson, our State Senator and Representative meet with Mr.
Isenbarger, State Highway Commissioner.
There being no further business to come before the meeting the same
was duly adjourned at 8:20 P.M.