HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCM-03-04-85MINUTES OF T HE
MARCH 4, 1 985
The meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Reiman
at 7:00 P.M. on March 4, 1985. Council members present were Badger,
Fleming, Garretson, Johnson, Doane, McMullen and Solaro. Also
present were City Attorneys Byers and Andrews and Clerk-Treasurer
Invocation was given by Miss Doane followed by the Pledge of
Miss Doane made a motion to approve the minutes of the Feb. 4th
Council meeting, Executive Meeting and Board of Finance meeting.
Motion seconded by Mrs. McMullen and passed 6-0-1, Mr. Garretson
abstaining as he was not present for all of the meetings.
Old Business
P u blic Hearing - Ordinance D-411, Additional Appropriation -
General Fund - Mayor Reiman opened the meeting for public hearing
on Ordinance D-431, an ordinance to appropriate funds from the
general fund for the police department. There being no response
from the public, the public hearing was closed. Vote was taken on
Ordinance D-431, which passed unanimously
Amendment to Cable TV Franchise - Mr. Johnson made a motion to
table this item since the ordinance was not in proper form and
bring this item back at the March 18th meeting. Motion seconded by
Mr. Solaro and passed unanimously.
New Business
Introduction of Ordinance D-432, Ordinance for Additional
Appropriation from Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund - Mr.
Johnson explained that approximately $5000 was needed for an
architectural study for the ne~l fire station. Mr. Fleming made a
motion to introduce Ordinance D-432. Motion seconded by Mr. Johnson
and passed unanimously.
EDC Inducement Resolution - Carmel Manor Healthcare Center - Mr.
James Crawford, attorney for Carmel Manor Healthcare Center
appeared before the Council to present the project and answer any
questions. Mr. Don Smith and Mr. Bob Langston principals in the
project were also present. Mr. Garretson made a motion to adopt
Resolution 3-4-85-1. Motion seconded by Mr. Badger and passed
Public Hearing - Ordinance Z-204, Proposed Rezone Switches, Inc. -
Mayor Reiman stated the format for the public hearing and asked
that a motion be made to make the minutes of the January 21, 1985
meeting and all documents pertaining to Switches received during
the last six months a part of the record. Mayor Reiman also asked
that the Clerk-Treasurer make the remarks of the Council a part of
the record. Mr. Badger made a motion to include the Council minutes
of January 21, 1985 and all documents received in the past 6 months
pertaining to Switches, a part of the records of this meeting.
Motion seconded by Mrs. McMullen and passed unanimously .
Mr. Garretson made a motion to introduce Ordinance Z-204 and
dispense with the reading of same. Motion seconded by Mr. Fleming.
Mr. E. Davis Coots, 255 E. Carmel Dr, Carmel, attorney for
Switches, Inc. made his presentation, referring to documents he had
filed with the Clerk-Treasurers office addressing some of the
concerns of the remonstrators. (Document are attached hereto and
made a part hereof). Mr. Coots explained that the weather had
prohibited Switches from making a perk test on the ground in
question. Mr. Coots stated that the permit applied for from the
State Board of Health had been held up as a result of not being
able to run a perk test. Mr. Coots also explained that the
application for permit to State Highway Department had been filed
but that the rules of the Dept. of Highways were that the issue
must be decided locally before the highway would make decision on
the permit Mr. Coots distributed copies of the State Highway
procedure and same is hereby made a part of the record. Mr. Coots
showed the Council two pictures and a map showing U.S.421 from
96th Street to north of 116th Street as it now exists.
Mayor Reiman opened the meeting to the public for the hearing. Mr.
Frank Spencer, Room 450 Century Bldg. Indianapolis, attorney for
the demonstrators addressed the Council again reiterating that the
petition was not signed by the owners of the property. Mr. Spencer
also pointed out that the Plan Commission had not approved on the
ordinance now before the Council. Mr. Spencer also stated that the
Council had been told that the State Highway Commission had
approved and the State Board had approved and were now being told
the application had been made. Mr Spencer stated it was his opinion
that the Council has no statutory authority to act on c conditional
ordinance. Mr. Spencer stated he also had not received a copy of
the covenant. Mr. John Olenick, 4558 Woodhaven Dr., Zionsville. Mr.
Olenick asked that the Council incorporate as part of this record
all of the previously submitted data and oral comments. Mr. Olenick
stated that Switches had stated previously that they had obtained
approval from the State Board of Health, the State Highway
Commissioner and the Hamilton County Board of Health. Mr. Olenick
further stated that a check this after noon showed Switches had not
submitted any additional data recently and Mr. Olenick felt that
the Petitioner lacked integrity, dignity and credibility.
Donna Thompson, 950 Tillson Dr, Zionsville, Timber Ridge, stated
she felt the rezone and building at the proposed site would alter
the drainage, which already has problems, would increase the
traffic which is already too heavy for the road and that there were
alternative sites in Hamilton County but the residents could not
move their houses and had no alternative.
Mr. Don Bryenton, 4685 W. 116th St.,Zionsville, asked that his
verbal and written comments previously made before the Plan
Commission and Council be made a part of the record. Mr. Bryenton
stated that as a resident he saw the development in Mr. Coots'
photograph in a different light as a commercia use in the midst of
residential development. Mr. Bryenton pointed out that traffic was
already a problem and that he felt the issue of proper sewage
treatment had not been adequately answered. Mr. Bryenton stated he
had been informed that during the comprehensive plan meetings the
consultants have stated that the best use of this land is
residential or left agricultural. Mr. Bryenton asked the Council to
deny the rezone in that Switches has an alternative.
Lucille Martin Heeter, 4415 W. 116 St., Zionsville, asked that
newspapers clippings and information she had sent to the Council be
made a part of the record. Mrs Heeter showed the Council where her
property was located on the photo and stated that if Switches was
allowed to build, she may not the able to develop her land as a
residential area.
Mr. Jack Bigham, 3755 W. 116Th St., Zionsville, stated that a perk
test of course could not be made at this time, that his back yard
was a foot under water and felt the problem would be compounded if
the rezone went through. Mr. Brigham questioned whether this was a
start ing block and the whole area then be rezoned business. He
questioned which was better for the tax base and community,
business or residential.
Mr. Carl David Toth, 4451 Haven Ct., Zionsville, stated his
property was closest to the pro pos ed rezone and the if the rezone
were approved, it would change the quality of life in the area and
he would loose money on his investment in his home.
Mr. Lowell Van De Mark, 11370 Shelburn Rd.,Zionsville, stated the
drainage was poor and there had been problems with well wa;er. Mr.
Van DeMark felt this rezone would compound the problems .
Mayor Reiman closed the public hearing.
Mr. Coots, attorney for Petitioner was given time for summation.
Mr. Coots asked Mr. Chuck Simpson of Simpson Engineering, 320
Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis, reaffirm that the proper
petitions had been filed with the State Highway Commission and
State Board of Health.
Mr. Simpson stated that final approval will not, by virtue of their
procedures, grant final approval until the property is rezoned. The
purpose of their procedures is to avoid making a decision that may
have an effect on the local government's decision. The rezone must
be done first. Mr. Coots also reiterated that all of the
landscaping and buffer zone plans as approved under the M-3 zoning
were still in the plans.
Mr. Mayor then opened the meeting for comments from the Council.
Mr. Badger stated his views on the project. He saw there were four
basic objections from the remonstrators. One that it did not adhere
to the comprehensive plan but the plan is out dated and
circumstances had overtaken it. Mr. Badger feels the plan should be
redone but doesn't see it as a hinderance to this project.
Secondly, the strain on the water table. Mr. Badger stated that
this project would use three times less water than would be used if
the land were developed under The S-l zoning for residential. Also
the concern of sewage in the area had been raised. Mr. Badger
stated he felt the evidence presented clearly showed that the
planned facility would be 200% more effective than if the land were
devel oped under S-l and septic tanks were installed for each
residence. Finally, the highway is very crowded. Mr. Badger stated
he felt the traffic impact would be marginal and that it was merely
a matter of time before the State Highway recognized the problem
and widened the road to four lanes. Mr. Badger stated this project
would bring in employment for 60 to 100 people with a payroll of
about $2 million a year. Meaning $6 million into the community to
the Hamilton and Boone area's. The sales tax would bring in a lot
of money also $40,000 to $70,000 in property tax. Mr. Badger felt
the project is very aesthetic and had a country club appearance.
Finally, Mr. Badger stated he understood Woodhaven development was
not as successful as hoped and that the addition of Switches would
bring new residents to the area and benefit the value of the
Mrs. McMullen asked Mr. Simpsoll to address Item 4 in the letter
from the State Board of health addressed to Mr. Simpsoll which
states "The submittal proposed the use of aerobic home wastewater
treatment plants. We have not objection to the use of properly
designed equipment of this type in lieu of a septic tank providing
the total tank volume for no more than two units is at least equal
to that of the required septic tank capacity. One days detention at
design flow. The proposed equipment has a capacity of only 500
gallons per tank,~a total capacity of 1800 gallons must be provided
for the design flow of 1800 CPDs if two tanks are to be used, they
must be installed in series and another requirement is that the
inlet and outlet of each tank must include baffles or sanitary T's
which meet septic tank requirements. Mrs. McMulllen asked Mr.
Simpson what exactly was proposed and did the proposal meet
requirements. Mr. Simpson stated the proposal was for two 1000
gallon tanks. not 500 gallon tanks. The estimate of usage would be
1800 gallons per day. The baffling was in the Y but not detailed.
Mrs. McMullen asked the opinion of the city attorney re garding Mr.
Spencers remarks on the covenant offering. Mr. Byers stated that
the legis lative body could place restrictions on zoning as they see
fit. The covenant which applies to the city code and that the
legislative body could place these restrictions on the rezone. Mrs.
McMullen stated that as a member of the Plan Commission and Land
Use Committee has heard these arguments and presentations for many
hours and that she felt this is a quality project and the best use
of the land. Mrs. McMullen stated she feels what is offered from
the M-3 zone offered a lot of protection.
Mr. Solaro asked Mr. Coots about his letters of Feb. 27 and 28 in
which the covenant was "watered down" and wanted to allow what the
second covenant had to do with bonding or financing. Mr. Coots
stated when he presented the original covenant of Feb. 27 to Mr.
Duffy was concerned with title one year limitation on all
approvals, on EDC funding and having this restriction as a
condition of being able to utilize the property as a B-5 zone with
an M-3 development standard and that that restriction would
encumber the marketability of the sale of EDC bonds which might be
requested at some point after or if the bonds were approved along
with the quasi-automatic revision to S-l in the event it was not
approved within one year by the bonding authority. Mr. Solaro
stated he had visited the land and did not feel that at this time
the rezone would be the best use of the land. That a rezone would
be opening the area to spot zoning and the project did not have
proper utilities to support a commercial development. Mr. Solaro
stated there is not commercial development adjacent to the property
or north of 102nd Street and questions the adequacy of water supply
and adequacy of the drainage.
Mr. Garretson referred to his statement made a the meeting of Feb.
4, 1985, copy of which i attached and made a part hereof. Mr.
Garretson also stated that since the comprehensive plan was not yet
complete,that it is precipitous to spot zone this piece of land and
in fluence how the zoning of that area would go until the plan is
complete. Mr. Garretson also referenced Mr. Badger's statement that
this project would be an economic benefit to the community and that
Mr. Garretson felt that the best benefit to the community would be
from continued use of the property is now zoned. Mr. Garretson also
felt the problem of utili ties had not been properly addressed. Mr.
Garretson stated that this would be the beginn ing of zoning for
commercial where there were not utilities to support such
development and that to rezone at this point would be precipitous.
Miss Doane stated she had heard both sides of this issue in Plan
Commission and voted for the rezone and had heard the presentation
before the Council and had not heard anything new and felt the
rezone was the best use of the land.
Mr. Fleming stated he felt the Petitioner had his rights and the
homeowners had their right and that a rezone at this time was not
the best use of the land and intended to vote against the rezone .
Mr. Johnson stated he had attended the meeting on the comprehensive
plan on Wednesday and the plan showed this area as commercial.~
Mr. Badger again stated that in regard to utilities the Switches
proposal would provide for a septic system 200 times better than
individual septic systems and would use 1/3 the water Mr. Badger
felt that was significant better use of the land.
Mr. Garretson questioned what if the petitioner runs into a
roadblock that prevents their proposed septic system from going in,
and decides to go ahead with a regular- septic system what was to
prevent that from happening. Mr. Garretson was advised that the
State Board of Health and the permit would prevent an alternate
system from that proposed.
Mrs. McMullen stated that whenever something was proposed, the idea
seemed to be to doubt everything and at some point people had to
have some faith that a project was based on good faith. Mrs.
McMullen stated she felt the proposed septic system was more
efficient the a home system and that it would have constant
supervision which a home system wouldn't have Mrs. McMullen stated
again she felt the project was good.
Mr. Solaro stated the matter of the septic system kept cropping up
and he didn't know if it was going to meet the code requirements or
not. Mr. Solaro stated he had a letter in his file which said the
septic system was not adequate but Mr. Coots' engineer stated that
was not so. Mr. Solaro stated he felt adequate time had passed so
that there should be something in writing to clarify the issue. Mr.
Solaro stated he felt there were still too many questions and
issues unanswered.
Mayor Reiman stated she was still working on the gasoline problem
and there was just no way to speed-up action from the State Board
of Health.
Mr. Garretson made a motion to suspend the rules and act upon
Ordinance Z-204 this evening. Motion seconded by Mr. Badger and
passed unanimously.
Mr. Badger made a motion to approve Ordinance Z-204. Motion
seconded by Mrs. McMullen and passed 4-3, Fleming, Solaro and
Garretson voting nay.
The meeting recessed at 9:00 and reconvened at 9:10
Public Hearing - Ordinance Z-205, Rezone- The Estridge Grou p , Inc.
- Mrs. McMullen made a motion to introduce Ordinance Z-205 and
dispense with the reading of same. Motion seconded by Mr. Garretson
and passed unanimously. Mr. Jim Nelson, attorney for the Estridge
Group, Inc. appeared before the Council to present the development
called Waterford at Carmel Drive and Keystone Ave. Mayor Reiman
opened the meeting for public hearing on Ordinance Z-205. There
being no response from the public, Mayor Reiman closed the public
hearing. Mr. Paul Estridge, Sr. and Paul Reo were present from The
Estridge Group to answer any questions the Council may have. Mr.
Garretson made a motion to suspend the rules and act on Ordinance
Z-205 this evening. Motion seconded by Miss Doane and passed
unanimously. Vote was taken on Ordinance Z-205 which passed
Other Business
Mayor Reiman announced there could be an executive session on
Wednesday March 6 at 6:00 P.M regarding possible land acquisition.
The Council decided to cancel the meeting of April 1 due to spring
break and hold the first meeting of April on April 8.
Mayor Reiman announced Lee Dolen had retired from the Police
Department after twenty years of service.
Mayor Reiman stated she had met with the State Highway Commission
and an agreement was made to extend Carmel Drive out to U.S. 31 to
connect at Old Meridian.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, the
same was duly adjourned at 9:45 P.M.