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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCM-01-27-86MINUTES OF THE CARMEL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 27, 1986 The meeting of the Carmel City Council was called to order by Mayor Reiman at 7:00 P.M. on January 27, 1986. Council members present were Miller, McMullen, Doane, Garretson, Johnson and Fleming. Also present was City Attorney Andrews and Clerk-Treasure Hancock. Mayor Reiman presented Keys to the City in recognition of five years of service to: Randy Powell from the Engineers Officei William Kehl, Ernie Maroon, Dale Riley and Roger Stilts from the Fire Dept.Luckie Carey and Michael Pratt of the Police Dept.; Don Mahaney and David Valentine of the Street Dept; Jack Spears and Harvey Kirby of the Utility Dept. Special awards of recognition were presented to Dick Whittaker of the Utility Dept. and Michael Callahan of the Fire Dept. for more than 20 years of service to the City. Miss Doane made a motion to approve the minutes of January 13, 1986. Motion seconded by Mr. Fleming and passed unanimously. Old Business Ordinance Z-210 - Proposed Rezone, Meridian-465 Associates, LTD, Indiana Limited Partnership Mayor Reiman stated two Council members had requested a report from the City Attorney regarding contract zoning. M . Steve Andrews, City Attorney, gave a report on the question of contract zoning. Mayor Reiman stated Mr. Garretson had requested the City Engineer review the traffic study and report to the Council Mayor Reiman distributed a letter from City Engineer to the Council members. (Copy attached) Mr. Garretson spoke to the proposed rezone expressing his concern for the traffic problems this rezone may create. Mr. Garretson also stated he had a concern about the phrase "highest and best" use of the property. Mr. Garretson suggested perhaps the word "appropriate" use of land would be more fitting. Mr. Garretson pointed out that if this rezone were approved, the Council stood the risk of creating a hardship on other property owners in the area. (amended at 2/17/86 meeting - see bottom of page 2) Mrs. Sue McMullen addressed some statements that had been in the papers feeling these were unfair and misconceptions. Ms. McMullen quoted the purpose of the overlay zone from the ordinance which states, "It is the purpose of the United States Highway 31 Overlay Zone, as presented in this Section ~3.01 ("U.S.31 Overlay Zone") to promote and protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare by providing for consistent and Mrs. McMullen stated she felt this was a parcel of land which stood alone due to the noise and light generated from the interstate and felt the proposed rezone was appropriate. Mr. Johnson had several questions of the petitioner. Mr. Johnson asked what the developer had in mind for the area requested to be rezoned B-6. Mr. Rembusch of Meridian-465 Associates stated the intended use for the B-6 is a hotel, restaurants and retail. Mr. Johnson asked the proposed use for the B-3 zoning. Mr. Rembusch stated the B-3 zoning was a special use zone and each proposed building would be subject to BZA approval. Mr. Johnson also questioned the traffic study and Mr. Jim Klausmeier discussed the traffic study. Mr. Johnson also asked if the petitioners were going to be the developers. Mr. Rembusch stated they were. Mr. Miller stated the Council members had all given this matter much thought and were truly concerned with the growth of Carmel. Mr. Miller stated he hoped the decision here made was the right one. Miss Doane stated she was born and raised in Carmel and had seen the growth. She stated she felt this was a good project and good for the growth of Carmel. Mr. Fleming stated the traffic was always going to be a problem. If we wanted to halt traffic increases, we would have to stop issuing building permits altogether. Vote was taken on Ordinance Z-210 with Miller, McMullen, Doane, Fleming and Johnson voting aye and Garretson voting nay. Ordinance Z-210 passed 5-1. Recess from 8:35 to 8:45 P.M. Request for 3-Way Stop at 1st Street SW and 3rd Ave. SW - This item was tabled until the next meeting at the request of the residents requesting the stop. Public Hearing - Ordinance D-471 - Additional Appropriation - GO Bond - Mayor Reiman opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response from the public, the public hearing was closed. Vote was taken on Ordinance D-471 which passed unanimously. New Business Council EDC Appointment - Mrs McMullen made a motion to reappoint Vaughn Story to the Carmel-Clay EDC. Motion seconded by Mr. Garretson and passed unanimously. Appropriation for Improvement to 96th Street East to Lakeshore Drive - Mayor Reiman stated the bids had been let from the State Highway on the 96th Street project and the City share will be an expected total of 241,241.89. Mr. Garretson made a motion to direct the Clerk-Treasurer to advertise for an additional appropriation of $245,000.00. Motion second by Mrs. McMullen and passed. Other Business The Council decided to cancel the meeting on February 3 and hold only the February 17 meeting next month . There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was duly adjourned at 9:15 P.M. APPROVED: ATTEST: See original minutes for attachments