HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPW-01-24-86MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS MEETING JANUARY 24, 1986 The meeting of the Board of Public Works was called to order by Mayor Reiman at 5:15 P.M. on January 24, 1986, with Board members Fred Swift and Billy Walker present. Also present was City Attorney Andrews and Clerk-Treasurer Hancock. Mr. Swift made a motion to approve the minutes of December 30, 1985, January and January 8, 1986. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman and passed unanimously. Claims Mr. Swift made a motion to approve the handwritten claims dated January 1 thru 8, in the amount of $4,302,454.55. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman and passed unanimously. Mr. Walker made a motion to approve the computer generated claims pages 1 thru 50 in a total amount of $240,392.45 dated January 24, 1986. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman and passed unanimously. Old Business Location of Proposed Lift Station & Interceptor Sewer for East Zone Phase 3 - Mr. Dick Fisher, developer, appeared before the Board to request approval of a proposed lift station and interceptor sewer to service the northwest corner of Gray Road and Smokey Row Road. (map of proposed route and lift station attached). Mr. Tom Welch, City Engineer stated that he had previewed the proposed route and it was in accord with the master plan and recommended the Board approve the route. Mr. Swift made a motion to approve the pro posed route and location of the lift station based on the recommendation of the City Engineer. Motion seconded by Mr. Walker and passed unanimously. New Business Street Light Request - Driftwood Drive and Cottonwood Court - The Board was in receipt of a request from the homeowners for streetlights on Driftwood Drive and Cottonwood Court in Cool Creek North. A letter from Public Service was in receipt and recommended the placement of six lights. Following discussion, Mayor Reiman recommended the Board consider two lights numbered one and four on the attached map located at the intersection of Carey Road and Driftwood Drive and the intersection of Carey Road and Cottonwood Court. Street Light Request - Foster Grove - The Board was in receipt of a request from homeowners in Foster Grove for streetlights and a letter from Public Service recommending thirty-six lights. Following discussion, Mayor Reiman recommended the Board consider three lights numbered one, fourteen and twenty-seven on the 01/24/86 Page 2 attached map located at the intersection of Main Street and Brookshire Parkway, the intersection of Main Street and Hazelwood Drive and the intersection of Gray Road and Briarwood Trace. Both recommendations on street lights were subject to adequate funding. Request for Two Marathon Races - Mr. Steve Turste appeared before the Board to request approval for two marathons, the Groundhog Seven on February 2 and the Sam Castor Half Marathon on March 15. Following discussion, Mr. Walker made a motion to approve the mara- thon February 2 if proper liability insurance acceptable to the City Attorney was sub mitted prior to the event. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. Mr. Walker made a motion to approve the marathon to be held on March 15 with the proper liability insurance a determined by the City Attorney were provided. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed 2-0-1, Mayor Reiman abstaining. Carmel Science & Technology Park - Mr. Carter Jackson and Mr. Chris Wright appeared before the Board requesting water service and temporary sewer availability. Discussion ensued wherein the Board decided to table the issue of water service until it could be determined if the City of Carmel would have sufficient water capacity to service the area or if the water service should be acquired from Indianapolis Water Company. Mayor Reiman stated the Carmel Science & Technology Park was in the Clay Regional Waste District but under agreement with Clay, the City could provide temporary sewer service. Following discussion, Mr. Swift made a motion to grant temporary sewer availability to the Carmel Science & Technology Park with a hook-on at 126th Street and Pennsylvania. Motion seconded by Mr. Walker and passed unanimously. Mr. Walker made a motion to accept the proposed right-of-way plans and landscape detail within the Park. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. Award of Bids on Sidewalk & Well - The Board was in receipt of recommendation from HNTB to accept the low bid of D.R. Childs for the sidewalks at a price of $69,837. The total cost would amount to approximately $84,500 or $90,000 with sodding. The Council has appropriated $75,000. Mayor Reiman made a motion to table this award of the sidewalk bid. Motion seconded by Mr. Walker and passed unanimously. The Board was in receipt of a recommendation from HNTB to accept the low bid of Maddox Industrial Contractor for well installation at a bid price of $116,750. The low bid was more than $30,000 over the engineers estimate. Mr. Swift made a motion to reject all bids and readvertise with alternate specifications and expanded time frame. Motion seconded by Mr. Walker and passed unanimously. 01/24/86 Page 3 Performance Bond Releases - The Board was in receipt of recommendations from City Engineer, Tom Welch, to release Performance bonds for blacktop and sidewalks in Cook Creek North. Sec. 13 and for monuments and markers in Stonehedge, Section 4. Mr. Walker made a motion to approve Resolution 1-24-86-1, release of performance bond for blacktop & sidewalks in Cool Creek North, Sec. 14; Resolution 1-24-86-2, release of performance bond for signs in Cool Creek North, Sec. 13 and Resolution 1-24-86-3 release of performance bonds for monuments & markers in Stonehedge, Sec. 4. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. Sewer & Water Availability and Commercial Curb Cuts - Frieburger, Gradle Park - City Engineer Tom Welch presented the proposed curb cuts (2) to be located on Gradle Drive per plans by John Oberlies, Consulting Engineers dated Dec. 20, 1985 and recommended approval of same. After the Board inspected the plans, Mr. Swift made a motion to table action on the two commercial curb cuts until further inspection could be made. Motion seconded by Mr. Walker and passed unanimously. The Board was in receipt of a recommendation from City Engineer, Tom Welch, to approve water and sewer availability in an amount of 3.23 EDUs each not to exceed a daily flow of 969 gallons for Building A and .95 EDUs each not to exceed a daily flow of 285 gallons for Building B at the Frieburger Office/Warehouse on Gradle Drive. Mr. Walker made a motion t approve 3.23 EDUs not to exceed a daily flow of 969 gallons each for water and sewer avail abili ty for Building A and .95 EDUs not to exceed a daily flow of 285 gallons for Building B at the Frieburger Office/Warehouse on Gradle Drive. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and pa unanimously. Sewer & Water Availability - Burger King Additional Seating - The Board was in receipt of a letter from City Engineer, Tom Welch, to approve 1.8 EDUs not to exceed a daily flow of 540 gallons of both water and sewer availability for additional seating in an atrium at Burger King. Mr. Walker made a motion to approve water and sewer availability at Burger King in an amount for each of 1.8 EDUs not to exceed a daily flow of 540 gallons. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. Utility Easement - St. Marks United Methodist Church - The Board was in receipt of a Utility Easement from St. Mark's United Methodist Church to the City of Carmel that was required by the Technical Advisory committee. Mr. Welch, City Engineer, stated the legal description had been verified. Mayor Reiman made a motion to accept the utility easement from St. Mark's United Methodist Church. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. The Board recessed from 7:54 to 7:57 P.M. 01/24/86 Page 4 Recommendation for approval of Funds for 96th Street Project - City Engineer Welch present the figures on the City's portion of the costs for the 96th Street Improvements, Contract R-15535, in an amount of $241,241.89. Mr. Walker made a motion that the Board recommend the City Council appropriate the needed funds for the 96th Street Improvement, Contract R-1553. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman and passed unanimously. Request for Promotion of Probationary Fireman - The Board was in receipt of a request from Chief Couts to promote Michael T. Lux from probationary status to regular fireman. Mr. Walker made a motion to promote Michael T. Lux from probationary to regular firefighter status retroactive to January 22, 1986. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman and passed unanimously. Resolution & Request for Clerk-Treasurer to Advertise for Carmel Civic Square - The City Attorney presented to the Board the Petition of the taxpayers requesting a Master Fire Station, Parking Area, Civic Square, and Amphitheatre to be leased by the City through its Board of Public Works and Safety. The petitions were reviewed, found to be in order and filed for further reference by the Board. The form of the Lease for the proposed Master Fire Station, Parking Area, Civic Square and Amphitheatre was presented to the Board and was considered and approved as to its content. The plans, specifications, and drawings for the proposed Master Fire Station, Parking Area Civic Square and Amphitheatre was reviewed and studied by the Board. Mr. Swift made a motion to adopt Resolution 1-24-86-4 authorizing publication of Notice of Public Hearing on the proposed Lease; said hearing to be held February 10, 1986 at 5:15 P.M. in the Carmel Meet Hall, 15 First Avenue, N.E., Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Motion seconded by Mr. Walker and passed unanimously. The Board agreed to cancel the February 5th meeting and meet on the advertised date of February 10, 1986. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was duly adjourned at 7:10 P.M. APPROVED: JANE A REIMAN, MAYOR ATTEST: DOROTHY J HANCOCK, CLERK-TREASURER