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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPW-04-15-87MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS April 15, 1987 The meeting of the Board of Public Works of the City of Carmel was called to order by Mayor Reiman at 5:15 P.M. on April 15, 1987 with Board member Fred Swift present. Also present were City Attorney Andrews and Clerk- Treasurer Hancock. Mr. Swift made a motion to-approve the minutes of April 1, 1987. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman and passed unanimously. CLAIMS Mr. Swift made a motion to approve computer printed claims dated April 15,1987 on pages I through 22 in a total amount of $1,636,595.56. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman &nd passed unanimously. Mr. Swift made a motion to approve the claim of Clay Township Regional Waste District in the amount of $16,339.00. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman and passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Sewer & Water Availability - Carmel Goodyear Service Center - The Board was in receipt of a letter from City Engineer Welch recommending the approval of water and sewer availability for the Carmel Goodyear Service Center located at 800 South Rangeline Road. Mayor Reiman made a motion to approve water and sewer availability in the amount of 5.79 EDUs not to exceed a daily flow of 1737 gallons each for the Carmel Goodyear Center, 800 South Rangeline Road. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. Water Availability - Indiana Seal - Mr. Doug Floyd, attorney for Indiana Seal appeared before the Board to request water availability. The Board was in receipt- of a letter from City En8ineer Welch recommending approval of water availability and recommending annexation of that portion of the property which is outside the city limits. Mr. Floyd indicated that his client was agreeable to the annexation of that part of the parcel which is outside the city limits and granting of an easement for the water line looping to extend south to 116th Street. Mr. Swift made a motion to grant water availability to in the amount of 9.85 EDUs not to exceed a daily flow of 2955 gallons to Indiana Seal manufacturing building with the understanding that the area outside the city limits be annexed and Indiana Seal will grant an easement for water line looping south to 116th Street. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman and passed uanimously. Sewer & Water Availability - Cochran Agencies - 1118 S. Rangeline Rd. - The Board was in reciept of a letter from City Engineer Welch recommending approval of water and sewer availability for the addition to Cochran Agencies, 1118 South Rangeline Road. Mayor Reiman made a motion to approve sewer and water availabi lity in the amount of 2.47 EDUs not to exceed an average daily flow of 741 04/15/87 Page 2 gallons each for the addition to Cochran Agencies, 1118 S. Rangeline Road. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. Off-Site Water Line Reimbursement - Smokey Ridge - The Board was in receipt of a letter from City Engineer Welch recommending the payment of reimbursement expenses for off-site water lines pursuant to an agreement between the City of Carmel and Smokey Hollow Associates. Mr. Welch recommended an additional amount of $2,882.00 to the original reimburse ment agreement due to additional work which was necessary. Mr. Swift made a motion to reimburse Smokey Hollow Associates a total amount of $19,038.00- Motion second,ed by Mayor Reiman and passed unanimously. Performance Bond Releases Carolina Commons, Sec 2. City Engineer Welch recommended to the Board that the performance bond for curbs in Carolina Commons Section 2 be released. Mayor Reiman made a motion to release the performance bonds for curbs in Carolina Commons, Sec. 2. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. Foster Grove Sec. 5 - storm sewers - City Engineer Welch recommended to the board that the performance bond for strom sewers in Foster Grove, Sec. 5 be released. Mr. Swift made a motion to release the performance bond on storm sewers in Foster Grove, Sec. 5. Woodcreek Sec. 5, storm & sanitary sewers, streets,curbs, monuments &markers, street signs - City Engineer Welch recommended to the Board that the performance bond for storm & sanitary sewers, streets, curbs, monuments & markers and-street signs be released. Mr. Swift made a motion to release the performance bond for storm & sanitary sewers, streets, curbs, monuments & markers and street signs in Woodcreek Sec. 3. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman and passed unanimously. Street Lighting Agreement - City of Carmel & Woodacre West Property Assn. - The Board was in receipt of an agreement between the City of Carmel and the Woodacre West Property Owners Assn. to install a streetlight at the intersection of Rogers Road and Main Street wherein the Association would pay for the utility cost of the streetlight. Following discussion, Mayor Reiman made a motion to table this item. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. Carmel Civic Square - HNTB Cohtract Amendment - The Board was in receipt of a request from HNTB for amendment of the ori~inal,contract on the Carmel Civic Square - Phase I. Following discussion, Mayor Reiman made a motion to amend the lump sum contract with HNTB for an additional $9000.00 to cover services through completion of the project. Motion seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. Change Order - Wastewater Quality Control Project - Mr. Silvey of Commonwealth Engineers appeared before the Board with a change order on the wastewater treatment plant improvements to,provide and install a 20" elbow on effluent from aeration tank and deepen line to aeration effluent line to avoid conflict with existing force main at an additional cost of $3500. Mr. Swift made a motion to approve change order 2 on Job No. 8648, wastewater treatment plant improvements in the amount of $3500.00. Motion seconded by Mayor Reiman and passed unanimously. There being no further business to come before the meeting the same was duly adjourned at 6:15 P.M.