HomeMy WebLinkAboutO&M Manual 10-22-2021JACKSON’S GRANT SECTION 8 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL BMP TYPE: NATIVE DRY DETENTION --SUMP CATCH BASINS BMP OWNER: Jackson’s Grant Real Estate Co., LLC 13578 East 131st Street, Suite 200 Fishers, Indiana 46037 Contact Person: Doug Wagner Phone: (317) 770-1819 Email: dwagner@republicdev.com PREPARED BY: Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038 Contact Person: Brian M Brown Phone: (317) 570-4704 Email: bbrown@stoeppelwerth.com DATE PREPARED: November 30, 2021 “I affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each social security number in this document, unless required by law.” ______________________________ Brian M Brown Cross-Reference is hereby made to the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions of JACKSON’S GRANT, recorded as Instrument Number 2015064862. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL JACKSON’S GRANT, SECTION 8 JOB #60160 TABLE OF CONTENTS OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL – by Williams Creek Consulting Native Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale Native Dry Detention Sump Catch Basin Outlet Control Structure PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND STORM WATER QUALITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE REFERENCES APPENDIX A BMP LOCATION MAP DETAIL DRAWINGS APPENDIX B OWNER ACKNOWLEDGMENT AGREEMENT 11/30/2021 2 of 27 Prepared for: Republic Development, LLC The Jackson’s Grant - Carmel, Indiana Operations and Maintenance Manual Prepared by: Williams Creek Consulting Inc. 619 N. Pennsylvania Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 1.877.688.8848 info@williamscreek.net September 2021 11/30/2021 3 of 27 POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I C Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA 1 Introduction Preface Purpose Owner Contact Information Owner Acknowledgement Agreement BMP Summary Table 4 Native Dry Detention with Infiltration Trench BMPs Introduction Native Dry Detention with Infiltration Trench BMPs Monthly Inspections Maintenance Mowing Plan Fertilizer Spill Response Plan Maintenance Checklist 10 Native Dry Detention with Low Flow Vegetated Swale BMPs Introduction Native Dry Detention with Low Flow Vegetated Swale BMPs Monthly Inspections Maintenance Summary Mowing Plan Fertilizer Spill Response Plan Maintenance Checklist 17 Native Dry Detention Introduction Native Dry Detention BMPs Monthly Inspections Maintenance Mowing Plan Fertilizer Spill Response Plan Maintenance Checklist 23 Permeable Paver BMPs Introduction Monthly Inspections Spill Response Plan Maintenance Checklist Table of Contents 11/30/2021 4 of 27 POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 1 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Preface This Operations and Maintenance Manual (O&M) has been prepared based on guidelines published in the CITY OF CARMEL STORMWATER TECHNICAL STANDARDS MANUAL for Republic Development, LLC (OWNER). Stormwater Management Guidelines Jackson’s Grant is a 266 acre +/- development located in the Williams creek watershed. The main purpose of the stormwater management BMPs is for water quantity and quality control by reducing peak runoff and pollutant loading that would discharge to Williams Creek from the increased impervious nature of residential development. Per the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, runoff from development must be routed through two separate BMPs prior to discharge. This project utilizes numerous small, distributed stormwater BMPs to achieve the required TSS removal. These BMPs include native dry detention basins with combinations of low flow swales, infiltration trenches, and constructed wetlands. In general, stormwater runoff is directed into depressed areas with wet tolerant native plantings, allowed to percolate, and then discharged. The invert of all BMPs has been depressed to promote infiltration, temperature control, pollutant load reduction, and suspended solids settlement. Purpose This Operation and Maintenance manual defines requirements for operating, inspecting and maintaining Jackson’s Grant including all Best Management Practices (BMPs) constructed as part of the sustainable sites engineering plans prepared by Williams Creek Consulting (ENGINEER) on behalf of the OWNER. The proposed BMPs intend to provide natural and sustainable water quality improvement. The OWNER will be responsible for all maintenance and costs associated with routine inspections and maintenance of the integrated stormwater management system BMPs. Brief descriptions of what each BMP is intended to accomplish and the physical processes which govern its behavior are included within the following manual. Inspection and maintenance guidelines specified in this manual should be implemented in order to ensure that BMPs achieve their full performance capabilities. Introduction 11/30/2021 5 of 27 2 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Contact Information for OWNER: Republic Development, LLC 13578 East 131st Street, Suite 200 Fishers, Indiana 46037 Office: 317.770.1818 The OWNER is responsible for all maintenance activities and costs associated with said activities within the BMPs. The OWNER hereby grants right of access to the City of Carmel to inspect and maintain the BMPs as necessary. 11/30/2021 6 of 27 BMP BMP Type Calculation Type Length Req'd (ft)Length Provided (ft)Volume Req'd (cf)Volume Provided (cf)1A Native Dry Detention Volume 3467 8101BNative Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 874 95701CNative Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 2356 53361DNative Dry Detention Volume 5505 69701ENative Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow-Through 14 2502ANative Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow-Through 286 3002BNative Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow-Through 5 1752CNative Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow-Through 106 1204ANative Dry Detention Volume 4037 180994BNative Dry Detention Volume 72 120664CNative Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 14541 674094DNative Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 86 184615Permeable Paver Infiltration Basin Volume 6393 55676ANative Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 5342 303836BNative Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 9854 370266CNative Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 3456 89307Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 12232 632068Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 5588 74059ANative Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 7458 410349BNative Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 7597 1171810ANative Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 20533 38333 10C Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 4344 31581 11A Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 5915 20691 11B Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 8151 23958 12A Native Dry Detention Volume 3484 2818 12B Native Dry Detention Volume 1683 4160 12C Native Dry Detention Volume 3777 5380 12C Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Flow-Through 280 387 13A Native Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow-Through 206 190 13B Native Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow-Through 4 140 13D Native Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow-Through 4 250 14B Native Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow-Through 4 250 14C Native Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow-Through 167 380 15A Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 11292 9866 15B Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 1659 3071 15C Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 6546 19711 16 Native Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale (Constructed Wetland)Flow-Through 434 550 17A Native Dry Detention Volume 5279 4574 17B Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 7538 6578 18A Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 8479 10934 18B Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 3810 23152 20A Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 10362 30949 20B Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 2609 13373 21A Native Dry Detention Volume 3881 20473 21B Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 4333 9322 22A Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 3551 27138 22B Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 3394 35393 24 Native Dry Detention Volume 11563 103673 25 Native Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale (Constructed Wetland)Flow-Through 192 490 26A Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 17246 50704 26B Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 5949 36416 27 Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 41025 76448 29A Native Dry Detention Volume 2649 8756 30 Native Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow-Through 231 235 33A Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 1165 29272 33B Native Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow-Through 3 100 33C Native Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow-Through 4 100 34 Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 13106 30971 35 Native Dry Detention w/ Infiltration Trench Volume 5888 15115 37 Native Dry Detention w/ Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow-Through 178 200 BMP SUMMARY TABLE 11/30/2021 7 of 27 POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 17 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Native Dry Detention BMPs (BMPs 1A, 1D, 4A, 4B, 12E, 17A, 21A, 24, 29A) 11/30/2021 8 of 27 18 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Introduction This document defines responsibilities for operating, inspecting and maintaining the Native Dry Detention Basin Best Management Practices (BMPs) within Jackson’s Grant within Carmel, Indiana. An annual report will need to be submitted to the City of Carmel Engineering Department, Attn: Storm Water Administrator, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032. Native Dry Detention BMP City of Carmel as well as Hamilton County personnel will have the right to enter the premises to perform compliance inspections of all permanent BMPs. However, routine monthly and annual inspection of the native/infiltration basin BMP is the responsibility of the owner. Additional inspections (using the monthly checklist) are required within 48 hours of the end of any significant rainfall event (2 inches or more within 24 hours). Sample monthly inspection logs are included within this manual. Monthly Inspections The following areas should be inspected on a monthly basis: Vegetation • Some species of plants are considered invasive and should be eradicated within one month of discovery. Invasive species include reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), common reed (Phragmites australis), and narrowleaf cattail (Typha angustifolia.). The Appendix contains photos of these four common invasive species. • If invasive volunteer trees appear, they should be documented for removal. • Landscaped area of the banks that are eroded or have exposed bare earth shall be restored to proper grade, stabilized and re-seeded with the appropriate native seed mixtures. Floating Pollutants • Remove all floatable debris. • Note visible pollution such as oily sheens, discoloration, and cloudy or muddy water • Remove shoreline pollution such as trash or oily liquids • Miscellaneous debris Erosion • Inspect inlet, outlet, headwall and endwall areas for erosion and undercutting. If erosion is occurring, then additional scour protection measures will need to be employed. • Areas of severe erosion or other conditions that may constitute a public hazard should be corrected as soon as possible and prior to the next monthly inspection. Outlet • All pond outlets shall be inspected and checked for debris and obstructions that disrupt the flow within the storm water management system. If any pipes are obstructed, they must be cleared. Embankments • Animal burrows – Burrowing mammals should be controlled or eradicated when present in densities that endanger the integrity of the embankment. Damage caused by their burrowing must be repaired as soon as possible. Any burrowing mammal control effort will need to be carefully planned and executed to avoid negative impacts on adjacent habitats and wildlife. Such measures will be confined to the embankment. Mammals that may be of concern are beavers (Castor canadensis), and muskrat (Ondatra zibethica). 11/30/2021 9 of 27 POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 19 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA• Slope protection failure – Inspect the slopes of the BMP for any sliding or scour protection displacement. Please note location and describe the failure. Maintenance Maintenance responsibilities shall remain in effect for the life of the BMP from the date the construction is completed. Data sheets are included to evaluate each area of concern. Vegetation Although the BMP is expected to develop into a system that will eventually require little or no vegetation maintenance, some vegetation maintenance will be required in the first 2 years following construction in order to give the new vegetation communities a chance to become well established. Precautionary measures must be taken to prevent invasive species from establishing. These species should be either physically removed or treated with herbicide by qualified plant maintenance professional. Physical removal is strongly preferred above the application of herbicide. If herbicide is used, it must be applied by State Chemists Office approved applicators and any application must be approved by the City of Carmel Utility Department prior to application. Replant or reseed vegetation when damaged, vandalized or removed in compliance to original planting specifications. Mowing Plan If turf grass surrounds BMP, once established, turf grass height shall be maintained at a minimum height of four (4) inches to control weeds. Not more than ½ of the grass leaf shall be removed by the initial cutting or subsequent cutting. Do not mow any live native herbaceous plant area. Fertilizer No fertilizer is to be used unless soil testing has found specific deficiencies in nutrients. Herbicide and Pesticide Guidance Throughout the first year, treat any weeds, non-native or invasive species with glyphosate herbicide approved for use around water (Rodeo) by spot-spraying or other means that minimize incidental herbicide drift. Herbicide application should be conducted on, windless days so that the chemical does not spread or volatize. Re-seed and/or replant any die-back resulting from incidental treatment with herbicide. Pre-emergent herbicides to be used on upland areas adjacent to stormwater management BMPs and other native landscape areas without native seed, or at least one year following seed installation, consist of prodiamine herbicides such as Barricade. Pre-emergent herbicides shall not be applied to plantings located in standing water. All herbicides must be applied by State Chemists Office approved applicators and any application must be approved by the City of Carmel Utility Department prior to application. Spill Response Plan The proposed land use will consist of single family residential houses. The pollutants and sources of each pollutant normally expected from these types of land uses are listed below: • Pollutant Source: Passenger vehicles, delivery vehicles, and trucks o Type of Pollutant: Oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, any hydrocarbon associated with vehicular fuels and lubricants, grease, antifreeze, windshield cleaner solution, brake fluid, brake dust, rubber, glass, metal and plastic fragments, grit, road de-icing materials • Pollutant Source: Residence 11/30/2021 10 of 27 20 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA o Type of Pollutant: Cleaning solutions or solvents, leaks from HVAC equipment, grit from roof drainage, aggregate or rubber fragments from roofing system • Pollutant Source: Roadway o Type of Pollutant: Any pollutant associated with vehicular sources, grit from asphalt wearing surface, bituminous compounds from periodic maintenance (sealing, resurfacing and patching), pavement de-icing materials, wind-blown litter from off-site sources, and elevated water temperatures from contact with impervious surfaces • Pollutant Source: Lawn and landscape areas o Type of Pollutant: Fertilizers, herbicides, organic material (leaves, mulch, grass clippings) and pesticides. 571-2442), City of Carmel Engineering (317-571-2441), and the IDEM Spill Hotline (317-233-7745). F.10 Responsible Parties The following owner information is responsible for funding and maintenance of the BMP’s listed in the manual: Owners Name: Republic Development, LLC. Owners Address: 13578 East 131st Street, Suite 200 Fishers, Indiana 46037 11/30/2021 11 of 27 POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 21 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Permeable Paver BMPs Inspection Checklist Site Name BMP – ID “As Built” Plans Available? Inspection Date Inspection Time Days Since Previous Rainfall Depth of Previous Rainfall Inspector Inspector Signature Maintenance Item Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory Notes Permeable Pavement Surface Sediment Debris (leaves, mulch, trash, etc.) Ponding of water Other:______________________________ Structural Integrity Other:______________________________ Adjacent Area Erosion from underdrain Exposed soil in discharge area or adjacent to porous pavement area Sediment accumulation Other:______________________________ Overflow Devices Debris (leaves, mulch, trash, etc.) Other:______________________________ Actions to be taken: To be Completed by (Date): Native Dry Detention BMP Checklist 11/30/2021 12 of 27 SUMP CATCH BASINS JACKSON’S GRANT, SECTION 8 PURPOSE & BACKGROUND A BMP for Jackson’s Grant, Section 8, is a sump catch basin located at a specified structure prior to, or at the outlet of, the BMP Basins. The sump catch basins are storm structures constructed with a sump which serves as a sediment storage basin that can be accessed and cleaned out when necessary. The structure for Jackson’s Grant, Section 7, is located at structure #677 and the details for this structure are provided in this manual, as well as in the construction documents and the BMP Location Map. INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES The performance of a sump catch basin is highly dependant on the inspection and maintenance of the structure. If the structure is not properly maintained, the ability to remove pollutants will decrease. The BMP owner will need to provide the maintenance for the sediment removal. The BMP owner agrees to the following monthly inspection program: 1. Remove manhole lid or open pavement grate to expose inside of box structure. 2. Lower a dip stick equipped with a ball valve (Sludge Judge or similar device) into opened box structure. 3. Measure the depth of sedimentation. The level of sedimentation shall not exceed 12 inches before maintenance. 4. In the event that maintenance is required, call a local vactor company to remove sediments and other debris with a vacuum truck. Dispose of all waste in accordance with the City of Westfield and any applicable state, and/or federal requirements. Along with these monthly inspection reports, the BMP owner agrees to the submittal of annual inspection reports to the City of Carmel Engineering due one year after construction is completed, with subsequent reports due each year within the same month of the initial report. EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - (317) 776-8495 Carmel Fire Department - (317) 571-2600 Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) - (317) 356-2411 REFERENCES 1. Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual - October 2007 2. Hamilton County Stormwater Technical Standards Manual - January 2006 3. City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual – July 2006 11/30/2021 13 of 27 DATESTRUCTURE NO. STRUCTURE CONDITION (poor, fair, good) SEDIMENTATION LEVEL (in.)(total # structures = __) SUMP CATCH BASIN BMP INSPECTION CHECKLIST 11/30/2021 14 of 27 POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 29 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Typha angustifolia Narrowleaf Cattail Lythrum salicaria Purple Loosestrife Phalaris arundinacea Reed Canary Grass Phragmites australis Common Reed Below are photos of invasive species and a species list that are commonly be found within the vegetat- ed areas: 11/30/2021 15 of 27 30 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Cirsium arvense Canada Thistle Alliaria petiolata Garlic Mustard Below is a list of invasive species that may be found within the vegetated areas: • Asian Bush Honeysuckle • Autumn Olive • Black Locust • Buckthron • Chinese Silvergrass • Common Reed • Creeping Charlie • Creeping Jenny • Crown Vetch • Dame’s Rocket • Japanese Hedge Parsley • Japanese Honeysuckle • Japanese Knotweed • Multiflora Rose • Norway Maple • Periwinkle • Privet • Purple Lossestrife • Purple Winter Creeper • Reed Canary Grass • Russian Olive • Siberian Elm • Smooth Brome • Star-of-Bethlehem • Sweet Clover • Tall Fescue • Tree-of-Heaven • White Mulberry • Winged Burning Bush The link below is an exhaustive list of Indiana’s Invasive Plants: http://extension.entm.purdue.edu/CAPS/ 11/30/2021 16 of 27 APPENDIX A 11/30/2021 17 of 27 334335336337338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 30' B-B EXMOOR DRIVE MEN D E N H ALL D RI V E E XM O O R D R I V E EXMOOR DRIVEEXMOOR DRIVE30' B-B3 0 ' B - B 30' B-B15' D&U.E15' D&U.E20 ' D . U . & S . S . E . 20 ' D . U . & S . S . E . 10 ' D . U . & S . S . E . 10 ' D . U . & S . S . E . 10' D&U.E.10' D&U.E.10' D&U.E.10' D&U.E.10' D&U.E.10' D & U . E .10' D&U.E.10' D&U.E.C.O. III C.O. III C.O. III C.O. III C.O. III C.O. III C.O. III C.O. III VAR. D.U.&S.S.E.VAR. D.U.&S.S.E. VAR. D.U. &S.S.E. VAR. B.M.P.E. & R.D.E. & U.E. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY AND CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY STUB CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE EXISTING STRUCTURE JG607 CASTING WITH A WATERTIGHT CASTING. (SEE DETAIL SHEET C800) (PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)VAR. BUFFER&L.B.&R.D.E.34 L.F. 24" R.C.P. @ 0.49%62 L.F. 24" R.C.P. @ 0.30% 70 L . F . 1 5 " R . C . 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P . @ 1 . 3 7 % 42 L.F. 6" HDPE @ 2.38% 41 L.F. 6" HDPE @ 1.00% 42 L.F. 6" HDPE @ 1.67% 58 L.F. 6" HDPE @ 3.00% 68 L.F. 18" R.C.P. @ 0.39%C.A .#8 -2 108 ,2 67 sq . f t .VAR.B.M .P .E .& R .D .E . & U .E . C.A.#8-2 108,267 sq. ft. VAR.B.M.P.E.& R.D.E. & U.E.10' D.U.& E.C.O. C.O. C.O. C.O. C.O. C.O.15' T.P.E.15' T.P.E.15' T.P.E.50' D.U. & S.S.E. & I.E.E. & P. A.E.50' D.U. & S.S.E.& I.E.E. & P.A.E.50 ' D . U . & S . S . E . & I . E . E . & P . A . E . 50' D.U. & S.S.E. & I.E.E. & P.A.E. C.O. C.O. C.O. C.O. C.A.#38 C.A. #26 199 200 201 218 310311 312 313 840.10840.56847.49P.W.P.847.48847.18847.44844.62841.46839.42840.91839.62840.53840.73840.83840.77840.62840.62841.06841.10841.26840.61840.87840.96841.09841.28841.51841.62EX. 8' P A T H EX. 8' P A T H 845 845 8 5 0 8558 6 0 846 84 6 847 847 84 8 84985 1 8 5 2 8 5 3 85 4 85 6 8 5 7 8 5 8 8 5 9 860 859 861 862 842842 843 843 8408398418428408408 3 8 838 839 83 984184284284 0 8 4 1 8 4 2 8 4 3 842843 844 863863864 8 5 1 8 5 2 8 5 3 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 1 8 4 2 8 4 3 8 4 4 844 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 7 8 4 7 840841 84 2 8 4 3 8448 4 0 839 8 4 1 842843 842 8 840 840838838839839 841841841840841 845841841842843844 840 841 845 842 843 844 846 84 7 840 837838 839 836837 838 8398 5 0 8558 4 6 8 4 7 8488498518528538548 4 5 8428438 4 4 845 84 2 8438 4 4 860 857 858 859 861 862 850 851 852853855854 856 857858859 845842842843844846 8458458458 4 6 84084 1 8 4 2 855 855855851852853854 854 854856856 84 5 84 3 844850 847 848 849851 852 853 846847848849 847840839 839 841 842842 843 840 8418458 4 4 846846847848849 8 5 0 SECTION #6SECTION #8 SECTION # 6 SECTION # 8 S E C T IO N # 8 S E C T IO N # 2 SEC TI O N # 8 SEC TI O N # 4 S T O E P P E L W E R T HA L W A Y S O N7965 East 106th Street, Fishers, IN 46038-2505phone: 317.849.5935 fax: 317.849.5942File Name: S:\60160\dwg\Basins\Basin Map Section 8 Revised 10-29-2020.dwg - BMP LOCATION MAPModified / By: December 6, 2021 1:17:47 PM / bbrownPlotted / By: December 6, 2021 1:19:18 PM / Brian Brown11/30/2021 18 of 27 11/30/2021 19 of 27 11/30/2021 20 of 27 CROSS SECTION 12C 11/30/2021 21 of 27 PROPOSEDGRADENOTE:CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFYPROPER METHOD OF ATTACHINGTO OUTLET STRUCTURE PRIOR TOFABRICATION & INSTALLATIONOUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE #A26.0"30.0"6.0"42.0"6.0"6.0"6.0"6.0"30.0"6.0"6.0"30.0"6.0" 42.0"42.0"TOP OF WALL: ELEV.=847.25 o o oN.P.=844.50R-4880 (TYPE C)OR EQUIVALENT12.0" R.C.P. 12.0" R.C.P.10.0" ORIFICEINV.=844.50INV.=838.50BASIN113.0" 72.0" 33.0"10.0" ORIFICEINV.=844.5011/30/2021 22 of 27 11/30/2021 23 of 27 11/30/2021 24 of 27 APPENDIX B 11/30/2021 25 of 27 BMP OWNER ACKNOWLEDGMENT JACKSON’S GRANT, SECTION 8 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AGREEMENT For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the undersigned owner (“Owner”) hereby submits this Operation and Maintenance Manual (“Manual”) to the City of Carmel, Indiana (“City”) as a written acknowledgement of Owner’s warranty and agreement to institute, maintain, and follow the water quality Best Management Practices (“BMPs”) listed below, and to follow and abide by the inspection schedule and maintenance activities listed in this Manual. The Owner also hereby agrees to provide, at Owner’s cost, all additional maintenance, repair, and/or replacement services reasonably necessary to maintain the function and longevity of the BMPs from and including the date this Agreement is executed by Owner to and including the date on which a new Agreement is filed with the City by another party who assumes all of the obligations and responsibilities of Owner as set forth herein. BMP LIST: Sump Catch Basins STR – B2 Native Dry Detention BMPs – 12C Jackson’s Grant Homeowner’s Association Inc. c/o Jackson’s Grant Real Estate Company, LLC Owner Signature Date Printed STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State personally appeared Douglas B. Wagner Owner/Agent subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 2021 . County of Residence Signature Commission Expiration Date Printed Name 11/30/2021 26 of 27 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK. 11/30/2021 27 of 27