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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAsherwood Drainage Report Asherwood Page 1 Kimley-Horn Project 170218000 Asherwood West of Ditch Road and south of 106th Street Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana Drainage Report Original: May 19, 2021 Revised: November 10, 2021 Revised: November 16, 2021 Revised: December 9, 2021 Prepared For: Gradison Design Build 6330 E 75th Street, Suite 156 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Prepared By: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Tristen Carrithers 250 East 96th Street, Suite 580 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Phone: (317) 912-4129 INSR ADDL SUBR LTR INSR WVD DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: FAXPHONE (A/C, No):(A/C, No, Ext): E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER A : INSURED INSURER B : INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXPTYPE OF INSURANCE LIMITS(MM/DD/YYYY)(MM/DD/YYYY) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # Y / N N / A (Mandatory in NH) ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? EACH OCCURRENCE $ DAMAGE TO RENTED $PREMISES (Ea occurrence)CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR MED EXP (Any one person)$ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ $ PRO- OTHER: LOCJECT COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $(Ea accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person)$ANY AUTO OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY (Per accident)$AUTOS ONLY AUTOS AUTOS ONLY HIRED PROPERTY DAMAGE $AUTOS ONLY (Per accident) $ OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ DED RETENTION $$ PER OTH- STATUTE ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes, describe under E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below POLICY NON-OWNED SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer any rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORDACORD 25 (2016/03) ACORDTM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE National Union Fire Ins. Co. Allied World Assurance Company (U.S.) New Hampshire Ins. Co. Lloyds of London 04/06/2021 Greyling Ins. Brokerage/EPIC 3780 Mansell Road, Suite 370 Alpharetta, GA 30022 Jerry Noyola 770-220-7699 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600 Raleigh, NC 27601 19445 19489 23841 085202 21-22 A X X X Contractual Liab X X GL5268169 04/01/2021 04/01/2022 1,000,000 500,000 25,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 A X X X CA4489663 04/01/2021 04/01/2022 2,000,000 B X X X X 10,000 03127930 04/01/2021 04/01/2022 5,000,000 5,000,000 C A N WC015893685 (AOS) WC015893686 (CA) 04/01/2021 04/01/2021 04/01/2022 04/01/2022 X 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 D Professional Liab B0146LDUSA2104949 04/01/2021 04/01/2022 Per Claim $2,000,000 Aggregate $2,000,000 Sample Certificate 1 of 1 #S2687939/M2652684 KIMLHORNClient#: 25320 JNOY1 Asherwood Page 2 Kimley-Horn Project 170218000 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0. PROJECT SUMMARY 2.0. INTRODUCTION 3.0. EXISTING CONDITIONS 4.0. PROPOSED CONDITIONS Appendix A: Project Site Maps Appendix B: Pre-Developed Conditions and Watershed Map Appendix C: Proposed ICPR Pond Calculations and Basin Map Appendix D: Proposed Pipe Sizing Calculations and Basin Map Appendix E: Inlet Capacity, Gutter Spread and Water Quality Calculations Appendix F: Coppergate Drainage Summary Asherwood Page 3 Kimley-Horn Project 170218000 1.0 Project Summary Project Name: Asherwood Location: West of Ditch Road and south of 106th Street Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana Report Type: Drainage Report Reviewing Agency: City of Carmel / Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office Basin Runoff Calculations: SCS Method – ICPR Modeling, Rational Method Stormwater Quality: Wet Detention Ponds Stormwater Quantity: Wet Detention Ponds Design Standards: City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards 2.0. Introduction Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. has been retained by Gradison Design Build to provide civil engineering services for the proposed single-family residential subdivision development of this property to be known as the “Asherwood” subdivision. The overall project site contains approximately 67 acres of land. This fully developed site will drain through storm sewers into two detention ponds that will detain the stormwater for this site to meet allowable release rates. The storm outlet for this site is at the northeastern corner of the site. The overall project will consist of road, utility infrastructure and mass grading construction for the development of this subdivision. Maximum impervious lot coverage shall be 35% on any one lot per City of Carmel Unified Development Ordinance for S1 District Development standards. 3.0. Existing Conditions FEMA According to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps 18057C0226G November 19, 2014, provided in Appendix A, no portion of this site resides within a Zone A Floodplain. Soil Characteristics Per the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey, the site soils and percentages are shown in Appendix A for the NRCS Web Soil Survey information. Existing Site Conditions This project site consists of a golf course with some woods and small ponds. The site mostly drains from west to northeast, with a portion of the southern side of the site draining south. Runoff from storm events currently drains to these small existing ponds before eventually being conveyed to an intermittent stream at a northeastern area of the site. 47.72 acres of this site that will be developed drains to the northeast, 10.63 acres drains to the southeast, and the remaining acreage drains offsite to the southwest. There is an additional 1.96 acre area which will remain undisturbed along the northeastern corner of the site. See Appendix B for a map of the existing conditions of the site. Asherwood Page 4 Kimley-Horn Project 170218000 4.0. Proposed Conditions The proposed site will drain via sheet and shallow concentrated flow to the inlets provided within the proposed sewer on site. The proposed development utilizes storm pipes to convey the runoff from the future lots to the proposed wet detention ponds located on the northeast side and centrally within the site. The proposed detention design for storm runoff has been designed in order to meet the intent of the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual and the Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office Allowable Release Rates. Refer to Appendix B for Proposed Conditions Drainage Map. The proposed wet detention ponds have been designed to detain the entire 67-acre developed project site. The proposed ponds will detain the onsite storm runoff with controlled outlet structures to meet required release rates. ICPR Storm Modeling was used to determine that the proposed release rates for the site will meet the allowable release rates defined by the Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office. The entire area surrounding this project site has been developed and storm water has been accounted for except for a 11.2 acre offsite area south of the project and a 4.78 acre area north of the project. The combined 15.98 acres of offsite is allowed to be bypassed through this site. There is also an additional 78.27 cfs from the Coppergate subdivision to the north which will be bypassed through a 36” pipe onsite which we have sized to be able to handle this flow. See Appendix C for the sizing calculations for this pipe, following the ICPR report. In this case, 2 and 10 year flow rates are both unavailable and irrelevant. The flow for the offsite acreage is noted in the chart below and is added to the standard allowable release rates. The table below indicates the proposed and existing runoff from the site as well as flow from the offsite area using the SCS Curve Number method. 2-YEAR 10-YEAR 100-YEAR PRE-DEVELOPED OUTLET 1 (ONSITE ONLY) 3.07 cfs 7.69 cfs 20.89 cfs PRE-DEVELOPED OUTLET 2 (ONSITE ONLY) 0 cfs 0.78 cfs 21.92 cfs OFFSITE BYPASS FLOW 15.89 cfs (No Coppergate Data) 28.56 cfs (No Coppergate Data) 137.52 cfs POST DEVELOPED OUTLET 1 (ONSITE ONLY) 2.04 cfs 3.91 cfs 14.18 cfs Allowable Onsite Discharge to Outlet 1 N/A 4.77 cfs (0.1 x 47.72 Ac) 14.32 cfs (0.3 x 47.72 Ac) Total Discharge to Outlet 1 (with Offsite) 2.22 cfs 5.92 cfs 183.37 cfs POST DEVELOPED OUTLET 2 (ONSITE ONLY) 0.37 cfs 0.69 cfs 1.44 cfs Allowable Onsite Discharge to Outlet 2 N/A 1.06 cfs (0.1 x 10.63 Ac) 3.19 cfs (0.3 x 10.63 Ac) Total Discharge to Outlet 2 (with Offsite) 0.37 cfs 0.69 cfs 1.44 cfs Asherwood Page 5 Kimley-Horn Project 170218000 Stormwater Quality Stormwater quality treatment will be provided with two proposed wet detention ponds in series. Other areas with storm sewers that are only collecting small areas of runoff will be designed with Snouts in the downstream curb inlet structures. Outlet control structures are proposed to slow initial rain events first flush and allow pollutants and sediment to settle out in the pond before leaving the site. The two ponds in series, both with outlet control structures along with the Snout BMP’s will provide excellent water quality treatment for this site. Asherwood Page 5 Kimley-Horn Project 170218000 Appendix A: Project Site Maps Asherwood Page 6 Kimley-Horn Project 170218000 Appendix B: PRE-DEVELOPED CONDITIONS AND WATERSHED MAP PROJECT: BY: DATE: Hydrologic Group % A 0.0% B 18.8% C 81.0% D 0.2% Total 100.0% Soil Group Weighted Runoff Coefficient C Actual Soil Group Next Less Impervious Soil Group Undeveloped Cultivated Land No Conservation Treatment 0.50 85 88 Fully Developed Residential 1 Acre Lots 0.35 77 83 (65% Impervious) Fully Developed Residential 1/4 Acre Lots 0.45 82 86 (38% Impervious) Fully Developed Residential Townhomes 0.50 90 93 (75% Impervious) Fully Developed Impervious Paved 0.95 98 98 Fully Developed Open Space Good Condition (>75% Cover)0.30 72 79 Water Pond or Lake -1.00 100 100 Weighted CN Weighted CN Residential - Townhomes Cultivated Land - No Conservation Treatment Residential - 1 Acre Lots Impervious - Paved Open Space - Good Condition (>75% Cover)Water - Pond or Lake Total Actual Soil Group Next Less Impervious Soil Group Ex Outlet 1 - ---7.25 -7.25 0.30 72 79 Ex Pond 1 - ---18.44 0.33 18.77 0.31 72 79 Ex Pond 2 - - - - 14.23 0.18 14.41 0.31 72 79 Ex Pond 3 - - - - 6.90 0.39 7.29 0.34 73 80 Ex Pond 4 - - - - 9.26 0.84 10.10 0.36 74 81 Ex Pond 5 - - - - 0.53 -0.53 0.30 72 79 Asherwood TMC 10-Nov-21 Site Soil Weighted C Cover Type Condition Basin Soil Group Weighted CN Area (ac) PROJECT:Asherwood BY:TMC DATE:10/14/2021 TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATION POST PROJECT WATERSHED CONDITIONS (ICPR) TR-55 Methodology SHEET FLOW SHALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOW OPEN CHANNEL / PIPE FLOW TOTAL Tc = (0.007(nL)^0.8)/(P2^0.5)(s^0.4)Tc = L / 60*V Tc = L / 60*V 2-year/24-hr Rainfall Depth (in.) =2.66 V = (1.49/n)*R^(2/3)*s^(1/2) Basin Length Condition Slope Manning's Tc1 Length Condition Vavg Tc2 Length Vavg Tc3 TcTOTAL * (ft) (ft/ft) "n" (min) (ft) TR-55 Fig. 3-1 (ft/s) (min) (ft) (ft/s) (min) (min) Ex Outlet 1 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 755 Gutter/Swale 2.00 6.3 -2.50 - 20.5 Ex Pond 1 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 755 Gutter/Swale 2.00 6.3 -2.50 - 20.5 Ex Pond 2 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 1115 Gutter/Swale 2.00 9.3 -2.50 - 23.5 Ex Pond 3 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 735 Gutter/Swale 2.00 6.1 -2.50 - 20.3 Ex Pond 4 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 1065 Gutter/Swale 2.00 8.9 -2.50 - 23.1 Ex Pond 5 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 55 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.5 -2.50 - 14.6 K:\IND_LDEV\170218000.2_Asherwood_Carmel_IN_CPs\2 Design\Drainage\Drainage Report Rev_0\Drainage Calculations\Predev TCs.xlsx ©ASHERWOODPRIMARY PLATNORTH PRE-DEVELOPEDAREA MAPB1 JBS 1 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Simple Basin: BAS EX POND 1 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:EX POND 1 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:20.5000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:18.7700 ac Curve Number:72.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS EX POND 1 [Icpr3] JBS 2 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Simple Basin: BAS EX POND 2 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:EX POND 2 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:23.5000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:14.4100 ac Curve Number:72.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS EX POND 2 [Icpr3] JBS 3 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Simple Basin: BAS EX POND 3 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:EX POND 3 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:20.3000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:7.2900 ac Curve Number:73.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS EX POND 3 [Icpr3] JBS 4 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Simple Basin: BAS EX POND 4 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:EX POND 4 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:23.1000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:10.1000 ac Curve Number:74.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS EX POND 4 [Icpr3] JBS 5 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Simple Basin: BAS EX POND 5 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:EX POND 5 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:14.6000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:0.5300 ac Curve Number:72.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS EX POND 5 [Icpr3] JBS 6 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Simple Basin: Ex Outlet 1 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:EX 1 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:20.5000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:7.2500 ac Curve Number:72.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: Ex Outlet 1 [Icpr3] JBS 7 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Node: EX 1 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Time/Stage Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:834.50 ft Warning Stage:845.00 ft Boundary Stage: Year Month Day Hour Stage [ft] 0 0 0 0.0000 834.50 0 0 0 12.0000 839.50 0 0 0 30.0000 834.50 Comment: Node Stage w/Warning Stage: EX 1 [Icpr3] Node: EX 2 Scenario:Icpr3 JBS 8 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Type:Time/Stage Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:835.00 ft Warning Stage:850.00 ft Boundary Stage: Year Month Day Hour Stage [ft] 0 0 0 0.0000 835.00 0 0 0 12.0000 840.00 0 0 0 30.0000 835.00 Comment: Node Stage w/Warning Stage: EX 2 [Icpr3] Node: EX POND 1 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs JBS 9 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Initial Stage:855.00 ft Warning Stage:860.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 855.00 1.3000 56628 856.00 1.3700 59677 857.00 1.4500 63162 858.00 1.5300 66647 Comment: Node Stage w/Warning Stage: EX POND 1 [Icpr3] Node: EX POND 2 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:850.50 ft Warning Stage:855.50 ft JBS 10 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 850.50 0.8400 36590 851.50 0.9000 39204 852.50 0.9600 41818 853.50 1.0200 44431 Comment: Node Stage w/Warning Stage: EX POND 2 [Icpr3] Node: EX POND 3 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:847.00 ft Warning Stage:852.00 ft JBS 11 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 847.00 0.3800 16553 848.00 0.4100 17860 849.00 0.4500 19602 850.00 0.4900 21344 Comment: Node Stage w/Warning Stage: EX POND 3 [Icpr3] Node: EX POND 4 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:840.00 ft Warning Stage:845.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 840.00 0.3100 13504 JBS 12 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 841.00 0.3500 15246 842.00 0.3900 16988 843.00 0.4300 18731 Comment: Node Stage w/Warning Stage: EX POND 4 [Icpr3] Node: EX POND 5 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:841.00 ft Warning Stage:845.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 841.00 0.0600 2614 842.00 0.0800 3485 JBS 13 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 843.00 0.1100 4792 Comment: Node Stage w/Warning Stage: EX POND 5 [Icpr3] Weir Link: POND 1 - POND 2 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:EX POND 1 To Node:EX POND 2 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Trapezoidal Invert:857.70 ft Control Elevation:857.70 ft Max Depth:0.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: JBS 14 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Extrapolation Method:Normal Projection Bottom Width:40.00 ft Left Slope:3.000 (h:v) Right Slope:3.000 (h:v) Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Weir Link: POND 2 - POND 3 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:EX POND 2 To Node:EX POND 3 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Trapezoidal Invert:853.00 ft Control Elevation:853.00 ft Max Depth:0.50 ft Extrapolation Method:Normal Projection Bottom Width:40.00 ft Left Slope:3.000 (h:v) Right Slope:3.000 (h:v) Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Weir Link: POND 3 - OUTLET Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:EX POND 3 To Node:EX 1 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Trapezoidal Invert:849.50 ft Control Elevation:849.50 ft Max Depth:0.50 ft Extrapolation Method:Normal Projection Bottom Width:40.00 ft Left Slope:3.000 (h:v) Right Slope:3.000 (h:v) Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: JBS 15 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Weir Link: POND 4 - POND 5 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:EX POND 4 To Node:EX POND 5 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Trapezoidal Invert:842.50 ft Control Elevation:842.50 ft Max Depth:0.50 ft Extrapolation Method:Normal Projection Bottom Width:40.00 ft Left Slope:3.000 (h:v) Right Slope:3.000 (h:v) Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Weir Link: POND 5 - OUTLET 2 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:EX POND 5 To Node:EX 2 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Trapezoidal Invert:842.50 ft Control Elevation:842.50 ft Max Depth:0.50 ft Extrapolation Method:Normal Projection Bottom Width:40.00 ft Left Slope:3.000 (h:v) Right Slope:3.000 (h:v) Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Simulation: 002yr Scenario:Icpr3 Run Date/Time:11/10/2021 12:10:13 PM Program Version:ICPR4 4.07.04 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] JBS 16 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Groundwater [sec] Min Calculation Time:60.0000 0.1000 900.0000 Max Calculation Time:60.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Groundwater Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 360.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:ICPR3 Boundary Stage Set: Reference ET Folder:Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: ICPR3 Curve Number Set: Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set: Roughness Set: Crop Coef Set: Fillable Porosity Set: Conductivity Set: Leakage Set: Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 ET for Manual Basins:False Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec JBS 17 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft OF Region Rain Opt:Global Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:NRCS Type II Rainfall Amount:2.66 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (2D):0.0050 ft Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (2D): 1 ft2 Min Node Srf Area (1D): 113 ft2 Energy Switch (2D):Energy Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Simulation: 010yr Scenario:Icpr3 Run Date/Time:11/10/2021 12:10:32 PM Program Version:ICPR4 4.07.04 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Groundwater [sec] Min Calculation Time:60.0000 0.1000 900.0000 Max Calculation Time:60.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Groundwater Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] JBS 18 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 360.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:ICPR3 Boundary Stage Set: Reference ET Folder:Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: ICPR3 Curve Number Set: Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set: Roughness Set: Crop Coef Set: Fillable Porosity Set: Conductivity Set: Leakage Set: Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 ET for Manual Basins:False Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft OF Region Rain Opt:Global Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:NRCS Type II Rainfall Amount:3.83 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (2D):0.0050 ft Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (2D): 1 ft2 Min Node Srf Area (1D): 113 ft2 Energy Switch (2D):Energy Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Simulation: 100yr Scenario:Icpr3 Run Date/Time:11/10/2021 12:11:19 PM Program Version:ICPR4 4.07.04 JBS 19 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Groundwater [sec] Min Calculation Time:60.0000 0.1000 900.0000 Max Calculation Time:60.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Groundwater Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 360.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:ICPR3 Boundary Stage Set: Reference ET Folder:Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: ICPR3 Curve Number Set: Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set: Roughness Set: Crop Coef Set: Fillable Porosity Set: Conductivity Set: Leakage Set: Tolerances & Options JBS 20 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 ET for Manual Basins:False Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft OF Region Rain Opt:Global Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:NRCS Type II Rainfall Amount:6.46 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (2D):0.0050 ft Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (2D): 1 ft2 Min Node Srf Area (1D): 113 ft2 Energy Switch (2D):Energy Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Node Max Conditions [Icpr3] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] EX 1 002yr 845.00 839.50 0.0069 3.07 0.00 0 EX 1 010yr 845.00 839.50 0.0069 7.69 0.00 0 EX 1 100yr 845.00 839.50 0.0069 20.89 0.00 0 EX 2 002yr 850.00 840.00 0.0069 0.00 0.00 0 EX 2 010yr 850.00 840.00 0.0069 0.78 0.00 0 EX 2 100yr 850.00 840.00 0.0069 21.92 0.00 0 EX POND 1 002yr 860.00 855.73 0.0004 7.95 0.00 58841 EX POND 1 010yr 860.00 856.55 0.0004 19.90 0.00 61601 EX POND 1 100yr 860.00 857.79 0.0005 54.09 3.05 65916 EX POND 2 002yr 855.50 851.35 0.0004 5.85 0.00 38821 EX POND 2 010yr 855.50 852.31 0.0005 14.64 0.00 41311 EX POND 2 100yr 855.50 853.13 0.0006 39.49 5.42 43470 EX POND 3 002yr 852.00 848.01 0.0005 3.39 0.00 17878 EX POND 3 010yr 852.00 849.07 0.0005 8.22 0.00 19722 EX POND 3 100yr 852.00 849.67 0.0006 21.78 7.99 20771 EX POND 4 002yr 845.00 841.72 0.0008 4.95 0.00 16492 EX POND 4 010yr 845.00 842.54 0.0009 11.56 0.75 17932 EX POND 4 100yr 845.00 842.88 0.0009 29.71 21.14 18526 EX POND 5 002yr 845.00 841.42 0.0002 0.24 0.00 2982 EX POND 5 010yr 845.00 842.54 0.0005 0.78 0.78 4186 EX POND 5 100yr 845.00 842.83 0.0007 21.98 21.92 4573 JBS 21 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Simple Basin Runoff Summary [Icpr3] Basin Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Time to Max Flow [hrs] Total Rainfall [in] Total Runoff [in] Area [ac]Equivalent Curve Number % Imperv % DCIA BAS EX POND 1 002yr 7.95 12.1000 2.66 0.62 18.7700 72.0 0.00 0.00 BAS EX POND 2 002yr 5.85 12.1333 2.66 0.62 14.4100 72.0 0.00 0.00 BAS EX POND 3 002yr 3.39 12.1000 2.66 0.66 7.2900 73.0 0.00 0.00 BAS EX POND 4 002yr 4.95 12.1167 2.66 0.70 10.1000 74.0 0.00 0.00 BAS EX POND 5 002yr 0.24 12.0667 2.66 0.61 0.5300 72.0 0.00 0.00 Ex Outlet 1 002yr 3.07 12.1000 2.66 0.62 7.2500 72.0 0.00 0.00 BAS EX POND 1 010yr 19.90 12.0500 3.83 1.34 18.7700 72.0 0.00 0.00 BAS EX POND 2 010yr 14.64 12.1000 3.83 1.34 14.4100 72.0 0.00 0.00 BAS EX POND 3 010yr 8.22 12.0333 3.83 1.41 7.2900 73.0 0.00 0.00 BAS EX POND 4 010yr 11.57 12.0833 3.83 1.48 10.1000 74.0 0.00 0.00 BAS EX POND 5 010yr 0.62 11.9333 3.83 1.34 0.5300 72.0 0.00 0.00 Ex Outlet 1 010yr 7.69 12.0500 3.83 1.34 7.2500 72.0 0.00 0.00 BAS EX POND 1 100yr 54.09 12.0167 6.46 3.38 18.7700 72.0 0.00 0.00 BAS EX POND 2 100yr 39.49 12.0667 6.46 3.38 14.4100 72.0 0.00 0.00 BAS EX POND 3 100yr 21.78 12.0000 6.46 3.48 7.2900 73.0 0.00 0.00 BAS EX POND 4 100yr 29.71 12.0500 6.46 3.58 10.1000 74.0 0.00 0.00 BAS EX POND 5 100yr 1.75 11.9000 6.46 3.38 0.5300 72.0 0.00 0.00 Ex Outlet 1 100yr 20.89 12.0167 6.46 3.38 7.2500 72.0 0.00 0.00 Link Min/Max Conditions [Icpr3] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] POND 1 - POND 2 002yr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JBS 22 C:\Asherwood ICPR Original\11/10/2021 12:12 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] POND 2 - POND 3 002yr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 POND 3 - OUTLET 002yr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 POND 4 - POND 5 002yr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 POND 5 - OUTLET 2 002yr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 POND 1 - POND 2 010yr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 POND 2 - POND 3 010yr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 POND 3 - OUTLET 010yr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 POND 4 - POND 5 010yr 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 POND 5 - OUTLET 2 010yr 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 POND 1 - POND 2 100yr 3.05 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.84 0.84 POND 2 - POND 3 100yr 5.42 0.00 0.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 POND 3 - OUTLET 100yr 7.99 0.00 0.01 1.15 1.15 1.15 POND 4 - POND 5 100yr 21.14 0.00 0.03 1.54 1.54 1.54 POND 5 - OUTLET 2 100yr 21.92 0.00 0.03 1.61 1.61 1.61 Asherwood Page 7 Kimley-Horn Project 170218000 Appendix C: Proposed ICPR Pond Calculations and Basin Map PROJECT:Asherwood BY:TMC DATE:11/10/2021 TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATION POST PROJECT WATERSHED CONDITIONS (ICPR) TR-55 Methodology SHEET FLOW SHALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOW OPEN CHANNEL / PIPE FLOW TOTAL Tc = (0.007(nL)^0.8)/(P2^0.5)(s^0.4)Tc = L / 60*V Tc = L / 60*V 2-year/24-hr Rainfall Depth (in.) =2.66 V = (1.49/n)*R^(2/3)*s^(1/2) Basin Length Condition Slope Manning's Tc1 Length Condition Vavg Tc2 Length Vavg Tc3 TcTOTAL * (ft) (ft/ft) "n" (min) (ft) TR-55 Fig. 3-1 (ft/s) (min) (ft) (ft/s) (min) (min) L1 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 325 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.7 -2.50 - 16.9 L2 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 460 Gutter/Swale 2.00 3.8 -2.50 - 18.0 OFF 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 380 Gutter/Swale 2.00 3.2 1405 2.50 9.37 26.7 OFF 2 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 1150 Gutter/Swale 2.00 9.6 -2.50 - 23.8 Direct 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 190 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.6 -2.50 - 15.8 Direct 2 65 Grass 0.0100 0.150 10.0 0 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.0 -2.50 - 10.0 Direct 3 55 Grass 0.0100 0.150 8.8 150 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.3 -2.50 - 10.0 508 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 65 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.5 -2.50 - 14.7 510 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 135 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.1 -2.50 - 15.3 518 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 205 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.7 -2.50 - 15.9 520 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 30 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.3 275 2.50 1.83 16.3 534 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 300 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.5 865 2.50 5.77 22.4 538 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 180 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.5 625 2.50 4.17 19.8 542 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 350 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.9 430 2.50 2.87 20.0 543 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 125 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.0 455 2.50 3.03 18.3 544 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 265 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.2 950 2.50 6.33 22.7 555 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 1150 Gutter/Swale 2.00 9.6 165 2.50 1.10 24.9 556 65 Grass 0.0100 0.150 10.0 80 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.7 -2.50 - 10.7 557 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 185 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.5 -2.50 - 15.7 560 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 75 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.6 550 2.50 3.67 18.5 580 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 80 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.7 430 2.50 2.87 17.7 584 100 Grass 0.0100 0.150 14.2 195 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.6 405 2.50 2.70 18.5 K:\IND_LDEV\170218000.2_Asherwood_Carmel_IN_CPs\2 Design\Drainage\Drainage Report Rev_0\Drainage Calculations\ICPR TCs.xlsx Asherwood Weighted CN Calculation Site Soil Breakdown: 19% Group B, 81% Group C, adjusted to be 19% Group C, 81% Group D for all disturbed areas, unless otherwise noted. Runoff Curve Numbers Used for Calculation (per NRCS) Cover Type Hydrologic Condition A B C D Open Space Good 39 61 74 80 Woods Good 30 55 70 77 Impervious Paved 98 98 98 98 Water Pond or Lake 100 100 100 100 Preservation Areas: 7.34 Acres – 2.10 Ac Open Space, Good Cover (28.6%), 5.24 Ac Wooded, Good Cover (71.4%) Note: For this calculation, Soil Hydrologic Groups do not need to be altered because the area is considered as undisturbed and protected in a preservation easement, and will remain as 19% Group B & 81% Group C. 0.286൫(0.19 ∗ 61)+(0.81 ∗ 74)൯ + 0.714൫(0.19 ∗ 55)+(0.81 ∗ 72)൯ = 69.6 →𝟕𝟎 Lot Areas: 43.98 Acres – 35% Impervious Lot Coverage, 65% Open Space (19% Group C, 81% Group D) 0.65൫(0.19 ∗ 61)+(0.81 ∗ 80)൯ +(0.35 ∗ 98)= 85.6 →𝟖𝟔 Open Space Areas: 9.18 Acres – 3.76 Ac Water (41.0%), 5.42 Ac Open Space, Good Cover (59.0%) 0.59൫(0.19 ∗ 74)+(0.81 ∗ 80)൯ +(0.41 ∗ 100)= 87.5 →𝟖𝟖 R/W Areas: 7.34 Acres – 5.34 Ac Impervious, Paved (72.8%), 2.00 Ac Open Space, Good Cover (27.2%) 0.272൫(0.19 ∗ 74 )+(0.81 ∗ 80 )൯ +(0.728 ∗ 98 )= 92.8 →𝟗𝟑 Overall Weighted CN: 67.84 Acres – 7.34 Ac Preservation Areas (10.8%), 43.98 Ac Lot Areas (64.9%), 9.18 Ac Open Space Areas (13.5%), 7.34 Ac R/W Areas (10.8%) 0.108(70)+ 0.649(86)+ 0.135(88)+ 0.108(93)= 85.3 →𝟖𝟓 ∴ An overall weighted Curve Number of 85 will be used for all basins in any applicable drainage analysis for this project. JBS 1 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: BAS 508 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:508 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:14.7000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:0.2800 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS 508 [Icpr3] JBS 2 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: BAS 520 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:520 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:16.3000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:0.5500 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS 520 [Icpr3] JBS 3 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: BAS 534 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:Lake 1 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:22.4000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:9.6800 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS 534 [Icpr3] JBS 4 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: BAS 538 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:Lake 1 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:19.8000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:3.6900 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS 538 [Icpr3] JBS 5 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: BAS 542 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:Lake 1 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:20.0000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:3.1800 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS 542 [Icpr3] JBS 6 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: BAS 543 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:543 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:18.3000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:1.7900 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS 543 [Icpr3] JBS 7 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: BAS 544 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:Lake 2 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:22.7000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:13.7000 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS 544 [Icpr3] JBS 8 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: BAS 555 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:555 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:24.9000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:7.0700 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS 555 [Icpr3] JBS 9 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: BAS 557 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:557 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:15.7000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:0.3700 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS 557 [Icpr3] JBS 10 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: BAS 560 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:Lake 1 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:18.5000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:1.4600 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS 560 [Icpr3] JBS 11 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: BAS 580 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:556 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:17.7000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:2.5200 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS 580 [Icpr3] JBS 12 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: BAS 584 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:Lake 1 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:18.5000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:1.2900 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: BAS 584 [Icpr3] JBS 13 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: Bas 510 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:510 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:15.3000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:0.5000 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name:NRCS Type II Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: Bas 510 [Icpr3] JBS 14 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: Bas 518 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:518 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:15.9000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:1.2800 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name:NRCS Type II Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: Bas 518 [Icpr3] JBS 15 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: Bas 556 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:556 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.7000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:0.2100 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name:NRCS Type II Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: Bas 556 [Icpr3] JBS 16 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: Bas L1 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:Lake 1 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:16.9000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:Uh484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:9.5500 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name:NRCS Type II Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: Bas L1 [Icpr3] JBS 17 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: Bas L2 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:Lake 2 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:18.0000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:Uh484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:4.5500 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name:NRCS Type II Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: Bas L2 [Icpr3] JBS 18 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: Direct Scenario:Icpr3 Node:Outlet 1 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:15.8000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:1.0000 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: Direct [Icpr3] JBS 19 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: Direct 2 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:Outlet 2 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:0.2500 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: Direct 2 [Icpr3] JBS 20 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Simple Basin: Direct 3 Scenario:Icpr3 Node:Outlet 1 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:999999.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:0.4700 ac Curve Number:85.0 % Impervious:0.00 % DCIA:0.00 % Direct:0.00 Rainfall Name: Comment: Simple Basin Runoff Rate: Direct 3 [Icpr3] JBS 21 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Node: 508 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:836.70 ft Warning Stage:849.43 ft Comment: Node Stage w/Warning Stage: 508 [Icpr3] Node: 510 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:835.63 ft Warning Stage:843.50 ft JBS 22 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Comment: Node Stage w/Warning Stage: 510 [Icpr3] Node: 518 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:838.24 ft Warning Stage:848.15 ft Comment: JBS 23 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Node Stage w/Warning Stage: 518 [Icpr3] Node: 520 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:846.11 ft Warning Stage:852.50 ft Comment: JBS 24 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Node Stage w/Warning Stage: 520 [Icpr3] Node: 543 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:838.96 ft Warning Stage:849.20 ft Comment: JBS 25 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Node Stage w/Warning Stage: 543 [Icpr3] Node: 546 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:836.25 ft Warning Stage:850.70 ft Comment: JBS 26 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Node Stage w/Warning Stage: 546 [Icpr3] Node: 555 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:842.40 ft Warning Stage:849.99 ft Comment: JBS 27 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Node Stage w/Warning Stage: 555 [Icpr3] Node: 556 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:836.95 ft Warning Stage:848.18 ft Comment: JBS 28 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Node Stage w/Warning Stage: 556 [Icpr3] Node: 557 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:836.09 ft Warning Stage:847.70 ft Comment: JBS 29 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Node Stage w/Warning Stage: 557 [Icpr3] Node: 587 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:840.00 ft Warning Stage:854.36 ft Comment: JBS 30 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Node Stage w/Warning Stage: 587 [Icpr3] Node: Lake 1 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:850.33 ft Warning Stage:855.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 850.33 2.6400 114998 856.00 3.4100 148540 Comment: JBS 31 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Node Stage w/Warning Stage: Lake 1 [Icpr3] Node: Lake 2 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:834.50 ft Warning Stage:840.90 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 834.50 1.1200 48787 841.50 1.7100 74488 841.90 1.7500 76230 Comment: JBS 32 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Node Stage w/Warning Stage: Lake 2 [Icpr3] Node: Outlet 1 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Time/Stage Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:834.00 ft Warning Stage:840.00 ft Boundary Stage: Year Month Day Hour Stage [ft] 0 0 0 0.0000 834.00 0 0 0 12.0000 835.00 0 0 0 30.0000 834.00 Comment: JBS 33 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Node Stage w/Warning Stage: Outlet 1 [Icpr3] Node: Outlet 2 Scenario:Icpr3 Type:Time/Stage Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:835.00 ft Warning Stage:840.00 ft Boundary Stage: Year Month Day Hour Stage [ft] 0 0 0 0.0000 835.00 0 0 0 12.0000 840.00 0 0 0 30.0000 835.00 Comment: JBS 34 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Node Stage w/Warning Stage: Outlet 2 [Icpr3] Pipe Link: 508 - 546 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:508 To Node:546 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:93.00 ft FHWA Code:1 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:1.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 dec Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:837.20 ft Invert:836.85 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.00 ft Max Depth:2.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: JBS 35 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Pipe Link: 510 - L2 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:510 To Node:Lake 2 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:110.00 ft FHWA Code:1 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:1.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 dec Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:835.58 ft Invert:835.30 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:3.00 ft Max Depth:3.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Pipe Link: 518 - 556 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:518 To Node:556 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:228.00 ft FHWA Code:1 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:1.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 dec Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:838.24 ft Invert:837.55 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.00 ft Max Depth:2.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Pipe Link: 520 - 518 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:520 To Node:518 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:112.00 ft FHWA Code:1 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:1.00 Upstream Downstream Invert:846.11 ft Invert:840.75 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.00 ft Max Depth:1.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip JBS 36 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 dec Energy Switch:Energy Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Pipe Link: 543-518 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:543 To Node:518 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:342.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 dec Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:838.96 ft Invert:838.30 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.50 ft Max Depth:1.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Pipe Link: 546 -557 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:546 To Node:557 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:174.00 ft FHWA Code:1 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:1.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 dec Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:836.75 ft Invert:836.04 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.50 ft Max Depth:2.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Pipe Link: 555-587 Scenario:Icpr3 Upstream Downstream Invert:842.90 ft Invert:840.60 ft JBS 37 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 From Node:555 To Node:587 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:155.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 dec Energy Switch:Energy Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.75 ft Max Depth:1.75 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Pipe Link: 556 - 508 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:556 To Node:508 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:50.00 ft FHWA Code:1 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:1.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 dec Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:837.45 ft Invert:837.30 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.00 ft Max Depth:2.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Pipe Link: 557 - 510 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:557 To Node:510 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:117.00 ft FHWA Code:1 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:1.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 dec Upstream Downstream Invert:835.94 ft Invert:835.65 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:3.00 ft Max Depth:3.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: JBS 38 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Energy Switch:Energy Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Pipe Link: 584-546 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:587 To Node:546 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:208.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 dec Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:840.50 ft Invert:836.85 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.75 ft Max Depth:1.75 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Drop Structure Link: L1 - 520 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:Lake 1 To Node:520 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Solution:Combine Increments:0 Pipe Count:1 Damping:0.0000 ft Length:309.00 ft FHWA Code:1 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:1.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 dec Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Pipe Downstream Pipe Invert:850.33 ft Invert:846.21 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.00 ft Max Depth:1.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Pipe Comment: Weir Component Weir:1 Weir Count:1 Weir Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: JBS 39 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Weir Type:Sharp Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Circular Invert:850.33 ft Control Elevation:850.33 ft Max Depth:0.50 ft Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:3.200 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Weir Comment: Weir Component Weir:2 Weir Count:1 Weir Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Horizontal Geometry Type:Rectangular Invert:853.70 ft Control Elevation:853.70 ft Max Depth:2.00 ft Max Width:2.00 ft Fillet:0.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:3.200 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Weir Comment: Drop Structure Comment: Drop Structure Link: L2 - Outlet 1 Scenario:Icpr3 From Node:Lake 2 To Node:Outlet 1 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Solution:Combine Increments:0 Pipe Count:1 Damping:0.0000 ft Length:60.00 ft FHWA Code:1 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:1.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 dec Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Pipe Downstream Pipe Invert:834.50 ft Invert:834.00 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.25 ft Max Depth:1.25 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 JBS 40 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Pipe Comment: Weir Component Weir:1 Weir Count:1 Weir Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Sharp Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Circular Invert:834.50 ft Control Elevation:834.50 ft Max Depth:0.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:3.200 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Weir Comment: Weir Component Weir:2 Weir Count:1 Weir Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Horizontal Geometry Type:Rectangular Invert:839.25 ft Control Elevation:839.25 ft Max Depth:2.00 ft Max Width:3.00 ft Fillet:0.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:3.200 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Weir Comment: Drop Structure Comment: Simulation: 002yr Scenario:Icpr3 Run Date/Time:12/9/2021 10:23:47 AM Program Version:ICPR4 4.07.04 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 JBS 41 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Groundwater [sec] Min Calculation Time:60.0000 0.1000 900.0000 Max Calculation Time:60.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Groundwater Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 360.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:ICPR3 Boundary Stage Set: Reference ET Folder:Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: ICPR3 Curve Number Set: Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set: Roughness Set: Crop Coef Set: Fillable Porosity Set: Conductivity Set: Leakage Set: Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 ET for Manual Basins:False Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global JBS 42 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Max dZ:1.0000 ft OF Region Rain Opt:Global Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:NRCS Type II Rainfall Amount:2.66 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (2D):0.0050 ft Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (2D): 1 ft2 Min Node Srf Area (1D): 113 ft2 Energy Switch (2D):Energy Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Simulation: 010yr Scenario:Icpr3 Run Date/Time:12/9/2021 10:24:11 AM Program Version:ICPR4 4.07.04 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Groundwater [sec] Min Calculation Time:60.0000 0.1000 900.0000 Max Calculation Time:60.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Groundwater Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 360.0000 JBS 43 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:ICPR3 Boundary Stage Set: Reference ET Folder:Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: ICPR3 Curve Number Set: Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set: Roughness Set: Crop Coef Set: Fillable Porosity Set: Conductivity Set: Leakage Set: Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 ET for Manual Basins:False Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft OF Region Rain Opt:Global Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:NRCS Type II Rainfall Amount:3.83 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (2D):0.0050 ft Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (2D): 1 ft2 Min Node Srf Area (1D): 113 ft2 Energy Switch (2D):Energy Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Simulation: 100yr Scenario:Icpr3 Run Date/Time:12/9/2021 10:25:01 AM Program Version:ICPR4 4.07.04 General Run Mode:Normal JBS 44 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Groundwater [sec] Min Calculation Time:60.0000 0.1000 900.0000 Max Calculation Time:60.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Groundwater Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 360.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:ICPR3 Boundary Stage Set: Reference ET Folder:Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: ICPR3 Curve Number Set: Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set: Roughness Set: Crop Coef Set: Fillable Porosity Set: Conductivity Set: Leakage Set: Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 ET for Manual Basins:False JBS 45 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft OF Region Rain Opt:Global Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:NRCS Type II Rainfall Amount:6.46 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (2D):0.0050 ft Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (2D): 1 ft2 Min Node Srf Area (1D): 113 ft2 Energy Switch (2D):Energy Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Node Max Conditions [Icpr3] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] 508 002yr 849.43 838.82 -0.0010 7.69 7.65 143 508 010yr 849.43 840.58 0.0010 13.57 13.44 143 508 100yr 849.43 847.98 0.0013 25.79 25.32 143 510 002yr 843.50 837.52 0.0010 15.56 15.56 501 510 010yr 843.50 838.76 -0.0016 27.92 27.92 501 510 100yr 843.50 840.39 -0.0014 54.13 54.13 406 518 002yr 848.15 839.25 0.0008 4.31 4.29 532 518 010yr 848.15 841.34 0.0010 7.70 7.56 535 518 100yr 848.15 850.65 0.0018 14.52 14.09 534 520 002yr 852.50 846.60 0.0005 0.77 0.77 113 520 010yr 852.50 846.86 0.0007 1.55 1.54 113 520 100yr 852.50 851.42 0.0011 3.25 3.18 113 543 002yr 849.20 839.66 -0.0006 2.06 2.05 256 543 010yr 849.20 841.73 -0.0010 3.74 3.55 256 543 100yr 849.20 852.09 0.0020 7.73 6.88 255 546 002yr 850.70 838.64 0.0010 14.66 14.65 489 546 010yr 850.70 839.98 0.0010 26.31 26.29 490 546 100yr 850.70 845.88 0.0015 51.13 51.11 489 555 002yr 849.99 843.90 0.0010 7.29 7.29 135 555 010yr 849.99 844.25 0.0010 13.10 13.10 135 555 100yr 849.99 855.94 0.0020 26.87 26.43 135 556 002yr 848.18 839.01 -0.0010 7.44 7.37 277 556 010yr 848.18 841.00 0.0010 13.17 13.00 277 556 100yr 848.18 849.46 0.0016 25.31 24.67 277 557 002yr 847.70 837.80 0.0010 15.05 15.03 392 557 010yr 847.70 838.82 0.0014 26.99 26.98 392 JBS 46 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] 557 100yr 847.70 841.58 -0.0011 52.40 52.40 392 587 002yr 854.36 841.50 0.0010 7.29 7.29 310 587 010yr 854.36 841.85 0.0010 13.10 13.10 310 587 100yr 854.36 851.64 0.0018 26.43 26.40 309 Lake 1 002yr 855.00 851.28 0.0004 32.00 0.66 120591 Lake 1 010yr 855.00 852.01 0.0004 57.92 0.99 124947 Lake 1 100yr 855.00 853.76 0.0004 119.49 1.89 135292 Lake 2 002yr 840.90 836.96 0.0010 35.09 1.28 57999 Lake 2 010yr 840.90 838.75 0.0010 63.16 1.77 64408 Lake 2 100yr 840.90 840.36 0.0010 125.59 13.51 70303 Outlet 1 002yr 840.00 835.00 0.0014 2.04 0.33 0 Outlet 1 010yr 840.00 835.00 0.0014 3.91 0.24 0 Outlet 1 100yr 840.00 835.00 0.0014 14.18 0.02 0 Outlet 2 002yr 840.00 840.00 0.0069 0.37 0.00 0 Outlet 2 010yr 840.00 840.00 0.0069 0.69 0.00 0 Outlet 2 100yr 840.00 840.00 0.0069 1.44 0.00 0 Simple Basin Runoff Summary [Icpr3] Basin Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Time to Max Flow [hrs] Total Rainfall [in] Total Runoff [in] Area [ac]Equivalent Curve Number % Imperv % DCIA BAS 508 002yr 0.35 11.9167 2.66 1.31 0.2800 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 520 002yr 0.66 11.9333 2.66 1.31 0.5500 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 534 002yr 10.38 12.0500 2.66 1.31 9.6800 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 538 002yr 4.13 12.0000 2.66 1.31 3.6900 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 542 002yr 3.55 12.0167 2.66 1.31 3.1800 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 543 002yr 2.06 11.9833 2.66 1.31 1.7900 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 544 002yr 14.62 12.0500 2.66 1.31 13.7000 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 555 002yr 7.29 12.0833 2.66 1.31 7.0700 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 557 002yr 0.45 11.9333 2.66 1.31 0.3700 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 560 002yr 1.68 11.9833 2.66 1.31 1.4600 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 580 002yr 2.94 11.9667 2.66 1.31 2.5200 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 584 002yr 1.48 11.9833 2.66 1.31 1.2900 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas 510 002yr 0.62 11.9167 2.66 1.31 0.5000 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas 518 002yr 1.56 11.9333 2.66 1.31 1.2800 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas 556 002yr 0.31 11.8500 2.66 1.31 0.2100 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas L1 002yr 11.35 11.9500 2.66 1.31 9.5500 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas L2 002yr 5.28 11.9667 2.66 1.31 4.5500 85.0 0.00 0.00 Direct 002yr 1.22 11.9333 2.66 1.31 1.0000 85.0 0.00 0.00 Direct 2 002yr 0.37 11.8333 2.66 1.31 0.2500 85.0 0.00 0.00 Direct 3 002yr 0.70 11.8333 2.66 1.31 0.4700 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 508 010yr 0.64 11.9000 3.83 2.31 0.2800 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 520 010yr 1.21 11.9333 3.83 2.31 0.5500 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 534 010yr 18.71 12.0333 3.83 2.31 9.6800 85.0 0.00 0.00 JBS 47 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Basin Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Time to Max Flow [hrs] Total Rainfall [in] Total Runoff [in] Area [ac]Equivalent Curve Number % Imperv % DCIA BAS 538 010yr 7.48 12.0000 3.83 2.31 3.6900 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 542 010yr 6.42 12.0000 3.83 2.31 3.1800 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 543 010yr 3.74 11.9667 3.83 2.31 1.7900 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 544 010yr 26.34 12.0333 3.83 2.31 13.7000 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 555 010yr 13.10 12.0667 3.83 2.31 7.0700 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 557 010yr 0.83 11.9167 3.83 2.31 0.3700 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 560 010yr 3.04 11.9667 3.83 2.31 1.4600 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 580 010yr 5.34 11.9500 3.83 2.31 2.5200 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 584 010yr 2.69 11.9667 3.83 2.31 1.2900 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas 510 010yr 1.13 11.9167 3.83 2.31 0.5000 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas 518 010yr 2.84 11.9167 3.83 2.31 1.2800 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas 556 010yr 0.56 11.8500 3.83 2.31 0.2100 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas L1 010yr 20.63 11.9333 3.83 2.31 9.5500 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas L2 010yr 9.58 11.9667 3.83 2.31 4.5500 85.0 0.00 0.00 Direct 010yr 2.22 11.9167 3.83 2.31 1.0000 85.0 0.00 0.00 Direct 2 010yr 0.69 11.8333 3.83 2.31 0.2500 85.0 0.00 0.00 Direct 3 010yr 1.30 11.8333 3.83 2.31 0.4700 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 508 100yr 1.34 11.9000 6.46 4.75 0.2800 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 520 100yr 2.50 11.9167 6.46 4.75 0.5500 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 534 100yr 38.44 12.0167 6.46 4.75 9.6800 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 538 100yr 15.42 11.9833 6.46 4.75 3.6900 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 542 100yr 13.24 11.9833 6.46 4.75 3.1800 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 543 100yr 7.73 11.9500 6.46 4.75 1.7900 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 544 100yr 54.11 12.0333 6.46 4.75 13.7000 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 555 100yr 26.87 12.0667 6.46 4.75 7.0700 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 557 100yr 1.71 11.9167 6.46 4.74 0.3700 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 560 100yr 6.27 11.9667 6.46 4.75 1.4600 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 580 100yr 11.05 11.9500 6.46 4.75 2.5200 85.0 0.00 0.00 BAS 584 100yr 5.54 11.9667 6.46 4.75 1.2900 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas 510 100yr 2.34 11.9167 6.46 4.75 0.5000 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas 518 100yr 5.89 11.9167 6.46 4.74 1.2800 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas 556 100yr 1.17 11.8500 6.46 4.75 0.2100 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas L1 100yr 42.77 11.9333 6.46 4.75 9.5500 85.0 0.00 0.00 Bas L2 100yr 19.81 11.9500 6.46 4.75 4.5500 85.0 0.00 0.00 Direct 100yr 4.61 11.9167 6.46 4.74 1.0000 85.0 0.00 0.00 Direct 2 100yr 1.44 11.8333 6.46 4.75 0.2500 85.0 0.00 0.00 Direct 3 100yr 2.70 11.8333 6.46 4.75 0.4700 85.0 0.00 0.00 Link Min/Max Conditions [Icpr3] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] 508 - 546 002yr 7.65 0.00 0.01 3.05 2.72 2.89 510 - L2 002yr 15.56 0.00 -1.20 3.22 5.53 4.37 JBS 48 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] 518 - 556 002yr 4.29 0.00 0.01 2.69 2.30 2.24 520 - 518 002yr 0.77 0.00 0.00 2.02 6.32 4.17 543-518 002yr 2.05 0.00 0.00 2.56 1.74 2.15 546 -557 002yr 14.65 0.00 -0.02 3.69 4.00 3.83 555-587 002yr 7.29 0.00 0.01 5.13 7.46 6.30 556 - 508 002yr 7.37 0.00 0.01 2.91 3.24 3.07 557 - 510 002yr 15.03 0.00 0.96 3.27 3.26 3.26 584-546 002yr 7.29 0.00 0.01 5.13 3.09 4.08 L1 - 520 - Pipe 002yr 0.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L1 - 520 - Weir: 1 002yr 0.66 0.00 0.00 3.35 3.35 3.35 L1 - 520 - Weir: 2 002yr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L2 - Outlet 1 - Pipe 002yr 1.28 -0.33 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 L2 - Outlet 1 - Weir: 1 002yr 1.28 -0.33 0.05 6.54 6.54 6.54 L2 - Outlet 1 - Weir: 2 002yr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 508 - 546 010yr 13.44 0.00 -0.73 4.28 4.28 4.28 510 - L2 010yr 27.92 0.00 -2.02 4.05 6.68 5.36 518 - 556 010yr 7.56 0.00 -0.01 2.81 2.41 2.41 520 - 518 010yr 1.54 0.00 0.00 2.44 7.73 5.08 543-518 010yr 3.55 0.00 0.00 2.59 2.01 2.20 546 -557 010yr 26.29 0.00 1.30 5.36 5.36 5.36 555-587 010yr 13.10 0.00 -0.01 6.59 8.62 7.61 556 - 508 010yr 13.00 0.00 0.47 4.14 4.14 4.14 557 - 510 010yr 26.98 0.00 -2.75 3.87 3.98 3.92 584-546 010yr 13.10 0.00 -0.01 6.59 9.21 7.90 L1 - 520 - Pipe 010yr 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L1 - 520 - Weir: 1 010yr 0.99 0.00 0.00 5.04 5.04 5.04 L1 - 520 - Weir: 2 010yr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L2 - Outlet 1 - Pipe 010yr 1.77 -0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L2 - Outlet 1 - Weir: 1 010yr 1.77 -0.24 0.00 9.01 9.01 9.01 L2 - Outlet 1 - Weir: 2 010yr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 508 - 546 100yr 25.32 0.00 -0.21 8.06 8.06 8.06 510 - L2 100yr 54.13 0.00 2.08 7.66 8.84 8.13 518 - 556 100yr 14.09 0.00 -0.03 4.48 4.48 4.48 520 - 518 100yr 3.18 0.00 0.00 4.05 8.57 5.72 543-518 100yr 6.88 0.00 0.05 3.90 3.90 3.90 JBS 49 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:32 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] 546 -557 100yr 51.11 0.00 1.06 10.41 10.41 10.41 555-587 100yr 26.43 0.00 -0.03 10.99 10.99 10.99 556 - 508 100yr 24.67 0.00 -0.09 7.85 7.85 7.85 557 - 510 100yr 52.40 0.00 2.91 7.41 7.41 7.41 584-546 100yr 26.40 0.00 -0.08 10.98 10.98 10.98 L1 - 520 - Pipe 100yr 1.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L1 - 520 - Weir: 1 100yr 1.53 0.00 0.00 7.77 7.77 7.77 L1 - 520 - Weir: 2 100yr 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.79 0.79 0.79 L2 - Outlet 1 - Pipe 100yr 13.51 -0.02 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 L2 - Outlet 1 - Weir: 1 100yr 1.88 -0.02 0.00 9.60 9.60 9.60 L2 - Outlet 1 - Weir: 2 100yr 13.08 0.00 -0.01 2.28 2.28 2.28 JBS 1 C:\Asherwood ICPR REV 12-8\12/9/2021 10:41 Node Max Conditions [Icpr3] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] Lake 1 002yr 855.00 851.28 0.0003 32.01 0.66 120591 Lake 1 010yr 855.00 852.01 0.0003 57.92 0.99 124947 Lake 1 100yr 855.00 853.82 0.0003 123.84 2.47 135616 Lake 2 002yr 840.90 837.98 0.0010 49.66 1.58 61666 Lake 2 010yr 840.90 839.50 0.0010 85.41 5.80 67161 Lake 2 100yr 840.90 840.82 0.0010 157.26 102.87 72000 Outlet 1 002yr 840.00 835.00 0.0014 81.22 0.32 0 Outlet 1 010yr 840.00 835.00 0.0014 84.92 0.19 0 Outlet 1 100yr 840.00 835.00 0.0014 183.37 0.00 0 Outlet 2 002yr 840.00 840.00 0.0069 0.37 0.00 0 Outlet 2 010yr 840.00 840.00 0.0069 0.69 0.00 0 Outlet 2 100yr 840.00 840.00 0.0069 1.44 0.00 0 Worksheet for Offsite Bypass Pipe Calc Project Description Manning FormulaFriction Method Full Flow CapacitySolve For Input Data 0.013Roughness Coefficient %1.50Channel Slope in36.0Normal Depth in36.0Diameter cfs81.68Discharge Results cfs81.68Discharge in36.0Normal Depth ft²7.1Flow Area ft9.4Wetted Perimeter in9.0Hydraulic Radius ft0.00Top Width in33.4Critical Depth %100.0Percent Full %1.30Critical Slope ft/s11.56Velocity ft2.08Velocity Head ft5.08Specific Energy (N/A)Froude Number cfs87.87Maximum Discharge cfs81.68Discharge Full %1.50Slope Full UndefinedFlow Type GVF Input Data in0.0Downstream Depth ft0.0Length 0Number Of Steps GVF Output Data in0.0Upstream Depth N/AProfile Description ft0.00Profile Headloss %0.0Average End Depth Over Rise %100.0Normal Depth Over Rise ft/sInfinityDownstream Velocity ft/sInfinityUpstream Velocity in36.0Normal Depth in33.4Critical Depth %1.50Channel Slope %1.30Critical Slope Page 1 of 127 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 7/19/2021 FlowMaster [] Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterOffsite Bypass Pipe Calc.fm8 LAKE #2 LAKE #1 ©ASHERWOODPRIMARY PLAT©ASHERWOODPRIMARY PLAT Description:Asherwood - LAKE #1 Date:12/09/21 *Emergency spillway must carry the peak 100 yr flow rate to the pond 123.84 (From ICPR output) 154.80 3.00 154.80 55.00 0.96 100 yr Flood Elev. =853.82 854.68 855.64 855.68 Description:Asherwood - LAKE #2 Date:12/09/21 *Emergency spillway must carry the peak 100 yr flow rate to the pond 157.26 (From ICPR output) 196.58 3.00 196.58 70.00 0.96 100 yr Flood Elev. =840.82 840.85 841.81 841.85 Job Information Peak inflow to Pond 125% of Peak inflow Spillway Elev. = Overflow Elev. = Berm Elevation = *OVERFLOW SPILLWAY WIDTH OF 70 FEET HAS SUFFICIENT CAPACITY TO CARRY 125% OF THE 100 YR FLOW RATE Weir Formula→ Q=Cweir*(L)*H3/2 Cweir = Q = L = H = PROPOSED STORMWATER SYSTEM EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CALCULATIONS Job Information *OVERFLOW SPILLWAY WIDTH OF 55 FEET HAS SUFFICIENT CAPACITY TO CARRY 125% OF THE 100 YR FLOW RATE Peak inflow to Pond 125% of Peak inflow Weir Formula→ Q=Cweir*(L)*H3/2 Cweir = Q = L = H = Spillway Elev. = Overflow Elev. = Berm Elevation = Asherwood Page 8 Kimley-Horn Project 170218000 Appendix D: Proposed Pipe Sizing Calculations and Basin Map 170218000 Asherwood Rational Coefficient = 0.9Aimp + 0.2Aper/Total Drainage Area DATE:10/13/2021 502 0.42 0.23 0.19 0.58 0.25 503 0.38 0.17 0.21 0.51 0.20 504 0.43 0.00 0.43 0.20 0.09 508 0.28 0.13 0.15 0.53 0.15 509 0.75 0.31 0.44 0.49 0.37 510 0.50 0.10 0.40 0.34 0.17 515 1.30 0.46 0.84 0.45 0.58 516 0.59 0.19 0.40 0.43 0.25 517 0.15 0.00 0.15 0.20 0.03 518 1.28 0.00 1.28 0.20 0.26 520 0.53 0.00 0.53 0.20 0.11 521 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.20 0.07 522 0.16 0.12 0.04 0.73 0.12 523 0.13 0.08 0.05 0.63 0.08 524 2.11 0.38 1.73 0.33 0.69 525 0.36 0.06 0.30 0.32 0.11 526 0.72 0.23 0.49 0.42 0.31 528 0.62 0.08 0.54 0.29 0.18 529 0.26 0.00 0.26 0.20 0.05 530 2.92 0.67 2.25 0.36 1.05 531 0.42 0.34 0.08 0.77 0.32 532 0.12 0.09 0.03 0.73 0.09 533 0.13 0.10 0.03 0.74 0.10 535 1.07 0.13 0.94 0.29 0.31 536 0.12 0.09 0.03 0.73 0.09 537 0.49 0.34 0.15 0.69 0.34 539 1.03 0.29 0.74 0.40 0.41 540 0.40 0.32 0.08 0.76 0.30 541 1.05 0.25 0.80 0.37 0.39 543 0.56 0.00 0.56 0.20 0.11 545 1.77 0.23 1.54 0.29 0.52 548 1.08 0.00 1.08 0.20 0.22 550 0.53 0.07 0.46 0.29 0.16 551 0.38 0.02 0.36 0.24 0.09 555 1.79 0.39 1.40 0.35 0.63 556 0.21 0.00 0.21 0.20 0.04 557 0.37 0.01 0.36 0.22 0.08 558 0.14 0.11 0.03 0.75 0.11 559 0.14 0.11 0.03 0.75 0.11 561 0.42 0.00 0.42 0.20 0.08 562 0.13 0.10 0.03 0.74 0.10 563 2.44 0.48 1.96 0.34 0.82 564 1.33 0.13 1.20 0.27 0.36 565 0.37 0.08 0.29 0.35 0.13 566 0.8 0.13 0.67 0.31 0.25 567 0.35 0.22 0.13 0.64 0.22 568 0.28 0.20 0.08 0.70 0.20 569 0.88 0.00 0.88 0.20 0.18 570 0.27 0.00 0.27 0.20 0.05 571 0.70 0.00 0.70 0.20 0.14 572 1.29 0.27 1.02 0.35 0.45 573 3.08 0.51 2.57 0.32 0.97 574 0.29 0.20 0.09 0.68 0.20 575 1.16 0.17 0.99 0.30 0.35 576 0.74 0.15 0.59 0.34 0.25 579 0.46 0.11 0.35 0.37 0.17 580 0.69 0.13 0.56 0.33 0.23 581 1.67 0.42 1.25 0.38 0.63 582 0.85 0.13 0.72 0.31 0.26 583 0.28 0.00 0.28 0.20 0.06 586 1.52 0.00 1.52 0.20 0.30 588 0.41 0.01 0.40 0.22 0.09 590 1.75 0.37 1.38 0.35 0.61 591 0.38 0.02 0.36 0.24 0.09 PROPOSED CONDITIONS RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS CALCULATIONS Pervious Area (ac) Drainage Area Total Area (ac) Rational Coefficient Area * CImpervious Area (ac) PROJECT:Asherwood BY:TMC DATE:5/19/2021 TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATION POST PROJECT WATERSHED CONDITIONS (SSA Pipe Sizing) TR-55 Methodology SHEET FLOW SHALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOW OPEN CHANNEL / PIPE FLOW TOTAL Tc = (0.007(nL)^0.8)/(P2^0.5)(s^0.4)Tc = L / 60*V Tc = L / 60*V 2-year/24-hr Rainfall Depth (in.) =2.66 V = (1.49/n)*R^(2/3)*s^(1/2) Basin Length Condition Slope Manning's Tc1 Length Condition Vavg Tc2 Length Vavg Tc3 TcTOTAL * (ft)(ft/ft)"n"(min)(ft)TR-55 Fig. 3-1 (ft/s)(min)(ft)(ft/s)(min)(min) 502 55 Grass 0.0200 0.150 6.7 35 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.3 -2.50 -7.0 503 80 Grass 0.0200 0.150 9.0 0 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.0 -2.50 -9.0 504 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 110 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.9 -2.50 -11.7 508 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 50 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.4 -2.50 -11.2 509 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 140 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.2 -2.50 -11.9 510 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 140 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.2 -2.50 -11.9 515 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 405 Gutter/Swale 2.00 3.4 -2.50 -14.1 516 50 Grass 0.0200 0.150 6.2 385 Gutter/Swale 2.00 3.2 -2.50 -9.4 517 80 Grass 0.0200 0.150 9.0 45 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.4 -2.50 -9.4 518 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 195 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.6 -2.50 -12.4 520 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 210 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.8 -2.50 -12.5 521 60 Grass 0.0200 0.150 7.1 140 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.2 -2.50 -8.3 522 15 Grass 0.0200 0.150 2.4 125 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.0 -2.50 -3.4 523 30 Grass 0.0200 0.150 4.1 65 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.5 -2.50 -4.6 524 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 280 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.3 -2.50 -13.1 525 65 Grass 0.0200 0.150 7.6 100 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.8 -2.50 -8.4 526 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 240 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.0 -2.50 -12.7 528 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 190 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.6 -2.50 -12.3 529 25 Grass 0.0200 0.150 3.5 140 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.2 -2.50 -4.7 530 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 575 Gutter/Swale 2.00 4.8 -2.50 -15.5 531 15 Grass 0.0200 0.150 2.4 240 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.0 -2.50 -4.4 532 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 255 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.1 -2.50 -12.9 533 15 Grass 0.0200 0.150 2.4 200 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.7 -2.50 -4.0 535 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 140 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.2 -2.50 -11.9 536 15 Grass 0.0200 0.150 2.4 190 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.6 -2.50 -3.9 537 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 235 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.0 -2.50 -12.7 539 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 350 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.9 -2.50 -13.7 540 40 Grass 0.0200 0.150 5.2 260 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.2 -2.50 -7.3 541 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 190 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.6 -2.50 -12.3 543 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 170 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.4 -2.50 -12.2 545 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 180 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.5 -2.50 -12.2 548 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 165 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.4 -2.50 -12.1 550 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 165 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.4 -2.50 -12.1 551 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 120 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.0 -2.50 -11.7 555 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 285 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.4 -2.50 -13.1 556 35 Grass 0.0200 0.150 4.6 115 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.0 -2.50 -5.6 557 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 185 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.5 -2.50 -12.3 558 15 Grass 0.0200 0.150 2.4 160 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.3 -2.50 -3.7 559 15 Grass 0.0200 0.150 2.4 150 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.3 -2.50 -3.6 561 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 120 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.0 -2.50 -11.7 562 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 95 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.8 -2.50 -11.5 563 50 Grass 0.0200 0.150 6.2 75 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.6 -2.50 -6.8 564 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 240 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.0 -2.50 -12.7 565 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 125 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.0 -2.50 -11.8 566 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 80 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.7 -2.50 -11.4 567 15 Grass 0.0200 0.150 2.4 215 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.8 -2.50 -4.1 568 15 Grass 0.0200 0.150 2.4 215 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.8 -2.50 -4.1 569 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 270 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.3 -2.50 -13.0 570 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 110 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.9 -2.50 -11.7 571 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 225 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.9 -2.50 -12.6 572 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 180 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.5 -2.50 -12.2 573 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 340 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.8 -2.50 -13.6 574 15 Grass 0.0200 0.150 2.4 310 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.6 -2.50 -4.9 575 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 255 Gutter/Swale 2.00 2.1 -2.50 -12.9 K:\IND_LDEV\170218000.2_Asherwood_Carmel_IN_CPs\2 Design\Drainage\Drainage Report Rev_0\Drainage Calculations\SSA TCs.xlsx 576 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 200 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.7 -2.50 -12.4 579 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 45 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.4 -2.50 -11.1 580 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 135 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.1 -2.50 -11.9 581 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 420 Gutter/Swale 2.00 3.5 -2.50 -14.2 582 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 170 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.4 -2.50 -12.2 583 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 115 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.0 -2.50 -11.7 586 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 765 Gutter/Swale 2.00 6.4 -2.50 -17.1 588 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 90 Gutter/Swale 2.00 0.8 -2.50 -11.5 590 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 600 Gutter/Swale 2.00 5.0 -2.50 -15.7 591 100 Grass 0.0200 0.150 10.7 210 Gutter/Swale 2.00 1.8 -2.50 -12.5 K:\IND_LDEV\170218000.2_Asherwood_Carmel_IN_CPs\2 Design\Drainage\Drainage Report Rev_0\Drainage Calculations\SSA TCs.xlsx Asherwood 10 Year Storm Pipe Sizing 10/18/2021 Rainfall Details 10 year(s)Return Period........................................................................ Page 1 Asherwood 10 Year Storm Pipe Sizing 10/18/2021 Subbasin Summary Subbasin Area Weighted Average Flow Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Runoff Slope Length Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Coefficient Volume (ac) (%) (ft) (in) (in) (ac-in) (cfs) (days mm) Sub-502 0.42 0.58 0.5000 500.00 1.09 0.63 0.27 1.45 0 00:11:00 Sub-503 0.38 0.51 0.5000 500.00 0.97 0.50 0.19 1.26 0 00:09:00 Sub-504 0.43 0.20 0.5000 500.00 1.12 0.23 0.10 0.50 0 00:11:42 Sub-508 0.28 0.53 0.5000 500.00 1.10 0.58 0.16 0.88 0 00:11:12 Sub-509 0.75 0.49 0.5000 500.00 1.13 0.55 0.42 2.11 0 00:11:54 Sub-510 0.50 0.34 0.5000 500.00 1.13 0.38 0.19 0.97 0 00:11:54 Sub-515 1.30 0.45 0.5000 500.00 1.25 0.56 0.73 3.09 0 00:14:06 Sub-516 0.59 0.43 0.5000 500.00 0.99 0.43 0.25 1.62 0 00:09:24 Sub-517 0.15 0.20 0.5000 500.00 0.99 0.20 0.03 0.19 0 00:09:24 Sub-518 1.28 0.20 0.5000 500.00 1.16 0.23 0.30 1.44 0 00:12:24 Sub-520 0.53 0.20 0.5000 500.00 1.17 0.23 0.12 0.59 0 00:12:30 Sub-521 0.33 0.20 0.5000 500.00 0.93 0.19 0.06 0.44 0 00:08:18 Sub-522 0.16 0.73 0.5000 500.00 0.67 0.49 0.08 0.95 0 00:05:00 Sub-523 0.13 0.63 0.5000 500.00 0.67 0.43 0.06 0.66 0 00:05:00 Sub-524 2.11 0.33 0.5000 500.00 1.20 0.40 0.84 3.81 0 00:13:06 Sub-525 0.36 0.32 0.5000 500.00 0.93 0.30 0.11 0.77 0 00:08:24 Sub-526 0.72 0.42 0.5000 500.00 1.17 0.49 0.35 1.68 0 00:12:42 Sub-529 0.26 0.20 0.5000 500.00 0.67 0.14 0.04 0.42 0 00:05:00 Sub-530 2.92 0.36 0.5000 500.00 1.30 0.47 1.37 5.29 0 00:15:30 Sub-531 0.42 0.77 0.5000 500.00 0.67 0.52 0.22 2.62 0 00:05:00 Sub-532 0.12 0.73 0.5000 500.00 1.18 0.86 0.10 0.48 0 00:12:54 Sub-533 0.13 0.74 0.5000 500.00 0.67 0.50 0.06 0.78 0 00:05:00 Sub-535 1.07 0.29 0.5000 500.00 1.13 0.33 0.35 1.78 0 00:11:54 Sub-536 0.12 0.73 0.5000 500.00 0.67 0.49 0.06 0.71 0 00:05:00 Sub-537 0.49 0.69 0.5000 500.00 1.17 0.81 0.40 1.88 0 00:12:42 Sub-539 1.03 0.40 0.5000 500.00 1.22 0.49 0.50 2.21 0 00:13:42 Sub-540 0.40 0.76 0.5000 500.00 0.86 0.65 0.26 2.13 0 00:07:18 Sub-541 1.05 0.37 0.5000 500.00 1.16 0.43 0.45 2.19 0 00:12:18 Sub-543 0.56 0.20 0.5000 500.00 1.15 0.23 0.13 0.63 0 00:12:12 Sub-545 1.77 0.29 0.5000 500.00 1.15 0.33 0.59 2.91 0 00:12:12 Sub-548 1.08 0.20 0.5000 500.00 1.15 0.23 0.25 1.23 0 00:12:06 Sub-550 0.53 0.29 0.5000 500.00 1.15 0.33 0.18 0.87 0 00:12:06 Sub-551 0.38 0.24 0.5000 500.00 1.12 0.27 0.10 0.53 0 00:11:42 Sub-555 1.79 0.35 0.5000 500.00 1.20 0.42 0.75 3.43 0 00:13:06 Sub-556 0.21 0.20 0.5000 500.00 0.67 0.14 0.03 0.34 0 00:05:00 Sub-557 0.37 0.22 0.5000 500.00 1.16 0.26 0.09 0.46 0 00:12:18 Sub-558 0.14 0.75 0.5000 500.00 0.67 0.51 0.07 0.85 0 00:05:00 Sub-559 0.14 0.75 0.5000 500.00 0.67 0.51 0.07 0.85 0 00:05:00 Sub-561 0.42 0.20 0.5000 500.00 1.12 0.23 0.09 0.49 0 00:11:42 Sub-562 0.13 0.74 0.5000 500.00 1.12 0.83 0.11 0.56 0 00:11:30 Sub-563 2.44 0.34 0.5000 500.00 0.82 0.28 0.68 5.98 0 00:06:48 Sub-564 1.33 0.27 0.5000 500.00 1.17 0.32 0.42 1.99 0 00:12:42 Sub-565 0.37 0.35 0.5000 500.00 1.14 0.40 0.15 0.75 0 00:11:48 Sub-566 0.80 0.38 0.5000 500.00 1.14 0.43 0.34 1.75 0 00:11:48 Sub-567 0.35 0.64 0.5000 500.00 0.67 0.43 0.15 1.81 0 00:05:00 Sub-568 0.28 0.70 0.5000 500.00 0.67 0.47 0.13 1.59 0 00:05:00 Sub-569 0.88 0.20 0.5000 500.00 1.19 0.24 0.21 0.97 0 00:13:00 Sub-570 0.27 0.20 0.5000 500.00 1.12 0.23 0.06 0.31 0 00:11:42 Sub-571 0.70 0.20 0.5000 500.00 1.18 0.24 0.16 0.78 0 00:12:36 Sub-572 1.29 0.35 0.5000 500.00 1.15 0.40 0.52 2.56 0 00:12:12 Sub-573 3.08 0.32 0.5000 500.00 1.22 0.39 1.20 5.29 0 00:13:36 Sub-574 0.29 0.68 0.5000 500.00 0.67 0.46 0.13 1.60 0 00:05:00 Sub-575 1.16 0.30 0.5000 500.00 1.18 0.35 0.41 1.92 0 00:12:54 Sub-576 0.74 0.34 0.5000 500.00 1.16 0.39 0.29 1.41 0 00:12:24 Sub-579 0.46 0.37 0.5000 500.00 1.10 0.41 0.19 1.01 0 00:11:06 Sub-580 0.69 0.33 0.5000 500.00 1.13 0.37 0.26 1.31 0 00:11:54 Sub-581 1.67 0.38 0.5000 500.00 1.24 0.47 0.79 3.34 0 00:14:12 Sub-582 0.85 0.31 0.5000 500.00 1.15 0.36 0.30 1.49 0 00:12:12 Sub-583 0.28 0.20 0.5000 500.00 1.12 0.23 0.06 0.32 0 00:11:42 Sub-586 1.52 0.20 0.5000 500.00 1.37 0.27 0.41 1.45 0 00:17:06 Sub-588 0.41 0.22 0.5000 500.00 1.12 0.25 0.10 0.53 0 00:11:30 Sub-590 1.75 0.35 0.5000 500.00 1.31 0.46 0.80 3.06 0 00:15:42 Sub-591 0.38 0.24 0.5000 500.00 1.17 0.28 0.11 0.51 0 00:12:30 Page 2 Asherwood 10 Year Storm Pipe Sizing 10/18/2021 Node Summary Element Invert Ground/Rim Max HGL ID Elevation (Max) Elevation Elevation Attained (ft) (ft) (ft) 502 840.04 842.95 840.82 503 839.93 842.97 840.81 504 839.74 841.54 840.95 506 835.00 845.75 836.89 507 834.62 843.78 836.36 508 837.20 849.42 838.64 509 842.32 847.14 842.78 510 835.58 843.50 837.37 515 842.30 846.74 842.87 516 841.56 846.74 842.23 517 839.86 850.57 840.47 518 838.20 848.15 840.94 519 851.00 852.17 851.00 520 846.11 852.50 846.30 521 836.00 842.00 836.27 522 839.48 845.31 840.16 523 839.39 845.31 840.12 524 853.49 857.30 854.46 525 853.35 857.73 855.21 526 852.92 858.85 854.34 527 835.07 841.07 835.07 529 845.00 851.16 845.47 530 846.22 851.42 846.85 531 844.70 851.42 845.43 532 852.13 861.92 853.76 533 852.04 861.92 853.67 535 852.25 861.17 853.84 536 853.95 862.32 855.09 537 853.75 862.38 854.99 539 855.44 860.51 856.17 540 852.81 860.51 856.01 541 851.75 859.45 852.84 543 838.95 849.20 839.63 545 851.86 860.21 853.49 546 836.75 850.06 838.37 548 839.89 845.87 840.90 550 839.10 843.49 840.50 551 835.24 846.42 841.27 552 835.03 841.76 835.03 553 834.52 841.76 834.52 555 843.10 849.99 844.01 556 837.45 848.17 838.79 557 835.97 847.67 837.69 558 852.05 857.48 853.38 559 851.86 857.49 853.09 561 852.83 858.00 854.26 562 853.26 858.87 854.13 563 853.70 857.89 854.67 564 839.62 843.00 840.29 565 851.63 855.94 852.96 566 852.96 856.55 853.70 567 855.17 859.56 856.05 568 854.47 859.56 855.94 569 854.28 859.40 855.85 570 853.64 860.76 855.25 571 851.99 859.69 853.43 572 854.89 858.50 856.18 573 838.18 843.08 839.08 574 837.90 843.08 839.07 575 835.82 843.00 839.50 576 838.68 844.81 840.07 579 836.40 844.00 838.01 580 839.80 847.66 840.68 581 841.31 847.15 842.17 582 852.52 858.25 853.80 583 851.47 859.29 852.21 586 844.94 847.38 845.80 587 840.50 855.35 841.51 588 853.90 858.84 854.26 590 839.34 839.90 840.79 591 840.16 840.00 840.53 512 835.30 836.98 534 851.00 852.64 538 851.00 851.91 542 851.00 852.09 544 834.50 836.19 554 834.42 834.42 560 851.00 851.68 584 851.00 851.73 Page 3 Asherwood 10 Year Storm Pipe Sizing 10/18/2021 Link Summary From To (Outlet) Length Inlet Outlet Average Diameter or Manning's Peak Design Flow Peak Flow Reported (Inlet) Node Invert Invert Slope Height Roughness Flow Capacity Velocity Condition Node Elevation Elevation (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (in) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) 502 503 35.83 840.04 839.93 0.31 12 0.013 1.88 1.97 2.87 Calculated 503 504 69.91 839.93 839.74 0.27 15 0.013 2.84 3.37 3.10 Calculated 504 550 224.02 839.74 839.10 0.29 18 0.013 5.49 5.61 3.72 Calculated 506 507 148.99 835.00 834.62 0.26 36 0.013 21.70 33.91 5.11 Calculated 507 544 41.29 834.62 834.50 0.28 36 0.013 21.70 35.51 5.27 Calculated 508 546 98.30 837.20 836.85 0.36 24 0.013 10.51 13.50 4.76 Calculated 509 581 32.01 842.32 841.71 1.91 12 0.013 2.10 4.92 6.02 Calculated 510 512 106.31 835.58 835.30 0.26 36 0.013 20.57 34.23 5.07 Calculated 515 516 32.01 842.30 841.66 2.00 12 0.013 3.08 5.04 6.74 Calculated 516 551 16.00 841.56 840.78 4.90 12 0.013 3.86 7.89 9.99 Calculated 517 543 145.31 839.86 839.05 0.56 18 0.013 1.32 7.84 3.33 Calculated 518 556 227.52 838.24 837.55 0.30 24 0.013 3.70 12.46 3.49 Calculated 519 520 319.13 851.00 846.21 1.50 12 0.013 0.00 4.36 0.00 Calculated 520 518 111.73 846.11 840.75 4.80 12 0.013 0.59 7.80 6.78 Calculated 521 506 224.26 836.00 835.00 0.45 15 0.013 0.42 4.32 4.16 Calculated 522 523 32.01 839.48 839.39 0.28 15 0.013 1.98 3.43 2.90 Calculated 523 550 31.80 839.39 839.29 0.31 15 0.013 2.32 3.62 3.13 Calculated 524 525 47.71 853.49 853.35 0.29 18 0.013 4.28 5.69 3.55 Calculated 525 526 143.07 854.05 852.92 0.79 18 0.013 8.71 9.34 6.04 Calculated 526 561 33.12 852.92 852.83 0.27 24 0.013 10.03 11.79 4.22 Calculated 529 555 148.21 845.00 843.20 1.21 18 0.015 1.44 10.03 4.05 Calculated 530 531 33.58 846.22 844.80 4.22 12 0.013 5.28 7.32 10.15 Calculated 531 555 42.43 844.70 843.20 3.54 12 0.013 5.28 6.70 9.46 Calculated 532 533 32.00 852.13 852.04 0.28 24 0.013 11.91 12.00 4.36 Calculated 533 545 60.51 852.04 851.86 0.30 24 0.013 12.04 12.34 4.48 Calculated 535 532 43.11 852.25 852.13 0.28 24 0.013 11.57 11.94 4.33 Calculated 536 537 32.16 853.95 853.85 0.30 18 0.013 5.31 5.77 3.71 Calculated 537 538 391.43 853.75 851.00 0.70 18 0.013 6.05 8.81 5.45 Calculated 539 540 32.00 855.44 855.28 0.50 12 0.013 2.20 2.52 3.63 Calculated 540 571 43.74 852.81 852.59 0.50 15 0.013 3.28 4.56 4.05 Calculated 541 542 199.91 851.75 851.00 0.38 18 0.013 5.64 6.44 4.17 Calculated 543 518 341.96 838.95 838.30 0.19 18 0.013 1.88 4.59 2.56 Calculated 545 534 309.82 851.86 851.00 0.28 27 0.013 14.36 16.34 4.75 Calculated 546 557 171.61 836.75 836.07 0.40 30 0.013 19.52 25.82 5.80 Calculated 548 517 143.01 840.39 839.96 0.30 15 0.013 1.21 3.54 3.90 Calculated 550 576 146.08 839.10 838.68 0.29 21 0.013 8.26 8.50 4.06 Calculated 551 506 74.00 835.24 835.00 0.32 30 0.013 21.53 23.36 5.41 Calculated 527 552 15.47 835.07 835.03 0.25 48 0.013 0.00 72.13 0.00 Calculated 552 553 200.34 835.03 834.52 0.26 48 0.013 0.00 72.83 0.00 Calculated 553 554 13.91 834.52 834.42 0.73 48 0.013 0.00 122.39 0.00 Calculated 555 587 155.00 843.10 840.60 1.61 21 0.015 9.34 17.44 7.40 Calculated 556 508 50.01 837.45 837.30 0.30 24 0.013 9.82 12.39 4.38 Calculated 557 510 120.01 835.97 835.68 0.24 36 0.013 19.88 32.79 4.87 Calculated 558 559 32.74 852.55 852.46 0.30 15 0.013 1.72 3.53 2.87 Calculated 565 560 376.04 852.13 851.00 0.30 18 0.013 2.44 5.75 3.21 Calculated 559 565 42.91 852.36 852.23 0.30 15 0.013 2.29 3.54 3.08 Calculated 561 535 206.61 852.83 852.25 0.28 24 0.013 10.25 11.99 4.32 Calculated 562 526 47.23 853.76 853.62 0.30 12 0.013 0.56 1.95 2.65 Calculated 563 525 36.95 853.70 853.35 0.95 15 0.013 5.95 6.29 6.45 Calculated 564 522 45.37 839.62 839.48 0.31 15 0.013 1.98 3.59 3.36 Calculated 566 558 100.81 852.96 852.65 0.30 12 0.013 1.73 1.95 3.96 Calculated 567 568 32.00 855.17 855.07 0.30 15 0.013 2.80 3.54 3.20 Calculated 568 569 29.33 854.97 854.88 0.30 18 0.013 4.34 5.75 3.59 Calculated 569 570 181.34 854.78 854.24 0.30 18 0.013 4.59 5.75 3.68 Calculated 570 536 29.32 854.14 854.05 0.30 18 0.013 4.74 5.76 3.64 Calculated 571 541 158.33 852.49 851.85 0.40 15 0.013 3.71 4.11 3.82 Calculated 572 567 42.55 855.39 855.27 0.30 15 0.013 2.54 3.53 3.49 Calculated 573 574 32.41 838.18 838.00 0.56 18 0.013 5.28 7.83 4.76 Calculated 574 575 39.71 837.90 837.79 0.28 18 0.013 5.27 5.53 3.58 Calculated 575 579 139.48 837.69 836.50 0.85 24 0.013 16.57 20.90 7.40 Calculated 576 575 143.31 838.68 838.12 0.39 21 0.013 9.55 9.90 4.73 Calculated 579 551 191.11 836.40 835.24 0.61 24 0.013 17.30 17.62 6.47 Calculated 580 556 172.49 839.80 837.55 1.30 15 0.013 6.18 7.38 6.78 Calculated 581 580 39.09 841.31 839.90 3.61 12 0.013 5.04 6.77 9.45 Calculated 582 583 243.32 853.30 851.57 0.71 12 0.013 1.46 3.00 5.91 Calculated 583 584 155.60 851.47 851.00 0.30 12 0.013 1.74 1.96 2.88 Calculated 586 529 30.15 845.44 845.10 1.12 18 0.013 1.45 11.14 4.36 Calculated 587 546 208.00 840.50 836.85 1.75 21 0.015 9.33 18.19 7.64 Calculated 588 524 137.49 853.90 853.49 0.30 12 0.013 0.51 1.95 3.29 Calculated 590 504 43.95 839.94 839.74 0.46 15 0.015 3.05 3.78 3.56 Calculated 591 502 38.70 840.16 840.04 0.31 12 0.015 0.51 1.72 2.26 Calculated Page 4 LAKE #2 LAKE #1 ©ASHERWOODPRIMARY PLAT Asherwood Page 9 Kimley-Horn Project 170218000 Appendix E: Inlet Capacity, Gutter Spread and Water Quality Calculations 170218000 Asherwood DATE:10/18/2021 10 Structure ID 10-YR Peak Discharge (cfs) Grate Max Ponding Depth H (ft) Entrance Grate Area A (sf) Entrance Perimeter P (ft) Entrance Loss Coefficient C 504 0.50 R-4215-C 0.10 1.65 5.65 0.61 508 0.88 R-4215-C 0.14 1.65 5.65 0.61 517 0.19 R-4215-C 0.05 1.65 5.65 0.61 518 1.44 R-4215-C 0.19 1.65 5.65 0.61 520 0.59 R-4215-C 0.11 1.65 5.65 0.61 521 0.44 R-4215-C 0.09 1.65 5.65 0.61 524 3.81 R-4215-C 0.37 1.65 5.65 0.61 529 0.42 R-4215-C 0.08 1.65 5.65 0.61 535 1.78 R-4215-C 0.22 1.65 5.65 0.61 541 2.19 R-4215-C 0.26 1.65 5.65 0.61 543 0.63 R-4215-C 0.11 1.65 5.65 0.61 545 2.91 R-4215-C 0.31 1.65 5.65 0.61 548 1.23 R-4215-C 0.17 1.65 5.65 0.61 550 0.87 R-4215-C 0.14 1.65 5.65 0.61 551 0.53 R-4215-C 0.10 1.65 5.65 0.61 555 3.43 R-4215-C 0.34 1.65 5.65 0.61 556 0.34 R-4215-C 0.07 1.65 5.65 0.61 557 0.46 R-4215-C 0.09 1.65 5.65 0.61 561 0.49 R-4215-C 0.09 1.65 5.65 0.61 564 1.99 R-4215-C 0.24 1.65 5.65 0.61 565 0.75 R-4215-C 0.13 1.65 5.65 0.61 566 1.75 R-4215-C 0.22 1.65 5.65 0.61 569 0.97 R-4215-C 0.15 1.65 5.65 0.61 570 0.31 R-4215-C 0.07 1.65 5.65 0.61 571 0.78 R-4215-C 0.13 1.65 5.65 0.61 572 2.56 R-4215-C 0.28 1.65 5.65 0.61 573 5.29 R-4215-C 0.46 1.65 5.65 0.61 574 1.60 R-4215-C 0.21 1.65 5.65 0.61 575 1.92 R-4215-C 0.23 1.65 5.65 0.61 576 1.41 R-4215-C 0.19 1.65 5.65 0.61 579 1.01 R-4215-C 0.15 1.65 5.65 0.61 580 1.31 R-4215-C 0.18 1.65 5.65 0.61 582 1.49 R-4215-C 0.20 1.65 5.65 0.61 583 0.32 R-4215-C 0.07 1.65 5.65 0.61 586 1.45 R-4215-C 0.19 1.65 5.65 0.61 588 0.53 R-4215-C 0.10 1.65 5.65 0.61 590 3.06 R-4215-C 0.32 1.65 5.65 0.61 591 0.51 R-4215-C 0.10 1.65 5.65 0.61 Notes 1)Runoff = CIA 2)Grate Capacity Lesser of Q=3.3*P*H3/2 & Q=0.6*A*(2*32.2*H)1/2 3) Inlet Capacity Open Area* (sf) Entrance Perimeter* (ft) 50% Open Area (sf) 50% Entrance Perimeter* (ft) Neenah R-4215-C 3.30 11.30 1.65 5.65 FES - -- - EX. STR - -- - *Open Area & Entrance Perimeter values obtained from Neenah YARD INLET CAPACITY CALCULATIONS Existing Structure Yard Inlet Flared End Section 170218000 Asherwood DATE:10/18/2021 10 Structure ID 10-YR Peak Discharge (cfs) Grate Inlet Type Max Ponding Depth H (ft) Entrance Grate Area A (sf) Entrance Perimeter P (ft) Entrance Loss Coefficient C Gutter Spread (ft)Combined Gutter Spread Clear Lane Width 502 1.45 R-3501-TR/TL Single 0.27 0.70 3.45 0.61 6.68 503 1.26 R-3501-TR/TL Single 0.25 0.70 3.45 0.61 5.73 509 2.11 R-3501-TR/TL Double 0.22 0.70 3.45 0.61 4.65 581 3.34 R-3501-TR/TL Double 0.30 0.70 3.45 0.61 7.73 515 3.09 R-3501-TR/TL Double 0.28 0.70 3.45 0.61 7.14 516 1.62 R-3501-TR/TL Double 0.18 0.70 3.45 0.61 3.27 522 0.95 R-3501-TR/TL Single 0.20 0.70 3.45 0.61 4.07 523 0.66 R-3501-TR/TL Single 0.16 0.70 3.45 0.61 0.00 525 0.77 R-3501-TR/TL Double 0.11 0.70 3.45 0.61 0.45 563 5.98 R-3501-R Double 0.39 1.30 4.13 0.61 11.34 526 1.68 R-3501-TR/TL Single 0.30 0.70 3.45 0.61 7.78 562 0.56 R-3501-TR/TL Single 0.14 0.70 3.45 0.61 1.70 530 5.29 R-3501-R Triple 0.27 1.30 4.13 0.61 6.80 531 2.62 R-3501-R Double 0.22 1.30 4.13 0.61 4.87 532 0.48 R-3501-TR/TL Single 0.13 0.70 3.45 0.61 1.14 533 0.78 R-3501-TR/TL Single 0.18 0.70 3.45 0.61 3.09 536 0.71 R-3501-TR/TL Single 0.17 0.70 3.45 0.61 2.66 537 1.88 R-3501-TR/TL Single 0.32 0.70 3.45 0.61 8.69 539 2.21 R-3501-TR/TL Double 0.23 0.70 3.45 0.61 4.92 540 2.13 R-3501-TR/TL Double 0.22 0.70 3.45 0.61 4.71 558 0.85 R-3501-TR/TL Single 0.19 0.70 3.45 0.61 3.50 559 0.85 R-3501-TR/TL Single 0.19 0.70 3.45 0.61 3.50 567 1.81 R-3501-TR/TL Double 0.20 0.70 3.45 0.61 3.82 568 1.59 R-3501-TR/TL Single 0.29 0.70 3.45 0.61 7.36 1)Runoff = CIA 2)Grate Capacity Lesser of Q=3.3*P*H3/2 & Q=0.6*A*(2*32.2*H)1/2 3)Inlets are depressed 0.1' 4) Inlet Capacity Open Area* (sf) Entrance Perimeter* (ft) 50% Open Area (sf) 75% Entrance Perimeter* (ft) Neenah R-3501-TR/TL 1.40 4.60 0.70 3.45 Neenah R-3501-TR/TL 2.80 6.40 1.40 4.80 Neenah R-3501-L2 1.30 3.70 0.65 2.78 Neenah R-3501-R 2.60 5.50 1.30 4.13 -- -- - *Open Area & Entrance Perimeter values obtained from Neenah 4) Max Ponding Depth for Road Inlets at a Sag 7.00 19.00 4.23 21.77 9.63 16.37 11.35 14.65 11.68 14.32 4.07 21.93 9.47 16.53 11.79 14.21 INLET CAPACITY CALCULATIONS Width of Each Curb (ft) 1.0 Road Curb Inlet Double Road Curb Inlet Road Curb Inlet Required Clear Lane Width (ft) 12.0Width of Road (ft)28.0 12.39 13.61 12.42 13.58 10.41 15.59 CombinedA llowable Spread (ft) 11.17 14.83 14.0 Road Curb Inlet 170218000 Asherwood DATE:12/9/2021 WQv = (P) (Rv) (A) / 12 Where: WQv = water quality volume for each site's outlet (acre-ft) P = 1 inch Rv = volumetric runoff coefficient A = area in acres Rv = 0.05 + 0.009 (I) Where "I" is the percent impervious cover POND 1 28.06 4.35 0.19 0.44 850.49 POND 1 Stage Area Incr. Vol. (ac-ft)Vol. (ac-ft) Notes 850.33 2.64 0.00 0.00 Normal Pool 852.00 2.86 0.00 4.59 853.00 2.99 1.67 2.93 854.00 3.13 0.14 3.06 855.00 3.27 0.14 3.20 856.00 3.41 0.14 3.34 Top of Pond Orifice Diameter (in) Orifice Area, A (ft2) Time Staging Depth Q Initial WQ Volume Remaining WQ Volume (hr) (ft) (ft) (cfs)(ft3)(ft3) 1 850.49 0.16 0.38 19304 17939 2 850.48 0.15 0.37 17939 16622 3 850.48 0.15 0.37 16622 15308 4 850.48 0.15 0.36 15308 13997 5 850.48 0.15 0.36 13997 12691 6 850.48 0.15 0.36 12691 11391 7 850.47 0.14 0.36 11391 10097 8 850.47 0.14 0.36 10097 8811 9 850.47 0.14 0.35 8811 7536 10 850.47 0.14 0.35 7536 6273 11 850.46 0.13 0.35 6273 5027 12 850.46 0.13 0.34 5027 3804 13 850.45 0.12 0.33 3804 2616 14 850.44 0.11 0.31 2616 1484 15 850.42 0.09 0.29 1484 455 16 850.38 0.05 0.21 455 0 17 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 18 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 19 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 20 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 21 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 22 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 23 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 24 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 WQv = (P) (Rv) (A) / 12 Where: WQv = water quality volume for each site's outlet (acre-ft) P = 1 inch Rv = volumetric runoff coefficient A = area in acres Rv = 0.05 + 0.009 (I) Where "I" is the percent impervious cover POND 2 38.27 5.29 0.17 0.56 834.89 POND 2 Stage Area Incr. Vol. (ac-ft)Vol. (ac-ft) Notes 834.50 1.12 0.00 0.00 Normal Pool 835.50 1.18 1.15 1.15 836.50 1.26 0.07 1.22 837.50 1.35 0.09 1.31 838.50 1.43 0.09 1.39 839.50 1.52 0.09 1.48 840.50 1.62 0.10 1.57 841.50 1.71 0.10 1.67 841.90 1.75 0.97 0.69 Top of Pond Orifice Diameter (in) Orifice Area, A (ft2) Time Staging Depth Q Initial WQ Volume Remaining WQ Volume (hr) (ft) (ft) (cfs)(ft3)(ft3) 1 850.49 0.16 0.38 19304 17939 2 850.48 0.15 0.37 17939 16622 3 850.48 0.15 0.37 16622 15308 4 850.48 0.15 0.36 15308 13997 5 850.48 0.15 0.36 13997 12691 6 850.48 0.15 0.36 12691 11391 7 850.47 0.14 0.36 11391 10097 8 850.47 0.14 0.36 10097 8811 9 850.47 0.14 0.35 8811 7536 10 850.47 0.14 0.35 7536 6273 11 850.46 0.13 0.35 6273 5027 12 850.46 0.13 0.34 5027 3804 13 850.45 0.12 0.33 3804 2616 14 850.44 0.11 0.31 2616 1484 15 850.42 0.09 0.29 1484 455 16 850.38 0.05 0.21 455 0 17 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 18 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 19 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 20 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 21 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 22 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 23 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 24 850.33 0.00 0.00 0 0 6 0.196 Q = 0.6A(2gh)0.5 Proposed Stormwater Quality Calculations Water Quality Volume Drainage Area A (ac) Impervious Cover (ac)Rv WQv (ac-ft) WQv Elevation Notes Proposed Stormwater Quality Calculations Water Quality Volume Drainage Area A (ac) Impervious Cover (ac)Rv WQv (ac-ft) WQv Elevation Notes 6 Q = 0.6A(2gh)0.5 0.196 Asherwood Page 10 Kimley-Horn Project 170218000 Appendix F: Coppergate Drainage Summary Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46216 Phone - 317.826.7100 Fax - 317.826.7200 Prepared for: Residential Site Improvements 10240 Ditch Road Carmel, IN Date: May 25, 2012 Revised: May 31, 2012 Revised: August 29, 2012 Homes by Design 4239 W. 96th Street Indianapolis, IN 46268 8432.001 T:\8k\8432\001\drainage\10240DitchRaodSummary Drainage Summary for: Revised AUGUST 29, 2012 PAGE - 1 - TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 DRAINAGE NARRATIVE 2 - 3 SITE MAPS Appendix A AREA MAP AERIAL MAP FLOODWAY MAP DIRECT WATERSHED OVERALL WATERSHED PIPE CALCULATIONS Appendix B RATIONAL CALCULATIONS TABLE 201-1: RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS TABLE 201-2: RAINFALL INTENSITIES TABLE 303.02: MANNING’S “N” HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES CIRCULAR CONDUITS Revised AUGUST 29, 2012 PAGE 2 DRAINAGE NARRATIVE Introduction: This summary contains the drainage design and pipe calculations for the residence under construction at 10240 Ditch Road in Carmel, Indiana. The home owner plans to enclose the existing drainage ditch that runs from NW to SE across the property behind the house. Site Location: The site is located in Section 09, Township 17 North, Range 03 East in the City of Carmel, Indiana. It is along the west side of Ditch Road south of W. 106th Street. The site is bounded by Ditch Road to the east, residential properties along the northern property line, the Asherwood Golf Course along the west and part of the south property line and a residence along the south property line, southeast of the house under construction on the subject site. Overall Watershed: The overall watershed is Spring Mill Run. The 14-digit Hydrologic Unit Code is 05120201090060. According to the Floodway Map Community-Panel Number #180081 0012 C for the City of Carmel, Indiana, dated May 19, 1981, no part of this residential property is within a flood zone. Existing Drainage Conditions: The upstream drainage area consists of two basins. The first basin is the watershed that drains directly through the existing rear yard ditch. It consists of approximately 16.67 acres. This watershed consists mainly of the rear yard drainage from the southern portion of the Coppergate Subdivision. It will be called “Direct Watershed” in this report. The remaining portion of the Coppergate Subdivision drains to an internal detention pond that outlets to the east into the creek called Spring Mill Run. However, this pond has an emergency overflow system that switches drainage areas during an emergency situation. This discharge for the emergency outlet drains to the south into the rear yards which makes its way through the first basin mentioned above. This drainage ditch ultimately connects into Spring Mill Run. The entire area for both watersheds is approximately 52.53 acres and is called “Overall Watershed” in this report. Proposed Drainage Pipe Design: The proposed pipe will be sized for the upstream watershed coming from the Coppergate Subdivision. The pipe will be sized for the entire Overall Watershed and not just the current Direct Watershed. Therefore, this pipe will be oversized for normal storm events but will be in place for the emergency overflow routing of the Coppergate Subdivision’s detention pond. In addition, the pipe will be oversized to allow for 20% of the pipe to be embedded as part of the IDEM requirements. Revised AUGUST 29, 2012 PAGE 3 Table 201-1: Runoff Coefficients for Use in the Rational Method was used as a reference. The average lot size in the Coppergate Subdivision is approximately 1.68 acres. This chart does not have lots that size on it. We have used a very conservative number of 0.50 for the Runoff Coefficient due to possible extra amenities that these lots may have such as pools, tennis courts, additional garages, etc. Table 201-2: Rainfall Intensities for Various Return Periods and Storm Durations was used to determine the Rainfall Intensity for this project. Rational Method was used to determine the pipe size. According to IDEM requirements, the pipe must be placed in the existing ditch at the ditch grades. Therefore the pipe inverts will be placed approximately 8.4” below the existing ditch grade (to allow for the 20% pipe embedding). Also, since the existing ditch grades must be used per IDEM, the pipe slope is controlled by the existing topography. Normally the pipe velocity is maintained at 10.0 c.f.s. or under for the 10-year storm. However with the current grades, the velocity is greater at 13.35 c.f.s. This number is the pipe flowing full during a 100- year storm event and 20% embedded. The actual pipe size is small with the embedment which would reduce the velocity shown. The normal 10-year storm would also produce a lower velocity. However, the pipe would have to be modeled in ICPR to get the actual velocity. The chart Hydraulic Properties Circular Conduits Flowing Part Full was used to determine the pipe area allowing for 20% embedment. Conclusion: The pipe is sized for not only the run off for 100-year storm event for the Direct Watershed but also the run off for the 100-year storm event for the entire Overall Watershed (which included the Coppergate Subdivision) for an emergency situation where the upstream pond outlet would not function properly. The 100-year rational design is still smaller than the 42” capacity at 20% embedment. Direct Watershed: 16.67 acres Overall Watershed: 52.53 acres Time of concentration for Direct Watershed: 62 minutes Intensity for 64 minute T of C: 2.98 inches/hour Runoff Coefficient: 0.50 Rational design for 52.53 acres (100-year): 78.27 c.f.s. Capacity of proposed 42” pipe using the existing ditch slope: 128.47 c.f.s. Capacity of 20% embedded 42” pipe: 79.00 c.f.s. Revised AUGUST 29, 2012 APPENDIX A     AREA MAP     AERIAL MAP   TABLE 201-1: Runoff Coefficients ” for Use in the Rational Method TYPE OF SURFACE RUNOFF COEFFICIENT ” Non-Urban Areas Bare earth 0.55 Steep grassed areas (slope 2:1) 0.60 Turf meadows 0.25 Forested areas 0.20 Cultivated fields 0.30 Urban Areas All watertight roof surfaces 0.90 Pavement 0.85 Gravel 0.85 Impervious soils (heavy) 0.55 Impervious soils (with turf) 0.45 Slightly pervious soil 0.25 Slightly pervious soil (with turf) 0.20 Moderately pervious soil 0.15 Moderately pervious soil (with turf) 0.10 Business, Commercial & Industrial 0.85 Apartments & Townhouses 0.70 Schools & Churches 0.55 Single Family Lots < 10,000 SF 0.45 Lots < 12,000 SF 0.45 Lots < 17,000 SF 0.40 Lots > ½ acre 0.35 Park, Cemetery or Unimproved Area 0.30 200-5 200-6 TABLE 201-2: Rainfall Intensities for Various Return Periods and Storm Durations Rainfall Intensity (Inches/Hour) Return Period (Years) Duration 2 5 10 25 50 100 5 Min. 4.63 5.43 6.12 7.17 8.09 9.12 10 Min. 3.95 4.63 5.22 6.12 6.90 7.78 15 Min. 3.44 4.03 4.55 5.33 6.01 6.77 20 Min. 3.04 3.56 4.02 4.71 5.31 5.99 30 Min. 2.46 2.88 3.25 3.81 4.29 4.84 40 Min. 2.05 2.41 2.71 3.18 3.59 4.05 50 Min. 1.76 2.06 2.33 2.73 3.07 3.47 1 Hr. 1.54 1.80 2.03 2.38 2.68 3.03 1.5 Hrs. 1.07 1.23 1.42 1.63 1.91 2.24 2 Hrs. 0.83 0.95 1.11 1.37 1.60 1.87 3 Hrs. 0.59 0.72 0.84 1.04 1.22 1.42 4 Hrs. 0.47 0.58 0.68 0.84 0.99 1.15 5 Hrs. 0.40 0.49 0.58 0.71 0.83 0.97 6 Hrs. 0.35 0.43 0.50 0.62 0.72 0.85 7 Hrs. 0.31 0.38 0.44 0.55 0.64 0.75 8 Hrs. 0.28 0.34 0.40 0.49 0.57 0.67 9 Hrs. 0.25 0.31 0.36 0.45 0.52 0.61 10 Hrs. 0.23 0.28 0.33 0.41 0.48 0.56 12 Hrs. 0.20 0.24 0.29 0.35 0.41 0.48 14 Hrs. 0.17 0.22 0.25 0.31 0.36 0.42 16 Hrs. 0.16 0.19 0.23 0.28 0.32 0.38 18 Hrs. 0.14 0.17 0.20 0.25 0.29 0.34 20 Hrs. 0.13 0.16 0.19 0.23 0.27 0.31 24 Hrs. 0.11 0.14 0.16 0.20 0.23 0.27 Source: Purdue,A.M., et. al., "Statistical Characteristics of Short Time Incremental Rainfall", Aug., 1992. (Values in this table are based on IDF equation and coefficients provided for Indianapolis, IN.) TABLE 201-3: Rainfall Depths for Various Return Periods TABLE 303.02 Typical Values of Manning’s “n” Material Manning’s “n” Maximum Velocities (feet/second) Closed Conduits Concrete 0.013 10 Vitrified Clay 0.013 10 HDPE 0.012 10 PVC 0.011 10 Circular CMP, Annular Corrugations, 2 2/3 x ½ inch Unpaved 0.024 7 25% Paved 0.021 7 50% Paved 0.018 7 100% Paved 0.013 7 Concrete Culverts 0.013 10 HDPE or PVC 0.012 10 Open Channels Concrete, Trowel Finish 0.013 10 Concrete, Broom Finish 0.015 10 Gunite 0.018 10 Riprap Placed 0.030 10 Riprap Dumped 0.035 10 Gabion 0.028 10 New Earth (1)0.025 4 Existing Earth (2)0.030 4 Dense Growth of Weeds 0.040 4 Dense Weeds and Brush 0.040 4 Swale with Grass 0.035 4 Source of manning “n” values: HERPICC Stormwater Drainage Manual, July 1995. (1) New earth (uniform, sodded, clay soil) (2) Existing earth (fairly uniform, with some weeds). 300-21 DIRECT WATERSHED OVERALL WATERSHED Revised AUGUST 29, 2012 APPENDIX B STORM SEWER DESIGN CALCULATIONS -RATIONAL METHOD-PROJECT: 10240 Ditch RoadSTORM:100 YearJOB #: PN 23112COMPUTED BY:MLTDATE: 3/30/12 SHEET NO.: COMPOSITE BASINSTRAVELFROM TO BASIN c A c*A Tc I Q SUM Tc I Q TIME# (acres) (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (c*A) (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (min)602601 6020.50 52.5326.27 622.9878.27 26.27 622.9878.27 62.00STRUCTURE BASINST:\8k\8432\001\drainage\[ST-Run.xlsx]Rational STORM SEWER DESIGN CALCULATIONS-PIPE DESIGN-PROJECT: 10240 Ditch Road STORM: 100 YearJOB #: PN 23112 COMPUTED BY: MLTDATE: 8/30/12 SHEET NO.:DESIGN CAP.FROM TO Q L DIA. SLOPE Q VEL. INVERT ELEV.(cfs) (ft) (in) % (cfs) (ft/s) UP DOWN UP DOWN UP DOWN602 601 78.27149 42 1.38128.47 13.35End SectEnd Sect841.58839.5220% pipe embedding capacity: 79.00 Ditch Grades:842.28 840.22T:\8k\8432\001\drainage\[ST-Run.xlsx]Pipe DesignRIM ELEV.STRUCTURECOVER (ft) Time of Concentration WorksheetPROJECT: 10240 Ditch Road Based on TR-55JOB #: PN 23112 Date:Overland Flow Channel Flow short grass 0.15 grass 0.035 farm, > 20% cover 0.17 concrete 0.0152 year, 24 hour rainfall =2.66inches dense grass 0.24 rip-rap 0.035minimum T_c =5.00minutes pavement 0.011 Overland flowseg. 1 Overland flowseg. 2 Shallow Concentrated Flow Channel Flow T_cBasin Length S n T_t Length S n T_t Length S Paved/Un Vel. T_t Length a Pw r S n Vel. T_tname (ft) % (min) (ft) % (min) (ft) % (P or U) (ft/s) (min) (ft) (s.f.) (ft) (ft) % (ft/s) (min) (min)602 200 0.55 0.24461467 1.03 U1.64152803.00 262T:\8k\8432\001\drainage\[ST-Run.xlsx]Time of Conc3/30/12Typical values for Manning's n 8/30/2012 2:29 PM