HomeMy WebLinkAboutAsherwood Waiver Request 2.5-feet Coverkimley-horn.com 250 East 96th Street, Suite 580, Indianapolis, IN 46240 317 218 9560
November 11, 2021
City of Carmel Engineering Department
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Attention: Jeremy Kashman
Re: Asherwood
Waiver Request for reduction of 2.5-feet of cover over storm pipe
Dear Mr. Kashman,
On behalf of Asherwood Carmel, LLC, we would like to request a waiver to Stormwater Technical
Standard Section 501.01 requiring no less than 2.5-feet of cover along any part of the pipe from final
pavement elevation or final ground surface elevation to the top of pipe. Our storm water outlet for this
site is at the northeast corner of this site. The existing site conditions has approximately 10.6 acres
that drains to the southeast that we have designed to pick up in our proposed storm sewer system
and outlet to the northeast since there is no acceptable outlet at this time to the southeast. There is
also approximately 1.6 acres of the existing site that currently drains out to Ditch Road and actually
ponds along the west side of the road without a sufficient outlet point. We are also accepting this
drainage into our proposed storm system to fix the ponding water along Ditch Road. In order to
extend storm sewers to these areas we have ran our pipes at minimum slopes but cannot achieve the
required 2.5-feet of cover in these areas. This includes pipe from str. #550 - #591, str. #504, str.
#524, str. #564, str. #565, str. #566 and str. #586. Pipe in areas with less than 2.5-feet of cover has
been changed to Class V Pipe. All of storm pipe and structures mention have at least 2-feet of cover
except for Str. #502 and pipe extending to str. #591 end section. Str. #502 has 1.9’ of cover. We
respectfully request a waiver to allow the cover reduction in areas as mentioned above for the private
storm sewer system in this subdivision. Thank you.
Brett A. Huff
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.