DECEMBER 21, 1994
6:15 P.M.
The Carmel Board of Public Works was brought to order by Mayor Ted Johnson. Members in
attendance were Steve Brown and Rick McKinney. Clerk-Treasurer Susan Jones was also in
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes of December 7th and
December 14th. Rick McKinney seconded the motion.
Mayor Johnson called for the question. All members voted aye with Steve Brown abstaining from
voting on the December 5th minutes. Motion passed.
BID AWARD: Steve Brown made a motion to award the bid for One Fire Truck to KME Fire Apparatus in
the amount of $217,483 including $15,000 trade in, upon the recommendation of Fire Chief Steve
Couts. Rick McKinney seconded the motion.
Chief Couts explained that KME was the second lowest bidder but met all cab and chassis
specifications while providing the largest compartment storage area. The lowest bid of Saulsbury
Fire Equipment Corp. did not meet specifications in numerous ways, an item listed as specification
was listed as a $4,500 option and did not offer a trade in value.
Mayor Johnson called for the question. All members voted aye. Motion passed.
BOND RELEASES: Mayor Johnson made a motion to approve the following bond releases. Steve
brown seconded the motion.
Ashmore Trace Curbs & Gutters $36,795
Streets - Base
& Binder 93,640
Mayor Johnson called for the question. All members voted aye. Motion passed.
CONTRACT APPROVAL: Mayor Johnson made a motion to approve a contract with A&F Engineering in
the amount of $10,000 for the study of traffic flow at Keystone Square Mall. Mayor Johnson stated the
study should include conceptual plans for the Marsh Project which has been approved by the
Woodland Country Club which will have an impact on 116th St.
Mayor Johnson also made a motion to approve amendment 12-94 from Jones & Henry Engineers
increasing the contract by $2,300 for determining replacement costs and amendment 11-94 in the
amount of $10,000 for various small projects; an amendment from Moore Engineers increasing
contract by $3,450 for balance of services provided; M.E. Hubbard agreement for the balance in the
DNR fund in the amount of $1530. for plant material at 116th Street and Gray Rd.; Civil Engineering
Consulting contract to do various requests with Badger Engineering for one year.
Rick McKinney seconded the above motions.
Mayor Johnson called for the question on all contracts. All members voted aye. Motions passed.
APPLICATION FOR VISION SERVICE PLAN: Mayor Johnson introduced the Vision Service Plan and
moved for the approval of filling out and submitting the application. Steve Brown seconded the
Mayor Johnson called for the question. All members voted aye. Motion passed.
The Clerk stated for the record she was not provided with a copy of the application. The Mayor stated
he would forward a copy in the morning.
Mayor Johnson stated he would like to see a committee of employees review the annual audit of the
health plans and get their input along with a private citizen member.
APPROVAL OF MEDICAL CLAIMS: Mayor Johnson moved for the approval of the following claims from
Nyhart for medical claims. Rick McKinney seconded the motion.
11/03/94 $ 3,568.85
12/6/94 5,452.13
12/8/94 14,175.20
12/13/94 24,183.92
12/14/94 370.28
Mayor Johnson called for the question. All members voted aye. Motion passed.
APPROVAL OF CITY HALL USE: Steve Brown made a motion to approve the request for use of the City
Hall Caucus Room by Rasmussen Co., Inc. on January 31st from 6 pm to 8:30 pm subject to proper
use being stated and submitted for the record. Rick McKinney seconded the motion.
Mayor Johnson called for the question. All members voted aye. Motion passed.
Mayor Johnson made a motion to approve the request for use of the City Hall Caucus Room by
Engineered Cooling Systems, Inc. on January 4th and January 25th from 7 am until 4 pm for employee
meetings. Steve Brown seconded the motion.
Mayor Johnson called for the question. All members voted aye. Motion passed.
Mayor Johnson made a motion to grant the request for the use of the City Hall Caucus Room by
Hamilton County Prayer Breakfast on January 17th from 7 pm until 8:30 pm. Rick McKinney seconded
the motion.
Mayor Johnson called for the question. All members voted aye. Motion passed.
RUNS/WALKS APPROVAL : Mayor Johnson made a motion to approve the request from Indy Runners
of two races in Carmel, Groundhog 7 Miler on February 5th and Sam Costa Half Marathon on March
26th, contingent on the approval of Carmel Police, Hamilton County Sheriff and the receipt of
Certificate of Insurance. Steve Brown seconded the motion.
Mayor Johnson called for the question. All members voted aye. Motion passed.
OTHER BUSINESS: Rick McKinney made a motion to amend the minutes of December 14th which had
been approved earlier in the meeting to include the address of 11580 Haverstick, First Church of
Christ under Sewer and Water Availability. Steve Brown seconded the motion.
Mayor Johnson called for the question. All members voted aye. Motion passed.
There being no further business before the Carmel Board of Public Works, the meeting was duly
Respectfully submitted,